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題名 所有權行使與權利濫用─以土地受讓人受讓前知悉房屋存在嗣後訴請拆屋還地的問題為例
Ownership Protection and the Principle of Prohibition of Abuse of Rights
作者 吳瑾瑜
貢獻者 法律系
關鍵詞 ; Claim to possession ; Ownership protection ; Principle of prohibition of abuse of rights ; Right to the land ; Legal superficies ; Presumption of lease
拆屋還地 ; 所有物返還請求權 ; 所有權保護 ; 權利濫用禁止原則 ; 房屋基地使用權 ; 法定地上權 ; 推定租賃關係
日期 2011-06
上傳時間 3-一月-2019 15:49:19 (UTC+8)
摘要 This article investigated a wide-range of Supreme Court precedents and judgments in relation to real property and the principle of prohibition of abuse of rights. The most controversial issue in the possessory action is that the transferee of the land has realized that other`s building has located on it before transference, and ask for dismantling the building on the basis of ownership later. In contrast, the owner of the building argues that the claim is abuse of right. Because the conception of ”superficies solo cedit” is not adopted by Taiwanese legal system, the building and the base land may be disposed separately but reduce the economic interest of real property and cause numerous disputes of practice. In order to solve these problems, the court usually admit the using right to the base through concepts of presumption of lease and legal superficies. Considering protection of economic interest and prohibition of abuse of rights, this study will explore the boundary of ownership and perplexity under the circumstance that ownership of the house and its base land are separated in a comprehensive view.
關聯 臺北大學法學論叢, No.78, pp.43-109.(TSSCI)
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6774/TULR.201106.0043
dc.contributor 法律系zh_Tw
dc.creator (作者) 吳瑾瑜zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2011-06
dc.date.accessioned 3-一月-2019 15:49:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 3-一月-2019 15:49:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 3-一月-2019 15:49:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/121710-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This article investigated a wide-range of Supreme Court precedents and judgments in relation to real property and the principle of prohibition of abuse of rights. The most controversial issue in the possessory action is that the transferee of the land has realized that other`s building has located on it before transference, and ask for dismantling the building on the basis of ownership later. In contrast, the owner of the building argues that the claim is abuse of right. Because the conception of ”superficies solo cedit” is not adopted by Taiwanese legal system, the building and the base land may be disposed separately but reduce the economic interest of real property and cause numerous disputes of practice. In order to solve these problems, the court usually admit the using right to the base through concepts of presumption of lease and legal superficies. Considering protection of economic interest and prohibition of abuse of rights, this study will explore the boundary of ownership and perplexity under the circumstance that ownership of the house and its base land are separated in a comprehensive view.en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 依所有權請求排除不法侵害之訴訟中,土地所有人訴請占有人拆屋還地乃屬最常見的類型。其中,土地買受人或拍定人受讓時知悉土地上有房屋存在,嗣後訴請拆屋還地的案件更是如縷不絕。由於房屋占有土地之事實,爲土地買受人或拍定人受讓土地之前所知悉,房屋所有人每以土地受讓人默許房屋繼續使用土地、權利行使牴觸權利濫用禁止原則置辯。追根究柢,我國法律未採「地上物屬於士地原則」,將土地上的建築物獨立爲不動產之一種;而且除少數例外規定外,未限制建築物與土地應一體處分,乃是糾紛頻傳的原因。爲保護房屋之經濟機能,現行民法輒以推定有租貿關係存在或視爲已有地上權之設定,來安排房屋之基地使用權。惟民法對房屋基地利用關係之介入,率皆以士地與房屋初始同屬一人所有爲要件。至於士地與房屋異人所有、嗣後土地房屋分離處分所衍生的基地權問題,立法者則相信利用關係已定未設任何規範。在規範付之闕如的情況下,加以多數法院以不存在類似事實爲理由,拒絕類推適用賦予房屋利用基地權源的相關規定。所以,調和房屋所有權與土地所有權衝突的重心,遂轉移至權利服用禁止原則的評斷、比較審查拆屋時土地受讓人所能取得之利益在與房屋所有人及社會國家所受之損害。易言之,被訴請拆除房屋的經濟用途或社會目的,都可能阻止土地受讓人行使所有權。系爭土地、被訴請拆除房屋本身的經濟用途或社會目的決定土地所有人權利行使的界限。在權利濫用禁止原則的基礎上、個案式處理房屋基地利用關係,可以對當事人權益與社會經濟利益做全面性周詳地衡量,不會失之偏頗。考量房屋基地使用權輒因土地、房屋之自由處分歸於消滅的紛擾會源源不斷地發生,促進房屋、土地之最佳利用亦能強化社會經濟,似應有創設「通案式」解決方案的空間。未來是否可能發展出通案方法解決房地異人所有的基地利用問題,嚴峻考驗法院適用法律或創造法律的智慧。zh_TW
dc.format.extent 174 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 臺北大學法學論叢, No.78, pp.43-109.(TSSCI)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ; Claim to possession ; Ownership protection ; Principle of prohibition of abuse of rights ; Right to the land ; Legal superficies ; Presumption of leaseen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 拆屋還地 ; 所有物返還請求權 ; 所有權保護 ; 權利濫用禁止原則 ; 房屋基地使用權 ; 法定地上權 ; 推定租賃關係zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 所有權行使與權利濫用─以土地受讓人受讓前知悉房屋存在嗣後訴請拆屋還地的問題為例en_US
dc.title (題名) Ownership Protection and the Principle of Prohibition of Abuse of Rightszh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6774/TULR.201106.0043
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.6774/TULR.201106.0043