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題名 台權會與台灣人權發展(1984-2008)
作者 薛化元
貢獻者 台史所
關鍵詞 人權; 台灣人權促進會; 二二八; 轉型正義
KMT; DDP; human right; constitutionalism; digital humanities; Taiwan Association for Human Rights
日期 2016-11
上傳時間 1-七月-2024 15:09:56 (UTC+8)
摘要 在台灣史領域中,戰後台灣人權史是一個有待進一步開發的重要研究課題。根據近代意義下憲法的要件,憲法必須於保障人權作為目的,而在統治機關則必須採取權力分立制衡的原則,兩個要件缺一不可。因此,人權是近代憲政史的核心課題,對台灣從強人威權體制轉型到民主憲政的國家而言,人權 史的研究更具歷史意義。 在台灣的人權團體中,從 1970 年代末期以來主要有兩個最重要的人權團體,一個是中國人權協會(現已改名中華人權協會),另一則是台灣人權促進會。其中台權會從成立以來,其提出的人權訴求往往衝撞當時執政的國民黨當局的政治體制及其禁忌,包括平反228 事件的228 和平日運動、解除戒嚴、政 治犯救援等等。由於主張與當時的黨外運動(以後的民進黨)接近,因此台權會也被認為是與黨外運動或的民進黨關係良好的民間團體。 然而,人權團體與政治團體(政黨)縱使有相近的理念,其扮演的角色卻不相同。特別是對執政者, 人權團體由於推動人權保障,始終扮演著監督的角色,彼此發生摩擦、衝突,是政治、社會結構上的 「應然狀態」。但是,國外相關的社會科學研究則指出,部分社運團體的幹部期待進入體制,發揮其影響力,會導致社運力量的弱化。而2000 年民進黨執政,是根據台灣現實經驗,進行探討的重要階 段。當時陳水扁總統標舉人權立國,也將一些台權會的訴求納入其施政目標中。台權會雖然一方面對民進黨政府有期待,但仍然扮演人權團體監督政府、促進人權保障的角色,批判民進黨政府在個人資料保護及弱勢族群、外籍勞工(移工)的政策或是施政,這也凸顯了台權會在台灣人權(社會)運動的角色定位。 整體而言,以過去國科會研究計畫的成果為基礎,本次專書寫作計畫,預計完成 20 萬左右的專書出 版。透過本計畫,除了呈現台權會人權主張及行動訴求的發展外,並透過與國際人權組織、美國官方的人權報告對台灣人權的檢討,進行比較,呈現台權會關注台灣人權議題的特色與定位。這不僅有助於瞭解台權會的主張的發展、歷史定位,也有助於掌握台灣人權運動的發展軌跡,在戰後台灣歷史的研究上,有相當的重要性。
In the field of the Taiwan history, it’s an important study topic for further development about the history of human rights in postwar Taiwan. According to the modern meaning of the elements under the constitution, the constitution must protect human rights as the destination, but the ruling authorities have to adopt the principle of separation of powers, checks and balances that two elements are indispensable. Therefore, human rights are core issues of modern constitutional history, for Taiwan that transiting from strongman authoritarian regime to a democratic constitutional, it’s more historical significance about the study of history of human rights. There is a considerable degree of evolution with the development of the human rights implications of history, it from the first generation of human rights by emphasizing the right to freedom from government interference, to the second generation of human rights to require government intervention in the social security of tenure, and then to the third generation of collective human rights including cultural rights and environmental rights, and so on. In Taiwan, the human rights groups, since the late 1970s, there are the two most important human rights groups, the one is Chinese Association for Human Rights, and the other is Taiwan Association for Human Rights. Among them, Since the establishment of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights, the related human rights demands often collide ruling KMT authorities and taboo political system at the time including the 228 peace movement that redressing 228 Incident, lifting martial law, rescuing political prisoners, and so on. Because of the proposition closing with opposition movements at the time (after DPP), therefore, the Taiwan Association for Human Rights also considered a civil society that being a good relationship with opposition movements or DPP. However, human rights groups and political parties (political party) even if there is a similar concept, its role is not the same. Especially for those in power is concerned, the human rights groups as a result of promotion of human rights protection, has always played the role of supervision, the occurrences between them with frictions and conflicts, it’s the "ought state" of political and social construction. DPP took power in 2000, president Chen Shui-bian flaunt human rights statehood, and taking some demands of Taiwan Association for Human Rights into its policy objectives. Taiwan Association for Human Rights still plays the roles that monitoring the government, protecting human rights, and criticizing the DPP government in the protection of personal data and disadvantaged groups, foreign workers (migrant workers) policy or governance. Overall, results-NSC plans in the past, based on a book written specifically for this plan, expected to be completed around 200,000 special book publishing. Through the project, in addition to showing the development of human rights advocates and the station will be right outside demands action, and by the international human rights organizations, the official US human rights report on Taiwan's human rights review, compare, showing Taiwan Association for Human Rights concerned about human rights issues in Taiwan features and positioning. It not only helps to understand the development, the historical position of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights advocates, but also helps control the development of the human rights movement trajectory of Taiwan, it’s a considerable importance in the study of Taiwan's postwar history.
關聯 科技部, MOST104-2410-H004-083, 104.08-105.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 台史所
dc.creator (作者) 薛化元
dc.date (日期) 2016-11
dc.date.accessioned 1-七月-2024 15:09:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-七月-2024 15:09:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-七月-2024 15:09:56 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152154-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在台灣史領域中,戰後台灣人權史是一個有待進一步開發的重要研究課題。根據近代意義下憲法的要件,憲法必須於保障人權作為目的,而在統治機關則必須採取權力分立制衡的原則,兩個要件缺一不可。因此,人權是近代憲政史的核心課題,對台灣從強人威權體制轉型到民主憲政的國家而言,人權 史的研究更具歷史意義。 在台灣的人權團體中,從 1970 年代末期以來主要有兩個最重要的人權團體,一個是中國人權協會(現已改名中華人權協會),另一則是台灣人權促進會。其中台權會從成立以來,其提出的人權訴求往往衝撞當時執政的國民黨當局的政治體制及其禁忌,包括平反228 事件的228 和平日運動、解除戒嚴、政 治犯救援等等。由於主張與當時的黨外運動(以後的民進黨)接近,因此台權會也被認為是與黨外運動或的民進黨關係良好的民間團體。 然而,人權團體與政治團體(政黨)縱使有相近的理念,其扮演的角色卻不相同。特別是對執政者, 人權團體由於推動人權保障,始終扮演著監督的角色,彼此發生摩擦、衝突,是政治、社會結構上的 「應然狀態」。但是,國外相關的社會科學研究則指出,部分社運團體的幹部期待進入體制,發揮其影響力,會導致社運力量的弱化。而2000 年民進黨執政,是根據台灣現實經驗,進行探討的重要階 段。當時陳水扁總統標舉人權立國,也將一些台權會的訴求納入其施政目標中。台權會雖然一方面對民進黨政府有期待,但仍然扮演人權團體監督政府、促進人權保障的角色,批判民進黨政府在個人資料保護及弱勢族群、外籍勞工(移工)的政策或是施政,這也凸顯了台權會在台灣人權(社會)運動的角色定位。 整體而言,以過去國科會研究計畫的成果為基礎,本次專書寫作計畫,預計完成 20 萬左右的專書出 版。透過本計畫,除了呈現台權會人權主張及行動訴求的發展外,並透過與國際人權組織、美國官方的人權報告對台灣人權的檢討,進行比較,呈現台權會關注台灣人權議題的特色與定位。這不僅有助於瞭解台權會的主張的發展、歷史定位,也有助於掌握台灣人權運動的發展軌跡,在戰後台灣歷史的研究上,有相當的重要性。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the field of the Taiwan history, it’s an important study topic for further development about the history of human rights in postwar Taiwan. According to the modern meaning of the elements under the constitution, the constitution must protect human rights as the destination, but the ruling authorities have to adopt the principle of separation of powers, checks and balances that two elements are indispensable. Therefore, human rights are core issues of modern constitutional history, for Taiwan that transiting from strongman authoritarian regime to a democratic constitutional, it’s more historical significance about the study of history of human rights. There is a considerable degree of evolution with the development of the human rights implications of history, it from the first generation of human rights by emphasizing the right to freedom from government interference, to the second generation of human rights to require government intervention in the social security of tenure, and then to the third generation of collective human rights including cultural rights and environmental rights, and so on. In Taiwan, the human rights groups, since the late 1970s, there are the two most important human rights groups, the one is Chinese Association for Human Rights, and the other is Taiwan Association for Human Rights. Among them, Since the establishment of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights, the related human rights demands often collide ruling KMT authorities and taboo political system at the time including the 228 peace movement that redressing 228 Incident, lifting martial law, rescuing political prisoners, and so on. Because of the proposition closing with opposition movements at the time (after DPP), therefore, the Taiwan Association for Human Rights also considered a civil society that being a good relationship with opposition movements or DPP. However, human rights groups and political parties (political party) even if there is a similar concept, its role is not the same. Especially for those in power is concerned, the human rights groups as a result of promotion of human rights protection, has always played the role of supervision, the occurrences between them with frictions and conflicts, it’s the "ought state" of political and social construction. DPP took power in 2000, president Chen Shui-bian flaunt human rights statehood, and taking some demands of Taiwan Association for Human Rights into its policy objectives. Taiwan Association for Human Rights still plays the roles that monitoring the government, protecting human rights, and criticizing the DPP government in the protection of personal data and disadvantaged groups, foreign workers (migrant workers) policy or governance. Overall, results-NSC plans in the past, based on a book written specifically for this plan, expected to be completed around 200,000 special book publishing. Through the project, in addition to showing the development of human rights advocates and the station will be right outside demands action, and by the international human rights organizations, the official US human rights report on Taiwan's human rights review, compare, showing Taiwan Association for Human Rights concerned about human rights issues in Taiwan features and positioning. It not only helps to understand the development, the historical position of the Taiwan Association for Human Rights advocates, but also helps control the development of the human rights movement trajectory of Taiwan, it’s a considerable importance in the study of Taiwan's postwar history.
dc.format.extent 116 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部, MOST104-2410-H004-083, 104.08-105.07
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 人權; 台灣人權促進會; 二二八; 轉型正義
dc.subject (關鍵詞) KMT; DDP; human right; constitutionalism; digital humanities; Taiwan Association for Human Rights
dc.title (題名) 台權會與台灣人權發展(1984-2008)
dc.type (資料類型) report