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題名 整體開發地區綠建築溢價之研究
Research on the premium of green buildings in overall development areas
作者 王惟之
Wang, Wei-Chih
貢獻者 孫振義
Sun, Chen-Yi
Wang, Wei-Chih
關鍵詞 淨零排放
Net zero emissions
Overall development area
Green building premium
日期 2022
上傳時間 2-九月-2022 15:19:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 二氧化碳及其他溫室氣體排放造成全球地表溫度持續升高,目前已有超過120個國家提出在2050年之前達到淨零排放的目標,我國國家發展委員會於2022年3月公布「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」,以2050年100%新建建築物及超過85%既有建築物為近零碳建築為目標,綠建築為實現淨零排放目標方式之一。



Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have caused the global surface temperature to continue to rise. At present, more than 120 countries have proposed the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050.In March 2022, National Development Council announced the "Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050",with the goal of 100% of new buildings and more than 85% of existing buildings being near-zero carbon buildings by 2050.Green buildings are one of the ways to achieve the goal of net zero emissions.

However, due to factors such as the limited number of samples and the large research scope in previous studies, the age of houses and environmental factors between the study samples were too different. Compare the difference in house price between green buildings and non-green buildings under different circumstances, is there a premium for green buildings?

This research focuses on three overall development areas, namely, Beitou Qiyan New Community in Taipei City, Xinzhuang Sub-Metropolitan Area in New Taipei City, and High-speed railway Taoyuan station specific area in Taoyuan, established an hedonic price model for analysis, and the empirical results show that the premium rate of green building labels in Beitou Qiyan New Community is 3.52%, and the premium rate of Silver level is 3.52%. The premium rate of green building label in Xinzhuang Sub-Metropolitan Area is 13.63%, the premium rate of Silver level is 13.61%, and the premium rate of Gold level is 13.96%. The premium rate of the green building label in the High-speed railway Taoyuan station specific area is 8.55%, the premium rate of Silver level is 7.17%, and the premium rate of Gold level is 18.53%, showing that the higher the green building label level, the higher the premium rate. The difference in the premium rate between the green building label Silver and Gold in High-speed railway Taoyuan station specific area can be more than 2 times.

Different overall development areas have the same green building label grade. Although the premium rate is different, the premium amount is similar. Because the green building label premium rate is different in each overall development area, different counties and regions should consider the regional environmental characteristics, local housing prices, surrounding areas. Neighborhood facilities and other conditions are separately stipulated for obtaining and rewarding green building labels.
參考文獻 (一) 專書
(二) 期刊論文
江穎慧、莊喻婷、張金鶚,2017,「臺北市公共自行車場站對鄰近住宅價格之影響」,『運輸計畫季刊』,46(4), 399-428。
李泓見、張金鶚、花敬群,2006,「台北都會區不同住宅類型價差之研究」,『台灣土地研究』,9(1), 63-87。
胡志平,2010,「台灣高鐵通車營運對住宅價格之衝擊影響分析-以新竹車站為例」,『建築與規劃學報』,11(2), 77-88。
張心穎,2008,「綠建築之發展與前景」,『臺灣經濟研究月刊』,31(8), 56-61。
彭建文、楊宗憲、楊詩韻,2009,「捷運系統對不同區位房價影響分析-以營運階段為例」,『運輸計畫季刊』,38(3), 275-296。
黃亮達、胡憲倫,2002,「綠建築指標評估系統推廣和應用之研究」,『建築與規劃學報』,31(1), 55-73。
楊宗憲、蘇倖慧,2011,「迎毗設施與鄰避設施對住宅價格影響之研究」,『住宅學報』,20(2), 61-80。
(三) 碩、博士論文
(四) 其他

二、 外文文獻
Aroul, R. and Hansz, J. A, 2012, “The value of" Green:" Evidence from the first mandatory residential green building program”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 34(1), 27-50.
Balaban, O.and de Oliveira, J. A. P., 2017,” Sustainable buildings for healthier cities: assessing the co-benefits of green buildings in Japan.” Journal of cleaner production, 163, 68-78.
Bond, S. A. and Devine, A, 2016,”Certification matters: is green talk cheap talk?.” The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 52(2), 117-140.
Chegut, A., Eichholtz, P., and Kok, N.,2014,” Supply, demand and the value of green buildings.”, Urban Studies, 51(1), 22-43.
Das, P. and Wiley, J. A, 2014, ”Determinants of premia for energy-efficient design in the office market”, Journal of Property Research, 31(1), 64-86.
Deng, Y., Li, Z. and Quigley, J. M., 2012,” Economic returns to energy-efficient investments in the housing market: evidence from Singapore”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42(3), 506-515.
Fuerst, F. and Van de Wetering, J., 2015, “How does environmental efficiency impact on the rents of commercial offices in the UK?”, Journal of Property Research, 32(3), 193-216.
Fuerst, F., Oikarinen, E. and Harjunen, O. , 2016, ”Green signalling effects in the market for energy-efficient residential buildings”, Applied Energy, 180, 560-571.
IPCC , 2021, ”Climate change 2021:The physical science Basis summary for policymakers .“
Jones, C. A., Oyedokun, T. B. and Dunse, N., 2018, ”The impact of green premium on the development of green-labelled offices in the UK”, Journal of Sustainable Real Estate,10.
Kats, G., 2003, “ Green building costs and financial benefits” pp. 2-8 Boston, MA: Massachusetts technology collaborative.
Kats, G., 2006, “ Greening America`s Schools: Costs and Benefits” American Federation of Teachers, et al. Capital E.
Lancaster, K. J. ,1966,” A new approach to consumer theory” Journal of political economy, 74(2), 132-157.
Rosen, S., 1974, ”Hedonic prices and implicit markets: product differentiation in pure competition”, Journal of political economy,82(1), 34-55.
UNEP , 2021, ”Global status report for building and construction .“

三、 網頁參考資料
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108923014
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 孫振義zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Sun, Chen-Yien_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 王惟之zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Wang, Wei-Chihen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王惟之zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Wei-Chihen_US
dc.date (日期) 2022en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2022 15:19:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2022 15:19:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2022 15:19:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0108923014en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/141707-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108923014zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 二氧化碳及其他溫室氣體排放造成全球地表溫度持續升高,目前已有超過120個國家提出在2050年之前達到淨零排放的目標,我國國家發展委員會於2022年3月公布「臺灣2050淨零排放路徑及策略總說明」,以2050年100%新建建築物及超過85%既有建築物為近零碳建築為目標,綠建築為實現淨零排放目標方式之一。



dc.description.abstract (摘要) Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions have caused the global surface temperature to continue to rise. At present, more than 120 countries have proposed the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050.In March 2022, National Development Council announced the "Taiwan’s Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050",with the goal of 100% of new buildings and more than 85% of existing buildings being near-zero carbon buildings by 2050.Green buildings are one of the ways to achieve the goal of net zero emissions.

However, due to factors such as the limited number of samples and the large research scope in previous studies, the age of houses and environmental factors between the study samples were too different. Compare the difference in house price between green buildings and non-green buildings under different circumstances, is there a premium for green buildings?

This research focuses on three overall development areas, namely, Beitou Qiyan New Community in Taipei City, Xinzhuang Sub-Metropolitan Area in New Taipei City, and High-speed railway Taoyuan station specific area in Taoyuan, established an hedonic price model for analysis, and the empirical results show that the premium rate of green building labels in Beitou Qiyan New Community is 3.52%, and the premium rate of Silver level is 3.52%. The premium rate of green building label in Xinzhuang Sub-Metropolitan Area is 13.63%, the premium rate of Silver level is 13.61%, and the premium rate of Gold level is 13.96%. The premium rate of the green building label in the High-speed railway Taoyuan station specific area is 8.55%, the premium rate of Silver level is 7.17%, and the premium rate of Gold level is 18.53%, showing that the higher the green building label level, the higher the premium rate. The difference in the premium rate between the green building label Silver and Gold in High-speed railway Taoyuan station specific area can be more than 2 times.

Different overall development areas have the same green building label grade. Although the premium rate is different, the premium amount is similar. Because the green building label premium rate is different in each overall development area, different counties and regions should consider the regional environmental characteristics, local housing prices, surrounding areas. Neighborhood facilities and other conditions are separately stipulated for obtaining and rewarding green building labels.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1-1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1-1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 1-4
第三節 研究架構與流程 1-6
第二章 文獻回顧 2-1
第一節 綠建築評估系統 2-1
第二節 綠建築溢價相關文獻 2-9
第三節 整體開發地區綠建築相關制度 2-13
第三章 研究設計與資料分析 3-1
第一節 研究設計 3-1
第二節 實證地區環境分析 3-4
第三節 變數選取與說明 3-10
第四章 實證結果與分析 4-1
第一節 資料分析 4-1
第二節 實證結果 4-14
第五章 結論與建議 5-1
第一節 研究結論 5-1
第二節 建議 5-3
參考文獻 6-1
附錄 7-1
dc.format.extent 5537642 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108923014en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 淨零排放zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 整體開發zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綠建築溢價zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Net zero emissionsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Overall development areaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Green building premiumen_US
dc.title (題名) 整體開發地區綠建築溢價之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Research on the premium of green buildings in overall development areasen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) (一) 專書
(二) 期刊論文
江穎慧、莊喻婷、張金鶚,2017,「臺北市公共自行車場站對鄰近住宅價格之影響」,『運輸計畫季刊』,46(4), 399-428。
李泓見、張金鶚、花敬群,2006,「台北都會區不同住宅類型價差之研究」,『台灣土地研究』,9(1), 63-87。
胡志平,2010,「台灣高鐵通車營運對住宅價格之衝擊影響分析-以新竹車站為例」,『建築與規劃學報』,11(2), 77-88。
張心穎,2008,「綠建築之發展與前景」,『臺灣經濟研究月刊』,31(8), 56-61。
彭建文、楊宗憲、楊詩韻,2009,「捷運系統對不同區位房價影響分析-以營運階段為例」,『運輸計畫季刊』,38(3), 275-296。
黃亮達、胡憲倫,2002,「綠建築指標評估系統推廣和應用之研究」,『建築與規劃學報』,31(1), 55-73。
楊宗憲、蘇倖慧,2011,「迎毗設施與鄰避設施對住宅價格影響之研究」,『住宅學報』,20(2), 61-80。
(三) 碩、博士論文
(四) 其他

二、 外文文獻
Aroul, R. and Hansz, J. A, 2012, “The value of" Green:" Evidence from the first mandatory residential green building program”, Journal of Real Estate Research, 34(1), 27-50.
Balaban, O.and de Oliveira, J. A. P., 2017,” Sustainable buildings for healthier cities: assessing the co-benefits of green buildings in Japan.” Journal of cleaner production, 163, 68-78.
Bond, S. A. and Devine, A, 2016,”Certification matters: is green talk cheap talk?.” The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 52(2), 117-140.
Chegut, A., Eichholtz, P., and Kok, N.,2014,” Supply, demand and the value of green buildings.”, Urban Studies, 51(1), 22-43.
Das, P. and Wiley, J. A, 2014, ”Determinants of premia for energy-efficient design in the office market”, Journal of Property Research, 31(1), 64-86.
Deng, Y., Li, Z. and Quigley, J. M., 2012,” Economic returns to energy-efficient investments in the housing market: evidence from Singapore”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42(3), 506-515.
Fuerst, F. and Van de Wetering, J., 2015, “How does environmental efficiency impact on the rents of commercial offices in the UK?”, Journal of Property Research, 32(3), 193-216.
Fuerst, F., Oikarinen, E. and Harjunen, O. , 2016, ”Green signalling effects in the market for energy-efficient residential buildings”, Applied Energy, 180, 560-571.
IPCC , 2021, ”Climate change 2021:The physical science Basis summary for policymakers .“
Jones, C. A., Oyedokun, T. B. and Dunse, N., 2018, ”The impact of green premium on the development of green-labelled offices in the UK”, Journal of Sustainable Real Estate,10.
Kats, G., 2003, “ Green building costs and financial benefits” pp. 2-8 Boston, MA: Massachusetts technology collaborative.
Kats, G., 2006, “ Greening America`s Schools: Costs and Benefits” American Federation of Teachers, et al. Capital E.
Lancaster, K. J. ,1966,” A new approach to consumer theory” Journal of political economy, 74(2), 132-157.
Rosen, S., 1974, ”Hedonic prices and implicit markets: product differentiation in pure competition”, Journal of political economy,82(1), 34-55.
UNEP , 2021, ”Global status report for building and construction .“

三、 網頁參考資料
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202201275en_US