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題名 職業災害雇主責任與相關保險之研究
A Study on Occupational Accidents, Employer Liability, and Related Insurance
作者 林士傑
Lin, Shih-Chieh
貢獻者 葉啓洲
Lin, Shih-Chieh
關鍵詞 職業災害
Occupational Accidents
Occupational Hazard
Occupational Injury
Occupational Injury Compensation
Occupational Hazard Insurance
Occupational Injury Recognition
Employer’s compensation insurance
日期 2023
摘要 我國勞工職業災害保險及保護法於2021 年4 月30 日公布,2022 年5 月1 日施行,以專法形式整合原有職業災害勞工保護法與勞工保險條例的 職業災害保險,提升各項給付予擴大納保範圍,從職災災前預防、職災補償 到職業災害勞工重建,讓勞工獲得完整保護。 依職安署統計資料,我國2021 年累計職業傷害達50428 人次,其中傷病4792人次,失能2002 人次,死亡503 人次。為保障勞工權益,勞基法第59 條明定事業單位雇主對於職災員工須負無過失的補償責任,包括勞工因為職業災害而致死亡、殘廢、傷害或疾病。此外,若雇主對於職業災害發生有過失,則除了負責勞工職業災害補償外,雇主須承擔額外民事損害賠償責任;此時,雇主可透過投保雇主意外責任保險與雇主補償責任保險來轉嫁相關風險。雇主意外責任保險之目的,為轉嫁雇主民事賠償責任,賠償金得抵充雇主職災民事賠償責任;而雇主補償責任保險之目的,為轉嫁勞基法上雇主職業災害補償責任,當勞保理賠金額不足以抵充雇主於勞基法上補償責任時可抵充職災補償責任,若雇主補償保險理賠金仍有剩餘,亦可作為雇主民事賠償金。 職業安全衛生為企業發展「環境(Environment)」、「社會(Social)」、「公司管理(Governance)」的ESG 經營一大重點,未來企業亦可透過購買雇主責任保險等商業保險協助轉嫁職業安全衛生相關事故風險,持續精進風險管理措施,提升安全績效指標與企業價值,展現企業能夠永續經營的良好印象。本研究將統整職業傷病鑑定、職業災害爭議審定與雇主補償責任保險、雇主意外責任保險等商業保險於職災相關責任與風險抵充給付解析,協助雇主與企業能更深入了解雇主契約補償責任險對於職災勞工照顧及災害補償的重要性,能讓勞工獲得最完整的保護,減輕雇主負擔,達成勞雇雙贏局面。
The "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act" of our country was promulgated on April 30, 2021 and came into effect on May 1, 2022, marking a historic moment for our occupational accident protection system. The act integrates the occupational accident insurance and the labor protection law for occupational accident workers under a special law, with the aim of expanding the coverage, enhancing benefits, and providing comprehensive protection for workers from pre-disaster prevention to post-disaster reconstruction. According to statistics from the Ministry of Labor`s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, there were a total of 50,428 occupational injuries in our country in 2021, including 4,792 cases of illness, 2,002 cases of disability, and 503 deaths. To protect the rights and interests of workers, Article 59 of the Labor Standards Act stipulates the legal compensation responsibility of employers for employees injured in occupational accidents. When a worker suffers death, disability, injury, or illness due to an occupational accident, the employer is obligated to provide compensation. In addition, our country adopts a dual-track system for occupational accident compensation. If the employer is at fault for the occupational accident, they are liable for additional civil damages compensation. The Labor Standards Act grants employers the possibility to assume responsibility through both labor insurance occupational accident benefits and commercial insurance benefits. In the current insurance market, employers can transfer risks by purchasing employer`s liability insurance and employer`s compensation insurance. Employer`s liability insurance is designed for employer`s civil compensation responsibility, and the compensation amount can offset the employer`s statutory compensation responsibility. Employer`s compensation insurance is designed to cover the compensation responsibility under the Labor Standards Act. When the employer fails to purchase labor insurance or the insurance coverage is insufficient to cover the employer`s compensation responsibility under the law, employer`s compensation insurance can make up for it. If there is still surplus compensation, it can also be used to compensate for the employer`s civil compensation responsibility. Occupational safety and health is a major focus of the "Environment,""Social," and "Governance" (ESG) management for corporate development. In the future, companies can also transfer occupational safety and health-related accident risks through purchasing commercial insurance such as employer`s liability insurance, continuously improve risk management measures, enhance safety performance indicators, and demonstrate a positive impression of sustainable business operations. This study aims to analyze the interaction between occupational injury and illness identification, employer`s compensation responsibility insurance, employer`s liability insurance, and other private insurances related to occupational accidents. It assists employers and businesses in gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of employer`s contractual compensation insurance in caring for occupational accident workers and providing disaster compensation. This comprehensive protection enables workers to receive complete protection and alleviates the burden on employers, achieving a win-win situation.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107961014
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 葉啓洲zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 林士傑zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lin, Shih-Chiehen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林士傑zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Shih-Chiehen_US
dc.date (日期) 2023en_US
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0107961014en_US
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法學院碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107961014zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國勞工職業災害保險及保護法於2021 年4 月30 日公布,2022 年5 月1 日施行,以專法形式整合原有職業災害勞工保護法與勞工保險條例的 職業災害保險,提升各項給付予擴大納保範圍,從職災災前預防、職災補償 到職業災害勞工重建,讓勞工獲得完整保護。 依職安署統計資料,我國2021 年累計職業傷害達50428 人次,其中傷病4792人次,失能2002 人次,死亡503 人次。為保障勞工權益,勞基法第59 條明定事業單位雇主對於職災員工須負無過失的補償責任,包括勞工因為職業災害而致死亡、殘廢、傷害或疾病。此外,若雇主對於職業災害發生有過失,則除了負責勞工職業災害補償外,雇主須承擔額外民事損害賠償責任;此時,雇主可透過投保雇主意外責任保險與雇主補償責任保險來轉嫁相關風險。雇主意外責任保險之目的,為轉嫁雇主民事賠償責任,賠償金得抵充雇主職災民事賠償責任;而雇主補償責任保險之目的,為轉嫁勞基法上雇主職業災害補償責任,當勞保理賠金額不足以抵充雇主於勞基法上補償責任時可抵充職災補償責任,若雇主補償保險理賠金仍有剩餘,亦可作為雇主民事賠償金。 職業安全衛生為企業發展「環境(Environment)」、「社會(Social)」、「公司管理(Governance)」的ESG 經營一大重點,未來企業亦可透過購買雇主責任保險等商業保險協助轉嫁職業安全衛生相關事故風險,持續精進風險管理措施,提升安全績效指標與企業價值,展現企業能夠永續經營的良好印象。本研究將統整職業傷病鑑定、職業災害爭議審定與雇主補償責任保險、雇主意外責任保險等商業保險於職災相關責任與風險抵充給付解析,協助雇主與企業能更深入了解雇主契約補償責任險對於職災勞工照顧及災害補償的重要性,能讓勞工獲得最完整的保護,減輕雇主負擔,達成勞雇雙贏局面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The "Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act" of our country was promulgated on April 30, 2021 and came into effect on May 1, 2022, marking a historic moment for our occupational accident protection system. The act integrates the occupational accident insurance and the labor protection law for occupational accident workers under a special law, with the aim of expanding the coverage, enhancing benefits, and providing comprehensive protection for workers from pre-disaster prevention to post-disaster reconstruction. According to statistics from the Ministry of Labor`s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, there were a total of 50,428 occupational injuries in our country in 2021, including 4,792 cases of illness, 2,002 cases of disability, and 503 deaths. To protect the rights and interests of workers, Article 59 of the Labor Standards Act stipulates the legal compensation responsibility of employers for employees injured in occupational accidents. When a worker suffers death, disability, injury, or illness due to an occupational accident, the employer is obligated to provide compensation. In addition, our country adopts a dual-track system for occupational accident compensation. If the employer is at fault for the occupational accident, they are liable for additional civil damages compensation. The Labor Standards Act grants employers the possibility to assume responsibility through both labor insurance occupational accident benefits and commercial insurance benefits. In the current insurance market, employers can transfer risks by purchasing employer`s liability insurance and employer`s compensation insurance. Employer`s liability insurance is designed for employer`s civil compensation responsibility, and the compensation amount can offset the employer`s statutory compensation responsibility. Employer`s compensation insurance is designed to cover the compensation responsibility under the Labor Standards Act. When the employer fails to purchase labor insurance or the insurance coverage is insufficient to cover the employer`s compensation responsibility under the law, employer`s compensation insurance can make up for it. If there is still surplus compensation, it can also be used to compensate for the employer`s civil compensation responsibility. Occupational safety and health is a major focus of the "Environment,""Social," and "Governance" (ESG) management for corporate development. In the future, companies can also transfer occupational safety and health-related accident risks through purchasing commercial insurance such as employer`s liability insurance, continuously improve risk management measures, enhance safety performance indicators, and demonstrate a positive impression of sustainable business operations. This study aims to analyze the interaction between occupational injury and illness identification, employer`s compensation responsibility insurance, employer`s liability insurance, and other private insurances related to occupational accidents. It assists employers and businesses in gaining a deeper understanding of the importance of employer`s contractual compensation insurance in caring for occupational accident workers and providing disaster compensation. This comprehensive protection enables workers to receive complete protection and alleviates the burden on employers, achieving a win-win situation.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 ………………………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………………………2 第三節 研究方法與範圍…………………………………………………………3 第二章 職業災害保險制度發展與職業災害保險立法……………………………5 第一節 我國勞工職業災害保險及保護法立法沿革意旨與職業災害保險給付制度 …5 第一項 立法沿革與立法意旨 ………………………………………………5 第二項 我國職業災害保險給付制度 ………………………………………5 第一款 給付制度與給付內容 ………………………………………5 第二款 保險費負擔與費率 …………………………………………6 第二節 國外職業災害保險制度 ………………………………………………6 第三章 國內職業災害現況與雇主職業災害責任相關保險制度…………………9 第一節 我國職業災害現況與認定 ……………………………………………9 第一項 我國職業災害定義與現況……………………………………………9 第二項 職業災害認定與因果關係判斷………………………………………10 第一款 國內職業疾病認定及鑑定程序………………………………10 第二款 職業傷病審查準則……………………………………………11 第三款 職業病認定原則………………………………………………13 第四款 業務遂行性與業務起因性……………………………………14 第五款 相當因果關係…………………………………………………14 第三項 我國職業災害現況與爭議……………………………………………15 第一款 國內常見職災種類 ……………………………………………15 第二款 通勤職災給付 ………………………………………………25 第三款 新興職業病 …………………………………………………33 第四款 不能工作之認定 ………………………………………………36 第五款 勞工的定義與平均工資計算 …………………………………38 第六款 職業災害認定爭議審議 ………………………………………39 第四項 職業災害之雇主責任…………………………………………………40 第一款 雇主之民事責任………………………………………………40 v 第二款 雇主之行政責任………………………………………………44 第三款 雇主之刑事責任………………………………………………45 第五項 勞資爭議調解與仲裁制度……………………………………………45 第二節 現行國內雇主職業災害責任相關保險制度 …………………………46 第一項 責任保險的意義………………………………………………………46 第二項 雇主責任保險與勞工保險及團體傷害保險之比較…………………53 第三項 雇主意外責任保險……………………………………………………55 第四項 雇主補償責任保險……………………………………………………57 第三節 現行國內雇主職業災害責任保險制度實務爭議 ……………………62 第四章 我國法院對雇主職災責任與相關保險理賠判決之探討 ………………69 第一節 職業災害認定與雇主責任 …………………………………………69 第二節 雇主投保商業保險是否可抵充雇主職業災害民事責任 ……………78 第三節 職災勞工與有過失之過失相抵 ………………………………………80 第四節 本文觀點 ……………………………………………………………82 第五章 結論與建議 ………………………………………………………………89 參考文獻………………………………………………………………………………………96 附件…………………………………………………………………………………………………101zh_TW
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107961014en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職業災害zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職災補償zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職災賠償zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職業災害保險zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職業災害責任保險zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職業災害認定zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Occupational Accidentsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Occupational Hazarden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Occupational Injuryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Occupational Injury Compensationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Occupational Hazard Insuranceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Occupational Injury Recognitionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Employer’s compensation insuranceen_US
dc.title (題名) 職業災害雇主責任與相關保險之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Occupational Accidents, Employer Liability, and Related Insuranceen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesis-