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題名 《莊子》的技藝之道:一個跨文化的嘗試
Dao-based Skill in Zhuangzi : A Cross-cultural Attempt
作者 葉軒如
Yeh, Hsuan-Ru
貢獻者 林啟屏
Lin, Chi-Ping
Yeh, Hsuan-Ru
關鍵詞 莊子
日期 2023
上傳時間 2-Jan-2024 15:24:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文以《莊子》的技藝作為研究主題,從身體觀的進路出發,透過「技進於道」的脈絡逐步清理,試圖挖掘在當代處境中,「技藝」擁有的潛能與其現代性、特殊性。 海德格觀察到現代社會已被數字、計算所攫獲,任何人、事、物在現代都無法被視為自身的目的,而是總是為了更大的目的的一種工具性存在,然而,《莊子・養生主》中言雖然始於技術的習練,技藝卻能夠不止步於「技術」的層次,而有一種「進於道」的潛能,人透過掌握「技藝」,將突破工具性的存在,而產生與大化同遊的可能。 建立在此線索上,筆者將首先探討「技藝」一詞的來源及意義,框定本文中「技藝」用法的具體內涵及定義,爾後在身體觀的向度下,透過引入重要身體哲學家梅洛-龐蒂(Merleau-Ponty,1908-1961)的身體哲學成果與《莊子》 進行跨文化對話,細察「技藝」背後的身體運作模式。對「技藝」有一定的掌握後,還必須梳理技進於道的「道」之內涵,才能夠確保這樣的「技藝」確實 是面對當代處境的重要線索,並進一步開啟技藝當代啟示的思索。 本文透過對「技藝」一詞的深究,將「技藝」定位為透過人綰合「技術」 與「藝術」的一種行動,正因有「人」的參與,技藝便不只是機械性地重複性操作,而蘊含創造性的美學動能。而技藝的行動有賴於身體的運動,透過與梅洛-龐蒂的跨文化對話,《莊子》中的身體運作便能在不違背氣論的脈絡下,有別於過往渾沌式的天人合一詮釋,開展出更清晰的知覺協同圖像,「氣」的內部差異也在這樣的脈絡下被凸顯出來。 在筆者的考察下,「技藝」是一種將知識實踐的行動,一種連結於「技術」與「藝術」之間、「人」與「物」之間的一種運動,更是人身處世界,與世界互動的一種生活方式。而《莊子》中的精通「技藝」者,之所以仍有別於真人、 天人,乃在技藝者是在「意識與身體緊密結合的混融狀態」與「意識先行帶動身體的意識狀態」之間不斷來回,而非一直處於與大化混融同感的真人狀態。這樣的技藝者比起真人式的理想狀態,才更對應當前的處境,在結構的束縛中活出自由的樣子。
The skill of “Zhuangzi” is the research theme of this paper. The author starts from the approach of the body view and gradually deduces the context of “skill to the Tao”. Furthermore, the author explores the potential of “skill” and its modernity in the contemporary context. Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, observed that modern society has been captured by numbers and calculations, and that no person, thing, or objects can be regarded as its own in modern times, but always an instrumental existence for a larger purpose. However, it is said in “The Primacy of Nourishing Life” that although it begins with the practice of technology, skills do not equate to the level of “technology”, but a possibility of “entering the Tao,” and people will break through the existence of instrumentality by mastering “skills”, and have the possibility of traveling with Nature. Based on this clue, the author will first explore the origin and meaning of the word “skill” and frame the specific connotation and definition of the use of “skill” in this article. Then, from the perspective of the body view, introduced the achievements of the important body philosopher Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) into a cross-cultural dialogue with Zhuangzi to examine the mode of body operation behind the “skill.” After having a certain mastery of the skill, it is also necessary to sort out the connotation of the "Dao" and” the Tao of the skill”, so as to ensure that such “skill” is indeed an important clue to the contemporary context. Furthermore, the paper opens up the thinking of the contemporary enlightenment of the skill. Through the in-depth study of the word “skill”, this paper positions “skill” as an action that combines “technology” and “art” through people. Precisely speaking, the skill is not only a mechanical repetitive operation but also contains creative aesthetic kinetics because of the participation of “people.” Through the cross-cultural dialogue with Merleau-Ponty, the physical operation in Zhuangzi can develop a clearer perceptual synergistic image without violating the qi theory. Different from the chaotic interpretation of the unity of God(天) and person(人) in the past, the author emphasize that the internal differences of “qi” and highlights it in this context. Under the author’s investigation, a “skill” is an action of putting knowledge into practice-- a movement that connects “technology” and “art” between “people” and “things.” It is also a way of life in which people are in the world and interact with the world. The reason why the proficiency of the “skill” in Zhuangzi is still different from “real people”(真人) and “heavenly people”(天人) is that they are constantly going back and forth between “a state of integration of consciousness and body” and “a state of consciousness in which consciousness drives the body first.” Rather than always being in a real people’s(真人) state of feeling the same as Nature, a man who grasps the skill is more responsive to the current situation than a real person’s ideal state, living freely in the constraints of structure.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林啟屏zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lin, Chi-Pingen_US (Authors) 葉軒如zh_TW (Authors) Yeh, Hsuan-Ruen_US
dc.creator (作者) 葉軒如zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Yeh, Hsuan-Ruen_US (日期) 2023en_US 2-Jan-2024 15:24:01 (UTC+8)- 2-Jan-2024 15:24:01 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Jan-2024 15:24:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0109151018en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 中國文學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109151018zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文以《莊子》的技藝作為研究主題,從身體觀的進路出發,透過「技進於道」的脈絡逐步清理,試圖挖掘在當代處境中,「技藝」擁有的潛能與其現代性、特殊性。 海德格觀察到現代社會已被數字、計算所攫獲,任何人、事、物在現代都無法被視為自身的目的,而是總是為了更大的目的的一種工具性存在,然而,《莊子・養生主》中言雖然始於技術的習練,技藝卻能夠不止步於「技術」的層次,而有一種「進於道」的潛能,人透過掌握「技藝」,將突破工具性的存在,而產生與大化同遊的可能。 建立在此線索上,筆者將首先探討「技藝」一詞的來源及意義,框定本文中「技藝」用法的具體內涵及定義,爾後在身體觀的向度下,透過引入重要身體哲學家梅洛-龐蒂(Merleau-Ponty,1908-1961)的身體哲學成果與《莊子》 進行跨文化對話,細察「技藝」背後的身體運作模式。對「技藝」有一定的掌握後,還必須梳理技進於道的「道」之內涵,才能夠確保這樣的「技藝」確實 是面對當代處境的重要線索,並進一步開啟技藝當代啟示的思索。 本文透過對「技藝」一詞的深究,將「技藝」定位為透過人綰合「技術」 與「藝術」的一種行動,正因有「人」的參與,技藝便不只是機械性地重複性操作,而蘊含創造性的美學動能。而技藝的行動有賴於身體的運動,透過與梅洛-龐蒂的跨文化對話,《莊子》中的身體運作便能在不違背氣論的脈絡下,有別於過往渾沌式的天人合一詮釋,開展出更清晰的知覺協同圖像,「氣」的內部差異也在這樣的脈絡下被凸顯出來。 在筆者的考察下,「技藝」是一種將知識實踐的行動,一種連結於「技術」與「藝術」之間、「人」與「物」之間的一種運動,更是人身處世界,與世界互動的一種生活方式。而《莊子》中的精通「技藝」者,之所以仍有別於真人、 天人,乃在技藝者是在「意識與身體緊密結合的混融狀態」與「意識先行帶動身體的意識狀態」之間不斷來回,而非一直處於與大化混融同感的真人狀態。這樣的技藝者比起真人式的理想狀態,才更對應當前的處境,在結構的束縛中活出自由的樣子。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The skill of “Zhuangzi” is the research theme of this paper. The author starts from the approach of the body view and gradually deduces the context of “skill to the Tao”. Furthermore, the author explores the potential of “skill” and its modernity in the contemporary context. Martin Heidegger, a German philosopher, observed that modern society has been captured by numbers and calculations, and that no person, thing, or objects can be regarded as its own in modern times, but always an instrumental existence for a larger purpose. However, it is said in “The Primacy of Nourishing Life” that although it begins with the practice of technology, skills do not equate to the level of “technology”, but a possibility of “entering the Tao,” and people will break through the existence of instrumentality by mastering “skills”, and have the possibility of traveling with Nature. Based on this clue, the author will first explore the origin and meaning of the word “skill” and frame the specific connotation and definition of the use of “skill” in this article. Then, from the perspective of the body view, introduced the achievements of the important body philosopher Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) into a cross-cultural dialogue with Zhuangzi to examine the mode of body operation behind the “skill.” After having a certain mastery of the skill, it is also necessary to sort out the connotation of the "Dao" and” the Tao of the skill”, so as to ensure that such “skill” is indeed an important clue to the contemporary context. Furthermore, the paper opens up the thinking of the contemporary enlightenment of the skill. Through the in-depth study of the word “skill”, this paper positions “skill” as an action that combines “technology” and “art” through people. Precisely speaking, the skill is not only a mechanical repetitive operation but also contains creative aesthetic kinetics because of the participation of “people.” Through the cross-cultural dialogue with Merleau-Ponty, the physical operation in Zhuangzi can develop a clearer perceptual synergistic image without violating the qi theory. Different from the chaotic interpretation of the unity of God(天) and person(人) in the past, the author emphasize that the internal differences of “qi” and highlights it in this context. Under the author’s investigation, a “skill” is an action of putting knowledge into practice-- a movement that connects “technology” and “art” between “people” and “things.” It is also a way of life in which people are in the world and interact with the world. The reason why the proficiency of the “skill” in Zhuangzi is still different from “real people”(真人) and “heavenly people”(天人) is that they are constantly going back and forth between “a state of integration of consciousness and body” and “a state of consciousness in which consciousness drives the body first.” Rather than always being in a real people’s(真人) state of feeling the same as Nature, a man who grasps the skill is more responsive to the current situation than a real person’s ideal state, living freely in the constraints of structure.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 問題意識與研究目的 1 第二節 前行研究 5 第三節 研究進路與篇章架構 19 第二章 技藝的形貌:技藝與莊子 26 第一節 論技藝之源及其意義演變 26 第二節 技術、藝術與技藝 29 第三節 技藝的可能向度——孟、荀與莊子之比較 40 第三章 技藝背後的身體:身體的多重層次 54 第一節 「肉身」與世界——梅洛龐蒂思想介紹 54 第二節 氣與肉身——莊子與梅洛龐蒂身體觀之對話 63 第三節 技藝的再認識——多重身體層次下的不同理解 74 第四章 技進於道:當代處境的技藝實踐 84 第一節 《莊子》中的「道」 84 第二節 技進於道 92 第三節 技藝在當代的可能實踐 101 第五章 結論 109 徵引書目 113zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2737799 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 莊子zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 技藝zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 身體zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 梅洛龐蒂zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Zhuangzien_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) skillen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) bodyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Merleau-Pontyen_US
dc.title (題名) 《莊子》的技藝之道:一個跨文化的嘗試zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Dao-based Skill in Zhuangzi : A Cross-cultural Attempten_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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