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題名 基本工資調漲對企業勞資互動關係影響之探討
A Study on the effect of Basic Wage Rising on labor-management relations
作者 蘇庭歡
SU, Ting-Huan
貢獻者 成之約
SU, Ting-Huan
關鍵詞 基本工資
Basic wage
Psychological contract violation
Labor Relations
Human resources management
日期 2024
上傳時間 1-Mar-2024 13:53:41 (UTC+8)
摘要 自106年開始,臺灣的基本工資從月薪21,009元,每年調漲,並且於113年後,基本工資已調漲為27,470元。隨著基本工資連續多年的調漲,而勞動市場的結構也快速的變化下,企業與員工在面對基本工資的調漲是否有產生心理契約違反的現象。又或者造成了勞資雙方各自的立場出現分歧,形成勞資關係更複雜的情形。 本研究透過工作關係取得次級資料分析中小企業薪資結構變化現象,並依研究動機找尋相關文獻資料,以作為設計問卷之依據。而運用質化研究方式,訪談中小企業中的員工與人資主管對於基本工資的調漲與薪資結構的轉變的態度,以探討基本工資的調漲對於勞資互動的影響情況,並提出建議。 從本研究觀察到,基本工資的調漲,使得中小企業的勞資關係需要不斷的調整,而長期的變化下,除了中小企業的人事成本增加外,在管理上所需投入的時間成本也不斷上升,最終的結果,中小企業也會評估停損點,並終止勞資的合作關係(勞僱契約)。另從勞資雙方各自的看法做出的交叉比對可看出,其實勞資雙方對於「薪資」的衡量標準,都有相似的觀點。另外透過中小企業之內部薪資結構發現,基本工資調漲,使得企業有以下三種改變:1、獎金發放的時間改變。2、改變獎金制度。3、雇用專業人員的比例改變。因此中小企業與員工能在勞資互動關係中達到雙方的平衡點時,基本工資的制度並不會對該企業造成影響;反之,若勞資互動關係只依靠基本工資的制度維護時,長期經營下,勞資互動關係始終無法達成共識。此時,基本工資的調漲也未必對勞工有益。 本研究認為,除了審議制度及調漲依據能再更公開透明外,調幅的空間能更有彈性,例如:可依據產業別的不同給予不同的調幅級距。讓中小企業更有空間去規劃內部的人資管理,如此才能讓勞資關係能夠長期維護,最終不會受到基本工資的的影響。
Since 2017, Basic Wage in Taiwan has been increased every year .From NT 21,009 a monthly of Wage , and after 2024 , the Basic Wage would increased to NT 27,470 a monthly of Wage . As basic wages have been increased for many years, and the structure of labor-management relations has also changed rapidly, companies and employees are faced with whether there is a psychological contract violation when faced with increases in basic wages. Or it may lead to differences in the respective positions of labor and management, resulting in more complicated labor-management relations. This study obtains secondary data through working relationships to analyze the changing phenomenon of salary structure in small and medium-sized enterprises, and searches for relevant literature based on the research motivation as a basis for designing the questionnaire. Using qualitative research methods, we interviewed employees and human resources managers in Mittelstand enterprises about their attitudes towards the increase in basic salary and the change in salary structure, in order to explore the impact of the increase in basic salary on labor-management interaction and make suggestions. Or it can be used as a reference for improving labor-management interaction in small and medium-sized enterprises in the future. It’s observed from this study that the increase in basic wages requires continuous adjustment of labor relations in Mittelstand enterprises. Under long-term changes, in addition to the increase in personnel costs of Mittelstand enterprises, time cost in management are also rising. , the final result is that Mittelstand enterprises will also terminate cooperative the labor-management relationships (employment contract). From the cross-comparison of the views of both employers and employees, it can be seen that both employers and employees actually have similar views on the measurement standard of "salary". In addition, through the salary structure of Mittelstand enterprises, it was found that the increase in basic salary has caused the following three changes in the enterprise: 1. The time of bonus payment has changed. 2. Change the bonus system. 3. The proportion of hiring professionals changes. Therefore, when a Mittelstand enterprises and its employees have reached a balance in the labor-capital interaction relationship, the basic wage system will not have an impact on the enterprise; conversely, if the labor-capital interaction relationship only relies on the basic wage system to maintain the relationship, under long-term operation, The interaction between labor and capital has never been able to reach a consensus. At this time, the increase in basic wages may not be beneficial to employees. Regarding the basic wage system, this study believes that in addition to making the review system and the basis for increase more open and transparent, the space for amplitude adjustment can be more flexible. For example, different amplitude adjustment steps can be given based on different industries. Give Mittelstand enterprises more space to plan internal personnel management, so that labor-management relations can be maintained for a long time and will not be affected by basic wages.
參考文獻 中文部份 一、專書: 1、吳全成、馬翠華(2020) 。勞資關係(第三版) 。臺北,新文京。 2、沈曾圻、王覺民等(1984) 。開創中小企業的新局面 。臺北,中華民國勞資關係協進會。 3、沈曾圻等(1986) 。企業‧重視你的勞資關係 。臺北,中華民國勞資關係協進會。 4、黃良志、黃家齊、溫金豐、廖文志、韓志翔(2020) 。人力資源管理:基礎及應用(第三版) 。臺北,華泰文化。 5、湯明輝(1987) 。勞工的參與管理:理論與實務 。臺北,中華民國勞資關係協進會。 6、宋學軍(2006) 。一次讀完28本管理學經典 。臺北,海鴿文化出版社圖書有限公司。 二、期刊論文: 1、成之約(2013) 。我國勞資關係及其法制的回顧與展望 。臺北,綜合規劃司。 2、陳繼盛(1991) 。各國勞資爭議處理制度之研究 。臺北,行政院勞工委員會。 3、李耀泰(2008) 。新加坡勞、資、政三邊關係的檢視:一個歷史制度主義的觀點 。人文暨社會科學期刊 第四卷 第二期 三、學位論文: 1、許祐嘉 (2021) 。雇主品牌與員工留任意願關係 2、黃芳玫(2022) 。臺灣基本工資調升對薪資不均之影響-2012-2019實證 3、李建鴻 邁向「尊嚴勞動體制」的最低工資制度:各國最低工資制度的比較 文化大學勞工關係系 4、劉立汶 (2018) 。勞動生產力、失業率、職位空缺率與薪資影響之分析 四、網路資源: 1、 行政院新聞傳播處 重要政策:基本工資,連6年調漲—保障勞工基本生活 2、觀點投書:《基本工資審議》是《勞資關係和諧》的測溫器 3、 《勞動基準法》 4、 勞基法使勞資關係和諧或對立? 天下雜誌50期 5、 中華民國統計資訊網 薪資與生產力統計年報 6、 理想的最低工資審議機制應該為何? 台灣勞工陣線 7、 教你讀懂新勞動三法 台灣勞工陣線 五、其他 1、中小企業提供101-110年間相關之薪資數據 貳、西文部份: 一、專書: 國際勞工組織 公約 第131號 Daniel Quinn Mills.(1978). Labor management relations.New York:Mc Grew-Hill Book company. p.16. Eyraud, Francois,Saget, Catherine(2005).The fundamentals of minimum wage Fixing.Geneva:International Labor Organization Office. Griep, Y., & Vantilborgh, T. (2018). Reciprocal effects of psychological contract breach on counterproductive and organizational citizenship behaviors: The role of time. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 141-153. Morrison, E. W., & Robinson, S. L. (1997). When employees feel betrayed: a model of how psychological contract violation develops. Academy of Management Review, 22(1), 226-256. Rousseau, D. M. (1989),“Psychological and Implicit Contracts in Organizations,”Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2: 121-139. Robinson, S., and Rousseau, D. (1994),“Violating the Psychological Contract: Not the Exception but the Norm,”Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 16: 289-298. Rousseau, D. M. (2001),“The Idiosyncratic Deal: Flexibility Versus Fairness,”Organizational Dynamics, 29(4): 260-272. Schein, E. H. (1980). Organizational psychology (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 成之約zh_TW (Authors) 蘇庭歡zh_TW (Authors) SU, Ting-Huanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蘇庭歡zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) SU, Ting-Huanen_US (日期) 2024en_US 1-Mar-2024 13:53:41 (UTC+8)- 1-Mar-2024 13:53:41 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Mar-2024 13:53:41 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110921067en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110921067zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自106年開始,臺灣的基本工資從月薪21,009元,每年調漲,並且於113年後,基本工資已調漲為27,470元。隨著基本工資連續多年的調漲,而勞動市場的結構也快速的變化下,企業與員工在面對基本工資的調漲是否有產生心理契約違反的現象。又或者造成了勞資雙方各自的立場出現分歧,形成勞資關係更複雜的情形。 本研究透過工作關係取得次級資料分析中小企業薪資結構變化現象,並依研究動機找尋相關文獻資料,以作為設計問卷之依據。而運用質化研究方式,訪談中小企業中的員工與人資主管對於基本工資的調漲與薪資結構的轉變的態度,以探討基本工資的調漲對於勞資互動的影響情況,並提出建議。 從本研究觀察到,基本工資的調漲,使得中小企業的勞資關係需要不斷的調整,而長期的變化下,除了中小企業的人事成本增加外,在管理上所需投入的時間成本也不斷上升,最終的結果,中小企業也會評估停損點,並終止勞資的合作關係(勞僱契約)。另從勞資雙方各自的看法做出的交叉比對可看出,其實勞資雙方對於「薪資」的衡量標準,都有相似的觀點。另外透過中小企業之內部薪資結構發現,基本工資調漲,使得企業有以下三種改變:1、獎金發放的時間改變。2、改變獎金制度。3、雇用專業人員的比例改變。因此中小企業與員工能在勞資互動關係中達到雙方的平衡點時,基本工資的制度並不會對該企業造成影響;反之,若勞資互動關係只依靠基本工資的制度維護時,長期經營下,勞資互動關係始終無法達成共識。此時,基本工資的調漲也未必對勞工有益。 本研究認為,除了審議制度及調漲依據能再更公開透明外,調幅的空間能更有彈性,例如:可依據產業別的不同給予不同的調幅級距。讓中小企業更有空間去規劃內部的人資管理,如此才能讓勞資關係能夠長期維護,最終不會受到基本工資的的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since 2017, Basic Wage in Taiwan has been increased every year .From NT 21,009 a monthly of Wage , and after 2024 , the Basic Wage would increased to NT 27,470 a monthly of Wage . As basic wages have been increased for many years, and the structure of labor-management relations has also changed rapidly, companies and employees are faced with whether there is a psychological contract violation when faced with increases in basic wages. Or it may lead to differences in the respective positions of labor and management, resulting in more complicated labor-management relations. This study obtains secondary data through working relationships to analyze the changing phenomenon of salary structure in small and medium-sized enterprises, and searches for relevant literature based on the research motivation as a basis for designing the questionnaire. Using qualitative research methods, we interviewed employees and human resources managers in Mittelstand enterprises about their attitudes towards the increase in basic salary and the change in salary structure, in order to explore the impact of the increase in basic salary on labor-management interaction and make suggestions. Or it can be used as a reference for improving labor-management interaction in small and medium-sized enterprises in the future. It’s observed from this study that the increase in basic wages requires continuous adjustment of labor relations in Mittelstand enterprises. Under long-term changes, in addition to the increase in personnel costs of Mittelstand enterprises, time cost in management are also rising. , the final result is that Mittelstand enterprises will also terminate cooperative the labor-management relationships (employment contract). From the cross-comparison of the views of both employers and employees, it can be seen that both employers and employees actually have similar views on the measurement standard of "salary". In addition, through the salary structure of Mittelstand enterprises, it was found that the increase in basic salary has caused the following three changes in the enterprise: 1. The time of bonus payment has changed. 2. Change the bonus system. 3. The proportion of hiring professionals changes. Therefore, when a Mittelstand enterprises and its employees have reached a balance in the labor-capital interaction relationship, the basic wage system will not have an impact on the enterprise; conversely, if the labor-capital interaction relationship only relies on the basic wage system to maintain the relationship, under long-term operation, The interaction between labor and capital has never been able to reach a consensus. At this time, the increase in basic wages may not be beneficial to employees. Regarding the basic wage system, this study believes that in addition to making the review system and the basis for increase more open and transparent, the space for amplitude adjustment can be more flexible. For example, different amplitude adjustment steps can be given based on different industries. Give Mittelstand enterprises more space to plan internal personnel management, so that labor-management relations can be maintained for a long time and will not be affected by basic wages.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 第四節 研究流程及章節安排 12 第二章 勞資關係與心理契約有關文獻探討 15 第一節 勞資關係之建立與維持 15 第二節 心理契約與勞資關係 19 第三節 影響勞資互動關係的因素 28 第四節 小結 32 第三章 基本工資與勞資互動關係 37 第一節 基本工資制度探討 37 第二節 基本工資之政策發展與轉變 46 第三節 基本工資調整對企業與勞工的影響 48 第四節 小結 65 第四章 訪談發現與分析 67 第一節 訪談設計與對象 67 第二節 訪談發現 71 第三節 訪談分析 85 第四節 小結 89 第五章 結論與建議 91 第一節 結論 91 第二節 建議 97 參考文獻 99 附錄一 訪談大綱 102 附錄二 訪談紀綠 104zh_TW
dc.format.extent 1914377 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 基本工資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 心理契約違反zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 勞資關係zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人資管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Basic wageen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Psychological contract violationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Labor Relationsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Human resources managementen_US
dc.title (題名) 基本工資調漲對企業勞資互動關係影響之探討zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on the effect of Basic Wage Rising on labor-management relationsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份 一、專書: 1、吳全成、馬翠華(2020) 。勞資關係(第三版) 。臺北,新文京。 2、沈曾圻、王覺民等(1984) 。開創中小企業的新局面 。臺北,中華民國勞資關係協進會。 3、沈曾圻等(1986) 。企業‧重視你的勞資關係 。臺北,中華民國勞資關係協進會。 4、黃良志、黃家齊、溫金豐、廖文志、韓志翔(2020) 。人力資源管理:基礎及應用(第三版) 。臺北,華泰文化。 5、湯明輝(1987) 。勞工的參與管理:理論與實務 。臺北,中華民國勞資關係協進會。 6、宋學軍(2006) 。一次讀完28本管理學經典 。臺北,海鴿文化出版社圖書有限公司。 二、期刊論文: 1、成之約(2013) 。我國勞資關係及其法制的回顧與展望 。臺北,綜合規劃司。 2、陳繼盛(1991) 。各國勞資爭議處理制度之研究 。臺北,行政院勞工委員會。 3、李耀泰(2008) 。新加坡勞、資、政三邊關係的檢視:一個歷史制度主義的觀點 。人文暨社會科學期刊 第四卷 第二期 三、學位論文: 1、許祐嘉 (2021) 。雇主品牌與員工留任意願關係 2、黃芳玫(2022) 。臺灣基本工資調升對薪資不均之影響-2012-2019實證 3、李建鴻 邁向「尊嚴勞動體制」的最低工資制度:各國最低工資制度的比較 文化大學勞工關係系 4、劉立汶 (2018) 。勞動生產力、失業率、職位空缺率與薪資影響之分析 四、網路資源: 1、 行政院新聞傳播處 重要政策:基本工資,連6年調漲—保障勞工基本生活 2、觀點投書:《基本工資審議》是《勞資關係和諧》的測溫器 3、 《勞動基準法》 4、 勞基法使勞資關係和諧或對立? 天下雜誌50期 5、 中華民國統計資訊網 薪資與生產力統計年報 6、 理想的最低工資審議機制應該為何? 台灣勞工陣線 7、 教你讀懂新勞動三法 台灣勞工陣線 五、其他 1、中小企業提供101-110年間相關之薪資數據 貳、西文部份: 一、專書: 國際勞工組織 公約 第131號 Daniel Quinn Mills.(1978). Labor management relations.New York:Mc Grew-Hill Book company. p.16. Eyraud, Francois,Saget, Catherine(2005).The fundamentals of minimum wage Fixing.Geneva:International Labor Organization Office. Griep, Y., & Vantilborgh, T. (2018). Reciprocal effects of psychological contract breach on counterproductive and organizational citizenship behaviors: The role of time. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 141-153. Morrison, E. W., & Robinson, S. L. (1997). When employees feel betrayed: a model of how psychological contract violation develops. Academy of Management Review, 22(1), 226-256. Rousseau, D. M. (1989),“Psychological and Implicit Contracts in Organizations,”Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2: 121-139. Robinson, S., and Rousseau, D. (1994),“Violating the Psychological Contract: Not the Exception but the Norm,”Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 16: 289-298. Rousseau, D. M. (2001),“The Idiosyncratic Deal: Flexibility Versus Fairness,”Organizational Dynamics, 29(4): 260-272. Schein, E. H. (1980). Organizational psychology (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.zh_TW