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題名 民眾政黨認同、媒介選擇與紅衫軍政治運動參與
Party Identification, Media Choice, and Popular Participation in Red-Shirts Political Movement
作者 劉嘉薇
Liu, Jia-Wei
貢獻者 新聞系
關鍵詞 政黨認同  ;  媒介選擇  ;  資訊  ;  政治參與  ;  紅衫軍 
party identification  ;  media choice  ;  information  ;  political participation  ;  Red-Shirts political movement
日期 2014-12
上傳時間 2-三月-2021 14:48:20 (UTC+8)
摘要 紅衫軍反貪腐倒扁運動是臺灣近年來最大規模的政治運動,在過程中,百萬人走上街頭,民眾的政黨認同以及媒介選擇代表了民眾的政治認同以及政治資訊來源,兩者對參與政治運動有何影響是本文關注的焦點。研究發現,不論是民眾的政黨認同或媒介選擇,對於促成參與反貪腐倒扁運動皆有推波助瀾的效果,因此政治認同與政治資訊對於政治運動的參與缺一不可,也說明政治行動是政治資訊與政治預存傾向的結合。整體而言,臺灣民眾政黨認同為政治態度中重要的分歧,也幾乎劃定了位於不同政治光譜的民眾是否參與倒扁運動。然僅以政黨認同解釋對此運動的參與仍不足,傳播媒介促成的動員力道亦不可忽視。媒介對議題的討論提升民眾的政治知識,匯集公眾的意見,活絡了政治參與,成為政治動員重要的基礎。對於紅衫軍運動倡導者而言,媒介為其發聲管道,增加民眾對議題的關心,創造了運動的集體意識,聯結分散各處的個人,成為政治運動過程中的催化劑。
The anti-corruption and Depose-Chen movement initiated by the Red-Shirts is the largest political movement in recent Taiwan. In process, party identification and media choice represent people`s political identification and information sources. The main concern of this paper is how they impact the participation of this political movement. Studies indicate that party identification and media choice make an enhanced effect and push people to join the demonstration. Therefore, both political identification and information are indispensable on participation in political movements, and it also shows that political movements are a function of political information and political predispositions. In general, political attitudes of people in Taiwan are greatly shaped by their party identification, and party identification significantly determines how people of different political orientations understood the Depose-Chen movement and their participation in the movement. But it is not enough to use only party identification to explain if it affects people`s participation in this movement. It cannot be neglected to observe the power of media in forcing the mobilization. Discussions of media on public issues enhance people`s political knowledge, gather public opinions, activate political participation, and become the vital foundation of political mobilization. To the advocates of the Red-Shirts movement, media is their voice channel that would increase people`s concerns for issues, create group consciousness, and connect individuals anywhere to become a catalyzer during the movement mobilization.
關聯 政治學報, 58期, 101-126
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.6229/CPSR.2014.58.04 
dc.contributor 新聞系-
dc.creator (作者) 劉嘉薇-
dc.creator (作者) Liu, Jia-Wei-
dc.date (日期) 2014-12-
dc.date.accessioned 2-三月-2021 14:48:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-三月-2021 14:48:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-三月-2021 14:48:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/134161-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 紅衫軍反貪腐倒扁運動是臺灣近年來最大規模的政治運動,在過程中,百萬人走上街頭,民眾的政黨認同以及媒介選擇代表了民眾的政治認同以及政治資訊來源,兩者對參與政治運動有何影響是本文關注的焦點。研究發現,不論是民眾的政黨認同或媒介選擇,對於促成參與反貪腐倒扁運動皆有推波助瀾的效果,因此政治認同與政治資訊對於政治運動的參與缺一不可,也說明政治行動是政治資訊與政治預存傾向的結合。整體而言,臺灣民眾政黨認同為政治態度中重要的分歧,也幾乎劃定了位於不同政治光譜的民眾是否參與倒扁運動。然僅以政黨認同解釋對此運動的參與仍不足,傳播媒介促成的動員力道亦不可忽視。媒介對議題的討論提升民眾的政治知識,匯集公眾的意見,活絡了政治參與,成為政治動員重要的基礎。對於紅衫軍運動倡導者而言,媒介為其發聲管道,增加民眾對議題的關心,創造了運動的集體意識,聯結分散各處的個人,成為政治運動過程中的催化劑。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The anti-corruption and Depose-Chen movement initiated by the Red-Shirts is the largest political movement in recent Taiwan. In process, party identification and media choice represent people`s political identification and information sources. The main concern of this paper is how they impact the participation of this political movement. Studies indicate that party identification and media choice make an enhanced effect and push people to join the demonstration. Therefore, both political identification and information are indispensable on participation in political movements, and it also shows that political movements are a function of political information and political predispositions. In general, political attitudes of people in Taiwan are greatly shaped by their party identification, and party identification significantly determines how people of different political orientations understood the Depose-Chen movement and their participation in the movement. But it is not enough to use only party identification to explain if it affects people`s participation in this movement. It cannot be neglected to observe the power of media in forcing the mobilization. Discussions of media on public issues enhance people`s political knowledge, gather public opinions, activate political participation, and become the vital foundation of political mobilization. To the advocates of the Red-Shirts movement, media is their voice channel that would increase people`s concerns for issues, create group consciousness, and connect individuals anywhere to become a catalyzer during the movement mobilization.-
dc.format.extent 1628050 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政治學報, 58期, 101-126-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政黨認同  ;  媒介選擇  ;  資訊  ;  政治參與  ;  紅衫軍 -
dc.subject (關鍵詞) party identification  ;  media choice  ;  information  ;  political participation  ;  Red-Shirts political movement-
dc.title (題名) 民眾政黨認同、媒介選擇與紅衫軍政治運動參與-
dc.title (題名) Party Identification, Media Choice, and Popular Participation in Red-Shirts Political Movement-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6229/CPSR.2014.58.04 -
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.6229/CPSR.2014.58.04 -