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題名 安倍政府性別政策之探討: 新自由主義與保守主義論述之影響
Gender Policies under Abe Administration: The Influences of Neoliberalism and Conservatism
作者 豬俁美咲
Inomata, Misaki
貢獻者 魏玫娟
Wei, Mei-Chuan
Misaki Inomata
關鍵詞 性別平等
Gender Equality
Gender Policy
Shinzo Abe
日期 2023
上傳時間 3-Oct-2023 10:48:38 (UTC+8)
摘要 儘管在前首相安倍晉三的領導下,日本實施了大量以女性為重點的措施,但為什麼日本在實現性別平等方面取得的進展有限,甚至出現了倒退? 在這一問題的啟發下,本論文對第二屆安倍政府期間頒布的性別政策進行了深入研究。鑒於學術界的討論強調了性別平等進步、新自由主義和保守主義之間的互相關係,並認識到安倍晉三與這些意識形態原則的一致性,本研究特別關注這些原則對性別政策的影響。通過對政策制定過程中的相關材料進行詳細研究,這項研究發現,保守主義思想對政策的影響微乎其微,而新自由主義則在政策框架中發揮了重要作用,從而延續而非改變了產生和維持性別不平等的日本社會經濟結構。本研究不僅指出了安倍晉三的政策對促進性別平等的影響有限的因素,還強調了當前和未來政府重新考慮其政策框架的必要性。
Why has Japan`s progress towards achieving gender equality been minor and even regressed, despite the substantial implementation of women-focused initiatives under the leadership of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe? Prompted by this inquiry, this thesis delves into the gender policies enacted during the second Abe administration. Looking at scholarly discussions underscoring the negative correlation between gender equality advancement and the ideologies of neoliberalism and conservatism, and recognizing Abe`s alignment with these ideas; this study focuses on the influences of these beliefs on gender policies. The examination of relevant materials detailing the policy formulation process reveals that while conservative ideologies had minimal impact, neoliberalism notably delineated the policy framework, thereby perpetuating rather than altering the Japanese socio-economic structures that produce and sustain gender inequality. This study identifies the factors restricting the impact of Abe`s policies on enhancing gender equality, highlighting the necessity for current and future governments to reconsider their policy frameworks.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 魏玫娟zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wei, Mei-Chuanen_US (Authors) 豬俁美咲zh_TW (Authors) Misaki Inomataen_US
dc.creator (作者) 豬俁美咲zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Inomata, Misakien_US (日期) 2023en_US 3-Oct-2023 10:48:38 (UTC+8)- 3-Oct-2023 10:48:38 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Oct-2023 10:48:38 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110926014en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110926014zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 儘管在前首相安倍晉三的領導下,日本實施了大量以女性為重點的措施,但為什麼日本在實現性別平等方面取得的進展有限,甚至出現了倒退? 在這一問題的啟發下,本論文對第二屆安倍政府期間頒布的性別政策進行了深入研究。鑒於學術界的討論強調了性別平等進步、新自由主義和保守主義之間的互相關係,並認識到安倍晉三與這些意識形態原則的一致性,本研究特別關注這些原則對性別政策的影響。通過對政策制定過程中的相關材料進行詳細研究,這項研究發現,保守主義思想對政策的影響微乎其微,而新自由主義則在政策框架中發揮了重要作用,從而延續而非改變了產生和維持性別不平等的日本社會經濟結構。本研究不僅指出了安倍晉三的政策對促進性別平等的影響有限的因素,還強調了當前和未來政府重新考慮其政策框架的必要性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Why has Japan`s progress towards achieving gender equality been minor and even regressed, despite the substantial implementation of women-focused initiatives under the leadership of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe? Prompted by this inquiry, this thesis delves into the gender policies enacted during the second Abe administration. Looking at scholarly discussions underscoring the negative correlation between gender equality advancement and the ideologies of neoliberalism and conservatism, and recognizing Abe`s alignment with these ideas; this study focuses on the influences of these beliefs on gender policies. The examination of relevant materials detailing the policy formulation process reveals that while conservative ideologies had minimal impact, neoliberalism notably delineated the policy framework, thereby perpetuating rather than altering the Japanese socio-economic structures that produce and sustain gender inequality. This study identifies the factors restricting the impact of Abe`s policies on enhancing gender equality, highlighting the necessity for current and future governments to reconsider their policy frameworks.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 4
1.3 Research Purpose and Research Question 6
1.4 Research Method 7
1.5 Chapters Structure 9
2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Neoliberalism 10
2.2 Conservatism 15
2.3 Gender and Neoliberalism and Conservatism in Japan 18
2.4 Chapter Summary 20
3. Neoliberalism and Gender Policies 23
3.1 Gender Gap in Economic Participation and Opportunity 23
3.2 Abe’s Ambivalent Policy Ideology 26
3.3 Gender Policies and Neoliberalism 28
3.4 Chapter Summary 45
4. Conservatism and Gender 48
4.1 LDP and Abe’s Conservatism 48
4.2 Tax Reform 50
4.3 Childcare Policies 59
4.4 Chapter Summary 70
5 Conclusion 72
References 79
dc.format.extent 1017503 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 性別平等zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 性別政策zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日本zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 安倍晉三zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新自由主義zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 保守主義zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Gender Equalityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Gender Policyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Japanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Shinzo Abeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Neoliberalismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Conservatismen_US
dc.title (題名) 安倍政府性別政策之探討: 新自由主義與保守主義論述之影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Gender Policies under Abe Administration: The Influences of Neoliberalism and Conservatismen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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