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題名 從井原西鶴《本朝二十不孝》論中國孝行故事之東傳與出版
Ihara Saikaku ”Honcho-Niju-Fuko”: The Introduction and Publication of Chinese Filial Piety Stories in Japan
作者 林桂如
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 井原西鶴; 本朝二十不孝; 孝行; 漢籍; 大坂
Ihara Saikaku; Honcho-Niju-Fuko; filial piety; Chinese classics; Osaka
日期 2017-10
上傳時間 4-七月-2024 14:12:27 (UTC+8)
摘要 漢籍傳入日本後,在儒者推廣與書賈商業行為下,書籍異地傳刻與改寫所形成之跨海出版文化,可謂形成東亞書籍流通史之一頁。而其中所承載之人倫觀念亦隨之影響日本教養觀,「孝」即為其中一項。從《孝經》以至二十四孝等孝行故事之傳入與刊行,至江戶時代伴隨出版文化發達,其影響已從貴族儒士轉至庶民階層,而其中的注釋儒者、改寫作家以及出版書賈是功不可沒之仲介者。故本計畫欲以江戶時代通俗作家井原西鶴所撰《本朝二十不孝》中心,在當時第五代將軍德川綱吉頒布「忠孝札」,以及京都書肆以出版《本朝孝子傳》為之呼應背景下,透過井原西鶴如何藉由撰寫《本朝二十不孝》,與大坂書肆聯合與之抗衡視點,研究進行方向有(一)孝道相關漢籍與和書之出版調查(二)分析西鶴《本朝二十不孝》(三) 從書肆地域性探究其中之商業考量、幕府政策與庶民教養關係(四)分析士儒階層對漢籍傳播之貢獻(五)孝行故事與女子教育。以此了解漢籍在東亞文化交流中作為載體之力量,以及當其轉換語言進入異域文化時所產生之變化。
After Chinese books spread into Japan and with the help of scholars who popularized them and businessmen who sold them, an overseas publication culture was formed by printing and rewriting of books, which is part of the distribution of books in East Asia. The morality concept in these imported books from China influenced the education and culture in Japan, including that of filial piety. With the spread and publication of Chinese filial piety stories such as“xiao jing”and the twenty-four filial exemplary narratives coupled with the development of the publishing industry in Edo Japan, these stories started to influence not only the aristocrat scholars but the common people as well. The initiative of this change was taken from the commentators, rewriters and booksellers serving as the intermediary. The background of this project is chu-ko-satsu(忠孝札) issued by the fifth shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi and the publication of“Honcho Koshiden” by a Kyoto bookstore following the appearance of chu-ko-satsu. Subsequently, Ihara Saikaku wrote ”Honcho-Niju-Fuko” and collaborated with Osaka bookstores to compete against Kyoto bookstores. The directions in this reasearch are as follows: 1. To collect and examine the versions of filial piety stories as found in Chinese and Japanese books. 2. To analyze Ihara Saikaku ”Honcho-Niju-Fuko”. 3. To research the business motives, the shogunate policy and the education of the common people from the point of view of local culture of bookstores. 4. To examine the contribution of the aristocrat scholars to the introduction of Chinese books. 5. To describe the women in these filial piety stories and the women education in Edo Japan. I hope this project can provide a new perspective to understand the power of Chinese books as a carrier of intercultural exchange in East Asia and the variations brought by the translation of books spreading into the Japanese culture.
關聯 科技部, MOST104-2410-H004-170-MY2, 104.08-106.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 中文系
dc.creator (作者) 林桂如
dc.date (日期) 2017-10
dc.date.accessioned 4-七月-2024 14:12:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-七月-2024 14:12:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-七月-2024 14:12:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152266-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 漢籍傳入日本後,在儒者推廣與書賈商業行為下,書籍異地傳刻與改寫所形成之跨海出版文化,可謂形成東亞書籍流通史之一頁。而其中所承載之人倫觀念亦隨之影響日本教養觀,「孝」即為其中一項。從《孝經》以至二十四孝等孝行故事之傳入與刊行,至江戶時代伴隨出版文化發達,其影響已從貴族儒士轉至庶民階層,而其中的注釋儒者、改寫作家以及出版書賈是功不可沒之仲介者。故本計畫欲以江戶時代通俗作家井原西鶴所撰《本朝二十不孝》中心,在當時第五代將軍德川綱吉頒布「忠孝札」,以及京都書肆以出版《本朝孝子傳》為之呼應背景下,透過井原西鶴如何藉由撰寫《本朝二十不孝》,與大坂書肆聯合與之抗衡視點,研究進行方向有(一)孝道相關漢籍與和書之出版調查(二)分析西鶴《本朝二十不孝》(三) 從書肆地域性探究其中之商業考量、幕府政策與庶民教養關係(四)分析士儒階層對漢籍傳播之貢獻(五)孝行故事與女子教育。以此了解漢籍在東亞文化交流中作為載體之力量,以及當其轉換語言進入異域文化時所產生之變化。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) After Chinese books spread into Japan and with the help of scholars who popularized them and businessmen who sold them, an overseas publication culture was formed by printing and rewriting of books, which is part of the distribution of books in East Asia. The morality concept in these imported books from China influenced the education and culture in Japan, including that of filial piety. With the spread and publication of Chinese filial piety stories such as“xiao jing”and the twenty-four filial exemplary narratives coupled with the development of the publishing industry in Edo Japan, these stories started to influence not only the aristocrat scholars but the common people as well. The initiative of this change was taken from the commentators, rewriters and booksellers serving as the intermediary. The background of this project is chu-ko-satsu(忠孝札) issued by the fifth shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi and the publication of“Honcho Koshiden” by a Kyoto bookstore following the appearance of chu-ko-satsu. Subsequently, Ihara Saikaku wrote ”Honcho-Niju-Fuko” and collaborated with Osaka bookstores to compete against Kyoto bookstores. The directions in this reasearch are as follows: 1. To collect and examine the versions of filial piety stories as found in Chinese and Japanese books. 2. To analyze Ihara Saikaku ”Honcho-Niju-Fuko”. 3. To research the business motives, the shogunate policy and the education of the common people from the point of view of local culture of bookstores. 4. To examine the contribution of the aristocrat scholars to the introduction of Chinese books. 5. To describe the women in these filial piety stories and the women education in Edo Japan. I hope this project can provide a new perspective to understand the power of Chinese books as a carrier of intercultural exchange in East Asia and the variations brought by the translation of books spreading into the Japanese culture.
dc.format.extent 116 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部, MOST104-2410-H004-170-MY2, 104.08-106.07
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 井原西鶴; 本朝二十不孝; 孝行; 漢籍; 大坂
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ihara Saikaku; Honcho-Niju-Fuko; filial piety; Chinese classics; Osaka
dc.title (題名) 從井原西鶴《本朝二十不孝》論中國孝行故事之東傳與出版
dc.title (題名) Ihara Saikaku ”Honcho-Niju-Fuko”: The Introduction and Publication of Chinese Filial Piety Stories in Japan
dc.type (資料類型) report