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題名 二戰後初期「海派方型週報」對美軍的書寫(1945-1947)
Square Weekly of Shanghai Faction Report on the US Army of Shanghai in the Early Postwar Period (1945-1947)
作者 邱旭玲
Qiu, Xu-Ling
貢獻者 政大史粹
關鍵詞 戰後初期  ; 海派方型週報  ; 駐滬美軍  ; 形象 
Postwar  ; Square Weekly of Shanghai Faction  ; United States troops  ; Image
日期 2021-09
上傳時間 22-十一月-2021 15:22:51 (UTC+8)
摘要 1945年抗日戰爭勝利後,大量美軍以繼續提供軍事援助和幫助中國戰後重建為由,進駐青島、漢口、上海等城市。以上海為例,這些駐滬美軍與上海市民在同一空間內共同生活,相互影響,由此催生出一系列的社會議題。二者的日常生活互動展露出多面性,以上海市民為主體觀察視角可以看到,被視為「他者」的駐滬美軍逐漸在其眼中呈現出流變的、多面向的複雜形象。「海派方型週報」作為戰後初期上海最爲流行的大衆通俗媒介,聚焦到了這一普遍又特殊的社會現象。同時其個人情感化的敘述方式和市民讀物的自我定位,構築起一個不同於主流媒體的「平民公共領域」。本文通過梳理「海派方型週報」中與美軍相關的文本,總結出戰後上海民眾對美軍的三種形象書寫,進而觀察二者之間的互動及多面書寫產生的原因。試圖展現戰後上海失序的社會風貌之一角及小報媒介和民眾心態情緒的關係。
In the name of providing assistance for post-war reconstruction in China, the United States troops garrisoned in Shanghai after the victory of Anti-Japanese War. These Americans army are involved in the lives of local citizens and they are influenced by each other. Shanghai`s tabloids are very concerned about the interaction between the United States troops and Shanghai people. From 1945 to1947, "Square Weekly of Shanghai Faction"(海派方型週報)constituted one of the most important part in Chinese tabloid history with its special figure leading the current of that time. SWS aroused a wide popularity among the common citizens for its earthly and temporal orientation. This article uses the texts related to the US military in SWS to sort out the descriptions of the three types of US army in Shanghai. These description shows complexity and contradiction. This article wants to explore the reasons behind these contradictions reports and discuss the relationship between the tabloid media and the emotion of public in the disorderly postwar social.
關聯 政大史粹, 36, 37-71
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.30384/CHNCCU.202109_(36).0002
dc.contributor 政大史粹
dc.creator (作者) 邱旭玲
dc.creator (作者) Qiu, Xu-Ling
dc.date (日期) 2021-09
dc.date.accessioned 22-十一月-2021 15:22:51 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 22-十一月-2021 15:22:51 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 22-十一月-2021 15:22:51 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/137989-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 1945年抗日戰爭勝利後,大量美軍以繼續提供軍事援助和幫助中國戰後重建為由,進駐青島、漢口、上海等城市。以上海為例,這些駐滬美軍與上海市民在同一空間內共同生活,相互影響,由此催生出一系列的社會議題。二者的日常生活互動展露出多面性,以上海市民為主體觀察視角可以看到,被視為「他者」的駐滬美軍逐漸在其眼中呈現出流變的、多面向的複雜形象。「海派方型週報」作為戰後初期上海最爲流行的大衆通俗媒介,聚焦到了這一普遍又特殊的社會現象。同時其個人情感化的敘述方式和市民讀物的自我定位,構築起一個不同於主流媒體的「平民公共領域」。本文通過梳理「海派方型週報」中與美軍相關的文本,總結出戰後上海民眾對美軍的三種形象書寫,進而觀察二者之間的互動及多面書寫產生的原因。試圖展現戰後上海失序的社會風貌之一角及小報媒介和民眾心態情緒的關係。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the name of providing assistance for post-war reconstruction in China, the United States troops garrisoned in Shanghai after the victory of Anti-Japanese War. These Americans army are involved in the lives of local citizens and they are influenced by each other. Shanghai`s tabloids are very concerned about the interaction between the United States troops and Shanghai people. From 1945 to1947, "Square Weekly of Shanghai Faction"(海派方型週報)constituted one of the most important part in Chinese tabloid history with its special figure leading the current of that time. SWS aroused a wide popularity among the common citizens for its earthly and temporal orientation. This article uses the texts related to the US military in SWS to sort out the descriptions of the three types of US army in Shanghai. These description shows complexity and contradiction. This article wants to explore the reasons behind these contradictions reports and discuss the relationship between the tabloid media and the emotion of public in the disorderly postwar social.
dc.format.extent 2264049 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大史粹, 36, 37-71
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 戰後初期  ; 海派方型週報  ; 駐滬美軍  ; 形象 
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Postwar  ; Square Weekly of Shanghai Faction  ; United States troops  ; Image
dc.title (題名) 二戰後初期「海派方型週報」對美軍的書寫(1945-1947)
dc.title (題名) Square Weekly of Shanghai Faction Report on the US Army of Shanghai in the Early Postwar Period (1945-1947)
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30384/CHNCCU.202109_(36).0002
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30384/CHNCCU.202109_(36).0002