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題名 日治時期官方對臺灣漢人婦女月內飲食的影響
The Official Influence on the Postpartum Diet of Taiwanese Han Women under Japanese Rule
作者 張宇鈞
Chang, Yu-Chun
貢獻者 政大史粹
關鍵詞 日治時期  ; 月內飲食  ; 坐月子  ; 產婦  ; 產婆  ; 醫政 
Japanese Taiwan  ; Postpartum Diet  ; Zuò Yuè Zi (Tsò-Gue̍h-Lāi)  ; Pregnant Women  ; Midwife  ; Medical Policy
日期 2021-09
上傳時間 22-十一月-2021 15:23:19 (UTC+8)
摘要 日治時期臺灣總督府推行醫政改革,以各式法令與執照考試,限縮傳統社會的產婆、漢醫與漢藥發展,此舉也影響了漢人婦女原有的坐月子文化。日本政府引入西方醫學體系,並以此培養一批新式產婆與助產士,實質上提高了產婦與新生兒的存活率。其次,這些女性從業人員透過臨床的產後照護、病院的衛教宣講、以及公學校的家事科育兒教育,將結合現代營養學理論與日本飲食文化的調養方式,推廣到臺灣家庭與女性的知識養成之中。官方更透過報章媒體,傳遞如醫政規則、營養知識、並開放新式保健品廣告等,逐步建立民眾的醫護新觀念。隨著總督府取締非法漢醫藥和產婆的力道加劇,並從制度規範與知識宣傳雙管齊下,臺灣漢人的家庭生活在某種程度上進入政府制訂的公共體系,不僅建構現代的醫衛觀念,更反映在傳統作月內的習慣上,將符合日方期待的科學、營養、結合現代與日式的飲食方式,納入月內飲食的選擇之中。
The Government-General of Taiwan (臺灣總督府) carried out medical reforms during the Japanese Taiwan period. They used various laws and license examinations to restrict the development of local midwives, Chinese medical science, and Chinese medicine in the traditional Taiwan society. Moreover, these policies also affected the original postpartum confinement culture of Han women. In order to increase the survival rate of mothers and newborns substantially, the Japanese government introduced the western medical system and trained a group of new-style midwives to replace the unscientific delivery methods. Secondly, these female practitioners combined the modern nutrition theory with Japanese food culture to promote the knowledge of Taiwanese families and women through clinical postpartum care, health education, and family parenting education. The government even used controllable media to convey medical policies and other "modern" knowledge to gradually establish a new concept of postpartum care among the people. In this way, Han people incorporated the new postpartum diets, which conformed to the Japanese rulers` expectations as more scientific and nutritious, with their traditional habits. Then, it became a "Taiwan-style" special culture production, mixed the Chinese, Japanese, and the west influenced.
關聯 政大史粹, 36, 73-93
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.30384/CHNCCU.202109_(36).0003
dc.contributor 政大史粹
dc.creator (作者) 張宇鈞
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Yu-Chun
dc.date (日期) 2021-09
dc.date.accessioned 22-十一月-2021 15:23:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 22-十一月-2021 15:23:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 22-十一月-2021 15:23:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/137990-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 日治時期臺灣總督府推行醫政改革,以各式法令與執照考試,限縮傳統社會的產婆、漢醫與漢藥發展,此舉也影響了漢人婦女原有的坐月子文化。日本政府引入西方醫學體系,並以此培養一批新式產婆與助產士,實質上提高了產婦與新生兒的存活率。其次,這些女性從業人員透過臨床的產後照護、病院的衛教宣講、以及公學校的家事科育兒教育,將結合現代營養學理論與日本飲食文化的調養方式,推廣到臺灣家庭與女性的知識養成之中。官方更透過報章媒體,傳遞如醫政規則、營養知識、並開放新式保健品廣告等,逐步建立民眾的醫護新觀念。隨著總督府取締非法漢醫藥和產婆的力道加劇,並從制度規範與知識宣傳雙管齊下,臺灣漢人的家庭生活在某種程度上進入政府制訂的公共體系,不僅建構現代的醫衛觀念,更反映在傳統作月內的習慣上,將符合日方期待的科學、營養、結合現代與日式的飲食方式,納入月內飲食的選擇之中。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The Government-General of Taiwan (臺灣總督府) carried out medical reforms during the Japanese Taiwan period. They used various laws and license examinations to restrict the development of local midwives, Chinese medical science, and Chinese medicine in the traditional Taiwan society. Moreover, these policies also affected the original postpartum confinement culture of Han women. In order to increase the survival rate of mothers and newborns substantially, the Japanese government introduced the western medical system and trained a group of new-style midwives to replace the unscientific delivery methods. Secondly, these female practitioners combined the modern nutrition theory with Japanese food culture to promote the knowledge of Taiwanese families and women through clinical postpartum care, health education, and family parenting education. The government even used controllable media to convey medical policies and other "modern" knowledge to gradually establish a new concept of postpartum care among the people. In this way, Han people incorporated the new postpartum diets, which conformed to the Japanese rulers` expectations as more scientific and nutritious, with their traditional habits. Then, it became a "Taiwan-style" special culture production, mixed the Chinese, Japanese, and the west influenced.
dc.format.extent 1824293 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大史粹, 36, 73-93
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日治時期  ; 月內飲食  ; 坐月子  ; 產婦  ; 產婆  ; 醫政 
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japanese Taiwan  ; Postpartum Diet  ; Zuò Yuè Zi (Tsò-Gue̍h-Lāi)  ; Pregnant Women  ; Midwife  ; Medical Policy
dc.title (題名) 日治時期官方對臺灣漢人婦女月內飲食的影響
dc.title (題名) The Official Influence on the Postpartum Diet of Taiwanese Han Women under Japanese Rule
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30384/CHNCCU.202109_(36).0003
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30384/CHNCCU.202109_(36).0003