題名 論日本「愛女」與「厭女」的雙面性:從戲劇文本中的『完美母親』形象出發
Research on Duality of “Philogyny” and “Misogyny” in Japan : Analysis of the image of "Perfect Mother" from Dramatic Text作者 趙涓秀
Chao, Chuan-Hsiu貢獻者 李世暉
Li, Shih-Hui
Chao, Chuan-Hsiu關鍵詞 厭女
Gender Inequality
Feminine Mystique日期 2022 上傳時間 1-八月-2022 18:51:05 (UTC+8) 摘要 日本作為世界屈指的先進國,在經濟與民主方面都取得極大成就,唯在性別不平等議題上依舊牛步不前。從歷史研究和客觀數據可以發現,日本作為一個父權國家,其性別意識/歧視和性別分工的固化是造成現今日本社會在全球性別落差指數(Gender Gap Index, GGI)排名上屈居末流的原因。這種父權社會對女性無所不在的歧視與壓迫,學者又稱之為「厭女」(Misogyny)現象,並且是透過「愛女」與「厭女」的兩手策略,既是拉攏、又懲罰著女性。 而戲劇文本作為文化的載體,也如實地呈現了日本女性日常受壓迫的情節與前述的兩手策略--尤其在母親角色上。母親角色(母職)也是女性主義者關注的重要議題,有論者認為其只是一種文化上的理想,有論者認為母性/母愛是一種「制度」,希望女性不要陷入這種父權社會所打造的「浪漫的迷思」。激進女性主義更認為母職與生殖性問題是女性受壓迫的根本性原因。 女性主義的是核心思想是「平等」,從女性的角度出發觀察並挑戰(父權)世界對女性/性別所有規範的不平等與壓迫;本文選擇以此為研究途徑,立基於女性主義的思考對研究文本中所描述的厭女情結與完美母親角色(母職)進行文本分析,並找出完美母親背後隱藏的厭女性格,以及愛女與厭女是如何展現其雙面性。
One of the world`s leading advanced countries, Japan, has created impressive achievements and development both at the economic and democratic levels. Nonetheless, Japan is still slow to advance on the issue of gender inequality. From historical document research and objective data, it is pointed out that Japan belongs to a patriarchal country. The solidification of gender awareness/discrimination and gender division of labor is the main reason why Japanese society ranks very low in the Gender Gap Index (GGI) today. In such a situation, the ubiquitous discrimination and oppression of women in the patriarchal society is also called "Misogyny" by scholars. Moreover, it is usually through the double-sided strategy of "Philogyny" and "Misogyny", which is both showing favor and punishing women at the same time. As the carrier of culture, dramatic texts often faithfully present the daily oppression of Japanese women and the aforementioned two-sided strategy, especially for the role of mothers. The role of motherhood is an important issue of particular concern to feminists. Among them, some commentators believe that this is just a cultural ideal, some believe that motherhood/mother love has become a "system", and hope that women will not fall into the "romantic myth" created by the patriarchal society. Radical feminism further believes that motherhood and reproductive problems are the fundamental reasons for the oppression of women. Importantly, the core idea of Feminism supporters is "equality". From a woman`s perspective, they observe and challenge the inequalities and oppression that the (patriarchal) world regulates against women/gender. Taking this thesis as a research approach, this research considers the implementation of textual analysis of the Misogyny complex and the Perfect Mother (motherhood) described in the research text based on Feminism. Moreover, this research finds out the character of Misogyny hidden in the role of Perfect Mother, and reveals how Philogyny and Misogyny show their duality.參考文獻 壹、中文部分 ㄧ、書籍 上野千鶴子, & 楊士堤. (2015). 厭女 : 日本的女性嫌惡 / 上野千鶴子著 ; 楊士堤譯 (初版 ed.). 聯合文學. 上野千鶴子, 劉靜貞, & 洪金珠. (1997). 父權體制與資本主義 : 馬克思主義之女性主義 / 上野千鶴子著 ; 劉靜貞,洪金珠譯 (初版 ed.). 時報文化. 王石番. (1991). 傳播內容分析法: 理論與實證. 幼獅文化事業公司. 王政. (1997). “女性意识”,“社会性别意识” 辨异. 妇女研究论丛(1), 14-20. 王瑞香, & 顧燕翎. (2019). 女性主義理論與流變 = Feminisms / 王瑞香[等]作 ; 顧燕翎主編 (二版 ed.). 貓頭鷹出版. 王曉丹, 余貞誼, 方念萱, 姜貞吟, 韓宜臻, 胡錦媛, 黃囇莉, 楊婉瑩, 孫嘉穗, 陳惠馨, & 康庭瑜. (2019). 這是愛女, 也是厭女 : 如何看穿這世界拉攏與懲戒女人的兩手策略? / 王曉丹,余貞誼,方念萱,姜貞吟,韓宜臻,胡錦媛,黃囇莉,楊婉瑩,孫嘉穗, 陳惠馨,康庭瑜著 (初版 ed.). 大家出版. 白特勒, & 宋素鳳. (2009). 性别麻烦 : 女性主义与身份的颠覆 / 朱迪斯.巴特勒(Judith Butler)著 ; 宋素凤译 (第1版 ed.). 上海三聯書店. 朴又蘭, & 林侑毅. 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105861005資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105861005 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 李世暉 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Li, Shih-Hui en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 趙涓秀 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Chao, Chuan-Hsiu en_US dc.creator (作者) 趙涓秀 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chao, Chuan-Hsiu en_US dc.date (日期) 2022 en_US dc.date.accessioned 1-八月-2022 18:51:05 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 1-八月-2022 18:51:05 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-八月-2022 18:51:05 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0105861005 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/141354 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 日本研究學位學程 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 105861005 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 日本作為世界屈指的先進國,在經濟與民主方面都取得極大成就,唯在性別不平等議題上依舊牛步不前。從歷史研究和客觀數據可以發現,日本作為一個父權國家,其性別意識/歧視和性別分工的固化是造成現今日本社會在全球性別落差指數(Gender Gap Index, GGI)排名上屈居末流的原因。這種父權社會對女性無所不在的歧視與壓迫,學者又稱之為「厭女」(Misogyny)現象,並且是透過「愛女」與「厭女」的兩手策略,既是拉攏、又懲罰著女性。 而戲劇文本作為文化的載體,也如實地呈現了日本女性日常受壓迫的情節與前述的兩手策略--尤其在母親角色上。母親角色(母職)也是女性主義者關注的重要議題,有論者認為其只是一種文化上的理想,有論者認為母性/母愛是一種「制度」,希望女性不要陷入這種父權社會所打造的「浪漫的迷思」。激進女性主義更認為母職與生殖性問題是女性受壓迫的根本性原因。 女性主義的是核心思想是「平等」,從女性的角度出發觀察並挑戰(父權)世界對女性/性別所有規範的不平等與壓迫;本文選擇以此為研究途徑,立基於女性主義的思考對研究文本中所描述的厭女情結與完美母親角色(母職)進行文本分析,並找出完美母親背後隱藏的厭女性格,以及愛女與厭女是如何展現其雙面性。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) One of the world`s leading advanced countries, Japan, has created impressive achievements and development both at the economic and democratic levels. Nonetheless, Japan is still slow to advance on the issue of gender inequality. From historical document research and objective data, it is pointed out that Japan belongs to a patriarchal country. The solidification of gender awareness/discrimination and gender division of labor is the main reason why Japanese society ranks very low in the Gender Gap Index (GGI) today. In such a situation, the ubiquitous discrimination and oppression of women in the patriarchal society is also called "Misogyny" by scholars. Moreover, it is usually through the double-sided strategy of "Philogyny" and "Misogyny", which is both showing favor and punishing women at the same time. As the carrier of culture, dramatic texts often faithfully present the daily oppression of Japanese women and the aforementioned two-sided strategy, especially for the role of mothers. The role of motherhood is an important issue of particular concern to feminists. Among them, some commentators believe that this is just a cultural ideal, some believe that motherhood/mother love has become a "system", and hope that women will not fall into the "romantic myth" created by the patriarchal society. Radical feminism further believes that motherhood and reproductive problems are the fundamental reasons for the oppression of women. Importantly, the core idea of Feminism supporters is "equality". From a woman`s perspective, they observe and challenge the inequalities and oppression that the (patriarchal) world regulates against women/gender. Taking this thesis as a research approach, this research considers the implementation of textual analysis of the Misogyny complex and the Perfect Mother (motherhood) described in the research text based on Feminism. Moreover, this research finds out the character of Misogyny hidden in the role of Perfect Mother, and reveals how Philogyny and Misogyny show their duality. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 目 次 i 表 次 iii 圖 次 iv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與限制 4 第三節 研究途徑 5 第四節 研究方法與架構 7 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 「父權」及其環繞概念 11 第二節 梳理女性主義重點及其發展進程 24 第三章 文本介紹與分析:「坡道上的家」 36 第一節 作者及文本簡介 36 第二節 主要角色陳述與人物側寫 42 第四章 文本中「母親」形象的愛女、厭女 52 第一節 文本中的厭女分析 52 第二節 文本中的角色分析 60 第五章 結論 71 參考文獻 76 表 次 表2 - 1 日本2021年性別落差指數(GGI)排名 11 表2 - 2 日本2020年性別不平等指數(GII)排名 14 表2 - 3 從日本歷史分期觀察女性權利狀況 17 表2 - 4推動女性主義運動的四波浪潮 28 表3 - 1 角田光代歷年得獎作品 36 表3 - 2 山咲家人物側寫 44 表3 - 3 安藤家人物側寫 47 表3 - 4 芳賀家人物側寫 48 表3 - 5 松下家人物側寫 50 表3 - 6 山田家人物側寫 51 圖 次 圖1 - 1 研究對象文本之觀察圖 8 圖1 - 2 研究流程圖 9 圖1 - 3 研究架構圖 10 圖2 - 1 日本的性別落差各項指數排名 12 圖2 - 2 日本的性別落差指數內涵 13 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105861005 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 厭女 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 女性主義 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 母職 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 性別不平等 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 女性迷思 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Misogyny en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Feminism en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Motherhood en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Gender Inequality en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Feminine Mystique en_US dc.title (題名) 論日本「愛女」與「厭女」的雙面性:從戲劇文本中的『完美母親』形象出發 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Research on Duality of “Philogyny” and “Misogyny” in Japan : Analysis of the image of "Perfect Mother" from Dramatic Text en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹、中文部分 ㄧ、書籍 上野千鶴子, & 楊士堤. 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