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題名 客戶零缺點目標之品質改善策略-以S公司為例
A Case Study on Quality Improvement Strategy for Achieving Zero-Defect Goal
作者 黃亭雅
Huang, Ting-Ya
貢獻者 李易諭<br>廖森貴
Huang, Ting-Ya
關鍵詞 品質管理
日期 2021
上傳時間 2-九月-2021 18:19:05 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究的目的是了解企業在品質改善的運作方式與挑戰。透過多個案訪談的方式,討論企業執行六標準差的情況,並分析影響品質改進的關鍵成功因素。本研究發現高階領導人的參與程度、專案選擇與員工教育訓練是影響品質改進成功與否的最大原因。最後將研究結果與品質管理、品質系統和六標準差的文獻整合討論,提供未執行六標準差的企業在品質管理上的建議。
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
朱承平(民93)。人力資源管理在變革中所承擔的角色與功能--以某跨國公司推動六標準差為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程,台北市。
林公孚(民97)。六標準差演進的回顧與展望。品質月刊,44(3), 27-31。取自doi:10.29999/QM.200803.0005
林育仕(民94)。以六標準差改善流程提升手機組裝線生產力之研究 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程,台北市。
邱德勳(民91)。推行ISO 9001:2000標準之關鍵成功因素探討以電機、電子產業為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立成功大學管理學院高階管理碩士,台南市。
晁岳坤 (民93)。 降低中小企業品質成本及其實施六標準差效益之研究—以醫療器材製造為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺北大學企業管理學系,新北市。
郭建良(民92)。ISO 9001:2000品質管理系統之關鍵因素與組織績效關聯性之研究-以台灣南部製造業為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立成功大學管理學院高階管理碩士,台南市。
黃惠琪 (民92)。 我國企業推動6σ關鍵因素之實證研究 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立成功大學工業管理研究所,台南市。
樂為良(譯)(民90)。六標準差奇異、摩托羅拉等頂尖企業的高績效策略 (原作者: Peter S. Pande, Robert P. Neuman, Roland R. Cavanagh)。台北市:美商麥格羅希爾出版。(原著出版年:2000)。
樂為良(譯)(民91)。六標準差團隊實戰指南 (原作者: Peter S. Pande, Robert P. Neuman, Roland R. Cavanagh)。台北市:美商麥格羅希爾出版。(原著出版年:2001)。
鍾依芸 (民104)。運用精實六標準差改善生產績效之研究-以S公司為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學企業管理研究所,台北市。

Adams, C. W., Gupta, P., & Wilson, C. E. (2003). Six Sigma Deployment, Six Sigma Deployment.
Akao, Yoji. (1994). Development History of Quality Function Deployment. The Customer Driven Approach to Quality Planning and Deployment. Minato, Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization. ISBN 92-833-1121-3.
Anonymous (1998), What have been the results of Six Sigma?, Quality Progress, Vol.31 No.6, June, p.39.
Antony, J. (2004). Some pros and cons of six sigma: An academic perspective. The TQM Magazine, 16(4), 303-306.
Antony, J., & Banuelas, R. (2002). Key ingredients for the effective implementation of six sigma program. Measuring Business Excellence, 6(4), 20-27. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13683040210451679
Bertels, T., & Patterson, G. (2003). Selecting Six Sigma projects that matter. Lean & Six Sigma Review, 3(1), 13.
Bolze, S. (1998). A six sigma approach to competitiveness. Transmission & Distribution World, 50(8), 18-19.
Bowman, R. J. (1997). Best practices: The joy of six (sigma). Distribution, 96(9), 62-67.
Breyfogle III, F. W., Cupello, J. M., & Meadows, B. (2000). Managing six sigma: A practical guide to understanding, assessing, and implementing the strategy that yields bottom-line success. John Wiley & Sons.
Cohen, L. (1988). Quality function deployment: An application perspective from digital equipment corporation: The fundamentals of QFD are discussed, including adaptations to meet special needs at DEC. introduction. National Productivity Review (1986-1998), 7(3), 197.
Crosby, P. (1979). Quality is Free, McGraw-Hill.
Edgeman, R. L., Bigio, D., & Ferleman, T. (2005). Six Sigma and business excellence: Strategic and tactical examination of IT service level management at the office of the chief technology officer of Washington, DC. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21(3), 257-273.
Deming, W. E. (1951). Elementary principles of the statistical control of quality: a series of lectures. Nippon Kagaku Gijutsu Remmei.
Edgeman, R. L., Bigio, D., & Ferleman, T. (2005). Six Sigma and business excellence: Strategic and tactical examination of IT service level management at the office of the chief technology officer of Washington, DC. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21(3), 257-273.
Feigenbaum, A. V. (1991). Total quality control. New York.
Taguchi, G., and Yokoyama, Y. (1993). Taguchi methods: Design of Experiments. Amer Supplier Inst.
Harry, M.J. and Schroeder, R. (2000), Six Sigma-The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World’s Top Corporations, Currency, New York, NY.
Hahn, G.J., Hill, W. J., Hoerl, R. W., & Zinkgraf, S. A. (1999). The impact of Six Sigma improvement—a glimpse into the future of statistics. The American Statistician, 53(3), 208-215, DOI: 10.1080/00031305.1999.10474462.
Hendricks, C. A., & Kelbaugh, R. L. (1998). Implementing Six Sigma at GE. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 21(4), 48-53.
Hodge, B.J. and H.J. Johnson. (1970). Management and organization behavior- a multidimensions approach, John Wiely & Sons, New York, 430-435.
Ishikawa, K., & ISHIKAWA, K. A. (1985). What is total quality control? The Japanese way. Prentice Hall.
Ingle, S., & Roe, W. (2001). Six sigma black belt implementation. The TQM Magazine. 13(4), 273-280.
Johnson, A., & Swisher, B. (2003). Managers at Work: How Six Sigma Improves R&D. Research-Technology Management, 46(2), 12-15.
Juran, J. M. (2003). Juran on leadership for quality. Simon and Schuster, New York, NY.
Juran, J. M. (1986). The quality trilogy. Quality progress, 19(8), 19-24.
Kwak, Y. H., & Anbari, F. (2004). Success factors in managing Six Sigma projects. In Project management institute research conference.
Kwak, Y. H., & Anbari, F. T. (2006). Benefits, obstacles, and future of six sigma approach. Technovation, 26(5-6), 708-715.
Mader, D. P. (2002, 07). Design for six sigma. Quality Progress, 35, 82-86.
Maritan, D., & Panizzolo, R. (2009). Identifying business priorities through quality function deployment: Insights from a case study. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 27(5), 714-728.
Mehrjerdi, Y. Z. (2011). Six‐Sigma: methodology, tools and its future. Assembly Automation, 31(1), 79-88.
Mizuno, S. and Akao, Y. (Eds) (1978). Quality Function Deployment: A Company-wide Quality Approach, (in Japanese), JUSE Press, Tokyo.
Murphy, T. (1998). Close enough to perfect. Ward`s Auto World, 34(8), 50.
Pande, P., Neuman, R., & Cavanagh, R. (2000). The Six Sigma way: How GE, Motorola and Other Top Companies are Honing Their Performance. McGraw Hill Professional. ISBN 0071376674
Pande, P., Neuman, R., & Cavanagh, R. (2001). The Six Sigma way team fieldbook: An implementation guide for process improvement teams. McGraw Hill Professional. ISBN 9780071373142
Paul, L. G. (1999). Practice makes perfect. Cio, 12(7), 24-30.
Porter, M. E. (2001). The value chain and competitive advantage. Understanding business processes, 2, 50-66.
Sander, W. (2000). Six sigma: The breakthrough management strategy revolutionizing the world`s top corporations. Quality Progress, 33(10), 106.
Snee, R. D. (2000). Impact of Six Sigma on quality engineering. Quality Engineering, 12(3), 9-14.
Snee, R. D., & Rodenbaugh,William F.,Jr. (2002). The project selection process. Quality Progress, 35, 78-80.
Tadikamalla, P. R. (1994). The confusion over six-sigma quality. Quality Progress, 27(11), 83.
Welch, J. (1996). GE quality 2000, Executive Speeches, August.
Jong-Yong, Y., & Chua, R. C. H. (2002). Samsung uses six sigma to change its image. ASQ Six Sigma Forum Magazine, 2(1), 13-16.
Yin, R. K. (1994). Discovering the future of the case study. Method in evaluation research. Evaluation practice, 15(3), 283-290.

Six Sigma: Where is it now?, Retrieved December 9 2020, from: https://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles/article/six-sigma-where-is-it-now
一般繼電器技術指南,取自:OMRON,登錄時間:2020年6月3日,網址: https://reurl.cc/9r0ygv
ISO 9000 Family報告及規範內容,取自:Leadership,登錄時間:2021年4月9日,網址:https://www.isoleader.com.tw/
ISO 9000:2015 品質管理七項原則,取自:Leadership,登錄時間:2021年4月12日,網址:https://www.isoleader.com.tw/
戴明(Deming)PDCA循環圈,取自:ISO ,登錄時間:2021年5月11日,網址:https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9001:ed-5:v1:en
Vireton. (n.d.). Crosby’s 14 Steps for Improvement. Retrieved June 29 2021, from https://vireton.com/crosbys-14-steps-for-improvement/
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363094
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李易諭<br>廖森貴zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃亭雅zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Huang, Ting-Yaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃亭雅zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Ting-Yaen_US
dc.date (日期) 2021en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2021 18:19:05 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2021 18:19:05 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2021 18:19:05 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0107363094en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/137172-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107363094zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究的目的是了解企業在品質改善的運作方式與挑戰。透過多個案訪談的方式,討論企業執行六標準差的情況,並分析影響品質改進的關鍵成功因素。本研究發現高階領導人的參與程度、專案選擇與員工教育訓練是影響品質改進成功與否的最大原因。最後將研究結果與品質管理、品質系統和六標準差的文獻整合討論,提供未執行六標準差的企業在品質管理上的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目次
書頁 I
謝誌 II
中文摘要 III
目次 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 4
第四節 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 品質管理重要理論 7
第二節 品質管理系統 11
第三節 六標準差 15
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究設計 42
第四章 產業與訪談公司介紹 44
第一節 繼電器產業分析 44
第二節 訪談公司介紹 54
第五章 S公司個案分析與訪談公司分析 57
第一節 S公司個案分析 57
第二節 個案公司的品質系統 - 六標準差的推動 61
第三節 個案S公司品質改善的專案 81
第六章 結論與建議 97
第一節 結論 97
第二節 建議 99
第三節 研究限制 103
參考文獻 104
附錄一、六標準差公司訪談大綱 112
附錄二、個案S公司訪談大綱 114
dc.format.extent 4560524 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363094en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 品質管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 品質系統zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 六標準差zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 關鍵成功因素zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 客戶零缺點目標之品質改善策略-以S公司為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Case Study on Quality Improvement Strategy for Achieving Zero-Defect Goalen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文文獻
朱承平(民93)。人力資源管理在變革中所承擔的角色與功能--以某跨國公司推動六標準差為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程,台北市。
林公孚(民97)。六標準差演進的回顧與展望。品質月刊,44(3), 27-31。取自doi:10.29999/QM.200803.0005
林育仕(民94)。以六標準差改善流程提升手機組裝線生產力之研究 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學經營管理碩士學程,台北市。
邱德勳(民91)。推行ISO 9001:2000標準之關鍵成功因素探討以電機、電子產業為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立成功大學管理學院高階管理碩士,台南市。
晁岳坤 (民93)。 降低中小企業品質成本及其實施六標準差效益之研究—以醫療器材製造為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺北大學企業管理學系,新北市。
郭建良(民92)。ISO 9001:2000品質管理系統之關鍵因素與組織績效關聯性之研究-以台灣南部製造業為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立成功大學管理學院高階管理碩士,台南市。
黃惠琪 (民92)。 我國企業推動6σ關鍵因素之實證研究 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立成功大學工業管理研究所,台南市。
樂為良(譯)(民90)。六標準差奇異、摩托羅拉等頂尖企業的高績效策略 (原作者: Peter S. Pande, Robert P. Neuman, Roland R. Cavanagh)。台北市:美商麥格羅希爾出版。(原著出版年:2000)。
樂為良(譯)(民91)。六標準差團隊實戰指南 (原作者: Peter S. Pande, Robert P. Neuman, Roland R. Cavanagh)。台北市:美商麥格羅希爾出版。(原著出版年:2001)。
鍾依芸 (民104)。運用精實六標準差改善生產績效之研究-以S公司為例 (未出版之碩士論文)。國立政治大學企業管理研究所,台北市。

Adams, C. W., Gupta, P., & Wilson, C. E. (2003). Six Sigma Deployment, Six Sigma Deployment.
Akao, Yoji. (1994). Development History of Quality Function Deployment. The Customer Driven Approach to Quality Planning and Deployment. Minato, Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization. ISBN 92-833-1121-3.
Anonymous (1998), What have been the results of Six Sigma?, Quality Progress, Vol.31 No.6, June, p.39.
Antony, J. (2004). Some pros and cons of six sigma: An academic perspective. The TQM Magazine, 16(4), 303-306.
Antony, J., & Banuelas, R. (2002). Key ingredients for the effective implementation of six sigma program. Measuring Business Excellence, 6(4), 20-27. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13683040210451679
Bertels, T., & Patterson, G. (2003). Selecting Six Sigma projects that matter. Lean & Six Sigma Review, 3(1), 13.
Bolze, S. (1998). A six sigma approach to competitiveness. Transmission & Distribution World, 50(8), 18-19.
Bowman, R. J. (1997). Best practices: The joy of six (sigma). Distribution, 96(9), 62-67.
Breyfogle III, F. W., Cupello, J. M., & Meadows, B. (2000). Managing six sigma: A practical guide to understanding, assessing, and implementing the strategy that yields bottom-line success. John Wiley & Sons.
Cohen, L. (1988). Quality function deployment: An application perspective from digital equipment corporation: The fundamentals of QFD are discussed, including adaptations to meet special needs at DEC. introduction. National Productivity Review (1986-1998), 7(3), 197.
Crosby, P. (1979). Quality is Free, McGraw-Hill.
Edgeman, R. L., Bigio, D., & Ferleman, T. (2005). Six Sigma and business excellence: Strategic and tactical examination of IT service level management at the office of the chief technology officer of Washington, DC. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21(3), 257-273.
Deming, W. E. (1951). Elementary principles of the statistical control of quality: a series of lectures. Nippon Kagaku Gijutsu Remmei.
Edgeman, R. L., Bigio, D., & Ferleman, T. (2005). Six Sigma and business excellence: Strategic and tactical examination of IT service level management at the office of the chief technology officer of Washington, DC. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 21(3), 257-273.
Feigenbaum, A. V. (1991). Total quality control. New York.
Taguchi, G., and Yokoyama, Y. (1993). Taguchi methods: Design of Experiments. Amer Supplier Inst.
Harry, M.J. and Schroeder, R. (2000), Six Sigma-The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World’s Top Corporations, Currency, New York, NY.
Hahn, G.J., Hill, W. J., Hoerl, R. W., & Zinkgraf, S. A. (1999). The impact of Six Sigma improvement—a glimpse into the future of statistics. The American Statistician, 53(3), 208-215, DOI: 10.1080/00031305.1999.10474462.
Hendricks, C. A., & Kelbaugh, R. L. (1998). Implementing Six Sigma at GE. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 21(4), 48-53.
Hodge, B.J. and H.J. Johnson. (1970). Management and organization behavior- a multidimensions approach, John Wiely & Sons, New York, 430-435.
Ishikawa, K., & ISHIKAWA, K. A. (1985). What is total quality control? The Japanese way. Prentice Hall.
Ingle, S., & Roe, W. (2001). Six sigma black belt implementation. The TQM Magazine. 13(4), 273-280.
Johnson, A., & Swisher, B. (2003). Managers at Work: How Six Sigma Improves R&D. Research-Technology Management, 46(2), 12-15.
Juran, J. M. (2003). Juran on leadership for quality. Simon and Schuster, New York, NY.
Juran, J. M. (1986). The quality trilogy. Quality progress, 19(8), 19-24.
Kwak, Y. H., & Anbari, F. (2004). Success factors in managing Six Sigma projects. In Project management institute research conference.
Kwak, Y. H., & Anbari, F. T. (2006). Benefits, obstacles, and future of six sigma approach. Technovation, 26(5-6), 708-715.
Mader, D. P. (2002, 07). Design for six sigma. Quality Progress, 35, 82-86.
Maritan, D., & Panizzolo, R. (2009). Identifying business priorities through quality function deployment: Insights from a case study. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 27(5), 714-728.
Mehrjerdi, Y. Z. (2011). Six‐Sigma: methodology, tools and its future. Assembly Automation, 31(1), 79-88.
Mizuno, S. and Akao, Y. (Eds) (1978). Quality Function Deployment: A Company-wide Quality Approach, (in Japanese), JUSE Press, Tokyo.
Murphy, T. (1998). Close enough to perfect. Ward`s Auto World, 34(8), 50.
Pande, P., Neuman, R., & Cavanagh, R. (2000). The Six Sigma way: How GE, Motorola and Other Top Companies are Honing Their Performance. McGraw Hill Professional. ISBN 0071376674
Pande, P., Neuman, R., & Cavanagh, R. (2001). The Six Sigma way team fieldbook: An implementation guide for process improvement teams. McGraw Hill Professional. ISBN 9780071373142
Paul, L. G. (1999). Practice makes perfect. Cio, 12(7), 24-30.
Porter, M. E. (2001). The value chain and competitive advantage. Understanding business processes, 2, 50-66.
Sander, W. (2000). Six sigma: The breakthrough management strategy revolutionizing the world`s top corporations. Quality Progress, 33(10), 106.
Snee, R. D. (2000). Impact of Six Sigma on quality engineering. Quality Engineering, 12(3), 9-14.
Snee, R. D., & Rodenbaugh,William F.,Jr. (2002). The project selection process. Quality Progress, 35, 78-80.
Tadikamalla, P. R. (1994). The confusion over six-sigma quality. Quality Progress, 27(11), 83.
Welch, J. (1996). GE quality 2000, Executive Speeches, August.
Jong-Yong, Y., & Chua, R. C. H. (2002). Samsung uses six sigma to change its image. ASQ Six Sigma Forum Magazine, 2(1), 13-16.
Yin, R. K. (1994). Discovering the future of the case study. Method in evaluation research. Evaluation practice, 15(3), 283-290.

Six Sigma: Where is it now?, Retrieved December 9 2020, from: https://scm.ncsu.edu/scm-articles/article/six-sigma-where-is-it-now
一般繼電器技術指南,取自:OMRON,登錄時間:2020年6月3日,網址: https://reurl.cc/9r0ygv
ISO 9000 Family報告及規範內容,取自:Leadership,登錄時間:2021年4月9日,網址:https://www.isoleader.com.tw/
ISO 9000:2015 品質管理七項原則,取自:Leadership,登錄時間:2021年4月12日,網址:https://www.isoleader.com.tw/
戴明(Deming)PDCA循環圈,取自:ISO ,登錄時間:2021年5月11日,網址:https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:9001:ed-5:v1:en
Vireton. (n.d.). Crosby’s 14 Steps for Improvement. Retrieved June 29 2021, from https://vireton.com/crosbys-14-steps-for-improvement/
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202101499en_US