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題名 員工股權獎酬計畫之研究-從法域競爭的觀點出發
A Study of Equity-Based Employee Incentive Program - From the Perspective of Jurisdictional Competition作者 劉承愚
Liu, Cheng-Yu貢獻者 王文杰
Liu, Cheng-Yu關鍵詞 股權獎酬
Equity-based Incentive
Stock Option
Restricted Share
Corporate Governance
Controlling Shareholder
Jurisdictional Competition
Game Theory
Public Choice Theory日期 2019 上傳時間 5-Sep-2019 16:19:52 (UTC+8) 摘要 在知識經濟的時代,人才就是企業競爭力的核心,攬才、留才成為企業經營的重大挑戰。股權獎酬,包括但不限於員工認股權憑證(股票選擇權)及限制員工權利新股(限制型股票),由於具有讓員工分享企業經營成果的特性,是企業留才、攬才的好工具,已在全球被廣泛地使用。近年來,我國立法機關及證券主管機關對於員工股權獎酬相關法令的修訂,嚴重影響我國我國公開發行公司員工股權獎酬的發放;經濟部對於公司法條文所做的各項函釋,亦使新創公司難以施行國際間通行的員工股權獎酬計畫。前述情況已經造成嚴重的人才外流及公司外逃。在此同時,隨著金融市場自由化以及交通、電子通訊的便利化,加強了自然人及法人在不同法域間的移動性,此亦使得關於人才及公司設立地和上市地的法域競爭成為各國必須面對的挑戰。本研究以公司治理的角度為始,對美國、香港、中國大陸及我國的員工股權獎酬規範進行比較。再進一步以數量分析來說明當控制股東大量取得股權獎酬時,可能造成自身損失而由政府自稅收得利;以賽局理論建立公司規範法域競爭的模型,並說明自由開放為各法域在競爭下的優勢策略;及以公共選擇理論說明各法域之決策者,為何在難以選取自由開放的優勢策略。本研究最後對我國員工股權獎酬規範合理化提出建議,除了應立即廢除管制股權獎酬發行數量上限的規定外,更重要的是體制改革。這主要包括廢除公司法主管機關而改制為公司登記機關、證券交易所自由化、以及建立有效率的商業法院。改革的目標是非公開發行公司能享有發行員工股權獎酬的自主權;而公開發行公司的員工股權獎酬計畫,則由現行主管機關直接監管改為經由證券交易所間接監管。期望透過體制的改革,讓合乎自由經濟的員工股權獎酬計畫能在我國施行,使我國能夠在吸引人才及公司的法域競爭中存活,改變人才及公司外流的現象,增強國家競爭力。
In an era of knowledge-based economy, the talented are the core of enterprise competitiveness. Recruiting and retaining capable employees becomes a great task of enterprise management. Equity-based incentives, including but not limited to stock option and restricted shares, are globally adopted as a solution because employees may enjoy the profit from operational performance through such incentives. In recent years, amendments to the laws and regulations governing the grant of equity-based employee incentive were made by legislation institute and securities authority in Taiwan. Such amendments adversely affected public companies’ capability to grant equity-based incentive to their employees. In addition, the rulings affiliated to Company Act issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (the Company Act authority) make local stare-ups difficult to implement an internationally recognized practice of equity-based employees incentive program. The above-mentioned has resulted serious brain drain and migration of companies out of Taiwan. Meanwhile, the de-regulation of financial market, and the convenience of international transportation and communication have greatly enhanced the mobility of individuals and legal entities to move from one jurisdiction to another. Therefore, jurisdictional competition regarding the talented, place of company incorporation and company listing becomes an inevitable challenge to Taiwan.This study starts from the perspective of corporate governance to compare the practice of equity-based employee incentive program in the United Stated, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan. Then a quantity analysis is conducted to demonstrate that a controlling shareholder may suffer from granting great amount of equity-based incentive to himself and the government may get great benefit therefrom by taxation. Furthermore, game theory is applied to show that de-regulation and liberalization is the dominant strategy in a corporate law jurisdictional competition model; then the public choice theory is used to interpret why decision makers of a jurisdiction hesitate to adopt such dominant strategy. Given the above, the study suggests that the quantity ceiling imposed on equity-based employee incentive should be abolished immediately. In addition, a structural reform of governmental supervision thereon should be conducted. This includes the function of Company Act authority should be strictly limited to corporate filing, the demutualization of local stock exchanges, and the establishment of an efficient commercial court. It is expected that, with such reform, the best practice of equity-based employee incentive program in a free economy may also be applied in Taiwan. As a result, Taiwan will survive the jurisdictional competition for the talented and companies, the trend of brain drain and company migration will be reversed, the country competitiveness will be increased as well.參考文獻 中文書籍1. 王文杰,嬗變中之中國大陸法制,國立交通大學出版社,四版,2014年12月。2. 王文宇,公司法論,元照出版公司,六版,2018年10月。3. 王文宇、林國全、曾宛如、王志誠、蔡英欣、汪信君合著,商事法,元照出版公司,八版,2018年10月。4. 方嘉麟主編,變動中的公司法制:17堂案例學會《公司法》,元照出版公司,2018年10月。5. 丘昌泰,公共管理,智勝文化事業有限公司,2014年1月。6. 吳定,公共政策,五南圖書出版公司,二版,2017年6月。7. 吳庚、盛子龍合著,行政法之理論與實用,三民書局,十五版,2017年9月。8. 林紀東,中華民國憲法逐條釋義(第一冊),三民書局,修訂再版,1985年9月。9. 阿維纳什.迪克西特 (AVINASH K. DIXIT) 及貝利.奈勒波夫 (BARRY J. NALEBUFF) 著,董志強等譯, 思辨賽局,商業周刊出版社,2017年7月。10. 武憶舟,公司法論,三版,1971年9月。11. 周佳宥,行政法基本原則,三民書局,2016年9月。12. 柯芳枝,公司法論,三民書局,增訂九版,2015年7月。13. 施啟揚,民法總則,四版,1987年4月。14. 約翰.考菲(John C. 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103651506資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 王文杰 zh_TW (Authors) 劉承愚 zh_TW (Authors) Liu, Cheng-Yu en_US dc.creator (作者) 劉承愚 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Liu, Cheng-Yu en_US (日期) 2019 en_US 5-Sep-2019 16:19:52 (UTC+8) - 5-Sep-2019 16:19:52 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-Sep-2019 16:19:52 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0103651506 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 博士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 法律學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 103651506 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在知識經濟的時代,人才就是企業競爭力的核心,攬才、留才成為企業經營的重大挑戰。股權獎酬,包括但不限於員工認股權憑證(股票選擇權)及限制員工權利新股(限制型股票),由於具有讓員工分享企業經營成果的特性,是企業留才、攬才的好工具,已在全球被廣泛地使用。近年來,我國立法機關及證券主管機關對於員工股權獎酬相關法令的修訂,嚴重影響我國我國公開發行公司員工股權獎酬的發放;經濟部對於公司法條文所做的各項函釋,亦使新創公司難以施行國際間通行的員工股權獎酬計畫。前述情況已經造成嚴重的人才外流及公司外逃。在此同時,隨著金融市場自由化以及交通、電子通訊的便利化,加強了自然人及法人在不同法域間的移動性,此亦使得關於人才及公司設立地和上市地的法域競爭成為各國必須面對的挑戰。本研究以公司治理的角度為始,對美國、香港、中國大陸及我國的員工股權獎酬規範進行比較。再進一步以數量分析來說明當控制股東大量取得股權獎酬時,可能造成自身損失而由政府自稅收得利;以賽局理論建立公司規範法域競爭的模型,並說明自由開放為各法域在競爭下的優勢策略;及以公共選擇理論說明各法域之決策者,為何在難以選取自由開放的優勢策略。本研究最後對我國員工股權獎酬規範合理化提出建議,除了應立即廢除管制股權獎酬發行數量上限的規定外,更重要的是體制改革。這主要包括廢除公司法主管機關而改制為公司登記機關、證券交易所自由化、以及建立有效率的商業法院。改革的目標是非公開發行公司能享有發行員工股權獎酬的自主權;而公開發行公司的員工股權獎酬計畫,則由現行主管機關直接監管改為經由證券交易所間接監管。期望透過體制的改革,讓合乎自由經濟的員工股權獎酬計畫能在我國施行,使我國能夠在吸引人才及公司的法域競爭中存活,改變人才及公司外流的現象,增強國家競爭力。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) In an era of knowledge-based economy, the talented are the core of enterprise competitiveness. Recruiting and retaining capable employees becomes a great task of enterprise management. Equity-based incentives, including but not limited to stock option and restricted shares, are globally adopted as a solution because employees may enjoy the profit from operational performance through such incentives. In recent years, amendments to the laws and regulations governing the grant of equity-based employee incentive were made by legislation institute and securities authority in Taiwan. Such amendments adversely affected public companies’ capability to grant equity-based incentive to their employees. In addition, the rulings affiliated to Company Act issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (the Company Act authority) make local stare-ups difficult to implement an internationally recognized practice of equity-based employees incentive program. The above-mentioned has resulted serious brain drain and migration of companies out of Taiwan. Meanwhile, the de-regulation of financial market, and the convenience of international transportation and communication have greatly enhanced the mobility of individuals and legal entities to move from one jurisdiction to another. Therefore, jurisdictional competition regarding the talented, place of company incorporation and company listing becomes an inevitable challenge to Taiwan.This study starts from the perspective of corporate governance to compare the practice of equity-based employee incentive program in the United Stated, Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan. Then a quantity analysis is conducted to demonstrate that a controlling shareholder may suffer from granting great amount of equity-based incentive to himself and the government may get great benefit therefrom by taxation. Furthermore, game theory is applied to show that de-regulation and liberalization is the dominant strategy in a corporate law jurisdictional competition model; then the public choice theory is used to interpret why decision makers of a jurisdiction hesitate to adopt such dominant strategy. Given the above, the study suggests that the quantity ceiling imposed on equity-based employee incentive should be abolished immediately. In addition, a structural reform of governmental supervision thereon should be conducted. This includes the function of Company Act authority should be strictly limited to corporate filing, the demutualization of local stock exchanges, and the establishment of an efficient commercial court. It is expected that, with such reform, the best practice of equity-based employee incentive program in a free economy may also be applied in Taiwan. As a result, Taiwan will survive the jurisdictional competition for the talented and companies, the trend of brain drain and company migration will be reversed, the country competitiveness will be increased as well. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 前言 1第一節 研究動機與目的 3第二節 研究方法 12第三節 研究範圍 17第四節 論文架構 19第二章 員工股權獎酬之內涵 20第一節 員工股權獎酬性質的分類 20第二節 員工股權獎酬工具的分類 23第三節 員工股權獎酬的功能 30第四節 小結 36第三章 不同法域的制度比較-從新創到上市 37第一節 概說 37第二節 美國的股權獎酬機制 41第三節 香港的股權獎酬機制 54第四節 中國大陸的股權獎酬機制 58第五節 我國的員工股權獎酬機制 67第六節 小結 85第四章 員工股權獎酬與公司治理 88第一節 公司治理概說 88第二節 公司法與公司自治 97第三節 證券交易法與公司治理 108第四節 控制股東與員工股權獎酬 132第五節 我國員工股權獎酬的公司治理機制 149第六節 小結 166第五章 法域競爭的大時代 168第一節 法域競爭與法律市場 168第二節 競爭與賽局模型 172第三節 公共政策與公共選擇理論 184第四節 從公共選擇理論看公司規範賽局 194第五節 我國面臨的法域競爭 206第六節 從法域競爭看我國員工股權獎酬的管制 213第七節 小結 228第六章 政府監管與公司治理的調和 230第一節 政府監管與權力分立 230第二節 公司治理與政府監管之主輔地位 246第三節 建立讓市場發揮力量的制度 264第四節 小結 286第七章 結論與建議 290第一節 我國員工股權獎酬計畫之展望(代結論) 290第二節 建議 296第三節 後續研究 299參考文獻 301 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3761464 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 股權獎酬 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 員工認股權憑證 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 限制員工權利新股 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公司治理 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 控制股東 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 法域競爭 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 賽局理論 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公共選擇理論 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Equity-based Incentive en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Stock Option en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Restricted Share en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Corporate Governance en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Controlling Shareholder en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Jurisdictional Competition en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Game Theory en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Public Choice Theory en_US dc.title (題名) 員工股權獎酬計畫之研究-從法域競爭的觀點出發 zh_TW dc.title (題名) A Study of Equity-Based Employee Incentive Program - From the Perspective of Jurisdictional Competition en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文書籍1. 王文杰,嬗變中之中國大陸法制,國立交通大學出版社,四版,2014年12月。2. 王文宇,公司法論,元照出版公司,六版,2018年10月。3. 王文宇、林國全、曾宛如、王志誠、蔡英欣、汪信君合著,商事法,元照出版公司,八版,2018年10月。4. 方嘉麟主編,變動中的公司法制:17堂案例學會《公司法》,元照出版公司,2018年10月。5. 丘昌泰,公共管理,智勝文化事業有限公司,2014年1月。6. 吳定,公共政策,五南圖書出版公司,二版,2017年6月。7. 吳庚、盛子龍合著,行政法之理論與實用,三民書局,十五版,2017年9月。8. 林紀東,中華民國憲法逐條釋義(第一冊),三民書局,修訂再版,1985年9月。9. 阿維纳什.迪克西特 (AVINASH K. 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