題名 台灣鮮乳品牌聯名之市場擴張策略探討—以鮮乳坊為例
The Market Expansion Strategy of Co-branding in Taiwan Milk Market: A Study of Puremilk作者 傅宣穎
Fu, Hsuan-Ying貢獻者 黃國峯<br>傅浚映
Fu, Hsuan-Ying關鍵詞 品牌聯名
Brand Alliance
Ansoff Matrix
Market Expansion Strategy
Puremilk日期 2022 上傳時間 1-三月-2022 18:23:44 (UTC+8) 摘要 2014年食安事件席捲全台後,鮮乳市場重新洗牌,小農鮮乳市場份額上升,依附大廠商不再是酪農的唯一出路,同時,紐西蘭液態乳進口政策逐年放寬,消費者在鮮乳商品上擁有更多元化的選擇。然而,對於消費者而言,很難將不知名的品牌列入消費的考慮選項中,而對於曾有品牌使用經驗,或是對具高知名度、較為熟悉的品牌,往往也能帶來消費者對商品較高的信賴感。由乳牛獸醫師成立的品牌鮮乳坊,秉持「養好牛,才能產好奶」的信念,透過非典型、非傳統的作法,走出一條鮮乳革命之路。本研究首先以凱度報告了解台灣消費者的鮮乳市場與品牌偏好,進一步進行鮮乳產業作用力分析外部環境,再以安索夫策略矩陣為基礎,探討鮮乳坊的藉由品牌聯名發展市場滲透、市場開發、產品開發與多角化的策略方針,針對與鮮乳坊連續多年聯名合作的全家便利商店,進行詳細區分以深化研究不同形式的多角化策略。本文通過對鮮乳坊的聯名品牌合作分析,發現對於資源較少但想提高知名度和市場佔有率的公司而言,藉由品牌聯名市場拓展策略不僅能獲得品牌知名度和市場份額,在共享現有合作夥伴品牌權益、品牌知名度的情況下,可以利用以安索夫矩陣為基礎的品牌聯名市場拓展策略,降低進入門檻,快速拓展市場版圖。
In 2014, a food safety incident caused by Ting Hsin International Group swept across Taiwan and reshuffled the milk market, which led to the increasing market share of small-holder, and relying on the large manufacturers was no longer the only way out for dairy farmers. At the same time, the import policy of liquid milk in New Zealand has been leased year by year, which means that consumers have more diverse choices. However, it is difficult for consumers to include unknown brands in their shopping list. Brands which are experienced or familiar are often able to attract consumers and represent trustworthy image.Taiwan dairy brand, Puremilk, established by a cattle veterinarian in 2015, adheres to the belief that "Raise your cows well, get yourself good milk". With atypical and non-traditional methods, it has embarked on a fresh milk revolution. This thesis firstly studies Kantar report tobetter understand the fresh milk market and the brand preference of Taiwanese consumers. In addition, analyzes the external environment of the fresh milk industry.Furthermore, based on the Ansoff Strategy Matrix, explores four strategies: market penetration, market development, product development and diversification strategy of Puremilk via co-branding. For FamilyMart, the convenience store which has cooperated with Puremilk for four consecutive years, divides into details to study the different diversification strategies.By analyzing the co-branding partnerships of Puremilk, this thesis finds that for the company who has less resources but wants to increase their popularity and market share, the co-branding market expansion strategy not only makes it gain the brand awareness and the sharing of the exist-ing brand equity of its partners, the co-branding market expansion strategy based on Ansoff matrix can be utilized to lower the entry barrier and rapidly expand its market territory.參考文獻 【中文文獻】1. 于卓民、巫立宇、邱纓琇,2001。國際品牌授權效果之研究。台灣管理學刊,第一卷第一期,頁119。2. 石珍鴻、白朋飛,2008。品牌聯合策略研究。合作經濟與科技,第343期。3. 全家便利商店股份有限公司及子公司,民國108 年合併財務報告書。4. 全家便利商店股份有限公司及子公司,民國109年合併財務報告書。5. 行政院農業委員會,2015。推動廠農契約產銷,健全國產乳品產業鏈。農政與農情,第282期。6. 邱志聖,2015。行銷次級資料的蒐集,行銷研究:實務與理論應用,第四版,頁61-62。7. 侯嘉政、傅柏霖,2008,行銷評論第 5 卷第 1 期,頁31。8. 冒守信,2017。品牌知名度、知覺價值、消費者購買意願之關係探討:以消費品類別為干擾變數。國立彰化師範大學碩士論文,頁26、27。9. 哞哞誌六週年限定版,2021。頁8-19、28-29、42-52。10. 食力foodNEXT,「鮮乳坊」讓顧客變成品牌倡導者,成功從5千位粉絲擴展到全台6千家通路,2019。 (擷取日期:2021年12月26日) https://www.foodnext.net/news/industry/paper/523465380911. 食力foodNEXT,帶動鮮乳單品風潮的鮮乳坊,如何顛覆咖啡業務用乳市場,2021。 (擷取日期:2022年1月3日) https://www.foodnext.net/news/industry/paper/585259354412. 康健雜誌,2021康健信賴品牌大調查。(擷取日期:2021年12月26日) https://www.commonhealth.com.tw/event/health-branding/survey.html#survey-sample13. 陳君毅,2019。把玻尿酸優格賣進全家!看鮮乳坊「因奶制宜」的通路策略,數位時代。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/Y98G1L14. 凱度,全台15億次消費決策排行 凱度公布2021台灣品牌足跡榜,2021。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://www.kantarworldpanel.com/tw/news/2021-Taiwan-Brand-Footprint-report15. 凱度,全台15億次消費選擇出爐 誰是台灣最受消費者歡迎品牌,2020。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://www.kantarworldpanel.com/tw/news/2020070916. 曾允盈,2020。X的魅力品牌瘋聯名,看雜誌 2020,12月號 218期,頁32。17. 曾允盈,2021。封面故事讓臺灣酪農站穩國際賽舞臺!打不了價格戰,就靠高品質、差異化突圍,豐年雜誌2021年10月號,頁18-25。18. 經濟部統計處,國人對乳品需求成長,產量持續創高,2019。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://www.moea.gov.tw/mns/dos/bulletin/Bulletin.aspx?kind=9&html=1&menu_id=18808&bull_id=619119. 農傳媒 ,「植物奶」席捲全球!原料、風味卻成市場發展新瓶頸,2020。https://www.agriharvest.tw/archives/42114 (擷取日期:2022年2月10日) 【英文文獻】1. Aaker, D. A. (1991). Managing Brand Equity, New York: The Free Press.2. Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets. California Management Review, pp.102-120.3. Aaker, D. A., & Keller, K. L. (1990). Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions. Journal Of Marketing, 54, pp27-414. Anderson, E. W., and Weitz, B. (1989). Determinants of continuity in conventional industrial channel dyads, Marketing science, Vol.8, No.4, pp.310-3235. Ansoff, Igor H. (1965).“Corporate Strategy”, McGraw-Hill Book Co..6. Ansoff, Igor H.(1957), “Strategies for Diversification”, Harvard Business Review, Vol.35(5), pp.113-124.7. Blackett, T., Boad, B., Cowper, P., & Kumar, S. (1999). The future of co-branding. In Co-Branding. Palgrave Macmillan, London. pp. 113-123.8. Cooke, S., Ryan, P. (2000). Brand alliances:from reputation endorsement to collaboration on core competencies, Irish Marketing Review, Vol.13, No.2, p.36.9. Dickinson, S.J., Heath, T. (2008). Cooperative brand alliances: How to generate positive evaluations, Australasian marketing journal, Vol.16, No.2, pp.22-38.10. Helmig, B., Huber, J. A., & Leeflang, P. S. (2008). Co-branding: The state of the art. Schmalenbach Business Review, 60(4), pp359-377.11. Hoyer, W. D., Brown, S. P. (1990). Effects of brand awareness on choice for a common, repeat- purchase product. Journal of consumer research, Vol.17, No.2, pp.141-148.12. Kapferer, J-N. (1998), Strategic brand management, 2nd ed.; London, Kogan13. Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, Measuring, Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity. Journal Of Marketing, 57(1), pp. 1-22.14. Knox, S and D. Walker (2003). Empirical Developments in the Measurement of Involvement, Brand Loyalty and Their Relationship in Grocery Markets. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol.11, pp.271-286.15. Kotler P. (2000). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control. Engle Wood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. p. 45.16. Kotler, P. T. Keller, K. L. 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109363045資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363045 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 黃國峯<br>傅浚映 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 傅宣穎 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Fu, Hsuan-Ying en_US dc.creator (作者) 傅宣穎 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Fu, Hsuan-Ying en_US dc.date (日期) 2022 en_US dc.date.accessioned 1-三月-2022 18:23:44 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 1-三月-2022 18:23:44 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-三月-2022 18:23:44 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0109363045 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/139320 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 109363045 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 2014年食安事件席捲全台後,鮮乳市場重新洗牌,小農鮮乳市場份額上升,依附大廠商不再是酪農的唯一出路,同時,紐西蘭液態乳進口政策逐年放寬,消費者在鮮乳商品上擁有更多元化的選擇。然而,對於消費者而言,很難將不知名的品牌列入消費的考慮選項中,而對於曾有品牌使用經驗,或是對具高知名度、較為熟悉的品牌,往往也能帶來消費者對商品較高的信賴感。由乳牛獸醫師成立的品牌鮮乳坊,秉持「養好牛,才能產好奶」的信念,透過非典型、非傳統的作法,走出一條鮮乳革命之路。本研究首先以凱度報告了解台灣消費者的鮮乳市場與品牌偏好,進一步進行鮮乳產業作用力分析外部環境,再以安索夫策略矩陣為基礎,探討鮮乳坊的藉由品牌聯名發展市場滲透、市場開發、產品開發與多角化的策略方針,針對與鮮乳坊連續多年聯名合作的全家便利商店,進行詳細區分以深化研究不同形式的多角化策略。本文通過對鮮乳坊的聯名品牌合作分析,發現對於資源較少但想提高知名度和市場佔有率的公司而言,藉由品牌聯名市場拓展策略不僅能獲得品牌知名度和市場份額,在共享現有合作夥伴品牌權益、品牌知名度的情況下,可以利用以安索夫矩陣為基礎的品牌聯名市場拓展策略,降低進入門檻,快速拓展市場版圖。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) In 2014, a food safety incident caused by Ting Hsin International Group swept across Taiwan and reshuffled the milk market, which led to the increasing market share of small-holder, and relying on the large manufacturers was no longer the only way out for dairy farmers. At the same time, the import policy of liquid milk in New Zealand has been leased year by year, which means that consumers have more diverse choices. However, it is difficult for consumers to include unknown brands in their shopping list. Brands which are experienced or familiar are often able to attract consumers and represent trustworthy image.Taiwan dairy brand, Puremilk, established by a cattle veterinarian in 2015, adheres to the belief that "Raise your cows well, get yourself good milk". With atypical and non-traditional methods, it has embarked on a fresh milk revolution. This thesis firstly studies Kantar report tobetter understand the fresh milk market and the brand preference of Taiwanese consumers. In addition, analyzes the external environment of the fresh milk industry.Furthermore, based on the Ansoff Strategy Matrix, explores four strategies: market penetration, market development, product development and diversification strategy of Puremilk via co-branding. For FamilyMart, the convenience store which has cooperated with Puremilk for four consecutive years, divides into details to study the different diversification strategies.By analyzing the co-branding partnerships of Puremilk, this thesis finds that for the company who has less resources but wants to increase their popularity and market share, the co-branding market expansion strategy not only makes it gain the brand awareness and the sharing of the exist-ing brand equity of its partners, the co-branding market expansion strategy based on Ansoff matrix can be utilized to lower the entry barrier and rapidly expand its market territory. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的與研究問題 2第二章 文獻探討 3第一節 產品涉入 3第二節 品牌相關理論 4第三節 市場擴張策略之研究 8第四節 外部環境分析法 13第三章 研究方法與研究架構 15第一節 研究方法 15第二節 研究架構與流程 16第四章 個案背景 18第一節 市場與產業現況 18第二節 鮮乳坊品牌背景 24第五章 個案分析 30第一節 鮮乳坊聯名品牌的市場擴張策略 30第二節 鮮乳坊與全家便利商店之聯名多角化策略 36第六章 結論與建議 45第一節 研究結論 45第二節 未來建議 50參考文獻 52中文文獻 52英文文獻 54附錄 57 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1409509 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363045 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 品牌聯名 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聯合品牌 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 安索夫矩陣 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 市場擴張 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 鮮乳坊 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Co-branding en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Brand Alliance en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ansoff Matrix en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Market Expansion Strategy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Puremilk en_US dc.title (題名) 台灣鮮乳品牌聯名之市場擴張策略探討—以鮮乳坊為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Market Expansion Strategy of Co-branding in Taiwan Milk Market: A Study of Puremilk en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 【中文文獻】1. 于卓民、巫立宇、邱纓琇,2001。國際品牌授權效果之研究。台灣管理學刊,第一卷第一期,頁119。2. 石珍鴻、白朋飛,2008。品牌聯合策略研究。合作經濟與科技,第343期。3. 全家便利商店股份有限公司及子公司,民國108 年合併財務報告書。4. 全家便利商店股份有限公司及子公司,民國109年合併財務報告書。5. 行政院農業委員會,2015。推動廠農契約產銷,健全國產乳品產業鏈。農政與農情,第282期。6. 邱志聖,2015。行銷次級資料的蒐集,行銷研究:實務與理論應用,第四版,頁61-62。7. 侯嘉政、傅柏霖,2008,行銷評論第 5 卷第 1 期,頁31。8. 冒守信,2017。品牌知名度、知覺價值、消費者購買意願之關係探討:以消費品類別為干擾變數。國立彰化師範大學碩士論文,頁26、27。9. 哞哞誌六週年限定版,2021。頁8-19、28-29、42-52。10. 食力foodNEXT,「鮮乳坊」讓顧客變成品牌倡導者,成功從5千位粉絲擴展到全台6千家通路,2019。 (擷取日期:2021年12月26日) https://www.foodnext.net/news/industry/paper/523465380911. 食力foodNEXT,帶動鮮乳單品風潮的鮮乳坊,如何顛覆咖啡業務用乳市場,2021。 (擷取日期:2022年1月3日) https://www.foodnext.net/news/industry/paper/585259354412. 康健雜誌,2021康健信賴品牌大調查。(擷取日期:2021年12月26日) https://www.commonhealth.com.tw/event/health-branding/survey.html#survey-sample13. 陳君毅,2019。把玻尿酸優格賣進全家!看鮮乳坊「因奶制宜」的通路策略,數位時代。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://today.line.me/tw/v2/article/Y98G1L14. 凱度,全台15億次消費決策排行 凱度公布2021台灣品牌足跡榜,2021。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://www.kantarworldpanel.com/tw/news/2021-Taiwan-Brand-Footprint-report15. 凱度,全台15億次消費選擇出爐 誰是台灣最受消費者歡迎品牌,2020。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://www.kantarworldpanel.com/tw/news/2020070916. 曾允盈,2020。X的魅力品牌瘋聯名,看雜誌 2020,12月號 218期,頁32。17. 曾允盈,2021。封面故事讓臺灣酪農站穩國際賽舞臺!打不了價格戰,就靠高品質、差異化突圍,豐年雜誌2021年10月號,頁18-25。18. 經濟部統計處,國人對乳品需求成長,產量持續創高,2019。(擷取日期:2021年12月18日) https://www.moea.gov.tw/mns/dos/bulletin/Bulletin.aspx?kind=9&html=1&menu_id=18808&bull_id=619119. 農傳媒 ,「植物奶」席捲全球!原料、風味卻成市場發展新瓶頸,2020。https://www.agriharvest.tw/archives/42114 (擷取日期:2022年2月10日) 【英文文獻】1. 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