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題名 同性婚姻平權與宗教信仰自由之衝突與權衡—以宗教信徒及團體拒絕服務同性伴侶之憲法爭議為中心
The Conflict and Reconciliation Between Same-sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Concentrating on the Constitutional Controversy over Religious Objectors Refusing Serving Same-sex Couples
作者 林冠廷
Lin, Kuan-Ting
貢獻者 廖元豪
Liao, Yuan-Hao
Lin, Kuan-Ting
關鍵詞 同性婚姻
Same-Sex Marriage
Free Exercise of Religion
Religious Exemption
Equal Protection
The Conflict and Reconciliation of Rights
The Hierarchy Protection of Religious Freedom
日期 2021
上傳時間 4-八月-2021 15:41:36 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文旨在探討同性婚姻與宗教自由(又稱履行/行使宗教之自由)之間的衝突與調和。自我國司法院大法官肯認憲法保障同性二人婚姻自由平等保護,使得同性伴侶得以受憲法及法律肯認其法律上地位(婚姻關係),而與他人發生權利義務法律關係。問題是,當宗教團體與信徒基於其反對同性婚姻之宗教信仰拒絕服務同性伴侶,而被政府處罰或施加負擔,造成其無法履行其宗教目的,是否侵害其宗教自由?這議題涉及憲法未列舉權之解釋與傳統宗教信仰對於權利理解間的相關性和衝突性,以及在憲法要求下,如何衡平這些基本價值?國家利益是否可與個人真誠的宗教相權衡?
本文首先分析宗教自由保障與宗教豁免一般性法律爭議。本文整理美國憲法學上宗教自由理論之發展,重新檢視我國憲法第13條「人民有信仰宗教之自由」真義,帶出在法律適用上造成宗教自由實質負擔時的審查標準。第二部分則是從美國聯邦最高法院Obergefell v. Hodges案與我國司法院釋字第748號解釋之比較,探究不同價值觀影響非憲法明文之基本權之闡釋,以及世俗婚姻觀與宗教婚姻觀之論辯。本文以為,非憲法明文之基本權解釋必須與時俱進,而世俗婚姻與宗教婚姻兩者雖有相關但不必然會等同。按憲法保障人民多元價值之主張,但當同性伴侶以同志身分為生活實踐,並進入就業、交易等各種社會生活層面,與宗教信徒「教義履行行為」相遇,就會發生具體衝突,進而產生之後「同性婚姻與宗教自由之基本權衝突」。為凸顯此議題,本文嘗試在第三部份,參考美國法已發生之案例,舉出幾則我國目前可能會發生的衝突情況,並列出幾則美國聯邦及州法院的相關裁判。回顧這些宗教團體和信徒以宗教理由拒絕服務同性婚姻的案例,法院似乎有類型化處理這些婚禮供應商(花商、攝影師、婚禮策劃者)和宗教異議者(如宗教學院、收養、寄養機構等)因其傳統信仰而面臨性傾向歧視處罰的爭議。尤其是2018年Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission以及2021年Fulton v. City of Philadelphia,對於同性婚姻與宗教自由具有相當重要的影響。本文歸納相關裁判意旨,看出有些法院基於貫徹同性婚姻平等保護而認為宗教自由必須限縮,也有法院認為政府適用反歧視法對待宗教異議者之宗教信仰必須秉持中立與寬容,亦有法院主張從「迫切利益標準」,政府措施並不符合該標準而違憲。
This thesis intends to explore the conflict and reconciliation between same-sex marriage and religious liberty (or “free exercise of religion”). Since Taiwan Constitutional Court has ruled that the Constitution guarantees two persons of the same sex equal protection of the freedom of marriage, the Constitution and civil law acknowledge the marital legal status of same sex couples. Nevertheless, the constitutionality of “government punitive measures” against those refusing to serve same-sex couples remains an issue. The controversial points include the relevance and conflict of constitutional unenumerated rights interpretations and the traditional understanding of religious rights. How should these fundamental values be balanced under constitutional qualifications? Can the state’s interest in protecting same-sex marriage be weighed against people’s sincerely held religious beliefs?
To answer these questions, this thesis will first analyze theories of free exercise of religion in the U.S Constitution and whether religious actions are exempted from the neutral and generally applicable law. Furthermore, the thesis will generalize from the development of the theory of religious freedom in American constitutional jurisprudence, and then reexamines the meaning of Article 13 of Taiwan’s Constitution to bring out the standard of review when the application of the law imposes a substantial burden on religious objector. The second part will compare the opinion of Obergefell v. Hodge and Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748, focusing on the influence of different values on the constitutional unenumerated rights interpretations and difference between secular (civil) and religious marriage. We find that constitutional unenumerated rights interpretations need to keep up with the times. In addition, the meaning of secular and religious marriage is related but not necessarily the same. That is, various aspects of social life of same-sex couples, such as employment and trade, may conflict with religious objectors. To highlight this issue, this thesis attempts to provide a few examples of potentially conflicting situations in Taiwan by referring to cases that have already occurred in the U.S. and relevant court decisions. Reviewing cases in which wedding vendors (such as florists, photographers and wedding planners) and religious objectors (colleges, adoption, foster agencies, etc.) refuse to provide service to same-sex couples, the courts seemed to have developed a categorized method when making rulings. In particular, two U.S. Supreme Court decisions, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, have had a significant impact on the conflict and reconciliation between same-sex marriage and religious liberty. On the one hand, some courts held that religious objectors’ refusal to serve same-sex couples violated anti-discrimination laws. As the prevention of discrimination against same-sex couples qualifies as a compelling state interest, it is therefore weighed against the freedom of religion. On the other hand, some courts held that when the government applies anti-discrimination laws, it is obligated to follow the Free Exercise Clause and remain neutral and tolerant towards religious beliefs.
This thesis justifies that American freedom of religion theory enforcement experience is worthy of reference to Taiwan, and that it will introduce “categorization of balancing test” to handle the clash between same-sex marriage and religious freedom. Based on the "Nature of Things" of the exercise of religions, I will illustrate a concept of a hierarchical protection structure, called “the hierarchy protection of religious freedom”. The court should have a different standard of review depending on the religious protection area involved. This thesis then concludes that the governmental policy serves a compelling state interest—the eradication of sexual-orientation discrimination and protection of same-sex marriage—and that the policy properly applied. Nevertheless, as equal protection of the right to marry should be safeguarded, religious beliefs are still protected under the Free Exercise Clause in particular cases, such as core areas of religious freedom or exercise closely related to religious beliefs, provided that such religious exemption does not harm same-sex couples, allowing religious groups and people to refuse to provide services to same-sex couples.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651016
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 廖元豪zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liao, Yuan-Haoen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 林冠廷zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lin, Kuan-Tingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林冠廷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Kuan-Tingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2021en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-八月-2021 15:41:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-八月-2021 15:41:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-八月-2021 15:41:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0106651016en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/136491-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法律學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106651016zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文旨在探討同性婚姻與宗教自由(又稱履行/行使宗教之自由)之間的衝突與調和。自我國司法院大法官肯認憲法保障同性二人婚姻自由平等保護,使得同性伴侶得以受憲法及法律肯認其法律上地位(婚姻關係),而與他人發生權利義務法律關係。問題是,當宗教團體與信徒基於其反對同性婚姻之宗教信仰拒絕服務同性伴侶,而被政府處罰或施加負擔,造成其無法履行其宗教目的,是否侵害其宗教自由?這議題涉及憲法未列舉權之解釋與傳統宗教信仰對於權利理解間的相關性和衝突性,以及在憲法要求下,如何衡平這些基本價值?國家利益是否可與個人真誠的宗教相權衡?
本文首先分析宗教自由保障與宗教豁免一般性法律爭議。本文整理美國憲法學上宗教自由理論之發展,重新檢視我國憲法第13條「人民有信仰宗教之自由」真義,帶出在法律適用上造成宗教自由實質負擔時的審查標準。第二部分則是從美國聯邦最高法院Obergefell v. Hodges案與我國司法院釋字第748號解釋之比較,探究不同價值觀影響非憲法明文之基本權之闡釋,以及世俗婚姻觀與宗教婚姻觀之論辯。本文以為,非憲法明文之基本權解釋必須與時俱進,而世俗婚姻與宗教婚姻兩者雖有相關但不必然會等同。按憲法保障人民多元價值之主張,但當同性伴侶以同志身分為生活實踐,並進入就業、交易等各種社會生活層面,與宗教信徒「教義履行行為」相遇,就會發生具體衝突,進而產生之後「同性婚姻與宗教自由之基本權衝突」。為凸顯此議題,本文嘗試在第三部份,參考美國法已發生之案例,舉出幾則我國目前可能會發生的衝突情況,並列出幾則美國聯邦及州法院的相關裁判。回顧這些宗教團體和信徒以宗教理由拒絕服務同性婚姻的案例,法院似乎有類型化處理這些婚禮供應商(花商、攝影師、婚禮策劃者)和宗教異議者(如宗教學院、收養、寄養機構等)因其傳統信仰而面臨性傾向歧視處罰的爭議。尤其是2018年Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission以及2021年Fulton v. City of Philadelphia,對於同性婚姻與宗教自由具有相當重要的影響。本文歸納相關裁判意旨,看出有些法院基於貫徹同性婚姻平等保護而認為宗教自由必須限縮,也有法院認為政府適用反歧視法對待宗教異議者之宗教信仰必須秉持中立與寬容,亦有法院主張從「迫切利益標準」,政府措施並不符合該標準而違憲。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This thesis intends to explore the conflict and reconciliation between same-sex marriage and religious liberty (or “free exercise of religion”). Since Taiwan Constitutional Court has ruled that the Constitution guarantees two persons of the same sex equal protection of the freedom of marriage, the Constitution and civil law acknowledge the marital legal status of same sex couples. Nevertheless, the constitutionality of “government punitive measures” against those refusing to serve same-sex couples remains an issue. The controversial points include the relevance and conflict of constitutional unenumerated rights interpretations and the traditional understanding of religious rights. How should these fundamental values be balanced under constitutional qualifications? Can the state’s interest in protecting same-sex marriage be weighed against people’s sincerely held religious beliefs?
To answer these questions, this thesis will first analyze theories of free exercise of religion in the U.S Constitution and whether religious actions are exempted from the neutral and generally applicable law. Furthermore, the thesis will generalize from the development of the theory of religious freedom in American constitutional jurisprudence, and then reexamines the meaning of Article 13 of Taiwan’s Constitution to bring out the standard of review when the application of the law imposes a substantial burden on religious objector. The second part will compare the opinion of Obergefell v. Hodge and Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748, focusing on the influence of different values on the constitutional unenumerated rights interpretations and difference between secular (civil) and religious marriage. We find that constitutional unenumerated rights interpretations need to keep up with the times. In addition, the meaning of secular and religious marriage is related but not necessarily the same. That is, various aspects of social life of same-sex couples, such as employment and trade, may conflict with religious objectors. To highlight this issue, this thesis attempts to provide a few examples of potentially conflicting situations in Taiwan by referring to cases that have already occurred in the U.S. and relevant court decisions. Reviewing cases in which wedding vendors (such as florists, photographers and wedding planners) and religious objectors (colleges, adoption, foster agencies, etc.) refuse to provide service to same-sex couples, the courts seemed to have developed a categorized method when making rulings. In particular, two U.S. Supreme Court decisions, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission and Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, have had a significant impact on the conflict and reconciliation between same-sex marriage and religious liberty. On the one hand, some courts held that religious objectors’ refusal to serve same-sex couples violated anti-discrimination laws. As the prevention of discrimination against same-sex couples qualifies as a compelling state interest, it is therefore weighed against the freedom of religion. On the other hand, some courts held that when the government applies anti-discrimination laws, it is obligated to follow the Free Exercise Clause and remain neutral and tolerant towards religious beliefs.
This thesis justifies that American freedom of religion theory enforcement experience is worthy of reference to Taiwan, and that it will introduce “categorization of balancing test” to handle the clash between same-sex marriage and religious freedom. Based on the "Nature of Things" of the exercise of religions, I will illustrate a concept of a hierarchical protection structure, called “the hierarchy protection of religious freedom”. The court should have a different standard of review depending on the religious protection area involved. This thesis then concludes that the governmental policy serves a compelling state interest—the eradication of sexual-orientation discrimination and protection of same-sex marriage—and that the policy properly applied. Nevertheless, as equal protection of the right to marry should be safeguarded, religious beliefs are still protected under the Free Exercise Clause in particular cases, such as core areas of religious freedom or exercise closely related to religious beliefs, provided that such religious exemption does not harm same-sex couples, allowing religious groups and people to refuse to provide services to same-sex couples.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節、問題意識 1
第二節、文獻蒐集及分析 7
第三節、研究方法 9
第四節、研究架構 11
第二章 宗教自由保障與宗教豁免一般性法律爭議 13
第一節、憲法宗教自由條款概述 14
第二節、何謂宗教—憲法上「宗教定義」的爭論 16
第三節、宗教信仰自由作為憲法基本權保障 22
第四節、美國憲法上宗教信仰豁免於一般世俗法規範(religious exemptions)之爭議 34
第五節、反思:我國憲法宗教自由之違憲審查標準建構 54
第三章 同性婚姻之憲法保障基礎:探詢憲法上之自由、世俗婚姻與宗教婚姻論辯 61
第一節、憲法保障同性婚姻之論證—我國與美國憲法解釋論證基礎 61
第二節、同性婚姻之憲法解釋(判決)論證分析 68
第三節、承認同性婚姻背後:認同「千年傳統、全新感受」? 87
第四章 現代文化戰爭:同性婚姻與宗教信仰自由之緊張關係與案例分析 91
第一節、同性伴侶平等保護與基本權衝突法律關係之分析 92
第二節、同性婚姻與宗教信仰衝突爭議概論—美國經驗探討 116
第三節、宗教信徒及團體拒絕服務同性伴侶的合憲性:相關指標性判決的介紹及分析 150
第五章 以「實質平等觀」權衡性傾向反歧視法適用侵害宗教信仰自由的爭議:類型化審查標準構思 203
第一節、美國法院判決之啟示—問題提出 204
第二節、宗教團體及信徒豁免反歧視規範之學說見解 208
第三節、以「實質平等觀」作為同性婚姻與宗教自由權利衝突的解決模式 227
第四節、小結:對我國未來發展 264
第六章 結論與展望 269
附論 聯邦最高法院Fulton v. City of Philadelphia啟示 274
第一節、爭點與裁判要旨 274
第二節、Fulton案之反思 284
第三節、結語 287
參考文獻 294
dc.format.extent 12633014 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651016en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 同性婚姻zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 宗教自由zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 宗教豁免zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平等保護zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 權利衝突與調和zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 層級化宗教自由保障zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Same-Sex Marriageen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Free Exercise of Religionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Religious Exemptionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Equal Protectionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The Conflict and Reconciliation of Rightsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The Hierarchy Protection of Religious Freedomen_US
dc.title (題名) 同性婚姻平權與宗教信仰自由之衝突與權衡—以宗教信徒及團體拒絕服務同性伴侶之憲法爭議為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Conflict and Reconciliation Between Same-sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Concentrating on the Constitutional Controversy over Religious Objectors Refusing Serving Same-sex Couplesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202100871en_US