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題名 序數邊際效用理論:金錢評價影響因素對於商品需求之影響
The effect of evaluating value for money on the demand of commodity in the ordinal marginal utility theory
作者 張孟妤
Chang, Meng-Yu
貢獻者 林忠正
Lin, Chung-Cheng
Chang, Meng-Yu
關鍵詞 基數效用
cardinal utility
ordinal utility
the ordinal marginal utility theory
日期 2021
上傳時間 4-八月-2021 16:01:36 (UTC+8)
摘要 現今社會以貨幣為交易媒介,倘有因素影響消費者對其保有金錢(現金或貨幣)之評價(下稱金錢評價影響因素),將進一步改變其商品購買行為、影響商品需求。本文利用「序數總效用理論」與「基數總效用理論」等現代主流經濟理論(舊理論),及林忠正提倡「序數邊際效用理論」(新理論),企圖尋得一合適理論分析金錢評價影響因素之經濟意涵,所得結論如下:(a)序數總效用理論下,因總效用函數二次微分項之正負符號無法維持恆定,須捨棄所有建基於該正負符號之經濟概念(包括常識性邊際效用遞減原則),爰無法就金錢評價影響因素進行分析;(b)基數總效用理論可用以分析金錢評價影響因素,但該理論隱含效用可衡量性質,且理論所須假設幾乎不可能於真實世界出現,非為合適理論;(c)序數邊際效用理論可用以分析金錢評價影響因素,且該理論兼具兩種舊理論之優勢,採序數效用概念(效用僅可排序大小而不可衡量)亦保留常識性之邊際效用遞減原則,修正當前經濟理論之缺陷,為一較佳之經濟理論。
Money serves as a medium of exchange in today`s society. If there are factors that affect consumers` psychological evaluation of holding money (hereafter referred to as monetary evaluation factors), consumers will change purchase behavior and the demand for commodities. This paper used the ordinal total utility theory and the cardinal total utility theory, two main modern utility theories, and the ordinal marginal utility theory (the new theory) advocated by Chung-Cheng Lin to explore an appropriate approach to analyze the economic meanings of monetary evaluation factors. The following conclusions can be drawn: (a) The economic concepts including the law of diminishing marginal utility that based on the signs of the second derivatives of the ordinal total utility functions must be abandoned since the signs of the second derivatives cannot always remain the same after any positive monotonic transformation. The monetary evaluation factors cannot be analyzed in ordinal total utility theory. (b) The monetary evaluation factors can be analyzed in cardinal total utility theory, but this theory implies that the utility is measurable, and the probability of the assumptions in real life is almost zero. The cardinal total utility theory is not an appropriate approach, and (c) The monetary evaluation factors can be analyzed in ordinal marginal utility theory. This new utility theory maintains the advantages of the two main modern utility theories. It preserves both the utility ordinality (the notion of utility immeasurability) and the law of diminishing marginal utility. The ordinal marginal utility theory corrects the significant flaws of the two mentioned theories and is a better economic theory.
參考文獻 王琪瑛(2019),序數邊際效用理論:公共財數量變動對商品需求的影響。國立政治大學財政學系碩士論文。
林忠正 (2015a),〈為Marshall需求理論編寫一冊返回經濟學舞台的劇本: 比較商品效用與價格效用的邊際摸索決策方式的Marshall模型〉,邁向需求理論的再次重建之路:跨界得與失的序數邊際效用分析法(6),台灣經濟學會研討論文。
林忠正 (2018a),〈如何得到古典效用函數:隨身攜帶著一把標準效用單位的尺到處丈量〉,邁向需求理論的再次重建之路,跨界得與失的序數邊際效用分析法(109),台灣經濟學會研討論文。
林忠正 (2018b),〈什麼是基數總效用理論?另一隻新怪獸:「正向線性轉換」究竟隱含什麼效用可測量性的意義〉,邁向需求理論的再次重建之路,跨界得與失的序數邊際效用分析法(111),台灣經濟學會研討論文。
林忠正 (2019),《極大化總效用理論的世界觀:一種國王新衣等級的理論》,未發表專書。
陳佑貞 (2018),序數邊際效用理論:附加價值稅變動對商品需求量的影響,國立政治大學財政學系碩士論文。
蕭行易 (1978)。邊際效用學派的主要經濟思想。三民主義學報,2,82-93。
Bernardelli, H (1952). A Rehabilitation of the Classical Theory of Marginal Utility. Economica,19(75), pp. 254-268.
Gossen, H.H. (1854) Entwickelung der gesetze des menschlichen verkehrs, und der daraus fliessenden regeln für menschliche handeln, F. Vieweg.
Lange, O. (1934). The determinateness of the utility function. The Review of Economic Studies, 1(3), 218-225.
Marshall, A. (1920) Principles of Economics: an Introductory Volume, London; New York: Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society.
Moscati, I. (2013) Were Jevons, Menger and Walras really Cardinalists? On the Notion of Measurement in Utility Theory, Psychology, Mathematics and Other Disciplines, 1870–1910. History of Political Economy, 45, pp. 373-414.
Menger, C. (1871) Grundsätze der volkswirthschaftslehre, Vol. 1, W. Braumüller.
Stigler, G.J. (1950). The Development of Utility Theory. The Journal of Political Economy, pp. 307-396.
Walrus, L. (1954) Elements of Pure Economics: or The Theory of Social Wealth. W. Jaffe, trans. Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin. (Original work published 1874).
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104255031
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林忠正zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lin, Chung-Chengen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 張孟妤zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chang, Meng-Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張孟妤zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Meng-Yuen_US
dc.date (日期) 2021en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-八月-2021 16:01:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-八月-2021 16:01:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-八月-2021 16:01:36 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0104255031en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/136572-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 104255031zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 現今社會以貨幣為交易媒介,倘有因素影響消費者對其保有金錢(現金或貨幣)之評價(下稱金錢評價影響因素),將進一步改變其商品購買行為、影響商品需求。本文利用「序數總效用理論」與「基數總效用理論」等現代主流經濟理論(舊理論),及林忠正提倡「序數邊際效用理論」(新理論),企圖尋得一合適理論分析金錢評價影響因素之經濟意涵,所得結論如下:(a)序數總效用理論下,因總效用函數二次微分項之正負符號無法維持恆定,須捨棄所有建基於該正負符號之經濟概念(包括常識性邊際效用遞減原則),爰無法就金錢評價影響因素進行分析;(b)基數總效用理論可用以分析金錢評價影響因素,但該理論隱含效用可衡量性質,且理論所須假設幾乎不可能於真實世界出現,非為合適理論;(c)序數邊際效用理論可用以分析金錢評價影響因素,且該理論兼具兩種舊理論之優勢,採序數效用概念(效用僅可排序大小而不可衡量)亦保留常識性之邊際效用遞減原則,修正當前經濟理論之缺陷,為一較佳之經濟理論。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Money serves as a medium of exchange in today`s society. If there are factors that affect consumers` psychological evaluation of holding money (hereafter referred to as monetary evaluation factors), consumers will change purchase behavior and the demand for commodities. This paper used the ordinal total utility theory and the cardinal total utility theory, two main modern utility theories, and the ordinal marginal utility theory (the new theory) advocated by Chung-Cheng Lin to explore an appropriate approach to analyze the economic meanings of monetary evaluation factors. The following conclusions can be drawn: (a) The economic concepts including the law of diminishing marginal utility that based on the signs of the second derivatives of the ordinal total utility functions must be abandoned since the signs of the second derivatives cannot always remain the same after any positive monotonic transformation. The monetary evaluation factors cannot be analyzed in ordinal total utility theory. (b) The monetary evaluation factors can be analyzed in cardinal total utility theory, but this theory implies that the utility is measurable, and the probability of the assumptions in real life is almost zero. The cardinal total utility theory is not an appropriate approach, and (c) The monetary evaluation factors can be analyzed in ordinal marginal utility theory. This new utility theory maintains the advantages of the two main modern utility theories. It preserves both the utility ordinality (the notion of utility immeasurability) and the law of diminishing marginal utility. The ordinal marginal utility theory corrects the significant flaws of the two mentioned theories and is a better economic theory.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目標與論文結構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 古典效用理論 3
第二節 序數總效用理論 4
第三節 基數總效用理論 6
第四節 新理論:序數邊際效用理論 7
第三章 極大化總效用理論之金錢評價影響因素分析 10
第一節 以序數總效用分析法進行分析 10
1.1 納入金錢評價影響因素的極大化序數總效用消費模型 10
1.2 所得變動的效果 12
1.3 價格變動的效果 12
1.4 金錢評價影響因素之效果 13
第二節 正向單調轉換之檢驗 14
第三節 檢驗正向單調轉換前後之分析結果是否相同 16
第四節 無意義之分離相加的效用函數 18
第五節 以基數總效用分析法探討金錢評價影響因素對產品需求之影響 19
第四章 跨界得與失之序數邊際效用分析法 22
第一節 以序數邊際效用分析法進行分析 22
1.1 納入金錢評價影響因素的序數邊際效用消費模型 22
1.2 所得變動的效果 25
1.3 價格變動的效果 25
1.4 金錢評價影響因素變動的效果 26
第二節 正向單調轉換之檢驗 27
第三節 檢驗正向單調轉換前後之分析結果是否相同 27
第五章 結論 30
參考文獻 31
dc.format.extent 1576028 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104255031en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 基數效用zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 序數效用zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 序數邊際效用理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) cardinal utilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) ordinal utilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the ordinal marginal utility theoryen_US
dc.title (題名) 序數邊際效用理論:金錢評價影響因素對於商品需求之影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The effect of evaluating value for money on the demand of commodity in the ordinal marginal utility theoryen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王琪瑛(2019),序數邊際效用理論:公共財數量變動對商品需求的影響。國立政治大學財政學系碩士論文。
林忠正 (2015a),〈為Marshall需求理論編寫一冊返回經濟學舞台的劇本: 比較商品效用與價格效用的邊際摸索決策方式的Marshall模型〉,邁向需求理論的再次重建之路:跨界得與失的序數邊際效用分析法(6),台灣經濟學會研討論文。
林忠正 (2018a),〈如何得到古典效用函數:隨身攜帶著一把標準效用單位的尺到處丈量〉,邁向需求理論的再次重建之路,跨界得與失的序數邊際效用分析法(109),台灣經濟學會研討論文。
林忠正 (2018b),〈什麼是基數總效用理論?另一隻新怪獸:「正向線性轉換」究竟隱含什麼效用可測量性的意義〉,邁向需求理論的再次重建之路,跨界得與失的序數邊際效用分析法(111),台灣經濟學會研討論文。
林忠正 (2019),《極大化總效用理論的世界觀:一種國王新衣等級的理論》,未發表專書。
陳佑貞 (2018),序數邊際效用理論:附加價值稅變動對商品需求量的影響,國立政治大學財政學系碩士論文。
蕭行易 (1978)。邊際效用學派的主要經濟思想。三民主義學報,2,82-93。
Bernardelli, H (1952). A Rehabilitation of the Classical Theory of Marginal Utility. Economica,19(75), pp. 254-268.
Gossen, H.H. (1854) Entwickelung der gesetze des menschlichen verkehrs, und der daraus fliessenden regeln für menschliche handeln, F. Vieweg.
Lange, O. (1934). The determinateness of the utility function. The Review of Economic Studies, 1(3), 218-225.
Marshall, A. (1920) Principles of Economics: an Introductory Volume, London; New York: Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society.
Moscati, I. (2013) Were Jevons, Menger and Walras really Cardinalists? On the Notion of Measurement in Utility Theory, Psychology, Mathematics and Other Disciplines, 1870–1910. History of Political Economy, 45, pp. 373-414.
Menger, C. (1871) Grundsätze der volkswirthschaftslehre, Vol. 1, W. Braumüller.
Stigler, G.J. (1950). The Development of Utility Theory. The Journal of Political Economy, pp. 307-396.
Walrus, L. (1954) Elements of Pure Economics: or The Theory of Social Wealth. W. Jaffe, trans. Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin. (Original work published 1874).
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202100710en_US