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題名 在地場景:支付寶的服務設計與微觀行為分析
Local Scenarios: Alipay’s Service Design and Micro-Behaviour Analysis
作者 周弋渲
Zhou, Yixuan
貢獻者 蕭瑞麟
RueyLin Hsiao
Yixuan Zhou
關鍵詞 服務設計
Service design
Local behaviour
Technology adaptation
Innovation adoption
日期 2022
上傳時間 2-九月-2022 15:44:13 (UTC+8)
摘要 瞭解顧客需求,才能準確提供服務。然而,如何瞭解顧客需求是各界不斷探索的課題。本研究追溯企業最為關心的議題,從電子支付服務著手,分析顧客在特定場域下呈現的在地行為,找到顧客潛藏的真正痛點和需求。本研究以市場上最為成功的電子支付支付寶為案例,從付帳、拆帳、轉帳、記帳、子帳、兌帳和紅包七個最具代表性服務類別中,挖掘出近三十個獨具匠心的服務功能和使用場景。通過分析在地場景,還原支付寶服務設計亮點,發現使用者在特定場域下呈現的微觀行為。觀念上,本研究提出服務設計不僅要關注行為,更要關注在地行為,從在地化情景裡看到使用者狀況的脈絡,做到真正瞭解顧客。實務上,通過對在地行為的探索,不僅可以充分瞭解顧客痛點,還能瞭解服務應用的多樣性,也能根據在地行為調適科技,幫助創新採納與擴散。西漢《禮記》有云:「入境而問禁,入國而問俗,入門而問諱。」當真正瞭解顧客的在地行為後,便無需問禁、問俗、問諱就能對顧客瞭如指掌,恰如其願地提供服務。
Understanding customer needs is key to a business’s success in providing the right service. Throughout the business history of humans, entrepreneurs, professionals and researchers across industries have been discussing how to deeply understand customer needs. This study focuses on the issue that is of most concern to businesses, and analysing local behaviour of customers in the specific scenario to find out the real pain points and needs of customers by exploring electronic payment services. In reviewing Alipay, the successful e-payment service in China, as the case study, we uncovered nearly 30 unique service features in the seven most representative service categories, including payment, bill-splitting, transfer, bookkeeping, deposit, currency exchange, and red envelope, to find out how these services have solved the customers’ pain points. Through the analysis of the local scenarios, the strength of Alipay`s service design has been presented and the micro-behaviours of users in specific scenarios have been discovered. The study conceptually proposes that service design should not only focus on behaviour, but also on local behaviour by keeping an eye on the context surrounding users from local scenario, so as to deeply and authentically understand the customers. In practice, the finding of local behaviour enables us to fully understand the pain points of customers, the diversity of service applications, and even help re-design technology through local behaviour which fosters innovation adoption and diffusion. In the Western Han Dynasty, the Book of Rites states: "When you enter the border, ask about the prohibitions. When you enter a country, ask about the customs. When you enter the door, ask about the taboo". Once one authentically understands the local behaviour of his or her customers, he or she will understand the customers’ needs, and provide proper services correspondingly without asking about prohibitions, customs or taboos.
參考文獻 中文文獻
支付寶AUX團隊,2016, 《支付寶體驗設計精髓》,機械工業出版社。

Ansari, S. M., Fiss, P. C., & Zajac, E. J. 2010. Made to fit: How practices vary as they diffuse. Academy of Management Review, 35(1): 67-92.
Beaudry, A., & Pinsonneault, A. 2005. Understanding user response to information technology: A coping model of user adaptation. MIS Quarterly, 29(3): 493-526.
Becker, L., & Jaakkola, E. 2020. Customer experience: fundamental premises and implications for research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(4): 630-648.
Dougherty, D. 1992. A practice-centered model of organizational renewal through product innovation. Strategic Management Journal., 13: 77-92.
Franke, N., & von Hippel, E. 2003. Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits: The case of Apache security software. Research Policy, 32(7): 1199-1215.
Greenall, A. K., & Løfaldli, E. 2019. Translation and adaptation as recontextualization: The case of the snowman. Adaptation, 12(3): 240-256.
Hsiao, R.-L., Wu, S. W., & Hou, S. T. 2008. Sensitive cabbies: Ongoing sense-making within technology structuring. Information and Organization, 18(4): 251–279.
Jacobides, M. G., & Reeves, M. 2020. Adapt your business to the new reality. Harvard Business Review, 98(5): 74-81.
Kim, E., Beckman, S. L., & Agogino, A. 2018. Design roadmapping in an uncertain world: Implementing a customer-experience-focused strategy. California Management Review, 61(1): 43-70.
Kumar, K., van Dissel, H. G., & Bielli, P. 1998. The merchant of Prato revisited: Toward a third rationality of information systems. MIS Quarterly, 22(2): 199-226.
Lemon, K. N., & Verhoef, P. C. 2016. Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6): 69-96.
Lusch, R. F., & Nambisan, S. 2015. Service innovation: A service-dominant logic perspective. MIS Quarterly, 39(1): 155-176.
Morris, T., & Lancaster, Z. 2005. Translating management ideas. Organization Studies, 27(2): 207-233.
O`Dell, A., & Grayson, C. J. 1998. If only we know what we know: Identification and transfer of internal best practices. California Management Review, 40(3): 154-174.
Rindova, V. P., & Petkova, A. P. 2007. When Is a New Thing a Good Thing? Technological Change, Product Form Design, and Perceptions of Value for Product Innovations. Organization Science, 18(2): 217-232.
Shane, S. 2000. Prior knowledge and the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities. Organization Science, 11(4): 448-469.
Shin, Y., Im, C., Oh, H., & Kim, J. 2017. Design for experience innovation: understanding user experience in new product development. Behaviour & Information Technology, 36(12): 1218-1234.
Stein, A., & Ramaseshan, B. 2016. Towards the identification of customer experience touch point elements. Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, 30: 8-19.
Su, N. 2015. Cultural sensemaking in offshore information technology service suppliers:A cultural frame perspective. MIS Quarterly, 39(4): 959-983.
Szulanski, G. 1996. Exploring internal stickiness: Impediments to the transfer of best practice within the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 17: 27.
von Hippel, E. 2007. Horizontal innovation networks: by and for users. Industrial & Corporate Change, 16(2): 293-315.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364135
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蕭瑞麟zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor RueyLin Hsiaoen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 周弋渲zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Yixuan Zhouen_US
dc.creator (作者) 周弋渲zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Zhou, Yixuanen_US
dc.date (日期) 2022en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-九月-2022 15:44:13 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-九月-2022 15:44:13 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-九月-2022 15:44:13 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0108364135en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/141824-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理與智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108364135zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 瞭解顧客需求,才能準確提供服務。然而,如何瞭解顧客需求是各界不斷探索的課題。本研究追溯企業最為關心的議題,從電子支付服務著手,分析顧客在特定場域下呈現的在地行為,找到顧客潛藏的真正痛點和需求。本研究以市場上最為成功的電子支付支付寶為案例,從付帳、拆帳、轉帳、記帳、子帳、兌帳和紅包七個最具代表性服務類別中,挖掘出近三十個獨具匠心的服務功能和使用場景。通過分析在地場景,還原支付寶服務設計亮點,發現使用者在特定場域下呈現的微觀行為。觀念上,本研究提出服務設計不僅要關注行為,更要關注在地行為,從在地化情景裡看到使用者狀況的脈絡,做到真正瞭解顧客。實務上,通過對在地行為的探索,不僅可以充分瞭解顧客痛點,還能瞭解服務應用的多樣性,也能根據在地行為調適科技,幫助創新採納與擴散。西漢《禮記》有云:「入境而問禁,入國而問俗,入門而問諱。」當真正瞭解顧客的在地行為後,便無需問禁、問俗、問諱就能對顧客瞭如指掌,恰如其願地提供服務。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Understanding customer needs is key to a business’s success in providing the right service. Throughout the business history of humans, entrepreneurs, professionals and researchers across industries have been discussing how to deeply understand customer needs. This study focuses on the issue that is of most concern to businesses, and analysing local behaviour of customers in the specific scenario to find out the real pain points and needs of customers by exploring electronic payment services. In reviewing Alipay, the successful e-payment service in China, as the case study, we uncovered nearly 30 unique service features in the seven most representative service categories, including payment, bill-splitting, transfer, bookkeeping, deposit, currency exchange, and red envelope, to find out how these services have solved the customers’ pain points. Through the analysis of the local scenarios, the strength of Alipay`s service design has been presented and the micro-behaviours of users in specific scenarios have been discovered. The study conceptually proposes that service design should not only focus on behaviour, but also on local behaviour by keeping an eye on the context surrounding users from local scenario, so as to deeply and authentically understand the customers. In practice, the finding of local behaviour enables us to fully understand the pain points of customers, the diversity of service applications, and even help re-design technology through local behaviour which fosters innovation adoption and diffusion. In the Western Han Dynasty, the Book of Rites states: "When you enter the border, ask about the prohibitions. When you enter a country, ask about the customs. When you enter the door, ask about the taboo". Once one authentically understands the local behaviour of his or her customers, he or she will understand the customers’ needs, and provide proper services correspondingly without asking about prohibitions, customs or taboos.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 聲明頁 I
感謝誌 II
中文摘要 IV
英文摘要 V
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XI
壹、緒論 12
第一節 研究動機 12
一、實務現象:企業的金融未來 12
二、理論動機:場景助力服務創新 14
第二節 研究目標 15
一、理解電子支付服務設計特色 16
二、探索使用者在地行為 16
三、瞭解使用者多元調適 16
第三節 預期效應 17
一、新觀念 17
二、新作法 17
三、論文章節佈局 18
貳、文獻回顧 20
第一節 專有名詞定義 20
一、定義服務設計 20
二、定義場景 20
第二節 使用者行為觀點 23
一、產品創新到體驗創新 23
二、接觸點發現行為痛點 26
三、使用者創新到服務共創 27
第三節 調適行為觀點 29
一、創新的調適 29
二、企業的適應策略 31
三、使用者的適應策略 33
四、行為變遷 35
第四節 在地行為觀點 38
一、場景的意義 38
二、創新再脈絡 44
三、理論缺口:在地行為 47
參、研究方法 49
第一節 案例選擇與理論取樣 49
一、具備領先多樣的服務 49
二、展現快速反應能力 50
三、具備服務的可塑性 51
第二節 分析架構的發展 52
一、分析架構設計 52
二、資料分析步驟 54
第三節 資料蒐集過程 55
肆、研究發現 58
第一節 支付寶案例背景 58
一、支付寶的發展歷史 58
二、支付寶的服務範疇 59
三、支付場景綜覽 60
第二節 付帳場景設計 60
一、快捷支付:三步付款,省時神器 62
二、他人支付:囊中羞澀,有求必付 63
三、境外支付:代購外快,付付得掙 65
第三節 拆帳場景設計 67
二、多人記帳本:拆帳幫手,化繁為簡 70
第四節 轉帳場景設計 73
一、預約轉帳之一:不費心力,不再忘記 73
二、預約轉帳之二:君子借錢,言而有信 75
三、預約轉帳之三:不忘初心,方得始終 76
四、語音轉帳:眾裡尋他,只需一話 77
第五節 記帳場景設計 79
一、記帳本:懶人記帳,告別月光 80
二、我的帳本:帳本分類,公私有序 82
三、多人記帳本:合租記帳,快速清帳 84
四、小帳本:小本生意,運籌帷帳 85
第六節 子帳場景設計 87
一、小荷包:合存合花,消除矛盾 87
二、小錢袋:存錢養娃,共同撫養 89
三、筆筆攢:邊花邊攢,無痛存款 91
第七節 兌帳場景設計 93
一、預約兌換:出國換匯,快速預約 94
二、跨境匯款:留學繳費,節省外匯 95
第八節 紅包場景設計 97
一、普通紅包:喜上添喜,兼顧人情 98
二、普通紅包:紅包返利,得到多助 102
三、口令紅包:甜言蜜語,解決矛盾 103
四、視頻紅包:政企宣傳,包銷產品 109
五、咻一咻紅包:闔家過年,其樂融融 113
伍、討論 115
第一節 學術貢獻 115
一、服務創新理論的貢獻 115
二、創新擴散理論的貢獻 117
第二節 實務貢獻 117
一、支付寶的一源多用 117
二、數位金融的應用:玉荷包的應用 119
三、服務行銷的應用:連捷知付的應用 120
第三節 研究限制與未來方向 122
一、探索更多在地場景 122
二、探索失敗的電子支付 123
三、探索多元的場景應用 123
陸、結論 124
參考文獻 126
中文文獻 126
英文文獻 126
附件一:論文口試委員問題答覆稿 129
dc.format.extent 19779187 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364135en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 服務設計zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 在地行為zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 調適zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新採納zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新再脈絡zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Service designen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Local behaviouren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Technology adaptationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Innovation adoptionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Recontextualizationen_US
dc.title (題名) 在地場景:支付寶的服務設計與微觀行為分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Local Scenarios: Alipay’s Service Design and Micro-Behaviour Analysisen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻
支付寶AUX團隊,2016, 《支付寶體驗設計精髓》,機械工業出版社。

Ansari, S. M., Fiss, P. C., & Zajac, E. J. 2010. Made to fit: How practices vary as they diffuse. Academy of Management Review, 35(1): 67-92.
Beaudry, A., & Pinsonneault, A. 2005. Understanding user response to information technology: A coping model of user adaptation. MIS Quarterly, 29(3): 493-526.
Becker, L., & Jaakkola, E. 2020. Customer experience: fundamental premises and implications for research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(4): 630-648.
Dougherty, D. 1992. A practice-centered model of organizational renewal through product innovation. Strategic Management Journal., 13: 77-92.
Franke, N., & von Hippel, E. 2003. Satisfying heterogeneous user needs via innovation toolkits: The case of Apache security software. Research Policy, 32(7): 1199-1215.
Greenall, A. K., & Løfaldli, E. 2019. Translation and adaptation as recontextualization: The case of the snowman. Adaptation, 12(3): 240-256.
Hsiao, R.-L., Wu, S. W., & Hou, S. T. 2008. Sensitive cabbies: Ongoing sense-making within technology structuring. Information and Organization, 18(4): 251–279.
Jacobides, M. G., & Reeves, M. 2020. Adapt your business to the new reality. Harvard Business Review, 98(5): 74-81.
Kim, E., Beckman, S. L., & Agogino, A. 2018. Design roadmapping in an uncertain world: Implementing a customer-experience-focused strategy. California Management Review, 61(1): 43-70.
Kumar, K., van Dissel, H. G., & Bielli, P. 1998. The merchant of Prato revisited: Toward a third rationality of information systems. MIS Quarterly, 22(2): 199-226.
Lemon, K. N., & Verhoef, P. C. 2016. Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6): 69-96.
Lusch, R. F., & Nambisan, S. 2015. Service innovation: A service-dominant logic perspective. MIS Quarterly, 39(1): 155-176.
Morris, T., & Lancaster, Z. 2005. Translating management ideas. Organization Studies, 27(2): 207-233.
O`Dell, A., & Grayson, C. J. 1998. If only we know what we know: Identification and transfer of internal best practices. California Management Review, 40(3): 154-174.
Rindova, V. P., & Petkova, A. P. 2007. When Is a New Thing a Good Thing? Technological Change, Product Form Design, and Perceptions of Value for Product Innovations. Organization Science, 18(2): 217-232.
Shane, S. 2000. Prior knowledge and the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities. Organization Science, 11(4): 448-469.
Shin, Y., Im, C., Oh, H., & Kim, J. 2017. Design for experience innovation: understanding user experience in new product development. Behaviour & Information Technology, 36(12): 1218-1234.
Stein, A., & Ramaseshan, B. 2016. Towards the identification of customer experience touch point elements. Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, 30: 8-19.
Su, N. 2015. Cultural sensemaking in offshore information technology service suppliers:A cultural frame perspective. MIS Quarterly, 39(4): 959-983.
Szulanski, G. 1996. Exploring internal stickiness: Impediments to the transfer of best practice within the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 17: 27.
von Hippel, E. 2007. Horizontal innovation networks: by and for users. Industrial & Corporate Change, 16(2): 293-315.
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6814/NCCU202201443en_US