題名 長照科系學生投入居家照服員人力市場之因素探究
Why Graduates from Department of Long-term Care entering the job market of Home-care? A mixed method study作者 顏嘉誼
Yan, Chia-Yi貢獻者 朱斌妤
Chu, Pin-Yu
Yan, Chia-Yi關鍵詞 長期照顧
Long-term care
Home Care
Homecare workers
Theory of planned behavior日期 2022 上傳時間 2-九月-2022 15:16:03 (UTC+8) 摘要 我國即將在2026年邁入超高齡社會,隨之而來的問題包含老年失能人口增加、照顧需求提高,對於居家照服員的需求也日益增加。另一方面,原預期畢業後會投入長照領域工作的長照科系畢業生,實際投入照顧工作者僅有2成,使居服員人力不足的問題更加嚴重。本研究旨在探討長照科系學生在居服員市場流失之原因,並從人力供給面與人力需求面各別進行分析。本研究採混合研究法,首先以計畫行為理論為架構設計問卷,分析影響人力供給端的長照科系學生,擔任居服員之因素。發現利己性、利他性傾向,將會影響擔任居服員之態度;重要他人、社會觀感則會影響主觀規範;環境條件則會影響擔任居服員之行為控制知覺,而態度與行為控制知覺會進一步影響行為意圖;此外,本研究亦發現不同性別投入居服員之行為意圖有顯著差異。透過質性研究訪談,本研究得以進一步瞭解長照科系學生對居服員工作之看法,以及居家長照機構招募居服員之方法、考量因素與困境。長照科系學生的職業選擇為動態發展的過程,入學前對於科系的想像、入學後課程學習、實習經驗,直到畢業後成為居服員,甚至是升職成為管理階層,過程中經歷的種種挑戰,都考驗著自己對居服員工作的熱情。居家長照機構在招募居服員則面臨嚴重的搶人困境,造成機構間居服員流動率高,機構需藉由網路、校園、政府等招募管道,透過調整薪資待遇、福利保障等招募策略,吸引順從度佳、臨場反應優秀的人才。本研究對於教育端、機構端、政策端提出相關建議。教育端部分,建議長照科系的課程應增加實作內容,實習應更紮實地接觸實務工作;機構面建議更積極參與校園就業活動、加強居服員薪資保障、確實為居服員納保;政策面建議則有三:將照服員證照分級以增加專業度、管理居服機構之案件量,並改善居服機構間搶人力之問題、樹立居服員專業形象,讓民眾尊重專業。
Our country will be entering a super-aged society in 2026. The problems that will follow include an increase in the number of elderly people with disabilities and a higher demand for care. This has led to an increasing demand for homecare workers. On the other hand, only 20% of the long-term care graduates who were expected to work in the field of long-term care after graduation are actually working as homecare workers. This has aggravated the problem of shortage of homecare workers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons for the loss of long-term care students in the homecare workers market and to analyze the supply and demand of manpower.This study adopts a mixed methods research approach. First, it used the theory of planned behavior as a framework to design a questionnaire to analyze the factors that affect the supply side of long-term care students. It was found that self-interest and altruistic tendencies would affect the attitudes of serving as a homecare worker. The social perception of significant others affects the subjective norms. Environmental conditions affected the perceived behavioral control, and attitudes and perceived behavioral control would further influence behavioral intentions. In addition, this study also found that there were significant differences in the behavioral intentions of the resident workers by gender.Through qualitative interviews, the study was able to further understand the perceptions of long-term care students about the work of homecare workers and the recruitment methods, considerations, and dilemmas of homecare workers in home-based long-term care organizations. The career choice of long-term care students is a dynamic process. The process is a dynamic one, from what they imagine before they enter the department, through their post-entry course work and internship experience, to becoming a resident care worker after graduation, and even being promoted to a managerial position. All of the challenges along the way test one`s passion for the work of a residential care worker. Residential long term care organizations face a serious recruitment dilemma, resulting in a high turnover of residents among organizations. Organizations need to use recruitment channels such as the Internet, campuses, and the government, and adjust their recruitment strategies such as salary and benefits to attract talented people with good compliance and excellent response on the spot.This study proposes recommendations on the education, organization, and policy fronts. On the education side, it is recommended that the curriculum of long-term care departments should have more practical content and internships should have more solid exposure to practical work. On the institutional side, the study recommends more active participation in campus employment activities, enhanced salary protection for homecare workers, and the provision of insurance coverage for homecare workers. At the same time, it proposes three policy recommendations: to classify the licenses of homecare workers to increase their professionalism, to manage the caseload of residential service organizations and to improve the problem of manpower competition among them, and to build up the professional image of homecare workers so that the public will respect the profession.參考文獻 中文部分王品(2015)。鳥瞰老人天堂-瑞典公共老人長期照顧服務。載於劉毓秀(編),北歐經驗,台灣轉化-普及照顧與民主審議(95-172頁)。台北:女書文化。王映媁、林月娥、陳昭榮、鄭清霞(2019)。居家服務照顧工作圈模式之探討。社會科學論叢,13(2),1-42。王淑貞(2015)。長期照護發展與護理走向的連動-交錯、互動與輔成。國立臺北護理健康大學長期照護研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北。江健豪(2020)。探討高中(職)照顧服務科學生從事照顧服務員行為意向之研究-以中彰投地區為例。南開科技大學福祉科技與服務管理系碩士學位論文,未出版,南投縣。吳玉琴(2013)。照顧服務人力的培育與留任。社區發展季刊,141,113-130。吳肖琪、黃敬淳、葉馨婷(2015)。照顧服務員分級可行性之探討。台灣衛誌,34(6),592-604。宋家綺(2018)。長期照顧相關科系畢業生擔任照顧服務員經驗探討,美和科技大學護理系健康照護碩士班碩士論文,未出版,屏東。李光廷(2016年4月)。超高齡社會日本的長照服務模式。新世紀長照政策規劃研討會,嘉義市。李芳瑀、謝佳容(2013)。某醫學大學學生對於老人態度與老人照顧需求之認知及其相關因素之研究,新臺北護理期刊,15(1),11-26。李冠瑩、曾元聰、鄭德芳,(2017)。探討賀爾蒙失調之女性病患其發病年齡與常見的頭痛與退化性關節炎發生的比率。物理治療,42(2),188-188。李睿杰(2019)。綜論長期照顧服務人力不足及政府之因應措施-以日本、韓國及台灣為例。亞洲大學健康產業管理學系碩士論文,未出版,臺中。周世珍(2006)。荷蘭健康照護法制新趨勢。長期照護雜誌,10(2),136-153。林佳靜(2017)。老人相關系科畢業生在長期照顧職場的流失問題之探究與因應:職場靈性觀點。課程與教學,20(2),59-83。林秉聖(2021)。男性居服員工作動機與留任意願探討。國立臺北大學社會科學院社會工作學系碩士論文,未出版,新北市。林淑馨(2018)。日本介護保險制度之初探:經驗與啟示。文官制度季刊,10(3),1-28。邱柏升(2014)。開發新人力資源:屏東縣高齡者參與志工服務老人之意願。國立屏東大學行銷與流通管理學系碩士論文,未出版,屏東。施世駿(2018)。德國長期照護保險的品質確保與人力規劃-對臺灣的借鏡。載於王麗容(編),遠東白皮書5-長照需求下的外籍看護勞動權益(147-166頁)。台北:遠東集團。施連福(2019)。男性居家照顧服務員職場心路歷程初探。實踐大學家庭研究與兒童發展學系高齡家庭服務事業碩士在職專班論文,未出版,高雄市。施麗紅(2011)。老人入住長期照顧機構行為初探-以自我決定理論析之。社區發展季刊,(132),353-372。徐瑜璟、邱采昀、周美伶(2012)。日本介護保險與台灣長照保險的比較。台灣老年學論壇,15。祝子媛(2008)。大學生涯服務成效與生涯因應策略對大學生生涯決定程度之影響研究。國立臺中教育大學諮商與應用心理學研究所學位論文,未出版,臺中。翁翎芳(2019)。探討新結訓合格的照服員投入長期照護職場的動機。亞洲大學健康產業管理學系長期照護組碩士論文,未出版,台中市。國發會(2020)。中華民國人口推估(2020至2070年),2020年8月,取自:https://pop-proj.ndc.gov.tw/download.aspx?uid=70&pid=70張江清、林秋菊、蔡和蓁、陳武宗(2011)。困境向前行~高雄縣市居家照顧服務員服務經驗探究。弘光學報,(64),70-89。張閔雅(2022)。長照居服員職業選擇、勞動條件與留任意願之研究,南開科技大學福祉科技與服務管理系碩士學位論文,未出版,南投。張鈺芬(2014)。照顧服務員勞動條件與工作意願相關因素之研究—以康寧醫護暨管理專科學校受訓研究之照顧服務員為例。康寧大學國際企業管理學系碩士論文,未出版,台北市。張蕙穩(2017)。青年居家照顧服務員工作動機與留任意願探討。國立臺北大學社會工作學系碩士論文,未出版,新北市。教育部(2018)。107學年大專校院「老年人及失能成人照顧學類」學生就讀概況。台北:行政院。莊秀美(2009)。從老人的類型與照顧需求看「居家照顧」、「社區照顧」及「機構照顧」三種方式的功能。社區發展季刊,(125),177-194。連炳均(2007)。四年制藥學系應屆畢業生特質與職業選擇及工作價值觀之相關分析。高雄醫學大學藥學研究所碩士論文,未出版,高雄。陳正芬、王正(2007)。台北市居家照顧方案論時計酬適切性之研究。台灣社會福利學刊,6(1),93-129。陳明珍(2009)。我國居家服務政策發展與省思。社區發展季刊,(127),287-303。陳雪芬(2020)。影響大學生對代間服務老人意願之結構性因素探究:社會生態學模式之應用。教育研究與發展期刊,16(3),67-92。陳曉梅、張宏哲(2007)。使用居家服務失能老人生活品質的現況及其影響因素之探討。長期照護雜誌,11(3),247-265。黃志忠(2013)。臺灣家庭照顧者多面向評量與工具建構之初探。臺大社工學刊,28,137-174。黃志忠(2014)。居家服務使用對老人家庭照顧者照顧負荷之緩衝性影響研究。社會政策與社會工作學刊,18(1),1-43。黃志忠(2016)。台灣長期照顧政策及照顧服務人力發展之探討。黃春長、王鳳生(2019)。特定產業就業模式與工作場域創新典範推廣應用之研究(編號:ILOSH106-M309)。臺北市:勞動部。監察院(2020)。長照2.0政策實施初探,2020年7月,檢自:https://reurl.cc/RbqoR6趙雨芳(2015)。長期照護制度之對照研究瞻望。國立臺北護理健康大學長期照護研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北。劉淑娟(2018)。台灣長期照護服務體系。載於劉淑娟(編),長期照護(109-148頁)。台北:華杏出版。劉毓秀(2015)。一窺桃花源的真幻-北歐普及照顧制度、決策機制與平等社會。載於劉毓秀(編),北歐經驗,台灣轉化-普及照顧與民主審議(3-94頁)。台北:女書文化。蔡淑鈴(2017)。長期照護制度之發展及與醫療之整合-借鏡日本、德國、英國與南韓之經驗,臺北市:孫運璿學術基金會。衛福部(2016)。長期照顧十年計畫2.0(106~115年)(核定本),2016年12月,檢自:https://1966.gov.tw/LTC/cp-4001-42414-201.html衛福部(2017)。長期照顧(照顧服務、專業服務、交通接送服務、輔具服務及居家無障礙環境改善服務)給付及支付基準,2017年12月29日,檢自:https://1966.gov.tw/LTC/cp-4212-44992-201.html衛福部(2020a)。「長照 2.0執行現況及檢討」專案報告,2020年11月16日,檢自:https://reurl.cc/2r2QM9衛福部(2020b)。老人長期照顧、安養機構概況,2020年12月,檢自:https://dep.mohw.gov.tw/DOS/cp-2977-13854-113.html衛福部(2021a)。長期照顧十年計畫2.0-長照服務使用者人口學特性,2021年4月14日,檢自:https://reurl.cc/ZG04m6衛福部(2021b)。長照服務機構數,2021年4月15日,檢自:https://reurl.cc/ZG04m6衛福部(2021c)。長照服務機構服務量,2021年4月15日,檢自:https://reurl.cc/AkGgej衛福部(2021d)。各縣(市)政府照顧管理人員進用資格條件一覽表,2021年9月2日,檢自:https://1966.gov.tw/LTC/cp-4017-42462-201.html鄭婕妤(2010)。照顧服務員勞動條件影響工作意願之探討。淡江大學保險學系保險經營系碩士論文,未出版,新北市。顏惠屏(2012)。影響護理系學生職業選擇之因素探討,私立義守大學醫管理學系碩士論文,未出版,高雄。英文部分Ajzen, I. 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109256025資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109256025 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 朱斌妤 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chu, Pin-Yu en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 顏嘉誼 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Yan, Chia-Yi en_US dc.creator (作者) 顏嘉誼 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Yan, Chia-Yi en_US dc.date (日期) 2022 en_US dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2022 15:16:03 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 2-九月-2022 15:16:03 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2022 15:16:03 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0109256025 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/141692 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 109256025 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國即將在2026年邁入超高齡社會,隨之而來的問題包含老年失能人口增加、照顧需求提高,對於居家照服員的需求也日益增加。另一方面,原預期畢業後會投入長照領域工作的長照科系畢業生,實際投入照顧工作者僅有2成,使居服員人力不足的問題更加嚴重。本研究旨在探討長照科系學生在居服員市場流失之原因,並從人力供給面與人力需求面各別進行分析。本研究採混合研究法,首先以計畫行為理論為架構設計問卷,分析影響人力供給端的長照科系學生,擔任居服員之因素。發現利己性、利他性傾向,將會影響擔任居服員之態度;重要他人、社會觀感則會影響主觀規範;環境條件則會影響擔任居服員之行為控制知覺,而態度與行為控制知覺會進一步影響行為意圖;此外,本研究亦發現不同性別投入居服員之行為意圖有顯著差異。透過質性研究訪談,本研究得以進一步瞭解長照科系學生對居服員工作之看法,以及居家長照機構招募居服員之方法、考量因素與困境。長照科系學生的職業選擇為動態發展的過程,入學前對於科系的想像、入學後課程學習、實習經驗,直到畢業後成為居服員,甚至是升職成為管理階層,過程中經歷的種種挑戰,都考驗著自己對居服員工作的熱情。居家長照機構在招募居服員則面臨嚴重的搶人困境,造成機構間居服員流動率高,機構需藉由網路、校園、政府等招募管道,透過調整薪資待遇、福利保障等招募策略,吸引順從度佳、臨場反應優秀的人才。本研究對於教育端、機構端、政策端提出相關建議。教育端部分,建議長照科系的課程應增加實作內容,實習應更紮實地接觸實務工作;機構面建議更積極參與校園就業活動、加強居服員薪資保障、確實為居服員納保;政策面建議則有三:將照服員證照分級以增加專業度、管理居服機構之案件量,並改善居服機構間搶人力之問題、樹立居服員專業形象,讓民眾尊重專業。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Our country will be entering a super-aged society in 2026. The problems that will follow include an increase in the number of elderly people with disabilities and a higher demand for care. This has led to an increasing demand for homecare workers. On the other hand, only 20% of the long-term care graduates who were expected to work in the field of long-term care after graduation are actually working as homecare workers. This has aggravated the problem of shortage of homecare workers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reasons for the loss of long-term care students in the homecare workers market and to analyze the supply and demand of manpower.This study adopts a mixed methods research approach. First, it used the theory of planned behavior as a framework to design a questionnaire to analyze the factors that affect the supply side of long-term care students. It was found that self-interest and altruistic tendencies would affect the attitudes of serving as a homecare worker. The social perception of significant others affects the subjective norms. Environmental conditions affected the perceived behavioral control, and attitudes and perceived behavioral control would further influence behavioral intentions. In addition, this study also found that there were significant differences in the behavioral intentions of the resident workers by gender.Through qualitative interviews, the study was able to further understand the perceptions of long-term care students about the work of homecare workers and the recruitment methods, considerations, and dilemmas of homecare workers in home-based long-term care organizations. The career choice of long-term care students is a dynamic process. The process is a dynamic one, from what they imagine before they enter the department, through their post-entry course work and internship experience, to becoming a resident care worker after graduation, and even being promoted to a managerial position. All of the challenges along the way test one`s passion for the work of a residential care worker. Residential long term care organizations face a serious recruitment dilemma, resulting in a high turnover of residents among organizations. Organizations need to use recruitment channels such as the Internet, campuses, and the government, and adjust their recruitment strategies such as salary and benefits to attract talented people with good compliance and excellent response on the spot.This study proposes recommendations on the education, organization, and policy fronts. On the education side, it is recommended that the curriculum of long-term care departments should have more practical content and internships should have more solid exposure to practical work. On the institutional side, the study recommends more active participation in campus employment activities, enhanced salary protection for homecare workers, and the provision of insurance coverage for homecare workers. At the same time, it proposes three policy recommendations: to classify the licenses of homecare workers to increase their professionalism, to manage the caseload of residential service organizations and to improve the problem of manpower competition among them, and to build up the professional image of homecare workers so that the public will respect the profession. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究問題與目的 7第三節 研究流程 9第二章 文獻回顧 11第一節 國內照顧服務制度 11第二節 國外照顧服務制度 15第三節 居家照顧服務需求 22第四節 照顧服務員人力供給 28第五節 長照科系學生投入照顧工作因素 33第三章 長照科系學生行為調查 41第一節 研究假設與架構 41第二節 操作型定義 43第三節 研究對象 49第四節 問卷分析 51第四章 居服員人力招募策略研究 71第一節 研究方法 71第二節 訪談對象界定 71第三節 訪談大綱設計 74第四節 訪談分析 77第五章 結論與建議 129第一節 研究發現 129第二節 研究建議 137第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 141參考文獻 143中文部分 143英文部分 148日文部分 150附錄一 照顧組合內容與給付價格 151附錄二 問卷內容 156附錄三 問卷敘述統計 162 zh_TW dc.format.extent 5979812 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109256025 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 長期照顧 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 居家照顧 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 居家照服員 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 計畫行為理論 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Long-term care en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Home Care en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Homecare workers en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Theory of planned behavior en_US dc.title (題名) 長照科系學生投入居家照服員人力市場之因素探究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Why Graduates from Department of Long-term Care entering the job market of Home-care? 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