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題名 譯者隱身與「被隱身」– 以長篇小說《海神家族》的德語翻譯為例
作者 徐安妮
Hsu, An-Nie
貢獻者 歐洲語文學系
關鍵詞 漢/德翻譯 ; 翻譯操縱論 ; 贊助人 ; 譯者隱身 ; 臺灣文學外譯 ; 海神家族
hinese/German translation ; manipulation theory ; patronage ; translator’s invisibility ; Taiwan literary translation ;  Mazu’s Bodyguards
日期 2021-12
上傳時間 4-一月-2022 16:06:21 (UTC+8)
摘要 翻譯研究發展迄今,中、外譯論無數。無論是德國哲學家兼翻譯理論家班雅明(Walter Benjamin)稱譯者的任務乃在於為原作創造繼起的生命,又或是比利時翻譯學家與譯者安德烈.勒菲弗爾(Andre Alphons Lefevere)將「翻譯」視為是對來自另一文化文本的改寫,都再再印證了翻譯及譯者在跨語言及跨文化交流過程中的重要性及影響力。由於德國不但工業發達國力強盛,更常在人文思想上引領風騷,因此在德/漢翻譯的領域中,「如何適切地將德語文本譯為漢語」一直以來都是海峽兩岸三地翻譯學界的研究主題,而對於在德國的漢語文本的翻譯,尤其是臺灣文學的德語翻譯則甚少關注。誠如學者王德威的呼籲,「翻譯」是使臺灣形象及臺灣意識浮上國際檯面的必要手段,因此在臺灣積極走向世界的此刻,檢視臺灣文學外譯(含德譯)的成果實為迫切。據此,本研究以臺灣女作家陳玉慧的長篇小說《海神家族》為研究對象,以翻譯文化學派理論為基礎,以文本對比分析及作者訪談方式,集中探討其德文譯本Die Insel der Göttin中的改寫方式與成因,以供日後我國譯介臺灣文學的參考。
With the development of translation studies, numerous translation theories in Chinese and foreign languages have been proposed to date. German philosopher and translation theorist Walter Benjamin considers that the translator’s task is creating a continuing life for the original. Belgium translation studies scholar and translator André Alphons Lefevere regards “translation” as a rewrite of the texts from other cultures. No matter which, the importance and influence of translation and translators are proven in the process of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural exchanges. As the above, the research subject of this study is the novel—Mazu’s Bodyguards—by a Taiwanese female writer Jade Y. Chen. Applying cultural translation theory, interviewing the author, and doing a comparative analysis of the texts, the study focuses on discussing the methodology and cause of the adaptation of the German translation Die Insel der Göttin, which offers a reference for later translation of Taiwanese literature.
關聯 文山評論, 15(1), 159-192
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 歐洲語文學系
dc.creator (作者) 徐安妮
dc.creator (作者) Hsu, An-Nie
dc.date (日期) 2021-12
dc.date.accessioned 4-一月-2022 16:06:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-一月-2022 16:06:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-一月-2022 16:06:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/138515-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 翻譯研究發展迄今,中、外譯論無數。無論是德國哲學家兼翻譯理論家班雅明(Walter Benjamin)稱譯者的任務乃在於為原作創造繼起的生命,又或是比利時翻譯學家與譯者安德烈.勒菲弗爾(Andre Alphons Lefevere)將「翻譯」視為是對來自另一文化文本的改寫,都再再印證了翻譯及譯者在跨語言及跨文化交流過程中的重要性及影響力。由於德國不但工業發達國力強盛,更常在人文思想上引領風騷,因此在德/漢翻譯的領域中,「如何適切地將德語文本譯為漢語」一直以來都是海峽兩岸三地翻譯學界的研究主題,而對於在德國的漢語文本的翻譯,尤其是臺灣文學的德語翻譯則甚少關注。誠如學者王德威的呼籲,「翻譯」是使臺灣形象及臺灣意識浮上國際檯面的必要手段,因此在臺灣積極走向世界的此刻,檢視臺灣文學外譯(含德譯)的成果實為迫切。據此,本研究以臺灣女作家陳玉慧的長篇小說《海神家族》為研究對象,以翻譯文化學派理論為基礎,以文本對比分析及作者訪談方式,集中探討其德文譯本Die Insel der Göttin中的改寫方式與成因,以供日後我國譯介臺灣文學的參考。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the development of translation studies, numerous translation theories in Chinese and foreign languages have been proposed to date. German philosopher and translation theorist Walter Benjamin considers that the translator’s task is creating a continuing life for the original. Belgium translation studies scholar and translator André Alphons Lefevere regards “translation” as a rewrite of the texts from other cultures. No matter which, the importance and influence of translation and translators are proven in the process of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural exchanges. As the above, the research subject of this study is the novel—Mazu’s Bodyguards—by a Taiwanese female writer Jade Y. Chen. Applying cultural translation theory, interviewing the author, and doing a comparative analysis of the texts, the study focuses on discussing the methodology and cause of the adaptation of the German translation Die Insel der Göttin, which offers a reference for later translation of Taiwanese literature.
dc.format.extent 892221 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 文山評論, 15(1), 159-192
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漢/德翻譯 ; 翻譯操縱論 ; 贊助人 ; 譯者隱身 ; 臺灣文學外譯 ; 海神家族
dc.subject (關鍵詞) hinese/German translation ; manipulation theory ; patronage ; translator’s invisibility ; Taiwan literary translation ;  Mazu’s Bodyguards
dc.title (題名) 譯者隱身與「被隱身」– 以長篇小說《海神家族》的德語翻譯為例
dc.type (資料類型) article