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題名 人力資源管理之人才策略管理觀點— 以兆豐銀行財富管理人力問題為個案公司研究
Human Resource Management`s Talent Strategy Management Viewpoint— Take Mega Bank Wealth Management Human Resources as a Case Study of the Company
作者 范揚軒
Fan, Yang-Hsuan
貢獻者 周冠男
Chou, Kuan-Nan
Fan, Yang-Hsuan
關鍵詞 人才策略管理
Talent strategy management
Incentive factors
Member science college
Professional science college
Science college transfer system
日期 2020
上傳時間 1-六月-2021 14:55:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文以「人力資源管理之人才策略管理觀點--以兆豐銀行財富管理人力問題為個案公司研究」之緣由,乃學生任職於兆豐銀行,看到百年銀行兆豐銀行新的人事晉用與制度的轉型與改變, 及財富管理人力一直是業務發展的痛點。在理財業務上本文整理兆豐銀行目前存在的問題與現象,第一在理專人力上,銀行近年招募具金融經驗之新進行員,進行後擔任理財業務意願低幾乎零,加上銀行內部基層行員普遍亦大都無意願轉擔任理專職務,而以兆豐銀行而言,對外招募具金融經驗之理財人員近年亦相當不易;第二另就理財主管部分,一直都是採由考試進行的資深行員擔任,最大問題是大部分擔任理財主管的行員,均未擔任過理專,對理財業務行銷及管理開發缺乏經驗,因此銀行缺乏具理專背景出身之理財主管;第三為在職的理專及理財主管續擔任理財業務普遍意願不高;第四另外值得探討的是,過去專業理專轉任行員理專職等過低,未具激勵效果,此一轉任制度是否有更好的人力發展,本文亦藉整理兆豐銀行理專不同體系的比較作一問題探討。
總結本文期望透過人才策略管理上發展完善企業第一資本-人才管理, 研究方法以透過文獻的探討,以『雙因子理論之激勵因子』及『職位評價』作為本研究論述及佐證,另以個案研究法,探索性研究法,描述性研究法,藉參考市場成功知名企業公司的模式,就兆豐銀行目前財管面臨存在現象與問題做描述討論探討,提出解決公司目前財富管理人力痛點的可行方案,進而形成招募理財人員優化之制度。本文研究亦發現兆豐銀行過去之專業理專轉任行員理專職等過低的轉任制度,對招募新理專不易有很大的影響。
This article is based on the "Human Resource Management Talent Strategy Management Viewpoint-Taking Mega Bank Wealth Management Manpower Issues as a Case Study of the Company". The student worked at Mega Bank and saw the new personnel promotion and promotion of Mega Bank. System transformation and changes, and wealth management manpower have always been pain points for business development. In terms of wealth management business, this article sorts out the current problems and phenomena of Mega Bank. The first is in terms of management personnel. In recent years, the bank has recruited new personnel with financial experience, and the willingness to take up the wealth management business is almost zero. In addition, the bank`s internal grassroots Most of the bankers are generally unwilling to transfer to professional positions. In the case of Mega Bank, it has been difficult to recruit financial management personnel with financial experience in recent years; secondly, the financial management department has always been conducted by senior examinations. The biggest problem is that most of the bankers who serve as wealth management executives have not worked as a professional, and lack experience in wealth management business marketing and management development. Therefore, banks lack wealth management directors with a professional background in management; third is the in-service professional management. The general willingness of wealth management executives to continue to take up the wealth management business is generally not high; fourthly, it is worth exploring that the past professional management transfers to bankers are too low and have no incentive effect. Does this transfer system have better human development? This article also discusses a question by comparing the different systems of Zhaofeng Bank`s science college.
Summary This article hopes to develop and improve the enterprise`s first capital-talent management through talent strategy management. The research method is based on the discussion of the literature. The "incentive factors of the two-factor theory" and "job evaluation" are used as the research discussion and supporting evidence, and a case study Research method, exploratory research method, descriptive research method, with reference to the model of successful well-known corporate companies in the market, describe and discuss the current phenomena and problems faced by Mega Bank`s financial management, and propose solutions to the company`s current wealth management human pain points Feasible plans, and then form an optimized system for recruiting financial management personnel. The research in this article also finds that Mega Bank’s past transfer system of professional sciences transfers to clerk managements is too low, which has a great impact on the difficulty of recruiting new sciences.
Therefore, it is hoped that the conclusions and recommendations of this research will help the company`s financial business development, especially in the management system, and then achieve the company`s operational goals in wealth management.
參考文獻 1.人力資源策略,MBA智庫百科


3.卡珊卓.佛朗哥斯 Cassandra Frangos,《思科副總裁談:如何破格拔擢人才》,哈佛商業評論,2016年10月19日

4.許士軍,伯樂識千里馬 <傑克--奇異20年任期的總裁-經營者的傳奇>讀後感 ,經濟日報 ,2002年2月22日

5.許繼文,職場專欄 -奇異公司與傑克威爾許的故事,台灣肥料股份有限公司,2002年3月15日

6.許書揚等合著,《人才管理聖經 - 向財星五百大學習最佳實務》,天下雜誌出版,2017年2月

7.勞動部勞動力發展署 《2015企業人才進用與展望大調查》:




11.廖珮君,「行庫3招挽回90後 離職率飆5成 承諾5年升主管」,蘋果日報,2019年1月02日

12.鄭晉昌、邱立基 ,《人才管理大戰略:決定企業長期強盛或短暫成功的關鍵經營技術》,大寫出版社,2015年3月31日

13.蔡宗憲,台積電股東會-企業留才,鉅亨網 ,2018年6月05日

14.IBM商業價值研究院與Human Capital Institute ,整合型人才管理報告 :
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108932148
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 周冠男zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chou, Kuan-Nanen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 范揚軒zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Fan, Yang-Hsuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 范揚軒zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Fan, Yang-Hsuanen_US
dc.date (日期) 2020en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-六月-2021 14:55:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-六月-2021 14:55:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-六月-2021 14:55:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0108932148en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/135332-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108932148zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文以「人力資源管理之人才策略管理觀點--以兆豐銀行財富管理人力問題為個案公司研究」之緣由,乃學生任職於兆豐銀行,看到百年銀行兆豐銀行新的人事晉用與制度的轉型與改變, 及財富管理人力一直是業務發展的痛點。在理財業務上本文整理兆豐銀行目前存在的問題與現象,第一在理專人力上,銀行近年招募具金融經驗之新進行員,進行後擔任理財業務意願低幾乎零,加上銀行內部基層行員普遍亦大都無意願轉擔任理專職務,而以兆豐銀行而言,對外招募具金融經驗之理財人員近年亦相當不易;第二另就理財主管部分,一直都是採由考試進行的資深行員擔任,最大問題是大部分擔任理財主管的行員,均未擔任過理專,對理財業務行銷及管理開發缺乏經驗,因此銀行缺乏具理專背景出身之理財主管;第三為在職的理專及理財主管續擔任理財業務普遍意願不高;第四另外值得探討的是,過去專業理專轉任行員理專職等過低,未具激勵效果,此一轉任制度是否有更好的人力發展,本文亦藉整理兆豐銀行理專不同體系的比較作一問題探討。
總結本文期望透過人才策略管理上發展完善企業第一資本-人才管理, 研究方法以透過文獻的探討,以『雙因子理論之激勵因子』及『職位評價』作為本研究論述及佐證,另以個案研究法,探索性研究法,描述性研究法,藉參考市場成功知名企業公司的模式,就兆豐銀行目前財管面臨存在現象與問題做描述討論探討,提出解決公司目前財富管理人力痛點的可行方案,進而形成招募理財人員優化之制度。本文研究亦發現兆豐銀行過去之專業理專轉任行員理專職等過低的轉任制度,對招募新理專不易有很大的影響。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This article is based on the "Human Resource Management Talent Strategy Management Viewpoint-Taking Mega Bank Wealth Management Manpower Issues as a Case Study of the Company". The student worked at Mega Bank and saw the new personnel promotion and promotion of Mega Bank. System transformation and changes, and wealth management manpower have always been pain points for business development. In terms of wealth management business, this article sorts out the current problems and phenomena of Mega Bank. The first is in terms of management personnel. In recent years, the bank has recruited new personnel with financial experience, and the willingness to take up the wealth management business is almost zero. In addition, the bank`s internal grassroots Most of the bankers are generally unwilling to transfer to professional positions. In the case of Mega Bank, it has been difficult to recruit financial management personnel with financial experience in recent years; secondly, the financial management department has always been conducted by senior examinations. The biggest problem is that most of the bankers who serve as wealth management executives have not worked as a professional, and lack experience in wealth management business marketing and management development. Therefore, banks lack wealth management directors with a professional background in management; third is the in-service professional management. The general willingness of wealth management executives to continue to take up the wealth management business is generally not high; fourthly, it is worth exploring that the past professional management transfers to bankers are too low and have no incentive effect. Does this transfer system have better human development? This article also discusses a question by comparing the different systems of Zhaofeng Bank`s science college.
Summary This article hopes to develop and improve the enterprise`s first capital-talent management through talent strategy management. The research method is based on the discussion of the literature. The "incentive factors of the two-factor theory" and "job evaluation" are used as the research discussion and supporting evidence, and a case study Research method, exploratory research method, descriptive research method, with reference to the model of successful well-known corporate companies in the market, describe and discuss the current phenomena and problems faced by Mega Bank`s financial management, and propose solutions to the company`s current wealth management human pain points Feasible plans, and then form an optimized system for recruiting financial management personnel. The research in this article also finds that Mega Bank’s past transfer system of professional sciences transfers to clerk managements is too low, which has a great impact on the difficulty of recruiting new sciences.
Therefore, it is hoped that the conclusions and recommendations of this research will help the company`s financial business development, especially in the management system, and then achieve the company`s operational goals in wealth management.
dc.description.tableofcontents 感謝 1
摘要 2
第一章 緒論 8
第一節 研究背景及動機 8
第二節 研究目的 9
第三節 研究範圍 9
第四節 研究流程 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 人力資源管理意義與定義 11
一. 人力資源管理 11
第二節 人力資源管理之人才策略管理理論與激勵效益 11
第三節 職位評價 14
第三章 研究方法 16
第一節 個案研究方法 16
第二節 個案選取與資料蒐集 16
一. 個案公司選取 16
二. 資料蒐集方式 16
第四章 研究個案公司兆豐銀行之分析 17
第一節 個案公司基本資料 17
一. 兆豐銀行沿革 17
二. 兆豐銀行經營與發展概況 18
三. 兆豐銀行財管業務發展問題與現象及痛點 20
第二節 以其他個案公司為兆豐銀行人力改進參考 21
一. IBM 用人之道 22
二. Capital One 人才管理策略之吸引及保留人才 22
三. Tsmc人才發展 23
四. 思科之破格拔擢人才 23
五. 奇異公司之拔擢內部人才 23
六. 王品集團之內外部晉升人選用人策略 24
七. 企業家之用人哲學 24
八. 麥肯錫顧問公司人才管理觀點 25
九. 「台灣就業通」網站企業人才進用與展望大調查 25
十. 公股行庫之留才晉升人才計畫 26
十一. 美國人才創新中心(Center for Talent Innovation,CTI)調查研究 26
十二. 牛津經濟研究院2021年全球人才報告 26
第五章 研究個案公司兆豐銀行問題討論 28
第一節 兆豐銀行人力招募制度 28
第二節 兆豐銀行理專制度探討 30
一.「專業理專轉任行員理專制度」研究探討 31
第三節 以激勵理論分析兆豐銀行理專人才策略管理 38
第六章 建議與結論 41
第一節建議 41
第二節 結論 42
一.研究限制及對後續研究的建議 42
參考文獻 44

圖5-1:兆豐銀行財管人力組織圖 31
圖5-2 建議之人才管理相關評定方式流程 39

表1-1 本研究的研究流程 10
表2-1 西方激勵方式理論 12
表4-1 兆豐國際商業銀行大事記 18
表4-2 《人才管理》存在與看到的問題 21
表4-3 各主要企業人才策略管理參考一覽表 24
表4-4:來源:台灣就業通網站主管級人才策略分析表 25
表5-1. 兆豐銀行職等年資晉升規定一覽表 29
表5-2. 兆豐銀行理專多軌制度介紹一覽表 32
表5-3 兆豐銀行「專業理專轉任行員理專制度」轉任條件 33
表5-4 兆豐目前理專制度 33
表5-5. 兆豐商銀理專不同制度下之對外職稱及職等之相對應比照 35
表5-6 理專轉任之職級對照 36
dc.format.extent 2783425 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108932148en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人才策略管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 激勵因子zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行員理專zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專業理專zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 理專轉任制度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Talent strategy managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Incentive factorsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Member science collegeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Professional science collegeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Science college transfer systemen_US
dc.title (題名) 人力資源管理之人才策略管理觀點— 以兆豐銀行財富管理人力問題為個案公司研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Human Resource Management`s Talent Strategy Management Viewpoint— Take Mega Bank Wealth Management Human Resources as a Case Study of the Companyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1.人力資源策略,MBA智庫百科


3.卡珊卓.佛朗哥斯 Cassandra Frangos,《思科副總裁談:如何破格拔擢人才》,哈佛商業評論,2016年10月19日

4.許士軍,伯樂識千里馬 <傑克--奇異20年任期的總裁-經營者的傳奇>讀後感 ,經濟日報 ,2002年2月22日

5.許繼文,職場專欄 -奇異公司與傑克威爾許的故事,台灣肥料股份有限公司,2002年3月15日

6.許書揚等合著,《人才管理聖經 - 向財星五百大學習最佳實務》,天下雜誌出版,2017年2月

7.勞動部勞動力發展署 《2015企業人才進用與展望大調查》:




11.廖珮君,「行庫3招挽回90後 離職率飆5成 承諾5年升主管」,蘋果日報,2019年1月02日

12.鄭晉昌、邱立基 ,《人才管理大戰略:決定企業長期強盛或短暫成功的關鍵經營技術》,大寫出版社,2015年3月31日

13.蔡宗憲,台積電股東會-企業留才,鉅亨網 ,2018年6月05日

14.IBM商業價值研究院與Human Capital Institute ,整合型人才管理報告 :
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202100449en_US