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題名 單一與複合:台灣當代「母神」神話及象徵研究
Single and Compound: a Study of the Contemporary "Mother God" Myths and Symbols in Taiwan
作者 高莉芬
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 女神; 母神; 神話; 西王母; 地母
Goddess; Mother God; Myths; the Mother of the West; Mother of the Earth
日期 2021-07
上傳時間 3-七月-2024 13:22:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 在中國神話史上,以「母」為名的神祇眾多,如有西王母(瑤池金母)、地母、驪山老母等,亦有相關豐富的神話。這些古代的母神們並未隨著時代科技發展而消失,在當代台灣仍展其旺盛的母性關懷力量,在新興宗教與民間信仰中,不斷回應現世民眾心理需求,而發展出不同的「母神聯盟」的體系。這些「母神」原為中國上中古時期的女神,本各有其淵源歷史,各自有其相關神話敘事,在當代台灣又有了新的重詮與再造。各「母神」不但有其各自的神格與職能,彼此之間又互有關係,形成共同的神格與職能。在從「單一」主神到「複合」聯盟,各「母神」從獨體到合體的發展中,原本各自擁有的神話如何被接受,展演與重述﹖在不同的宗教,以及民間信仰中,原本單一母神多自有廣大信眾團體之母神信仰,如何組合成為母神聯合體系?母神神話是如何在特定的社群中存在與講述?母神神話在其間所扮演的角色與功能為何﹖而原本各自擁有獨立神話體系的單一「母神」,又如何形成複合五母協同敘事﹖而各不同以「母」為名的神祇,在其同中有異的造型,其背後又隱含著何種的深層神話思維結構與象徵意涵﹖凡此論題,值得進一步專題系統探討。本年度專題研究計畫擬以「單一與複合:台灣當代『母神』神話及象徵研究」為研究主題,採神話學研究視角,運用母題分析法及民族誌田野調查法,探究傳世文獻與宗教經典乃至於當代新編重撰的母神聖史、真傳中的神話敘事,並兼及台灣當代信仰中口傳神話的蒐羅與建構,探討「母神」群像之間的組合與互動關係與發展變化,分析當代語境中的神話的功能與象徵,建構母神神話系譜學。研究除了探究中國古代母神之神話與信仰在台灣的承傳衍變外,並比較各母神神格的共相與殊相,建構台灣當代母神神話的系譜學。
In the history of Chinese mythology, there are many gods named "Mother", such as the Mother of the West (Yaochi Golden Mother), Mother of the Earth, Old Mother of Sheshan, etc. There are also rich myths. These ancient mother gods have not disappeared with the development of science and technology in the times. In today's Taiwan, they still show their strong motherly care. In emerging religions and folk beliefs, they constantly respond to the psychological needs of the people in the world and develop different "mother God Alliance "system. These "mother goddesses" were originally goddesses of ancient and medieval times in China. They each have their own origins and history, and each has its own related mythology. It has been newly reinterpreted and recreated in contemporary Taiwan. Each "mother god" not only has its own godhead and function, but also has a relationship with each other to form a common godhead and function. In the development from "single" main god to "composite" alliance, the development of each "mother god" from the solitary to the union, how can the myths originally owned by them be accepted, performed and recounted? In different religions and folk beliefs, how did a single mother god originally own the mother god beliefs of a large group of believers, how can they be combined into a mother god union system? How does the myth of the goddess exist and be told in a particular community? What is the role and function of the goddess myth in the meantime? And how did a single "mother god" who originally had an independent myth system form a compound five mother synergy narrative? And the different gods named "mother" have different shapes in the same, and what kind of deep mythical thinking structure and symbolic meaning are hidden behind them? All these topics deserve further systematic discussion. This year's thematic research plan intends to use this as a research theme, adopting a mythological perspective, using motif analysis and ethnographic field surveys to explore historical documents and religious classics, and even the newly re-edited contemporary sacred history of mothers and true stories Myth narrative, and the collection and construction of oral myths in contemporary Taiwan beliefs, explore the combination and interaction between the "mother god" group images and development and change, analyze the functions and symbols of myths in contemporary context, and construct the mother god Mythology genealogy. In addition to exploring the inheritance and evolution of the myths and beliefs of ancient Chinese goddesses in Taiwan, the study compares the similarities and differences between the goddess gods and constructs the genealogy of contemporary mother goddess in Taiwan.
關聯 科技部, MOST109-2410-H004-167, 109.08-110.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 中文系
dc.creator (作者) 高莉芬
dc.date (日期) 2021-07
dc.date.accessioned 3-七月-2024 13:22:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 3-七月-2024 13:22:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 3-七月-2024 13:22:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152230-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在中國神話史上,以「母」為名的神祇眾多,如有西王母(瑤池金母)、地母、驪山老母等,亦有相關豐富的神話。這些古代的母神們並未隨著時代科技發展而消失,在當代台灣仍展其旺盛的母性關懷力量,在新興宗教與民間信仰中,不斷回應現世民眾心理需求,而發展出不同的「母神聯盟」的體系。這些「母神」原為中國上中古時期的女神,本各有其淵源歷史,各自有其相關神話敘事,在當代台灣又有了新的重詮與再造。各「母神」不但有其各自的神格與職能,彼此之間又互有關係,形成共同的神格與職能。在從「單一」主神到「複合」聯盟,各「母神」從獨體到合體的發展中,原本各自擁有的神話如何被接受,展演與重述﹖在不同的宗教,以及民間信仰中,原本單一母神多自有廣大信眾團體之母神信仰,如何組合成為母神聯合體系?母神神話是如何在特定的社群中存在與講述?母神神話在其間所扮演的角色與功能為何﹖而原本各自擁有獨立神話體系的單一「母神」,又如何形成複合五母協同敘事﹖而各不同以「母」為名的神祇,在其同中有異的造型,其背後又隱含著何種的深層神話思維結構與象徵意涵﹖凡此論題,值得進一步專題系統探討。本年度專題研究計畫擬以「單一與複合:台灣當代『母神』神話及象徵研究」為研究主題,採神話學研究視角,運用母題分析法及民族誌田野調查法,探究傳世文獻與宗教經典乃至於當代新編重撰的母神聖史、真傳中的神話敘事,並兼及台灣當代信仰中口傳神話的蒐羅與建構,探討「母神」群像之間的組合與互動關係與發展變化,分析當代語境中的神話的功能與象徵,建構母神神話系譜學。研究除了探究中國古代母神之神話與信仰在台灣的承傳衍變外,並比較各母神神格的共相與殊相,建構台灣當代母神神話的系譜學。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the history of Chinese mythology, there are many gods named "Mother", such as the Mother of the West (Yaochi Golden Mother), Mother of the Earth, Old Mother of Sheshan, etc. There are also rich myths. These ancient mother gods have not disappeared with the development of science and technology in the times. In today's Taiwan, they still show their strong motherly care. In emerging religions and folk beliefs, they constantly respond to the psychological needs of the people in the world and develop different "mother God Alliance "system. These "mother goddesses" were originally goddesses of ancient and medieval times in China. They each have their own origins and history, and each has its own related mythology. It has been newly reinterpreted and recreated in contemporary Taiwan. Each "mother god" not only has its own godhead and function, but also has a relationship with each other to form a common godhead and function. In the development from "single" main god to "composite" alliance, the development of each "mother god" from the solitary to the union, how can the myths originally owned by them be accepted, performed and recounted? In different religions and folk beliefs, how did a single mother god originally own the mother god beliefs of a large group of believers, how can they be combined into a mother god union system? How does the myth of the goddess exist and be told in a particular community? What is the role and function of the goddess myth in the meantime? And how did a single "mother god" who originally had an independent myth system form a compound five mother synergy narrative? And the different gods named "mother" have different shapes in the same, and what kind of deep mythical thinking structure and symbolic meaning are hidden behind them? All these topics deserve further systematic discussion. This year's thematic research plan intends to use this as a research theme, adopting a mythological perspective, using motif analysis and ethnographic field surveys to explore historical documents and religious classics, and even the newly re-edited contemporary sacred history of mothers and true stories Myth narrative, and the collection and construction of oral myths in contemporary Taiwan beliefs, explore the combination and interaction between the "mother god" group images and development and change, analyze the functions and symbols of myths in contemporary context, and construct the mother god Mythology genealogy. In addition to exploring the inheritance and evolution of the myths and beliefs of ancient Chinese goddesses in Taiwan, the study compares the similarities and differences between the goddess gods and constructs the genealogy of contemporary mother goddess in Taiwan.
dc.format.extent 116 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部, MOST109-2410-H004-167, 109.08-110.07
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 女神; 母神; 神話; 西王母; 地母
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Goddess; Mother God; Myths; the Mother of the West; Mother of the Earth
dc.title (題名) 單一與複合:台灣當代「母神」神話及象徵研究
dc.title (題名) Single and Compound: a Study of the Contemporary "Mother God" Myths and Symbols in Taiwan
dc.type (資料類型) report