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題名 廣西「瞞產私分」的意義及影響
The Significance and Influence of "Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest" in Guangxi
作者 王力堅
Wang, Li-jian
貢獻者 國立政治大學歷史學報
關鍵詞 大躍進 ; 集體化 ; 瞞產私分 ; 私有意志 ; 廣西 
Great Leap Forward ; Collectivization ; Private Production ; Private Will ; Guangxi
日期 2020-11
上傳時間 6-十二月-2021 13:36:04 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文聚焦於廣西進行如下探討:產生於集體化運動中的瞞產私分是基於農民生存的抗爭意識,在一定程度上減緩 ; 紓解了大饑荒的惡化。瞞產私分的現象,形為集體行為,實具私有意志,當為集體性的私有意志的產物 ; 在強化了私有意志之時,反過來更消解了集體化的功能,又促使集體化加速走向更進一步的空洞化。瞞產私分的精神(私有意志)更是演化為「三自一包」(自留地 ; 自由市場 ; 自負盈虧 ; 包產到戶) ; 分田到戶,乃至農村體制改革以及政策制定的思想基礎。由此衍生的「暗經濟」 ; 「暗制度化」 ; 「暗國民性」,以非法 ; 隱蔽 ; 弱勢的方式與形態,跟國家集權體制 ; 集體經濟與制度相抗衡,雖然處於下風,卻極大銷蝕並在某些層面改變了國家體制 ; 集體經濟與制度,同時也銷蝕並改變了原本淳樸良善的民風鄉俗。
This paper focuses on Guangxi by discussing the following thesis: Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest originated from Collectivization Movement is associated with the peasants` sense of struggle for survival. To some extent, it slowed down and relieved the deterioration of the Great Famine. Shaped as collective behavior yet literally revealing private will, Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest is the by-product of collective private will. When the private will is strengthened, it dispelled in turn the function of collectivization and further accelerated it by hollowing out. The spirit of Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest (private will) evolved into the ideological basis of Three Free and a Contracted Production (Private Plots, Free Market, Self-responsibility of Gain and Loss, and Production Contracted to Each Households), Sub-fields to the Basis of Households, and even rural system structural reform and policy formulation. "Hidden economy", "hidden institutionalization", and "hidden nationality", which were derived from Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest, have contened with the centralized political system and the collective economy in an illegal, hidden, and weak presence. Though in the downwind, they immensely diminished and altered the state system and the collective economy at certain levels as well as also corrupted the original, simply ethics in the rural area.
關聯 國立政治大學歷史學報, 54, 117-156
資料類型 article
DOI https://doi.org/10.30383/TJH.202011_(54).0004
dc.contributor 國立政治大學歷史學報
dc.creator (作者) 王力堅
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Li-jian
dc.date (日期) 2020-11
dc.date.accessioned 6-十二月-2021 13:36:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 6-十二月-2021 13:36:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 6-十二月-2021 13:36:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/138032-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文聚焦於廣西進行如下探討:產生於集體化運動中的瞞產私分是基於農民生存的抗爭意識,在一定程度上減緩 ; 紓解了大饑荒的惡化。瞞產私分的現象,形為集體行為,實具私有意志,當為集體性的私有意志的產物 ; 在強化了私有意志之時,反過來更消解了集體化的功能,又促使集體化加速走向更進一步的空洞化。瞞產私分的精神(私有意志)更是演化為「三自一包」(自留地 ; 自由市場 ; 自負盈虧 ; 包產到戶) ; 分田到戶,乃至農村體制改革以及政策制定的思想基礎。由此衍生的「暗經濟」 ; 「暗制度化」 ; 「暗國民性」,以非法 ; 隱蔽 ; 弱勢的方式與形態,跟國家集權體制 ; 集體經濟與制度相抗衡,雖然處於下風,卻極大銷蝕並在某些層面改變了國家體制 ; 集體經濟與制度,同時也銷蝕並改變了原本淳樸良善的民風鄉俗。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This paper focuses on Guangxi by discussing the following thesis: Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest originated from Collectivization Movement is associated with the peasants` sense of struggle for survival. To some extent, it slowed down and relieved the deterioration of the Great Famine. Shaped as collective behavior yet literally revealing private will, Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest is the by-product of collective private will. When the private will is strengthened, it dispelled in turn the function of collectivization and further accelerated it by hollowing out. The spirit of Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest (private will) evolved into the ideological basis of Three Free and a Contracted Production (Private Plots, Free Market, Self-responsibility of Gain and Loss, and Production Contracted to Each Households), Sub-fields to the Basis of Households, and even rural system structural reform and policy formulation. "Hidden economy", "hidden institutionalization", and "hidden nationality", which were derived from Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest, have contened with the centralized political system and the collective economy in an illegal, hidden, and weak presence. Though in the downwind, they immensely diminished and altered the state system and the collective economy at certain levels as well as also corrupted the original, simply ethics in the rural area.
dc.format.extent 2078147 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 國立政治大學歷史學報, 54, 117-156
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大躍進 ; 集體化 ; 瞞產私分 ; 私有意志 ; 廣西 
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Great Leap Forward ; Collectivization ; Private Production ; Private Will ; Guangxi
dc.title (題名) 廣西「瞞產私分」的意義及影響
dc.title (題名) The Significance and Influence of "Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest" in Guangxi
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.30383/TJH.202011_(54).0004
dc.doi.uri (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30383/TJH.202011_(54).0004