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題名 電動巴士儲能對電網售電營運模式之成本有效性分析
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Operation Model of Electric Bus-to-Grid
作者 黃仁俊
Huang, Jen-Chun
貢獻者 許志義
Hsu, Jyh-Yih
Huang, Jen-Chun
關鍵詞 電動公車至電網
Renewable Energy
Electric Bus
Energy Storage Systems
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
日期 2023
上傳時間 9-三月-2023 18:23:18 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究分析公車業者導入「電動公車至電網(Bus-to-Grid, B2G)」之營運模式,將電動公車作為移動式的儲能系統,不僅可提供充足的電力輔助服務,還可藉此平衡大量電網的電力系統。公車業者可以透過參與電動公車至電網營運模式,獲得業外收益。

本研究之研究方法採用成本有效性分析法,分別計算各模擬情境中之效益項與成本項進行評估。以同一公車業者之角度,分析兩種不同的營運模式的比較:(一)為公車業者購買電動公車,但不參與B2G商業模式 ; (二)為參與B2G商業模式,參與日前輔助服務市場,提供即時備轉容量市場輔助服務。


此外,本研究針對政府補助及容量費單價進行敏感度分析,可得(ㄧ)為政府取消電動公車補助,淨現值為407.29百萬元。顯示公車業者購買電動車,但不參與B2G商業模式,仍具成本有效性 ; (二)為即時備轉容量費單價下降,當容量費單價模擬下降至150元, B2G商業模式之獲利低於充電樁維運成本,與情境一相比淨現值轉為負值,其淨現值低於情境一5.60百萬元。
This study analyzes that "Bus-to-grid (B2G)" business model can be introduced and the Electric Buses can be used as a mobile energy storage system. They not only can provide sufficient power auxiliary services, but also can balance the voltage and frequency of the power system of the grid. By participating in the Bus-to-grid (B2G) business model of electric vehicles to the grid, the bus operators can gain additional benefits.

This study employs cost effectiveness analysis to evaluate the benefits and costs generated in each simulation scenario, as well as the principle and application method of the B2G business model of each alternative decision. From the perspective of the same bus operator, analyze the comparison of two different operating models, and analyze the costs and benefits in the following three simulation scenarios.

The costs and benefits are analyzed in the following three scenarios: (1) without B2G business model, The bus operator buys electric buses Electric vehicles for only carry daily passenger; (2) with B2G business model, participates in the day-ahead ancillary services market to provide Spinning Reserve capacity market ancillary services.

The results of this study show that, from the perspective of one identical bus operator.
In scenario 1: when the bus operator buys electric buses , the net present value is 907.29 million , with cost effectiveness. In scenario 2: simulates bus operator participates in the day-ahead ancillary services market to provide Spinning Reserve capacity market ancillary services, which is cost effective compared with scenario 1. Moreover, the higher the clearing price of capacity fee involved in the auxiliary service, the higher the revenue of B2G can be obtained by Bus operator.
In addition, this study conducts sensitivity analysis on government subsidies and clearing price of capacity fee. It can be concluded that (1) The net present value is 407.29 million for bus operator even if the government cancel subsidies. It shows that the bus operators purchase electric vehicles, but do not participate in the B2G business model, which is still cost-effective ; (2) The clearing price of capacity fee of Spinning Reserve capacity market ancillary services decreases. When the clearing price of capacity fee is further reduced to 150 , the profit of the B2G business model is lower than compared with scenario 1, the benefit generated in scenario 2 will be lower than the cost. The net present value of c auxiliary service is 5.60 million lower than scenario 1.
參考文獻 ㄧ、中文文獻
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2. 邵鏡芳(2020)。多路線市區電動公車充電排程之研究,國立交通大學運輸與物流管理學系碩士論文
3. 陳國岳、吳東凌、張益城(2018)。電動大客車推動策略初探,交通部運輸研究所
4. 郭彥廉(2000)。空氣汙染移動源管制政策之成本有效性分析。國立臺北大學資源管理研究所碩士論文
5. 許志義、郭哲甫、蔡志祥、葉法明(2021),「電動公車至電網」營運模式成本有效性析:以台北市公車為例」。《台灣能源期刊》,第 8 卷第 2 期〔民 110.6〕,頁 117-132,台北,經濟部能源局。(TSSCI 期刊)
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109258016
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 許志義zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsu, Jyh-Yihen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃仁俊zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Huang, Jen-Chunen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃仁俊zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Jen-Chunen_US
dc.date (日期) 2023en_US
dc.date.accessioned 9-三月-2023 18:23:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-三月-2023 18:23:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-三月-2023 18:23:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0109258016en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/143774-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經濟學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109258016zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究分析公車業者導入「電動公車至電網(Bus-to-Grid, B2G)」之營運模式,將電動公車作為移動式的儲能系統,不僅可提供充足的電力輔助服務,還可藉此平衡大量電網的電力系統。公車業者可以透過參與電動公車至電網營運模式,獲得業外收益。

本研究之研究方法採用成本有效性分析法,分別計算各模擬情境中之效益項與成本項進行評估。以同一公車業者之角度,分析兩種不同的營運模式的比較:(一)為公車業者購買電動公車,但不參與B2G商業模式 ; (二)為參與B2G商業模式,參與日前輔助服務市場,提供即時備轉容量市場輔助服務。


此外,本研究針對政府補助及容量費單價進行敏感度分析,可得(ㄧ)為政府取消電動公車補助,淨現值為407.29百萬元。顯示公車業者購買電動車,但不參與B2G商業模式,仍具成本有效性 ; (二)為即時備轉容量費單價下降,當容量費單價模擬下降至150元, B2G商業模式之獲利低於充電樁維運成本,與情境一相比淨現值轉為負值,其淨現值低於情境一5.60百萬元。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study analyzes that "Bus-to-grid (B2G)" business model can be introduced and the Electric Buses can be used as a mobile energy storage system. They not only can provide sufficient power auxiliary services, but also can balance the voltage and frequency of the power system of the grid. By participating in the Bus-to-grid (B2G) business model of electric vehicles to the grid, the bus operators can gain additional benefits.

This study employs cost effectiveness analysis to evaluate the benefits and costs generated in each simulation scenario, as well as the principle and application method of the B2G business model of each alternative decision. From the perspective of the same bus operator, analyze the comparison of two different operating models, and analyze the costs and benefits in the following three simulation scenarios.

The costs and benefits are analyzed in the following three scenarios: (1) without B2G business model, The bus operator buys electric buses Electric vehicles for only carry daily passenger; (2) with B2G business model, participates in the day-ahead ancillary services market to provide Spinning Reserve capacity market ancillary services.

The results of this study show that, from the perspective of one identical bus operator.
In scenario 1: when the bus operator buys electric buses , the net present value is 907.29 million , with cost effectiveness. In scenario 2: simulates bus operator participates in the day-ahead ancillary services market to provide Spinning Reserve capacity market ancillary services, which is cost effective compared with scenario 1. Moreover, the higher the clearing price of capacity fee involved in the auxiliary service, the higher the revenue of B2G can be obtained by Bus operator.
In addition, this study conducts sensitivity analysis on government subsidies and clearing price of capacity fee. It can be concluded that (1) The net present value is 407.29 million for bus operator even if the government cancel subsidies. It shows that the bus operators purchase electric vehicles, but do not participate in the B2G business model, which is still cost-effective ; (2) The clearing price of capacity fee of Spinning Reserve capacity market ancillary services decreases. When the clearing price of capacity fee is further reduced to 150 , the profit of the B2G business model is lower than compared with scenario 1, the benefit generated in scenario 2 will be lower than the cost. The net present value of c auxiliary service is 5.60 million lower than scenario 1.
dc.description.tableofcontents 誌謝 2
摘要 3
目次 6
表次 8
圖次 9
第一章 緒論 10
第一節 研究背景 10
第二節 研究動機 12
第三節 研究目的 13
第四節 章節安排 13
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 電動車發展相關文獻 15
第二節 車輛至電網(V2G)相關文獻 17
第三節 電動公車至電網(B2G)營運模式相關文獻 18
第四節 成本有效性分析之相關文獻 20
第三章 研究方法與資料說明 23
第一節 成本有效性分析 23
第二節 本研究相關效益項、成本項及資料來源之說明 25
第四章 實證結果與分析 29
第一節 兩種不同情境之說明及參數設定 29
第二節 模擬情境一 35
第三節 模擬情境二 39
第伍章 結論與建議 45
第一節 結論 45
第二節 研究貢獻 48
第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 49
參考文獻 51
dc.format.extent 1525854 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109258016en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電動公車至電網zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 再生能源zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電動公車zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電力儲能系統zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 成本有效性分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Bus-to-grid(B2G)en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Renewable Energyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Electric Busen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Energy Storage Systemsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cost-Effectiveness Analysisen_US
dc.title (題名) 電動巴士儲能對電網售電營運模式之成本有效性分析zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Operation Model of Electric Bus-to-Griden_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) ㄧ、中文文獻
(ㄧ) 期刊論文
1. 呂孫銘(2022),影響電動車駕駛參與V2G之關鍵因素:科技接受模式之應用,國立政治大學經濟學系碩士論文
2. 邵鏡芳(2020)。多路線市區電動公車充電排程之研究,國立交通大學運輸與物流管理學系碩士論文
3. 陳國岳、吳東凌、張益城(2018)。電動大客車推動策略初探,交通部運輸研究所
4. 郭彥廉(2000)。空氣汙染移動源管制政策之成本有效性分析。國立臺北大學資源管理研究所碩士論文
5. 許志義、郭哲甫、蔡志祥、葉法明(2021),「電動公車至電網」營運模式成本有效性析:以台北市公車為例」。《台灣能源期刊》,第 8 卷第 2 期〔民 110.6〕,頁 117-132,台北,經濟部能源局。(TSSCI 期刊)
6. 許志義、詹書瑋(2020)。智慧校園成本效益分析與營運模式之研究—以○○大學為例,《台電工程月刊》第 858 期,頁 70-88,台北,台灣電力公司
7. 許志義、楊宗霖、蔡志祥、葉法明(2020),「論市場導向之綠電發展策略」。《台灣能源期刊》,第7卷第4期﹝民109.12﹞,頁365-387,台北,經濟部能源局。(TSSCI期刊)
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