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題名 賦權及其極限?後女性主義、社群媒體與自拍
Empowerment and its limits? Postfeminism, social media, and selfies
作者 康庭瑜
Kang, Tingyu
貢獻者 新聞學研究
關鍵詞 社群媒體  ;  後女性主義  ;  後殖民女性主義  ;  自拍  ;  性別  ;  性化 
 social media  ;  postfeminism  ;  selfie  ;  gender  ;  sexualization
日期 2019-10
上傳時間 18-十一月-2020 15:07:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究討論女性社群媒體使用者性化的自拍影像產製,並將這個現象放在後女性主義媒體文化的理論脈絡中來理解。後女性主義媒體文化指的是近年一股女性性化影像的潮流,這股潮流時常將性感的女人描繪為自信並自主地享受自己性化的身體。許多研究爭論這種新興形式的性化影像,究竟是否為一種賦權的經驗。在過去,這些關於後女性主義媒體文化的辯論時常聚焦在大眾媒介中的再現,然而在今日,這種再現也在社群媒體上十分風行。本研究訪談曾在社群媒體上分享性化自拍影像的女性使用者,探問這些經驗究竟是否為一種賦權的經驗,又是在什麼面向上是(或不是)賦權。資料顯示受訪者在產製性化自拍影像時,時常發展出一系列的性主體位置,來挑戰性化自拍中的男性凝視,即「臺灣大眾定義的性感=男性凝視的性感=霸權的性感」和「西方大眾文化的性感=女性自主的性感=(我的)反抗的性感」。一方面,自拍者透過重新定義性感的身體來協商霸權的男性凝視,另一方面,這些抵抗時常需要透過消費西方大眾文化來完成,投身西方跨國資本邏輯,並迎合西方的性別化身體景觀和性別凝視政治。
This study examines women`s sexualization of the self on social media in the context of postfeminist media culture. Postfeminist media culture refers to an emerging trend of sexualizing women. In postfeminist media culture, sexy bodies are portrayed as a site where women actively explore their sexual subjectivities, gain autonomy, and develop sexual confidence. Many debates have since centered on to what extent this trend of postfeminist media culture can be identified as sexual empowerment and agency. While the current debates on postfeminist media culture largely focus on mass media, it is now also a prominent phenomenon on social media, particularly in the form of selfies. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with women who have participated in the production of sexy selfies, exploring whether or not these experiences empower women with regard to sexual autonomy, sexual subjectivity, and sexual self-esteem. The findings demonstrate that these female users of social media develop binary distinctions in understanding sexual subjects in order to negotiate male gaze on their selfies. This includes local / western, male gaze / female autonomy, and oppressive gaze / resisting bodies. On the one hand, these women develop these binary distinctions to identify themselves as having a westernized, liberated, autonomous bodily style that challenges the local, male-dominated definition of sexiness. On the other hand, this articulation of liberation and sexual autonomy requires them to conform to the logics of capital in western-centric consumerism and reproduces the hierarchy between western and local cultures.
關聯 新聞學研究, 141, 1-38
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.30386/MCR.201910_(141).0001
dc.contributor 新聞學研究-
dc.creator (作者) 康庭瑜-
dc.creator (作者) Kang, Tingyu-
dc.date (日期) 2019-10-
dc.date.accessioned 18-十一月-2020 15:07:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-十一月-2020 15:07:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-十一月-2020 15:07:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/132676-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究討論女性社群媒體使用者性化的自拍影像產製,並將這個現象放在後女性主義媒體文化的理論脈絡中來理解。後女性主義媒體文化指的是近年一股女性性化影像的潮流,這股潮流時常將性感的女人描繪為自信並自主地享受自己性化的身體。許多研究爭論這種新興形式的性化影像,究竟是否為一種賦權的經驗。在過去,這些關於後女性主義媒體文化的辯論時常聚焦在大眾媒介中的再現,然而在今日,這種再現也在社群媒體上十分風行。本研究訪談曾在社群媒體上分享性化自拍影像的女性使用者,探問這些經驗究竟是否為一種賦權的經驗,又是在什麼面向上是(或不是)賦權。資料顯示受訪者在產製性化自拍影像時,時常發展出一系列的性主體位置,來挑戰性化自拍中的男性凝視,即「臺灣大眾定義的性感=男性凝視的性感=霸權的性感」和「西方大眾文化的性感=女性自主的性感=(我的)反抗的性感」。一方面,自拍者透過重新定義性感的身體來協商霸權的男性凝視,另一方面,這些抵抗時常需要透過消費西方大眾文化來完成,投身西方跨國資本邏輯,並迎合西方的性別化身體景觀和性別凝視政治。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study examines women`s sexualization of the self on social media in the context of postfeminist media culture. Postfeminist media culture refers to an emerging trend of sexualizing women. In postfeminist media culture, sexy bodies are portrayed as a site where women actively explore their sexual subjectivities, gain autonomy, and develop sexual confidence. Many debates have since centered on to what extent this trend of postfeminist media culture can be identified as sexual empowerment and agency. While the current debates on postfeminist media culture largely focus on mass media, it is now also a prominent phenomenon on social media, particularly in the form of selfies. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with women who have participated in the production of sexy selfies, exploring whether or not these experiences empower women with regard to sexual autonomy, sexual subjectivity, and sexual self-esteem. The findings demonstrate that these female users of social media develop binary distinctions in understanding sexual subjects in order to negotiate male gaze on their selfies. This includes local / western, male gaze / female autonomy, and oppressive gaze / resisting bodies. On the one hand, these women develop these binary distinctions to identify themselves as having a westernized, liberated, autonomous bodily style that challenges the local, male-dominated definition of sexiness. On the other hand, this articulation of liberation and sexual autonomy requires them to conform to the logics of capital in western-centric consumerism and reproduces the hierarchy between western and local cultures.-
dc.format.extent 7261366 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 新聞學研究, 141, 1-38-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社群媒體  ;  後女性主義  ;  後殖民女性主義  ;  自拍  ;  性別  ;  性化 -
dc.subject (關鍵詞)  social media  ;  postfeminism  ;  selfie  ;  gender  ;  sexualization-
dc.title (題名) 賦權及其極限?後女性主義、社群媒體與自拍-
dc.title (題名) Empowerment and its limits? Postfeminism, social media, and selfies-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30386/MCR.201910_(141).0001-
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30386/MCR.201910_(141).0001-