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題名 考試還是甄補?公部門人力進用途徑與工作適配情形之研究
Examination or Recruitment? A Study on The Manpower Recruitment Approach and Person-Job Fitness in The Public Sector
作者 張雅菁
Chang, Ya-Ching
貢獻者 董祥開
Chang, Ya-Ching
關鍵詞 考試分發制度
Civil Service Examination Placement System
Person-Job Fit
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 12:55:16 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在探討我國「考試分發」及「契約甄補」二途徑進用人力之適配情形,以某中央機關(下稱A機關)近年新進公務人員及新進約聘僱人員及其督導主管為研究對象,並以新進人員分發、甄補經驗、進用前、後之期望落差及調適、工作適配情形等,分析新進人員與A機關、職位間的適配度。經訪談A機關18名人員,包含12名新進人員及6名督導主管,歸納研究發現如下: 一、新進考試分發人員多採正式管道及非正式管道併行蒐集職缺資訊,並認為正式管道提供之職缺資訊較為粗略、未符合需求,易導致選填志願產生錯誤期待,新進約聘僱人員皆採正式管道蒐集職缺資訊,且表示公告職缺資訊大致符合需求,惟未詳盡列出工作細目易導致誤判等現象,二者均以工作層面之職缺內容最為重視,又新進人員與機關所認應提供之職缺資訊存在落差。 二、新進人員對公務機關認知不同導致進用前、後產生期望落差之情形,如進用後工作複雜、工作量大、加班頻繁及辦理業務與進用前想像不同,惟表示可透過良好組織氛圍、人際互動、強化工作能力、調整工作流程、累積工作經驗或改變自我需求及期待等進行調適,以適應工作環境。 三、新進人員多認同A機關的價值觀、組織文化及處事,如流暢溝通的文化、組織氛圍和諧、處事明快等,於制度及措施供給滿足程度則不太認同,如工作環境不友善、軟、硬體設備不佳等。另認為目前工作與自身興趣不相符,所獲得尊敬及受重視度不高,惟仍獲得成就感,於知識、技術、能力及特質則大致符合工作要求。 四、督導主管多數認為工作適配度與人格特質有關,積極、負責任者績效高而較適配,與進用制度較無相關。另有認為任職期間長短影響適配程度,新進考試分發人員經過訓練2至3年以上適配度可能高於新進約聘僱人員。 最後,據上述研究發現,自新進人員進用前、後二階段研提實務建議,盼能強化政府公務人力進用制度,使進用人員達到「人」與「事」的適切配合、適才適所之目標。
The aim of this study is to investigate the suitability of manpower utilization through two pathways in our country: "civil service examination placement" and "recruitment." It focuses on recent recruits and newly contracted personnel, as well as their supervisory managers within a certain central agency (hereinafter referred to as Agency A). The analysis involves the alignment between the new recruits and Agency A in terms of recruitment distribution, supplementation experiences, pre- and post-employment expectation gaps and adjustments, as well as job suitability. Through interviews with 18 personnel from Agency A, including 12 new recruits and 6 supervisory managers, the following research findings are summarized: 1. New recruits from the examination distribution pathway often gather job vacancy information through both formal and informal channels. They perceive that the information provided through formal channels is generally rough and may not meet their needs, leading to incorrect expectations when selecting preferences. On the other hand, newly contracted personnel primarily gather job vacancy information through formal channels. They find that the advertised job vacancy information generally meets their needs but lacks detailed job descriptions, which can lead to misjudgments. Both groups prioritize the job content aspect when evaluating job vacancies. There is a discrepancy between the job vacancy information that new recruits and the agency believe should be provided. 2. The different perceptions of public agencies among new recruits lead to expectation gaps before and after employment. For example, after being employed, recruits find that the job is more complex, has a higher workload, requires frequent overtime, and involves tasks that are different from their pre-employment expectations. However, they believe that they can adapt to these differences through fostering a positive organizational atmosphere, interpersonal interactions, enhancing job skills, adjusting workflow, accumulating work experience, or modifying personal needs and expectations to fit into the work environment. 3. Most new recruits agree with the values, organizational culture, and decision-making processes of Agency A, such as its culture of smooth communication, harmonious organizational atmosphere, and efficient decision-making. However, they express dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the institutional and procedural support, such as unfriendly working environments and inadequate hardware and software facilities. They also feel that their current job does not align with their interests, and they receive limited respect and recognition. Nevertheless, they still derive a sense of accomplishment from their work, and their knowledge, skills, abilities, and characteristics generally meet the job requirements. 4. Supervisory managers mostly believe that job suitability is related to personality traits, with individuals who are proactive and responsible performing better and being more suitable for their roles, regardless of the employment system. Some also believe that the length of tenure affects the degree of suitability, suggesting that new recruits from the examination distribution pathway, who undergo training for two to three years or more, may have higher suitability than newly contracted personnel. Based on the aforementioned research findings, practical recommendations are proposed for both pre- and post-employment stages of new recruits, with the aim of strengthening the government's civil service employment system to achieve the goal of appropriate matching between individuals and positions, as well as ensuring the right person is in the right place.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 董祥開zh_TW (Authors) 張雅菁zh_TW (Authors) Chang, Ya-Chingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 張雅菁zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chang, Ya-Chingen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 12:55:16 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 12:55:16 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 12:55:16 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110921004en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110921004zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在探討我國「考試分發」及「契約甄補」二途徑進用人力之適配情形,以某中央機關(下稱A機關)近年新進公務人員及新進約聘僱人員及其督導主管為研究對象,並以新進人員分發、甄補經驗、進用前、後之期望落差及調適、工作適配情形等,分析新進人員與A機關、職位間的適配度。經訪談A機關18名人員,包含12名新進人員及6名督導主管,歸納研究發現如下: 一、新進考試分發人員多採正式管道及非正式管道併行蒐集職缺資訊,並認為正式管道提供之職缺資訊較為粗略、未符合需求,易導致選填志願產生錯誤期待,新進約聘僱人員皆採正式管道蒐集職缺資訊,且表示公告職缺資訊大致符合需求,惟未詳盡列出工作細目易導致誤判等現象,二者均以工作層面之職缺內容最為重視,又新進人員與機關所認應提供之職缺資訊存在落差。 二、新進人員對公務機關認知不同導致進用前、後產生期望落差之情形,如進用後工作複雜、工作量大、加班頻繁及辦理業務與進用前想像不同,惟表示可透過良好組織氛圍、人際互動、強化工作能力、調整工作流程、累積工作經驗或改變自我需求及期待等進行調適,以適應工作環境。 三、新進人員多認同A機關的價值觀、組織文化及處事,如流暢溝通的文化、組織氛圍和諧、處事明快等,於制度及措施供給滿足程度則不太認同,如工作環境不友善、軟、硬體設備不佳等。另認為目前工作與自身興趣不相符,所獲得尊敬及受重視度不高,惟仍獲得成就感,於知識、技術、能力及特質則大致符合工作要求。 四、督導主管多數認為工作適配度與人格特質有關,積極、負責任者績效高而較適配,與進用制度較無相關。另有認為任職期間長短影響適配程度,新進考試分發人員經過訓練2至3年以上適配度可能高於新進約聘僱人員。 最後,據上述研究發現,自新進人員進用前、後二階段研提實務建議,盼能強化政府公務人力進用制度,使進用人員達到「人」與「事」的適切配合、適才適所之目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The aim of this study is to investigate the suitability of manpower utilization through two pathways in our country: "civil service examination placement" and "recruitment." It focuses on recent recruits and newly contracted personnel, as well as their supervisory managers within a certain central agency (hereinafter referred to as Agency A). The analysis involves the alignment between the new recruits and Agency A in terms of recruitment distribution, supplementation experiences, pre- and post-employment expectation gaps and adjustments, as well as job suitability. Through interviews with 18 personnel from Agency A, including 12 new recruits and 6 supervisory managers, the following research findings are summarized: 1. New recruits from the examination distribution pathway often gather job vacancy information through both formal and informal channels. They perceive that the information provided through formal channels is generally rough and may not meet their needs, leading to incorrect expectations when selecting preferences. On the other hand, newly contracted personnel primarily gather job vacancy information through formal channels. They find that the advertised job vacancy information generally meets their needs but lacks detailed job descriptions, which can lead to misjudgments. Both groups prioritize the job content aspect when evaluating job vacancies. There is a discrepancy between the job vacancy information that new recruits and the agency believe should be provided. 2. The different perceptions of public agencies among new recruits lead to expectation gaps before and after employment. For example, after being employed, recruits find that the job is more complex, has a higher workload, requires frequent overtime, and involves tasks that are different from their pre-employment expectations. However, they believe that they can adapt to these differences through fostering a positive organizational atmosphere, interpersonal interactions, enhancing job skills, adjusting workflow, accumulating work experience, or modifying personal needs and expectations to fit into the work environment. 3. Most new recruits agree with the values, organizational culture, and decision-making processes of Agency A, such as its culture of smooth communication, harmonious organizational atmosphere, and efficient decision-making. However, they express dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the institutional and procedural support, such as unfriendly working environments and inadequate hardware and software facilities. They also feel that their current job does not align with their interests, and they receive limited respect and recognition. Nevertheless, they still derive a sense of accomplishment from their work, and their knowledge, skills, abilities, and characteristics generally meet the job requirements. 4. Supervisory managers mostly believe that job suitability is related to personality traits, with individuals who are proactive and responsible performing better and being more suitable for their roles, regardless of the employment system. Some also believe that the length of tenure affects the degree of suitability, suggesting that new recruits from the examination distribution pathway, who undergo training for two to three years or more, may have higher suitability than newly contracted personnel. Based on the aforementioned research findings, practical recommendations are proposed for both pre- and post-employment stages of new recruits, with the aim of strengthening the government's civil service employment system to achieve the goal of appropriate matching between individuals and positions, as well as ensuring the right person is in the right place.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 圖次 vi 表次 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4 第三節 名詞解釋 5 第四節 研究流程 8 第二章 文獻檢閱 10 第一節 適配 10 第二節 我國新進公務人員考試分發制度 19 第三節 我國約聘僱人員契約甄補制度 26 第四節 人力資源招募管理 31 第五節 期望落差 37 第六節 分發、甄補實務影響新進人員適配之因素 42 第三章 研究設計與實施 46 第一節 研究主軸 46 第二節 研究方法與對象 47 第三節 訪談提綱設計 51 第四節 資料整理與分析 53 第四章 訪談資料分析 56 第一節 A機關考試分發及契約甄補工作圖像 56 第二節 A機關新進人員分發、甄補經驗 69 第三節 A機關新進人員之期望落差及調適 81 第四節 A機關新進人員個人與組織適配情形分析 96 第五節 A機關新進人員個人與工作適配情形分析 124 第五章 結論及建議 153 第一節 研究發現及延伸議題討論 153 第二節 實務建議 161 第三節 研究限制及後續研究建議 165 參考文獻 167 附錄 177zh_TW
dc.format.extent 4286566 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 考試分發制度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 契約甄補制度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 適配zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Civil Service Examination Placement Systemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Recruitmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Person-Job Fiten_US
dc.title (題名) 考試還是甄補?公部門人力進用途徑與工作適配情形之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Examination or Recruitment? A Study on The Manpower Recruitment Approach and Person-Job Fitness in The Public Sectoren_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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