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題名 論專利法進步性判斷之後見之明與防免策略—從心理學研究成果為出發點觀察
Ascertaining and Avoiding Hindsight Bias in Judgement of Inventive Step—Observation from the Viewpoint of Psychology Studies
作者 葉國璽
Yeh, Kuo-Hsi
貢獻者 沈宗倫
Yeh, Kuo-Hsi
關鍵詞 專利法
Patent law
Inventive step
Hindsight bias
Hindsight bias resulting from the invent at dispute itself
Hindsight bias resulting from out of the invent at dispute
日期 2020
上傳時間 2-九月-2020 12:23:54 (UTC+8)
摘要   進步性基準作為專利有效性審查最關鍵之門檻,其標準之重要性自然不言而喻,然而近年來,專利實務上的進步性判斷受到後見之明影響之批評不絕於耳,因此各國審查實務與學說無不渾身解數試圖建構後見之明防免策略,然而究竟何為後見之明,其是否真實影響進步性判斷,其如何影響以及影響之範圍為何,如何判斷實務進步性判斷中是否存有後見之明,以及最重要的係如何在進步性判斷架構中建構完整的後見之明防免策略等問題,均未在各國專利實務中被完整解答,是以本文嘗試以後見之明防免為中心,從心理學角度分析後見之明之意涵,並透過法學與心理學跨領域整合研究,探討後見之明對於進步性之影響,進而提供是否實務進步性判斷受到後見之明影響之分析,並重新詮釋進步性之意義,據以建構最大程度減緩後見之明的進步性判斷架構,以期為我國進步性判斷上提供妥適、有效且正確之理論基礎與判斷指引。
  As the most crucial threshold in patent validity examination, the importance of inventive step, in other words, obviousness standard is self-evident. However, in recent years, patent practice such as substantive examination as well as judgement has been affecting by hindsight bias causing strong criticism by the legal scholar. Therefore, patent examiners all over the world are trying their best to construct strategies against hindsight bias. Nevertheless, what exactly is hindsight bias? Whether it actually affects the judgement of inventive step? If does, how it affects, and what is the scope of the influence? How to diagnose whether there is hindsight bias in practical judgement of inventive step? And the most important, how to construct a mature strategy and judgmental framework for inventive step to prevent hindsight bias? Those questions above have not been fully answered in the patent practice of any country. Thus, this article attempts to focus on averting hindsight bias, analyzing the meaning of hindsight bias from the perspective of psychology, investigating the impact of hindsight bias on judgement of inventive step through interdisciplinary researches of jurisprudence and psychology. And then, this article will also provide an analysis protocol to diagnose whether practical inventive step judgement is affected by hindsight bias as well as reinterpret the significance of inventive step so as to construct, the most crucially, an inventive step judgment framework that can minimize hindsight bias in order to provide an appropriately, effectively and accurately theoretical basis and judicial guideline for inventive step.
  This article will introduce the current structure of inventive step examination in the United States, the European Patent Office, and Taiwan’s patent practice, and analyzes the doctrines of hindsight bias in the researches of jurisprudence and psychology in order to confirm the impact of hindsight bias on inventive step. Then, I use the resource of hindsight information causing hindsight bias as the distinguishing standard to define the hindsight bias resulting from the invent at dispute itself as well as the hindsight bias resulting from out of the invent at dispute for explaining how such hindsight bias above affects inventive step judgement and the scope of influence. Furthermore, I use them as a test to diagnose whether the inventive step judgement is affected by such hindsight bias, and then address five types of cases where each of the cases below proposes considering factors that show the examiner may be affected by unacceptable hindsight bias in inventive step judgement, but notice that those cases are not an all-inclusive list. Those cases are improperly identifying technical inference, using improper prior arts, improperly defining a person having ordinary skill in the art, improperly combining multiple references, and improperly deducting technical results. Those cases will be provided to check whether the inventive step judgements made by examiners are affected by hindsight bias or not.
  Finally, this article will analyze and apply the possible strategies made by psychology and jurisprudence in order to propose the nine-levels substantive and procedural mechanisms for preventing hindsight bias with the hope that the errors in inventive step judgement caused by hindsight bias can be alleviated as far as possible. This will ensure the inventive step judgements are as accurate as possible in order to make sure that the legislative purposes of inventive step will be fully fulfilled.
參考文獻 一、中文部分
(一) 專書

(二) 期刊論文
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胡心蘭(2008),〈非顯而易知之非顯而易知性—美國最高法院 KSR 案判決評析〉,《興大法學》,4期,頁193-238。
熊誦梅(2011),〈衆裡尋他千百度: 談所屬技術領域中之通常知識者—從最高行政法院九十八年度判字第一二七七號判決談起〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,191期,頁129-144。
張嘉璧、李玉惠(2000),〈去除後見之明偏誤: 列舉理由程序的應用〉,《應用心理研究》,5期,頁69-92。
沈宗倫(2013),〈由專利法教示因果關係論專利進步性: 以組合專利與類似專利為中心〉,《臺大法學論叢》,42卷317-379。

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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105652007
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 沈宗倫zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 葉國璽zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Yeh, Kuo-Hsien_US
dc.creator (作者) 葉國璽zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yeh, Kuo-Hsien_US
dc.date (日期) 2020en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2020 12:23:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2020 12:23:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2020 12:23:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0105652007en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/131674-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法律科際整合研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 105652007zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   進步性基準作為專利有效性審查最關鍵之門檻,其標準之重要性自然不言而喻,然而近年來,專利實務上的進步性判斷受到後見之明影響之批評不絕於耳,因此各國審查實務與學說無不渾身解數試圖建構後見之明防免策略,然而究竟何為後見之明,其是否真實影響進步性判斷,其如何影響以及影響之範圍為何,如何判斷實務進步性判斷中是否存有後見之明,以及最重要的係如何在進步性判斷架構中建構完整的後見之明防免策略等問題,均未在各國專利實務中被完整解答,是以本文嘗試以後見之明防免為中心,從心理學角度分析後見之明之意涵,並透過法學與心理學跨領域整合研究,探討後見之明對於進步性之影響,進而提供是否實務進步性判斷受到後見之明影響之分析,並重新詮釋進步性之意義,據以建構最大程度減緩後見之明的進步性判斷架構,以期為我國進步性判斷上提供妥適、有效且正確之理論基礎與判斷指引。
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   As the most crucial threshold in patent validity examination, the importance of inventive step, in other words, obviousness standard is self-evident. However, in recent years, patent practice such as substantive examination as well as judgement has been affecting by hindsight bias causing strong criticism by the legal scholar. Therefore, patent examiners all over the world are trying their best to construct strategies against hindsight bias. Nevertheless, what exactly is hindsight bias? Whether it actually affects the judgement of inventive step? If does, how it affects, and what is the scope of the influence? How to diagnose whether there is hindsight bias in practical judgement of inventive step? And the most important, how to construct a mature strategy and judgmental framework for inventive step to prevent hindsight bias? Those questions above have not been fully answered in the patent practice of any country. Thus, this article attempts to focus on averting hindsight bias, analyzing the meaning of hindsight bias from the perspective of psychology, investigating the impact of hindsight bias on judgement of inventive step through interdisciplinary researches of jurisprudence and psychology. And then, this article will also provide an analysis protocol to diagnose whether practical inventive step judgement is affected by hindsight bias as well as reinterpret the significance of inventive step so as to construct, the most crucially, an inventive step judgment framework that can minimize hindsight bias in order to provide an appropriately, effectively and accurately theoretical basis and judicial guideline for inventive step.
  This article will introduce the current structure of inventive step examination in the United States, the European Patent Office, and Taiwan’s patent practice, and analyzes the doctrines of hindsight bias in the researches of jurisprudence and psychology in order to confirm the impact of hindsight bias on inventive step. Then, I use the resource of hindsight information causing hindsight bias as the distinguishing standard to define the hindsight bias resulting from the invent at dispute itself as well as the hindsight bias resulting from out of the invent at dispute for explaining how such hindsight bias above affects inventive step judgement and the scope of influence. Furthermore, I use them as a test to diagnose whether the inventive step judgement is affected by such hindsight bias, and then address five types of cases where each of the cases below proposes considering factors that show the examiner may be affected by unacceptable hindsight bias in inventive step judgement, but notice that those cases are not an all-inclusive list. Those cases are improperly identifying technical inference, using improper prior arts, improperly defining a person having ordinary skill in the art, improperly combining multiple references, and improperly deducting technical results. Those cases will be provided to check whether the inventive step judgements made by examiners are affected by hindsight bias or not.
  Finally, this article will analyze and apply the possible strategies made by psychology and jurisprudence in order to propose the nine-levels substantive and procedural mechanisms for preventing hindsight bias with the hope that the errors in inventive step judgement caused by hindsight bias can be alleviated as far as possible. This will ensure the inventive step judgements are as accurate as possible in order to make sure that the legislative purposes of inventive step will be fully fulfilled.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與範圍 2
第三節 論文架構 3
第二章 專利之進步性 4
第一節 進步性之簡介 4
第一項 進步性之定義 4
第一款 意義 4
第二款 各國法律就進步性之規定 6
第二項 進步性之目的 7
第一款 專利法之目的 7
第二款 進步性之目的 12
第三項 進步性之發展歷史 14
第一款 美國第103條立法前進步性歷史 15
第一目 Hotchkiss v Greenwood案 15
第二目 Hotchkiss案後至美國專利法第103條制訂前之實務發展 17
第三目 美國1952年專利法第103條之制訂 25
第二款 我國專利法進步性之立法史 26
第二節 各國現行進步性判斷法 28
第一項 美國 28
第一款 美國關鍵實務見解 28
第一目 Graham v John Deere Co 三步驟測試法 28
第二目 聯邦巡迴上訴法院TSM測試法 39
第三目 KSR International Co v Teleflex, Inc 53
第二款 KSR案後之影響 65
第一目 KSR案後專利審查準則之因應 65
第二目 KSR案之批評 71
第三目 KSR案後組合專利判斷法之發展 72
第三款 KSR案後實務案例發展 75
第四款 美國現行審查準則 83
第五款 非顯而易見性判斷操作範例 92
第二項 歐盟專利局European Patent Office(EPO) 95
第一款 問題解決法(problem-solution approach)簡介 95
第二款 進步性判斷操作範例 106
第三項 台灣 107
第一款 專利審查基準之架構 107
第二款 專利實務判決架構 113
第三款 進步性判斷操作範例 123
第四項 小結 126
第三章 後見之明對於進步性之影響 127
第一節 後見之明簡介 127
第一項 後見之明之定義與影響 127
第二項 後見之明之歷史 129
第一款 早期後見之明相關研究 129
第二款 後見之明在認知心理學上之研究 131
第三款 後見之明之專門研究 133
第三項 後見之明之成因 139
第四項 後見之明之防免策略 143
第二節 後見之明對於法律之影響 146
第三節 後見之明對於進步性判斷之影響 149
第一項 後見之明影響之存在 150
第一款 針對法學院學生之實驗 150
第二款 針對具有陪審團資格路人之實驗 152
第三款 小結 154
第二項 後見之明類型與影響之範圍 155
第四節 各國改善後見之明對於進步性判斷影響的策略 159
第一項 美國 159
第一款 現行實務改善後見之明之政策 159
第二款 仍受後見之明影響之批評與改善策略 161
第一目 針對現行實務之批評 161
第二目 改善策略與建議 166
第二項 歐盟專利局 170
第一款 現行實務改善後見之明之政策 170
第二款 仍受後見之明影響之批評與改善策略 172
第一目 針對現行實務之批評 172
第二目 改善策略與建議 173
第三項 我國 174
第一款 現行實務改善後見之明之政策 174
第二款 仍受後見之明影響之批評與改善策略 176
第一目 針對現行實務之批評 176
第二目 改善策略與建議 189
第四項 總評 194
第四章 避免進步性判斷中後見之明的審查模型 197
第一節 後見之明影響與否之判斷 197
第一項 使用不適當之先前技術 197
第二項 不適當認定技術內涵 200
第三項 不適當定義所屬領域具有通常知識者 204
第四項 不適當拼湊複數引證 206
第五項 不適當技術推演之論理 213
第二節 避免後見之明之架構與其理念 218
第一項 架構理念 218
第一款 進步性之意義 218
第二款 後見之明之防免架構理念 221
第二項 操作架構 225
第一款 判斷架構實體模型 225
第二款 判斷架構程序模型 232
第三節 實務應用範例 233
第五章 結論 236
第六章 參考文獻 240
dc.format.extent 5478904 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105652007en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 進步性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 非顯而易見性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 後見之明zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 系爭發明本身結果知識zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 系爭發明外結果知識zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Patent lawen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Inventive stepen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Obviousnessen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hindsight biasen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hindsight bias resulting from the invent at dispute itselfen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hindsight bias resulting from out of the invent at disputeen_US
dc.title (題名) 論專利法進步性判斷之後見之明與防免策略—從心理學研究成果為出發點觀察zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Ascertaining and Avoiding Hindsight Bias in Judgement of Inventive Step—Observation from the Viewpoint of Psychology Studiesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分
(一) 專書

(二) 期刊論文
杜榮瑞、林孝倫(2010),〈法官對審計品質之評估: 後果知識與經驗之影響〉,《會計評論》,50期,頁1-21。
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熊誦梅(2011),〈衆裡尋他千百度: 談所屬技術領域中之通常知識者—從最高行政法院九十八年度判字第一二七七號判決談起〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,191期,頁129-144。
張嘉璧、李玉惠(2000),〈去除後見之明偏誤: 列舉理由程序的應用〉,《應用心理研究》,5期,頁69-92。
沈宗倫(2013),〈由專利法教示因果關係論專利進步性: 以組合專利與類似專利為中心〉,《臺大法學論叢》,42卷317-379。

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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202001399en_US