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題名 從輕聲與韻律外現象看漢語方言中虛化的功能詞
Grammaticalized function words in Chinese dialects: neutral tone and prosodic invisibility
作者 黃子權
Huang, Tzu-Chuan
貢獻者 蕭宇超
Hsiao, Yu-Chau
Huang, Tzu-Chuan
關鍵詞 虛詞
syntax-phonology interface
日期 2020
上傳時間 2-九月-2020 11:35:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究從輕聲與韻律外現象探討漢語方言中功能詞的韻律。輕聲係指完全失去音位對立的聲調形式,韻律外現象則指聲調不受制於一般變調規律的特殊情形。這兩個現象都出現於韻律上無法獨立成詞的韻律附著詞,而韻律附著詞又與實義詞與功能詞的普遍分類有關。實義詞在韻律上通常可以獨立成詞,功能詞則有許多可能,或獨立成詞,或成為各種韻律附著詞。本論文的調查也發現,漢語方言中的功能詞可分成兩類,一類具有韻律顯著性,於韻律上的表現與實義詞相似,另一類則不具有顯著性,因此容易發生輕聲或韻律外現象。本論文的主要目標便是從理論音韻學的角度,探究功能詞這兩種韻律上的分類有何特性。針對這個問題,文獻中通常是採用基於構詞與句法結構的界面制約,這個方法係假設不同的韻律形式直接產生自不同的構詞或句法結構,然而在我所研究的漢語方言中卻發現韻律形式與構詞或句法結構之間並無如此直接的連結。透過對五個漢語方言各類功能詞韻律行為的分析與觀察,本研究提出新的觀點,認為介面制約不只是與構詞或句法結構有關,更與該詞語法化的程度有關。這個觀點是基於語法化研究中一個普遍被接受的概念,即語法化程度與語音形式的弱化正相關,換言之,一個功能詞語法化程度越深,它在韻律形式上也越趨弱化,失去足以獨立成詞的顯著性。本研究將這樣的概念予以形式化,以優選理論的框架提出相關的介面制約,為相關領域的研究提供了一個語義、句法、韻律三者間互有關聯的理論機制。
This dissertation concerns the prosodization of function words in Chinese dialects in terms of neutral tone and prosodic invisibility. Neutral tone refers to the pitch pattern derived by complete loss of original lexical contrast; prosodic invisibility describes a phenomenon where a tone is extraprosodic and thus is excluded from some general tonal process. Both phenomena are considered derived from the status of prosodic clitic, meaning independent syntactic words that are not prosodized as independent prosodic words, and the occurrence of such prosodic clitics is subject to a universal distinction between lexical words and function words. Words of lexical categories strongly correlate with prosodic word status, whereas words of functional categories correspond to more than one prosodic type, ranging from independent prosodic word to free prosodic clitic, and therefore members of functional categories may diverge from one another in whether to perform neutral tone and/or prosodic invisibility. Two prosodic classes are found in the current survey, termed prominent function words on the one hand, and non-prominent function words on the other. Members of the former class exhibit a similar prosodization to lexical word while the class of non-prominent function words is vulnerable to the neutral tone process and prosodic invisibility. The central problem to be addressed in this dissertation is the formal characterization of prosodic distinctions between these subclasses within functional categories. The conventional response to this problem is to take an interface constraint approach grounded by morphosyntax, which assumes that different prosodizations of functional elements directly follow from differences in their morphosyntactic properties and language-specific constraint rankings. However, this straightforward correlation does not uniformly hold in the case that serves as a basis of the dissertation, the neutral tone and prosodic invisibility of Chinese dialects, where function words exhibit a considerable overlap in their morphosyntactic distributions that precludes any differentiation rooted in morphosyntax. This dissertation, though employing a set of interface constraints too, proposes that the ranked interface constraints are grounded by not only morphosyntactic properties but semantic/pragmatic information. By taking an overall look at various types of function words which have potential to perform neutral tones and/or prosodic invisibility, I conclude that the distinction between prominent and non-prominent classes of function words can be drawn along the scale of grammaticalization. The idea is based on the general conception in the literature of grammaticalization that phonological erosion and semantic bleaching usually come hand in hand. As a function word becomes more semantically bleached during the course of grammaticalization, it is more likely to be non-prominent, or weak, to license certain constituents in the prosodic structure. By encoding this information of grammaticalization in the interface constraint, this dissertation offers a formalized mechanism to make use of both morphosyntactic properties and information from semantics-syntax interface. This approach thus leads to a unified account of prosodic distinction between subclasses within functional categories.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100555503
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蕭宇超zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsiao, Yu-Chauen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃子權zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Huang, Tzu-Chuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃子權zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Tzu-Chuanen_US
dc.date (日期) 2020en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2020 11:35:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2020 11:35:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2020 11:35:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0100555503en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/131445-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 語言學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100555503zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究從輕聲與韻律外現象探討漢語方言中功能詞的韻律。輕聲係指完全失去音位對立的聲調形式,韻律外現象則指聲調不受制於一般變調規律的特殊情形。這兩個現象都出現於韻律上無法獨立成詞的韻律附著詞,而韻律附著詞又與實義詞與功能詞的普遍分類有關。實義詞在韻律上通常可以獨立成詞,功能詞則有許多可能,或獨立成詞,或成為各種韻律附著詞。本論文的調查也發現,漢語方言中的功能詞可分成兩類,一類具有韻律顯著性,於韻律上的表現與實義詞相似,另一類則不具有顯著性,因此容易發生輕聲或韻律外現象。本論文的主要目標便是從理論音韻學的角度,探究功能詞這兩種韻律上的分類有何特性。針對這個問題,文獻中通常是採用基於構詞與句法結構的界面制約,這個方法係假設不同的韻律形式直接產生自不同的構詞或句法結構,然而在我所研究的漢語方言中卻發現韻律形式與構詞或句法結構之間並無如此直接的連結。透過對五個漢語方言各類功能詞韻律行為的分析與觀察,本研究提出新的觀點,認為介面制約不只是與構詞或句法結構有關,更與該詞語法化的程度有關。這個觀點是基於語法化研究中一個普遍被接受的概念,即語法化程度與語音形式的弱化正相關,換言之,一個功能詞語法化程度越深,它在韻律形式上也越趨弱化,失去足以獨立成詞的顯著性。本研究將這樣的概念予以形式化,以優選理論的框架提出相關的介面制約,為相關領域的研究提供了一個語義、句法、韻律三者間互有關聯的理論機制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This dissertation concerns the prosodization of function words in Chinese dialects in terms of neutral tone and prosodic invisibility. Neutral tone refers to the pitch pattern derived by complete loss of original lexical contrast; prosodic invisibility describes a phenomenon where a tone is extraprosodic and thus is excluded from some general tonal process. Both phenomena are considered derived from the status of prosodic clitic, meaning independent syntactic words that are not prosodized as independent prosodic words, and the occurrence of such prosodic clitics is subject to a universal distinction between lexical words and function words. Words of lexical categories strongly correlate with prosodic word status, whereas words of functional categories correspond to more than one prosodic type, ranging from independent prosodic word to free prosodic clitic, and therefore members of functional categories may diverge from one another in whether to perform neutral tone and/or prosodic invisibility. Two prosodic classes are found in the current survey, termed prominent function words on the one hand, and non-prominent function words on the other. Members of the former class exhibit a similar prosodization to lexical word while the class of non-prominent function words is vulnerable to the neutral tone process and prosodic invisibility. The central problem to be addressed in this dissertation is the formal characterization of prosodic distinctions between these subclasses within functional categories. The conventional response to this problem is to take an interface constraint approach grounded by morphosyntax, which assumes that different prosodizations of functional elements directly follow from differences in their morphosyntactic properties and language-specific constraint rankings. However, this straightforward correlation does not uniformly hold in the case that serves as a basis of the dissertation, the neutral tone and prosodic invisibility of Chinese dialects, where function words exhibit a considerable overlap in their morphosyntactic distributions that precludes any differentiation rooted in morphosyntax. This dissertation, though employing a set of interface constraints too, proposes that the ranked interface constraints are grounded by not only morphosyntactic properties but semantic/pragmatic information. By taking an overall look at various types of function words which have potential to perform neutral tones and/or prosodic invisibility, I conclude that the distinction between prominent and non-prominent classes of function words can be drawn along the scale of grammaticalization. The idea is based on the general conception in the literature of grammaticalization that phonological erosion and semantic bleaching usually come hand in hand. As a function word becomes more semantically bleached during the course of grammaticalization, it is more likely to be non-prominent, or weak, to license certain constituents in the prosodic structure. By encoding this information of grammaticalization in the interface constraint, this dissertation offers a formalized mechanism to make use of both morphosyntactic properties and information from semantics-syntax interface. This approach thus leads to a unified account of prosodic distinction between subclasses within functional categories.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 1
1.1 The scope and aim 1
1.2 Organization of the dissertation 4
1.3 Theoretical background 5
1.3.1 Prosodic phonology 5
1.3.2 Prosodic clitic theory 7
1.3.3 Constraints on prosodic structures 11
1.3.4 A typology of function word parses 15
1.4 Neutral tone 17
1.4.1 Definition of neutral tone 17
1.4 Language background 22

2. Prosodic Prominence and Degree of Grammaticalization 24
2.1 Prosodic licensing by edge-alignment 24
2.2 Conflation of grammaticalized classes 28
2.3 Alignment at different levels 33
2.4 Summary 36

3. Grammaticalized function words in Cantonese and Sixian Hakka 37
3.0 Introduction 37
3.1 Minimal tonal neutralization 38
3.1.1 Non-neutralization in majority of functional classes 38
3.1.2 Neutralization of sentence-final particles in Cantonese 49
3.1.3 Asymmetry between subclasses of sentence-final particles 57
3.1.4 The stresslessness 66
3.2 Invisible function words in Miaoli Sixian Hakka 68
3.2.1 T1 sandhi in Miaoli Sixian Hakka 69
3.2.2 Underapplication of T1 sandhi 75
3.3 Summary 82

4. Grammaticalized function words in Taiwanese and Standard Mandarin 83
4.0 Introduction 83
4.1 Tonal neutralization in Taiwan Southern Min 84
4.1.1 Predominant occurrence of tonal neutralization 86
4.1.2 Problematic grammatical words 94
4.1.3 The extrametricality of neutral tones 101 Invisibility to tone sandhi 102 Domain-finality 106
4.2 Tonal neutralization in Standard Mandarin 112
4.2.1 Distribution of the two types of neutral tones 112
4.2.2 Neutralization at lexical vs. postlexical levels 119
4.3 Summary 124
5. Grammaticalized function words in Shanghainese 126
5.0 Introduction 126
5.1 Tonal neutralization in Shanghainese 127
5.1.1 Maximal neutralization of grammatical words 128
5.1.2 Neutralization in lexical vs. functional domains 137
5.2 Prosodic invisibility in Shanghainese 146
5.2.1 The nature of melody redistribution 146
5.2.2 Blocking of redistribution 148
5.2.3 Prosodic licensing of non-root C particle 154
5.3 Summary 159

6. Theoretical remarks on typology 161
6.1 Neutral tone 161
6.2 Prosodic invisibility 165
6.3 Prosodic Well-formedness 165
6.4 Summary 168

7. Conclusions 170
References 174
dc.format.extent 3801887 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100555503en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 虛詞zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 韻律zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語法化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 音韻與句法的界面zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) syntax-phonology interfaceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) grammaticalizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) prosodizationen_US
dc.title (題名) 從輕聲與韻律外現象看漢語方言中虛化的功能詞zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Grammaticalized function words in Chinese dialects: neutral tone and prosodic invisibilityen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202001638en_US