dc.contributor.advisor | 蔡琰 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.advisor | Cai, Yan | en_US |
dc.contributor.author (作者) | 吳智美 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author (作者) | Wu, Chih-Mei | en_US |
dc.creator (作者) | 吳智美 | zh_TW |
dc.creator (作者) | Wu, Chih-Mei | en_US |
dc.date (日期) | 2020 | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 3-八月-2020 17:19:02 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 3-八月-2020 17:19:02 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 3-八月-2020 17:19:02 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) | G0102941009 | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/130895 | - |
dc.description (描述) | 碩士 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 國立政治大學 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 傳播學院碩士在職專班 | zh_TW |
dc.description (描述) | 102941009 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 《東渡:鑑真和尚傳》劇本創作及論述,是以電視電影的製作規格為藍本。描述的一位唐朝和尚鑑真,於暮年渡海到日本弘揚佛法的真實故事。他前後經過六次險難,親近亡故,雙目失明,前後十年最終才抵達日本。鑑真和尚除了佛法之外,還把盛唐的文化帶到了日本,故而被日人尊稱為「盲聖」與「日本文化的恩人」。千年來,對其崇敬之情不言可喻。相對而言,在他的故鄉中國,知曉其屢次犯險仍堅毅不懈事蹟的人卻不多。是此,宣揚其精神留存其故事即為本劇創作及論述的緣起。本劇以坎伯的千面英雄與佛格勒的編劇理論為基礎,從英雄歷險的旅程中,常會出現的八種人物原型為創作的參考依據,推敲形塑出他們在劇中的人物角色。在前後六次不屈不撓的英雄歷險旅程中,鑑真和尚與他的夥伴們,不斷經歷親近盟友被關押,被自己的徒從出賣的試煉,從平凡世界到冒險世界的漫漫旅程,和尚始終信心堅定沒有放棄,終而成為東渡傳法的英雄。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | Ven. Jian Zhen was a Buddhist Dharma master in Tang Dynasty who went to Japan to spread Buddhism in his later years. The drama is presented as a TV series, which describes the story of Ven. Jian Zhen crossing the ocean in order to promote Buddhism in Japan. After ten years of going through all the difficulties and hardships, during which time he not only lost many of his disciples, but also his eyesight, he finally arrived in Japan.Besides sharing Buddhism with the people of Japan, Ven. Jian Zhen further introduced the cultures of Tang Dynasty into Japan, for which he was hailed as "the benefactor of Japanese culture". This is how he has been respected in Japan for thousands of years. In comparison, his story is rarely known by the people in China, hence this drama to introduce his spirit and story in his home country.The play is based on Campbell’s "hero with a thousand faces" and Vogler’s screenwriting theory. From the eight character prototypes that often appear in the journey of heroic adventures as a reference basis for creation, the characters in the play are shaped. During the six indomitable heroic adventures, Ven. Jian Zhen and his followers had experienced many trials, including his friends and relatives being imprisoned and he himself being sold out by his followers. During his long journey from the ordinary world to the adventure world, Ven. Jian Zhen had never lost his faith. He did not give up and eventually became the hero of passing Buddhism from China to Japan. | en_US |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 第一章 創作理念 1第一節 動機與緣起 1第二節 創作背景 4第二章 文獻檢閱 10第一節 佛教僧傳書寫 10第二節 歷史拼圖《唐大和尚東征傳》 13第三節 鑑真和尚其人其事 15第三章 創作論述 18第一節 劇名與劇本主題 18第二節 角色設定 25第三節 情節設計 28第四章 劇本創作 37第五章 結論與討論 117第一節 研究結論 117第二節 研究限制與建議 119參考文獻 123 | zh_TW |
dc.format.extent | 4940130 bytes | - |
dc.format.mimetype | application/pdf | - |
dc.source.uri (資料來源) | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102941009 | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 鑑真 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 傳揚佛法 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 電視電影劇本 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 坎伯 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 佛格勒 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 英雄旅程 | zh_TW |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Jian Zhen | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Spreading the Dharma | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Film Script | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Campbell | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Vogler | en_US |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Hero’s Journey | en_US |
dc.title (題名) | 《東渡:鑑真和尚傳》劇本創作及論述 | zh_TW |
dc.title (題名) | Ven. Jian Zhen:A Script and Discourse on A Hero`s Journey | en_US |
dc.type (資料類型) | thesis | en_US |
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) | 王勇(2005)。〈《延歷僧錄》中的唐人傳記 ──《高僧沙門釋鑑真傳》輯佚〉,《書目文獻出版社》,4:Pp.119-127。玄奘著(2010)。《大唐西域記》。台北:商周出版。朱侃如譯(1997)。《千面英雄》。台北:立緒文化(原書Campbell, J. [1949]. The hero with a thousand faces. New Jersey, NJ: Princeton University Press.)朱祖德(2007)。〈試論唐代揚州在中西交通史上的地位〉,《興大歷史學報》,18:P.199。江蘇演藝集團(2016)。《鑑真東渡》【歌劇】。(江蘇省演藝集團原創。)吳承恩(2015)。《西遊記》。台北:遊目族文化。李惠綿(2001)。〈論析元代佛教度脫劇-以佛教「度」與「解脫」概念為詮釋觀點〉,《臺大佛學研究》;6:P265-314。汪向榮(1979)。《唐大和上東征傳校註》。北京:中華書局。林大慶(製片人),林大慶(導演)(2007)。《鑑真東渡》【影片】。(中國中央電視台中國電視劇製中心。)林子青(2008)。〈鑑真和尚與隱元禪師——唐明兩代二高僧對於日本佛教文化之貢獻〉,《一花一葉一如來──林子青佛學論著集》。台北:法鼓文化。孫承(2017)。《近現代中日文化交流概說(1840-1990)》。北京:中國政法大學出版社。孫蔚民(1979)。《鑑真和尚東渡記》。上海:古籍出版社。郝潤華(2004)。《鑑真評傳》。南京:大學出版社。張煜譯(2010)。《唐代佛教》,上海:古籍出版社。(原書Weinstein Stanley [1987]. Buddhism under the Tang. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.)許鳳儀(2007)。〈論唐代揚州為鑑真東渡提供的社會基礎〉。西安:《唐都學刊》。陳淑伶、唐美雲、蔡易臻(2016)。《鑑真大和尚》【電視歌仔戲】。(大愛電視,台北市北投區立德路二號。)黃敬家(2008)。《贊寧《宋高僧傳》敘事研究》。台北:臺灣學生書局。經典雜誌編(2004)。《鑑真大和上六渡東瀛創宗傳法》。台北:經典雜誌。蔡鵑如譯(2013)。《作家之路:從英雄的旅程學習說一個好故事》。台北:商周出版。(原書Vogler, C. [2011]. The writer’s journey: Mythic structure for writers.[3rd Edition]. Studio City, CA: Michael Wiese Productions.)謝鮮聲譯(1978)。《天平之甍》。台北:牧童出版社。(原書:井上靖(1957)。《天平?甍》。日本東京:中央公論新社/???????????出版。)簡齊儒(2013)。〈宗教英雄的解構與重構---以唐代釋儀光聖傳為例〉,《文與哲》, 22:Pp. 159~210。網路資料〈鑑真其人其事〉(無日期)。取自鑑真佛教學院網頁http://www.jianzhen.net/lb.asp?lbid=32《宋高僧傳》(無日期)。取自中華電子佛典協會。請見http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T50n2061_001《唐國史補》(無日期)。取自中國哲學書電子化計劃。請見https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&res=311175《高僧傳》(無日期)。取自中華電子佛典協會。請見https://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T50n2059吳瑞霞(1992)。〈鑑真〉,取自內政部全國宗教資訊網。請見https://religion.moi.gov.tw/Knowledge/Content?ci=2&cid=391真人元開(779)。《唐大和上東征傳》。取自《遊方記抄》CBETA 電子版。請見 http://buddhism.lib.ntu.edu.tw/BDLM/sutra/chi_pdf/sutra20/T51n2089.pdf蔡文村(2004 年 6 月)。〈【天平之甍】鑑真和尚後援會 漢方藥草圃的扶桑傳〉,取自《經典雜誌》。請見http://www.rhythmsmonthly.com/?p=3121 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) | 10.6814/NCCU202001166 | en_US |