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題名 歷史學系大學生撰寫課程論文之資訊行為研究
A Study on Information Behavior of Undergraduates of Department of History in Essay Writing
作者 陳世娟;余幸娟
Chen, Shih-chuan;Yu, Hsing-chuan
貢獻者 圖資與檔案學刊
關鍵詞 歷史學系; 大學生; 史學研究; 資訊需求; 資訊尋求行為
Department of history; Undergraduate students; Historical research; Information need; Information seeking behavior
日期 2022-06
上傳時間 19-五月-2023 14:04:55 (UTC+8)
摘要 史學教育的意義不是單純讓學生吸收書本上的知識,而是要訓練其思維能力以及治史方法,所以在輔仁大學歷史學系之課程規劃中,學生須完成一篇個人論文。為了完成此課程論文,史料的搜尋、選擇是相當重要的課題。本研究採質性半結構式訪談法了解輔仁大學歷史學系大學生在撰寫課程論文之資訊行為。研究結果發現,歷史學系大學生撰寫課程論文時,最重要的資訊需求為確認研究的題目。而在撰寫課程論文所使用到的資料類型以圖書資料為最多,其次為檔案、報章雜誌以及期刊論文。在資訊來源管道方面則是以資訊服務機構為主,其次為電子資料庫與人際資源管道。而歷史學系大學生在經歷此階段的課程論文寫作中,以關於資料取得、解讀的問題為最常遭遇的困難。
Historiography education allows students to not only absorb the knowledge in books but also train their thinking skills and methods of history management. With this course, students can practice writing historical research with professional concepts and methods and develop problem-solving skills. To complete the essay, searching and selecting skills are essential. Therefore, this study explores the characteristics of information behaviors of history students during essay writing, including their information needs, information-seeking behaviors, and factors and difficulties affecting the writing process. This qualitative study collects data of 15 history students of Fu Jen Catholic University through semi-structured interviews. The study results reveal that the essential information needs of undergraduate students in the Department of History when writing the course essay are to focus on and confirm the research topics. Among the types of materials they use, books are the most popular, followed by archives, newspapers and magazines, and journal papers and dissertations. The primary information source is information service organizations, followed by electronic databases and interpersonal networks. Students` information sources are quite diverse, with both formal and informal sources of information. Students most often use a comprehensive electronic database to retrieve relevant research papers or the digital archive database to obtain historical materials. When selecting materials, students pay attention to accuracy and credibility, so they use various methods, such as searching for cross-comparison of materials from various sources, tracing the source of the materials, and seeking the advice of teachers or experts. In general, the most influencing factors are related to the acquisition and interpretation of materials. When encountering a problem, most students tend to solve it by themselves or seek assistance from the interpersonal network.
關聯 圖資與檔案學刊, 100, 30-68
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.6575/JILA.202206_(100).0002
dc.contributor 圖資與檔案學刊
dc.creator (作者) 陳世娟;余幸娟
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Shih-chuan;Yu, Hsing-chuan
dc.date (日期) 2022-06
dc.date.accessioned 19-五月-2023 14:04:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 19-五月-2023 14:04:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 19-五月-2023 14:04:55 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/144730-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 史學教育的意義不是單純讓學生吸收書本上的知識,而是要訓練其思維能力以及治史方法,所以在輔仁大學歷史學系之課程規劃中,學生須完成一篇個人論文。為了完成此課程論文,史料的搜尋、選擇是相當重要的課題。本研究採質性半結構式訪談法了解輔仁大學歷史學系大學生在撰寫課程論文之資訊行為。研究結果發現,歷史學系大學生撰寫課程論文時,最重要的資訊需求為確認研究的題目。而在撰寫課程論文所使用到的資料類型以圖書資料為最多,其次為檔案、報章雜誌以及期刊論文。在資訊來源管道方面則是以資訊服務機構為主,其次為電子資料庫與人際資源管道。而歷史學系大學生在經歷此階段的課程論文寫作中,以關於資料取得、解讀的問題為最常遭遇的困難。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Historiography education allows students to not only absorb the knowledge in books but also train their thinking skills and methods of history management. With this course, students can practice writing historical research with professional concepts and methods and develop problem-solving skills. To complete the essay, searching and selecting skills are essential. Therefore, this study explores the characteristics of information behaviors of history students during essay writing, including their information needs, information-seeking behaviors, and factors and difficulties affecting the writing process. This qualitative study collects data of 15 history students of Fu Jen Catholic University through semi-structured interviews. The study results reveal that the essential information needs of undergraduate students in the Department of History when writing the course essay are to focus on and confirm the research topics. Among the types of materials they use, books are the most popular, followed by archives, newspapers and magazines, and journal papers and dissertations. The primary information source is information service organizations, followed by electronic databases and interpersonal networks. Students` information sources are quite diverse, with both formal and informal sources of information. Students most often use a comprehensive electronic database to retrieve relevant research papers or the digital archive database to obtain historical materials. When selecting materials, students pay attention to accuracy and credibility, so they use various methods, such as searching for cross-comparison of materials from various sources, tracing the source of the materials, and seeking the advice of teachers or experts. In general, the most influencing factors are related to the acquisition and interpretation of materials. When encountering a problem, most students tend to solve it by themselves or seek assistance from the interpersonal network.
dc.format.extent 133 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 圖資與檔案學刊, 100, 30-68
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歷史學系; 大學生; 史學研究; 資訊需求; 資訊尋求行為
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Department of history; Undergraduate students; Historical research; Information need; Information seeking behavior
dc.title (題名) 歷史學系大學生撰寫課程論文之資訊行為研究
dc.title (題名) A Study on Information Behavior of Undergraduates of Department of History in Essay Writing
dc.type (資料類型) article
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.6575/JILA.202206_(100).0002
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.6575/JILA.202206_(100).0002