
題名 中梵關係是否因循「越南模式」:一種建構主義的觀點
Will the Sino-Vatican Relationship Follow the "Vietnam Model?": A Viewpoint on Constructivism
作者 姚祺
Yao, Qi
貢獻者 中國大陸研究
關鍵詞 中梵關係  ;  越南模式  ;  建構主義  ;  天主教 
Sion-Vatican Relationship  ;  Vietnam Model  ;  Constructivism  ;  Catholic Church
日期 2021-03
上傳時間 19-十一月-2021 09:38:32 (UTC+8)
摘要 2018年10月羅馬教廷與中國大陸簽署了關於大陸地區天主教會主教任命方式的「臨時協定」,中梵關係(中國大陸與教廷之關係)發展到了全新階段。此次協定簽署前後,中梵關係將因循所謂「越南模式」發展的觀點甚囂塵上。究竟「越南模式」是否會成為未來中梵關係發展的方向呢?這是本文所要回答的問題。廣義來說,「越南模式」涵蓋教廷與越南雙方通過持續互動,形成制度性溝通機制,進而對發展雙邊關係達成一致的整個過程。本文以建構主義理論為視角,通過比較越南與中國大陸兩國與教廷關係的發展,指出兩國在國家身分、利益、國內規範,以及與教廷共有規範的建構存在重大差異,導致中國與教廷關係的發展並無法因循「越南模式」,而這也成為了妨礙中梵之間進一步建立邦交關係的深層因素。
The Holy See and China have signed a "provisional agreement" on the appointment of Roman Catholic bishops in October 2018, which means that the Sino-Vatican relationship has reached a new phase. Meanwhile, the debate about whether or not Sino-Vatican relationship will develop with the "Vietnam Model" has emerged before and after the agreement. Does the "Vietnam Model" indicate the future of Sino-Vatican relations? This question is what this research tries to answer. In a broader sense, the "Vietnam Model" includes the whole process of how the Holy See and Vietnam form a formal negotiation institution and improve bilateral ties through unremitting interaction. Through the perspective of the constructivism theory, this paper compares the development of both Sino- Vatican ties and Vietnam-Vatican ties and reveals that because of the significant variance among identities, interests, domestic norms, and sharing norms with the Holy See, the development of Sino-Vatican ties will not follow the "Vietnam Model." Hence, this is the crucial element that obstructs the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the Holy See and China.
關聯 中國大陸研究, 64(1), 57-99
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.30389/MCS.202103_64(1).0003
dc.contributor 中國大陸研究-
dc.creator (作者) 姚祺-
dc.creator (作者) Yao, Qi-
dc.date (日期) 2021-03-
dc.date.accessioned 19-十一月-2021 09:38:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 19-十一月-2021 09:38:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 19-十一月-2021 09:38:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/137929-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 2018年10月羅馬教廷與中國大陸簽署了關於大陸地區天主教會主教任命方式的「臨時協定」,中梵關係(中國大陸與教廷之關係)發展到了全新階段。此次協定簽署前後,中梵關係將因循所謂「越南模式」發展的觀點甚囂塵上。究竟「越南模式」是否會成為未來中梵關係發展的方向呢?這是本文所要回答的問題。廣義來說,「越南模式」涵蓋教廷與越南雙方通過持續互動,形成制度性溝通機制,進而對發展雙邊關係達成一致的整個過程。本文以建構主義理論為視角,通過比較越南與中國大陸兩國與教廷關係的發展,指出兩國在國家身分、利益、國內規範,以及與教廷共有規範的建構存在重大差異,導致中國與教廷關係的發展並無法因循「越南模式」,而這也成為了妨礙中梵之間進一步建立邦交關係的深層因素。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Holy See and China have signed a "provisional agreement" on the appointment of Roman Catholic bishops in October 2018, which means that the Sino-Vatican relationship has reached a new phase. Meanwhile, the debate about whether or not Sino-Vatican relationship will develop with the "Vietnam Model" has emerged before and after the agreement. Does the "Vietnam Model" indicate the future of Sino-Vatican relations? This question is what this research tries to answer. In a broader sense, the "Vietnam Model" includes the whole process of how the Holy See and Vietnam form a formal negotiation institution and improve bilateral ties through unremitting interaction. Through the perspective of the constructivism theory, this paper compares the development of both Sino- Vatican ties and Vietnam-Vatican ties and reveals that because of the significant variance among identities, interests, domestic norms, and sharing norms with the Holy See, the development of Sino-Vatican ties will not follow the "Vietnam Model." Hence, this is the crucial element that obstructs the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the Holy See and China.-
dc.format.extent 1686382 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 中國大陸研究, 64(1), 57-99-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中梵關係  ;  越南模式  ;  建構主義  ;  天主教 -
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sion-Vatican Relationship  ;  Vietnam Model  ;  Constructivism  ;  Catholic Church-
dc.title (題名) 中梵關係是否因循「越南模式」:一種建構主義的觀點-
dc.title (題名) Will the Sino-Vatican Relationship Follow the "Vietnam Model?": A Viewpoint on Constructivism-
dc.type (資料類型) article-
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30389/MCS.202103_64(1).0003-
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30389/MCS.202103_64(1).0003-