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題名 藝術表演或社會行動?──以《陰道獨白》及其展演為例
Art Performance or Social Action? ─ Taking The Vagina Monologues and Its Performance as an Example
作者 沈宜臻
Shen, Yi-Jen
貢獻者 高國魁<br>洪儀真
Shen, Yi-Jen
關鍵詞 《陰道獨白》
On Stage表演藝術工作坊
The Vagina Monologues
Feminist theater
Theatre of social action
Garden of Hope Foundation
On Stage Workshop
日期 2023
上傳時間 1-九月-2023 15:30:00 (UTC+8)
摘要 在女性主義劇場中,性別暴力和性愉悅是敘事的永恆主題。這些關乎性別議題的劇碼不僅是單純的藝術表演,同時代表著社會倡議。劇團多半希望其演出能發揮行動的力量,翻轉不平等的情境。然而,劇作究竟是做為一個藝術品、還是做為一場社會行動製作而成,關乎於劇團的策略選擇。劇團究竟採取什麼樣的手法,讓性別議題顯現到大眾面前,就成了研究劇場的社會效應需要進一步釐清的問題。
本文以伊芙‧恩斯勒的劇本《陰道獨白》在台灣的演出狀況為研究對象,分析勵馨基金會和On Stage表演藝術工作坊上演這齣戲的過程,挖掘不同劇團如何採取不同路徑將性別議題轉化為公共討論。本研究從兩大劇團對《陰道獨白》文本分析出發,看劇場如何展現社會的不平等議題。再來,則是從兩個劇團製作《陰道獨白》的背景,描繪出它們倡議的社會角色與性別價值。最後研究將以觀者的角度作結,評估劇場表演帶來的社會效應。
本研究主要發現,作為婦女團體的勵馨基金會,與作為表演團體的On Stage工作坊,雖然演出性質有所不同,卻殊途同歸地將女性議題透過美學素材的轉化,達成社會的同情共感。當隱晦、不可言說的性議題得到藝術式顯化,相關的性別敘事也將獲得政治效用,結果產生社會上的觀念革命。與此同時,《陰道獨白》劇本的在地化改編也反向受到社會運動啟發,不斷創新鮮活經驗。
In the feminist theater, narratives of gender violence or sexual pleasure are eternal themes. These dramas are not only artistic performances, but also stand for social advocacy. People usually expect that their performances can exert strength of action to overturn gender inequality. However, the production of theater as an artwork or a social action pertains to a troupe`s choice of strategies. The different ways in which troupes utilize techniques to manifest gender issues before the public is a question that requires further clarification for studying the social effects of theaters.
This thesis takes various performances of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues in Taiwan as a research object. It analyzes the production processes of the Garden of Hope Foundation and On Stage, and explore different paths chosen by distinct theater companies to transform gender issues into public discussions. This research starts with the textual analysis of The Vagina Monologues, examining how feminist theaters represent the issues of gender inequality. Furthermore, it will depict social roles and gender values they advocate from the vantage point of these two troupes’ production backgrounds. Finally, it ends with the audiences’ perspective, assessing the social effects brought about by theater performances.
One major research finding is that although the Garden of Hope Foundation as a women`s group and On Stage Workshop as a performance group produce two different types of performance, they both transform women`s issues with aesthetic materials in order to achieve social empathy. When implicit and unspeakable sexual issues are manifested artistically, relevant gender narratives will also acquire political efficacy, resulting in a conceptual revolution within society. In the meantime, localized adaptations of The Vagina Monologues have also been conversely inspired by social movements, constantly innovating fresh life experiences.
參考文獻 王中,2014,《公共藝術概論》。北京:北京大學。
段馨君,2010,《凝視臺灣當代劇場 :女性劇場、跨文化劇場與表演工作坊》。台北:Airiti Press華藝學術出版社。
Boal, Augusto著、賴淑雅譯,2000,《被壓迫者劇場》。臺北:揚智出版。
Boal, Augusto著、馬利文譯,2019,《慾望的彩虹》。北京:北京師範大學出版。
Biro, David著、彭榮邦譯,2014,《聆聽疼痛 :為痛苦尋找話語、慈悲與寬慰》。新北:木馬文化。
Bishop, Claire著、林宏濤譯,2015,《人造地獄 :參與式藝術與觀看者政治學》。臺北:典藏藝術家庭出版。
Ensler, Eve著、丁凡、喬色分譯,2014,《陰道獨白》。臺北:心靈工坊文化。
Hauser, Arnold著、居延安編譯,1990,《藝術社會學》。臺北:雅典出版。
Jones, Phil著、洪素真等譯,2002。《戲劇治療》。臺北:五南出版。
Landy, Robert著、王秋絨等譯,2016,《人格面具與表演 :角色在戲劇、治療與日常生活的意義》。臺北:心理出版社。
Rancière, Jacques著、楊成瀚、關秀惠譯 ,戴遠雄審訂、修譯、導讀,2021,《感性配享 :美學與政治》。臺北:商周出版。
Sontag, Susan著、陳耀成譯,2017,《旁觀他人之痛苦》。臺北:麥田出版。
Adorno, Theodor, 1981, Prisms. Translated by Samuel and Shierry Weber. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
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Benjamin, Walter, 1969, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” Pp. 217-252 in Illuminations, edited by Harcourt Brace. New York: Schocken Books.
Beuys, Joseph, 2007, What is Art? Conversation with Joseph Beuys. London: Clairview Books.
Bell, Susan, Susan Reverby, 2005, “Vaginal Politics: Tensions and Possibilities in The Vagina Monologues.” Women`s Studies International Forum, 28(5): 430-444.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108254013
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 高國魁<br>洪儀真zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 沈宜臻zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Shen, Yi-Jenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 沈宜臻zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Shen, Yi-Jenen_US
dc.date (日期) 2023en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-九月-2023 15:30:00 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-九月-2023 15:30:00 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-九月-2023 15:30:00 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0108254013en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/147055-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 108254013zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在女性主義劇場中,性別暴力和性愉悅是敘事的永恆主題。這些關乎性別議題的劇碼不僅是單純的藝術表演,同時代表著社會倡議。劇團多半希望其演出能發揮行動的力量,翻轉不平等的情境。然而,劇作究竟是做為一個藝術品、還是做為一場社會行動製作而成,關乎於劇團的策略選擇。劇團究竟採取什麼樣的手法,讓性別議題顯現到大眾面前,就成了研究劇場的社會效應需要進一步釐清的問題。
本文以伊芙‧恩斯勒的劇本《陰道獨白》在台灣的演出狀況為研究對象,分析勵馨基金會和On Stage表演藝術工作坊上演這齣戲的過程,挖掘不同劇團如何採取不同路徑將性別議題轉化為公共討論。本研究從兩大劇團對《陰道獨白》文本分析出發,看劇場如何展現社會的不平等議題。再來,則是從兩個劇團製作《陰道獨白》的背景,描繪出它們倡議的社會角色與性別價值。最後研究將以觀者的角度作結,評估劇場表演帶來的社會效應。
本研究主要發現,作為婦女團體的勵馨基金會,與作為表演團體的On Stage工作坊,雖然演出性質有所不同,卻殊途同歸地將女性議題透過美學素材的轉化,達成社會的同情共感。當隱晦、不可言說的性議題得到藝術式顯化,相關的性別敘事也將獲得政治效用,結果產生社會上的觀念革命。與此同時,《陰道獨白》劇本的在地化改編也反向受到社會運動啟發,不斷創新鮮活經驗。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the feminist theater, narratives of gender violence or sexual pleasure are eternal themes. These dramas are not only artistic performances, but also stand for social advocacy. People usually expect that their performances can exert strength of action to overturn gender inequality. However, the production of theater as an artwork or a social action pertains to a troupe`s choice of strategies. The different ways in which troupes utilize techniques to manifest gender issues before the public is a question that requires further clarification for studying the social effects of theaters.
This thesis takes various performances of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues in Taiwan as a research object. It analyzes the production processes of the Garden of Hope Foundation and On Stage, and explore different paths chosen by distinct theater companies to transform gender issues into public discussions. This research starts with the textual analysis of The Vagina Monologues, examining how feminist theaters represent the issues of gender inequality. Furthermore, it will depict social roles and gender values they advocate from the vantage point of these two troupes’ production backgrounds. Finally, it ends with the audiences’ perspective, assessing the social effects brought about by theater performances.
One major research finding is that although the Garden of Hope Foundation as a women`s group and On Stage Workshop as a performance group produce two different types of performance, they both transform women`s issues with aesthetic materials in order to achieve social empathy. When implicit and unspeakable sexual issues are manifested artistically, relevant gender narratives will also acquire political efficacy, resulting in a conceptual revolution within society. In the meantime, localized adaptations of The Vagina Monologues have also been conversely inspired by social movements, constantly innovating fresh life experiences.
dc.description.tableofcontents 謝誌 1
摘要 3
第一章 緒論 9
一、研究緣起 9
(一)研究背景 9
(二)研究動機 10
二、問題意識 11
(一)藝術介入社會 11
(二)藝術家與公眾 15
(三)小結 18
三、文獻回顧 19
(一)性別劇場的展演模型 20
(二)戲劇與其社會情境 28
(三)藝術欣賞的轉化效用 33
(四)小結 41
四、研究設計 43
(一)研究對象 43
(二)研究方法 47
(三)研究架構 50
第二章 《陰道獨白》劇本與劇場 53
一、《陰道獨白》原創劇作 53
(一)劇本章節概要 53
(二)劇本內容分析 58
(三)原作演出與評論 68
二、《陰道獨白》在台演出 72
(一)光腳的愛麗絲劇團 72
(二)On Stage表演藝術工作坊 76
三、表演內容分析 81
(一)章節安排與剪裁 81
(二)社會行動的劇場技巧 83
(三)詮釋角色的工作方法 89
四、小結 94
第三章 劇場藝術的社會生成 97
一、《陰道獨白》的演出製作 97
(一)劇本的選擇 97
(二)演出地點與規模 100
(三)角色分配與排練 103
(四)跨文化元素的調整 106
(五)售票與宣傳 109
(六)其他單位的合作 113
二、性別意識與表演藝術 117
(一)性別意識:多元化的平等 117
(二)表演藝術:詩學或社會學的劇場 125
(三)去/專業的藝術家 131
三、小結 140
第四章 社會行動劇場的觀演關係 143
一、劇團與觀眾的互動模型 143
(一)光腳的愛麗絲劇團 143
(二)On Stage表演藝術工作坊 150
(三)被壓迫者的劇場革命 155
二、觀眾視角下的《陰道獨白》 160
(一)觀眾訪談 160
(二)美學體制中的劇場 168
三、小結 177
第五章 結語 179
一、研究回顧 179
(一)社會行動劇場下的陰性主體 179
(二)藝術表演與社會行動的整合 180
(三)開放性的觀演關係 181
(四)小結 182
二、研究限制與未來展望 183
(一)多元視角的匡列 183
(二)本土化劇本的追蹤 184
附錄 186
附錄一 訪談知情同意書 186
附錄二 訪談大綱 188
參考文獻 192
dc.format.extent 5986425 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108254013en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 《陰道獨白》zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 女性主義戲劇zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會行動劇場zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 勵馨基金會zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) On Stage表演藝術工作坊zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The Vagina Monologuesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Feminist theateren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Theatre of social actionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Garden of Hope Foundationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) On Stage Workshopen_US
dc.title (題名) 藝術表演或社會行動?──以《陰道獨白》及其展演為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Art Performance or Social Action? ─ Taking The Vagina Monologues and Its Performance as an Exampleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 王中,2014,《公共藝術概論》。北京:北京大學。
段馨君,2010,《凝視臺灣當代劇場 :女性劇場、跨文化劇場與表演工作坊》。台北:Airiti Press華藝學術出版社。
Boal, Augusto著、賴淑雅譯,2000,《被壓迫者劇場》。臺北:揚智出版。
Boal, Augusto著、馬利文譯,2019,《慾望的彩虹》。北京:北京師範大學出版。
Biro, David著、彭榮邦譯,2014,《聆聽疼痛 :為痛苦尋找話語、慈悲與寬慰》。新北:木馬文化。
Bishop, Claire著、林宏濤譯,2015,《人造地獄 :參與式藝術與觀看者政治學》。臺北:典藏藝術家庭出版。
Ensler, Eve著、丁凡、喬色分譯,2014,《陰道獨白》。臺北:心靈工坊文化。
Hauser, Arnold著、居延安編譯,1990,《藝術社會學》。臺北:雅典出版。
Jones, Phil著、洪素真等譯,2002。《戲劇治療》。臺北:五南出版。
Landy, Robert著、王秋絨等譯,2016,《人格面具與表演 :角色在戲劇、治療與日常生活的意義》。臺北:心理出版社。
Rancière, Jacques著、楊成瀚、關秀惠譯 ,戴遠雄審訂、修譯、導讀,2021,《感性配享 :美學與政治》。臺北:商周出版。
Sontag, Susan著、陳耀成譯,2017,《旁觀他人之痛苦》。臺北:麥田出版。
Adorno, Theodor, 1981, Prisms. Translated by Samuel and Shierry Weber. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Baker, Rachel B., Marilyn Sawyer Sommers, 2008, “Relationship of Genital Injuries and Age in Adolescent and Young Adult Rape Survivors.” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, JOGNN 37(3): 282-289.
Benjamin, Walter, 1969, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” Pp. 217-252 in Illuminations, edited by Harcourt Brace. New York: Schocken Books.
Beuys, Joseph, 2007, What is Art? Conversation with Joseph Beuys. London: Clairview Books.
Bell, Susan, Susan Reverby, 2005, “Vaginal Politics: Tensions and Possibilities in The Vagina Monologues.” Women`s Studies International Forum, 28(5): 430-444.
Brecht, Bertolt, 1964, Brecht on Theatre: The Development of an Aesthetic, edited by John Willett. New York: Macmillan.
Brodsky, Annette, 1973, “The Consciousness-raising Group as a Model for Therapy with Women.” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice 10(1): 24-29.
Caprioli, Mary, Mark A. Boyer, 2001, “Gender, Violence, and International Crisis.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 45(4): 503-518.
Chemaly, Soraya, 2018, Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women`s Anger. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Diderot, Denis, 1957, The paradox of acting. New York: Hill & Wang.
Ettinger, Bracha L, 2006, “Wit(h)nessing Trauma and the Matrixial Gaze.” Pp. 123-156 in The Matrixial Borderspace, edited by Brian Massumi. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Eriksson, Birgit, Carsten Stage and Bjarki Valtysson, ed., 2019, Cultures of Participation: Arts, Digital Media and Cultural Institutions. London: Routledge.
Freeman, Barbara, 1995, The Feminine Sublime: Gender and Excess in Women’s Fiction. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Goffman, Erving, 1959, “The Moral Career of the Mental Patient.” Psychiatry 22(2): 123-142.
Goodman, Lizbeth, 2003, Contemporary Feminist Theatres: To Each her Own. London: Routledge.
Groys, Boris, 2010, Going Public. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
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