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題名 明治維新以降日本國家安全觀之探討-1867~1914
Study on Japan`s National Security Concept after Meiji Restoration (1867~1914)
作者 葉秋蘭
Yeh, Chiu-Lan
貢獻者 國際關係學報
關鍵詞 明治維新 ; 日本 ; 國家安全觀 ; 地緣政治 ; 領土擴張政策
Meiji Restoration ; Japan ; National Security Concept ; Geopolitics ; Territorial Expansionism
日期 2019-06
上傳時間 26-Oct-2021 13:35:59 (UTC+8)
摘要 19世紀中葉經過兩百多年的鎖國,受到西方國家的衝擊,日本逐漸展開一系列的開國政策,如何掌握帝國主義的本質,以抵抗外力,成為德川幕府末年及明治初期知識分子的重要課題。明治時期對內主要是以脫離東亞華夷體系,進入以西方為主導的西歐國家體系,並整編國內社會經濟政治結構為主,對外則以去中國中心,而朝向近代日本民族國家的建構。明治維新以降,日本面向世界的各類型論述,代表19世紀後期至20世紀,日本的文化選擇與國家安全觀的確立。從近代國際政治的發展來看,領土的控制是政治衝突的焦點,領土野心更是民族國家,侵略行為的主要脈動。日本近代化的發展與領土擴張政策,有著密不可分的關係。
In the middle period of the 19th century, after two hundred of seclusion policy, because the impact of West European countries, Japan began a series of policy to open the country to the world. How to understand the essence of imperialism to defend the outside force was an important issue to the intellects in the late Tokugawa shogunate and at the beginning of Meiji period. In Meiji period, Japanese domestic policy was to break away from Sino-centric system in East Asia and merge into West European sovereign state system, and to reorganize the structure of its domestic society, economy and politics. As for the foreign policy, Japan dropped from Sino-centric rule to build a modern nation state. As a country located on the edge of Eurasia, after the beginning of Meiji Restoration, Japan`s explain about the world represents its orientation toward the cultural choice and the national security concept from the later 19th century to the 20th century. The control of the territory is a key point of political conflicts if we look into the development of International Politics; furthermore, the desire for the territory of the nation state is the main reason for the invasion. That is to say, Japan`s modernization was closely linked to the territorial expansionism.
關聯 國際關係學報, 47, 113-136
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 國際關係學報-
dc.creator (作者) 葉秋蘭-
dc.creator (作者) Yeh, Chiu-Lan- (日期) 2019-06- 26-Oct-2021 13:35:59 (UTC+8)- 26-Oct-2021 13:35:59 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 26-Oct-2021 13:35:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 19世紀中葉經過兩百多年的鎖國,受到西方國家的衝擊,日本逐漸展開一系列的開國政策,如何掌握帝國主義的本質,以抵抗外力,成為德川幕府末年及明治初期知識分子的重要課題。明治時期對內主要是以脫離東亞華夷體系,進入以西方為主導的西歐國家體系,並整編國內社會經濟政治結構為主,對外則以去中國中心,而朝向近代日本民族國家的建構。明治維新以降,日本面向世界的各類型論述,代表19世紀後期至20世紀,日本的文化選擇與國家安全觀的確立。從近代國際政治的發展來看,領土的控制是政治衝突的焦點,領土野心更是民族國家,侵略行為的主要脈動。日本近代化的發展與領土擴張政策,有著密不可分的關係。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the middle period of the 19th century, after two hundred of seclusion policy, because the impact of West European countries, Japan began a series of policy to open the country to the world. How to understand the essence of imperialism to defend the outside force was an important issue to the intellects in the late Tokugawa shogunate and at the beginning of Meiji period. In Meiji period, Japanese domestic policy was to break away from Sino-centric system in East Asia and merge into West European sovereign state system, and to reorganize the structure of its domestic society, economy and politics. As for the foreign policy, Japan dropped from Sino-centric rule to build a modern nation state. As a country located on the edge of Eurasia, after the beginning of Meiji Restoration, Japan`s explain about the world represents its orientation toward the cultural choice and the national security concept from the later 19th century to the 20th century. The control of the territory is a key point of political conflicts if we look into the development of International Politics; furthermore, the desire for the territory of the nation state is the main reason for the invasion. That is to say, Japan`s modernization was closely linked to the territorial expansionism.-
dc.format.extent 1347414 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 國際關係學報, 47, 113-136-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 明治維新 ; 日本 ; 國家安全觀 ; 地緣政治 ; 領土擴張政策-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Meiji Restoration ; Japan ; National Security Concept ; Geopolitics ; Territorial Expansionism-
dc.title (題名) 明治維新以降日本國家安全觀之探討-1867~1914-
dc.title (題名) Study on Japan`s National Security Concept after Meiji Restoration (1867~1914)-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30413/TJIR.201906_(47).0004-
dc.doi.uri (DOI)