dc.contributor | 風管系 | |
dc.creator (作者) | 陳俊元 | |
dc.creator (作者) | Chen, Chun-yuan | |
dc.date (日期) | 2024-01 | |
dc.date.accessioned | 24-五月-2024 11:00:27 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 24-五月-2024 11:00:27 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 24-五月-2024 11:00:27 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/151235 | - |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 本文之主旨,在於研究英美法之特殊保險業務移轉機制,並為我國提出建議。我國既有之問題保險公司處理機制有限,且啟動與主管機關介入之時點相對較晚,實際上保險公司多已經陷入經營危機而難以回復,又安定基金之額度可能不足,整體問題頗多。再者,保險公司業務往往具有已發生而未報告之損失與長尾責任之問題,可能導致保險人財務受損,影響全體保戶之權益。英國與美國近年來發展保險業務移轉法制,作為問題保險公司之替代處理機制之一,其旨在允許保險公司經一定審查程序後,可將保險業務之全部或一部予其他保險人,以了結未了責任,改善營業,使全體被保險人受益。相對之下,我國對於保險業務移轉雖有原則性規範,應有參考之必要與實益。本文乃先分析保險業之未了責任、我國現行法與其不足之處,再介紹英國與美國之規範,並檢視英國法院對於業務移轉計畫妥適性判斷之案例與判斷標準。最後,綜合英美法與我國法,為我國提出建議與修正草案。 | |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | The purpose of this paper is to analyze statutory insurance business transfers in the U.K. and U.S., and then provide proposals for Taiwan. The mechanisms of troubled insurance companies in Taiwan are not perfect. Relevant issues include limited approaches, the late timing of inception and intervention by the authorities, a small possibility of recovery for insurance companies from occurred business crises, and an insufficient amount in the Insurance Guaranty Fund. Moreover, the insurance business often faces issues regarding incurred but not reported losses and long-tail liability, thereby causing financial distress for insurers and influencing all policyholders. In recent years, the U.K. and U.S. have promoted insurance business transfers as alternative mechanisms for troubled insurance companies. The purpose is to improve insurance companies’ business operations and avoid business crises by allowing the transfer of all or part of the business after a series of processes and reviews. This mechanism w ill help finalize unsettled liabilities, improve the insurer’s business, and eventually benefit all policyholders. In comparison, Taiwan currently only has vague principles for insurance business transfers. Thus, it’s worthwhile to consider the laws of the U.K. and U.S. This paper will begin by analyzing the unsettled liabilities of insurers, Taiwan’s current regulations and their insufficiencies. It will then introduce the regulations of the U.K. and U.S. Subsequently, the paper will examine the factors, cases, and developments influencing decisions on the appropriateness of insurance business schemes in U.K. courts. Finally, by considering the laws of the U.S., U.K., and Taiwan, this research will provide legislative recommendations for Taiwan. | |
dc.format.extent | 130 bytes | - |
dc.format.mimetype | text/html | - |
dc.relation (關聯) | 東吳法律學報, Vol.35, No.3, pp.87-140 | |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 問題保險公司; 替代解決機制; 保險業務移轉; 金融服務與市場法; 第7部分移轉 | |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Troubled insurance companies; Alternative mechanisms; Transfer of insurance business; Financial Services and Markets Act; Part VII transfer | |
dc.title (題名) | 保險業務移轉之研究—由未了責任談起 | |
dc.title (題名) | A Study on Insurance Business Transfer: Extended with Example of Unsettled Liability | |
dc.type (資料類型) | article | |