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題名 地主國政府數位化程度對吸引臺灣廠商跨國投資的影響
The Effect of Government Digitization in Host Countries on Attracting Taiwan Foreign Direct Investment
作者 鄧翔元
Teng, Hsiang-Yuan
貢獻者 翁永和
Weng, Yung-Ho
Teng, Hsiang-Yuan
關鍵詞 對外直接投資
Foreign Direct Investment
Government Digitization
The Eclectic Paradigm
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 12:55:28 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究數據採用台灣經濟新報資料庫(Taiwan Economic Journal, TEJ)2013年至2022年的台灣上市櫃公司資料,包含投資地主國國別、被投資公司名稱、會計方法、投資金額、投資金額幣別、產業名稱、企業研究發展費用率、企業股本、資產報酬率及投資企業持股率等相關類屬於所有權優勢及內部化優勢的資料,並自其他各全世界評比機關構中取得各國資通訊環境整備、環境績效、教育水準及民主程度等折衷理論中屬於地主國優勢之屬性分類,進而進行探討分析地主國政府數位化程度對吸引臺灣廠商跨國投資的影響。 研究結果發現屬於地主國優勢中「地主國民主程度」均顯示出正相關的顯著關係,表示我國上市櫃公司偏好投資於民主程度較高的地主國,另廠商所有權優勢與內部化優勢,則須是企業對於投資環境的不同考量因素,而有不同的考量變化,但整體來說其能表示出我國上市櫃公司在進行對外直接投資時,的確會如折衷理論所說明會因為其所有權優勢因素、地主國優勢因素或是內部化優勢因素來進行投資,而本研究探討目的政府數位化程度之地主國優勢,在納入交叉項變數的影響下,產生負向的顯著影響,但在其與不同解釋變數的交叉項中,仍需視其兩者何者影響較大來決定該變數的影響方向。
The data in this study are based on the Taiwan Economic Journal's (TEJ) data on Taiwan's listed and OTC-listed companies from 2013 to 2022, including the host country of the investment, the name of the investee company, the method of accounting, the amount of investment, the currency of the investment, the name of the industry, the corporate research and development expenditure rate, the share capital of the company, the return on assets, and the shareholding ratio of the investing company, which are related to ownership-specific advantages and internalization advantages. We also obtained information from the evaluation institutions and organizations worldwide, including the host country's government digitization, environmental performance, education level, and the degree of democracy, to explore and analyze the impact of host country government digitization on attracting Taiwanese firms' cross-border investments. The research findings reveal a significant positive correlation within the location-specific advantages regarding "degree of democracy of the host country", indicating a preference among Taiwanese listed and OTC-listed companies for investing in countries with higher democratic levels. Additionally, the ownership-specific advantages and internalization advantages of firms represent different considerations within the investment environment. However, in general, it can show that Taiwan's listed and OTC-listed companies indeed consider factors such as ownership-specific advantages, location-specific advantages, and internalization advantages when engaging in foreign direct investment, as posited by the eclectic paradigm theory. Moreover, this study explores the location-specific advantages of government digitization, has a negative and significant effect when the mediator is included in this study. Nevertheless, within the interactions with different explanatory variables, it is essential to assess which factor predominantly influences the direction of this variable's impact.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 翁永和zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Weng, Yung-Hoen_US (Authors) 鄧翔元zh_TW (Authors) Teng, Hsiang-Yuanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 鄧翔元zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Teng, Hsiang-Yuanen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 12:55:28 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 12:55:28 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 12:55:28 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110921020en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110921020zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究數據採用台灣經濟新報資料庫(Taiwan Economic Journal, TEJ)2013年至2022年的台灣上市櫃公司資料,包含投資地主國國別、被投資公司名稱、會計方法、投資金額、投資金額幣別、產業名稱、企業研究發展費用率、企業股本、資產報酬率及投資企業持股率等相關類屬於所有權優勢及內部化優勢的資料,並自其他各全世界評比機關構中取得各國資通訊環境整備、環境績效、教育水準及民主程度等折衷理論中屬於地主國優勢之屬性分類,進而進行探討分析地主國政府數位化程度對吸引臺灣廠商跨國投資的影響。 研究結果發現屬於地主國優勢中「地主國民主程度」均顯示出正相關的顯著關係,表示我國上市櫃公司偏好投資於民主程度較高的地主國,另廠商所有權優勢與內部化優勢,則須是企業對於投資環境的不同考量因素,而有不同的考量變化,但整體來說其能表示出我國上市櫃公司在進行對外直接投資時,的確會如折衷理論所說明會因為其所有權優勢因素、地主國優勢因素或是內部化優勢因素來進行投資,而本研究探討目的政府數位化程度之地主國優勢,在納入交叉項變數的影響下,產生負向的顯著影響,但在其與不同解釋變數的交叉項中,仍需視其兩者何者影響較大來決定該變數的影響方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The data in this study are based on the Taiwan Economic Journal's (TEJ) data on Taiwan's listed and OTC-listed companies from 2013 to 2022, including the host country of the investment, the name of the investee company, the method of accounting, the amount of investment, the currency of the investment, the name of the industry, the corporate research and development expenditure rate, the share capital of the company, the return on assets, and the shareholding ratio of the investing company, which are related to ownership-specific advantages and internalization advantages. We also obtained information from the evaluation institutions and organizations worldwide, including the host country's government digitization, environmental performance, education level, and the degree of democracy, to explore and analyze the impact of host country government digitization on attracting Taiwanese firms' cross-border investments. The research findings reveal a significant positive correlation within the location-specific advantages regarding "degree of democracy of the host country", indicating a preference among Taiwanese listed and OTC-listed companies for investing in countries with higher democratic levels. Additionally, the ownership-specific advantages and internalization advantages of firms represent different considerations within the investment environment. However, in general, it can show that Taiwan's listed and OTC-listed companies indeed consider factors such as ownership-specific advantages, location-specific advantages, and internalization advantages when engaging in foreign direct investment, as posited by the eclectic paradigm theory. Moreover, this study explores the location-specific advantages of government digitization, has a negative and significant effect when the mediator is included in this study. Nevertheless, within the interactions with different explanatory variables, it is essential to assess which factor predominantly influences the direction of this variable's impact.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究方法與架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 跨國投資理論與相關文獻 6 第二節 數位化政府定義與相關文獻 11 第三節 數位化政府對跨國投資的影響 16 第四節 所有權優勢因素對跨國投資的影響 20 第五節 其他地主國優勢因素對跨國投資的影響 25 第六節 內部化優勢因素對跨國投資的影響 34 第三章 樣本資料現況分析 35 第一節 資料來源 35 第二節 資料特性分析 36 第四章 實證模型設定與變數說明 46 第一節 變數說明與其預期影響方向變化 46 第二節 實證模型設定與統計方法 53 第五章 實證結果分析 55 第一節 解釋變數實證之基本敘述統計 55 第二節 實證解釋變數之相關係數分析 56 第三節 實證結果分析 58 第四節 迴歸分析-基本模型 60 第五節 實證結果分析-交叉項模型 69 第六章 結論與建議 80 第一節 結論 80 第二節 未來研究方向與建議內容 82 參考文獻 84zh_TW
dc.format.extent 4366769 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 對外直接投資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政府數位化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 折衷理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Foreign Direct Investmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Government Digitizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The Eclectic Paradigmen_US
dc.title (題名) 地主國政府數位化程度對吸引臺灣廠商跨國投資的影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Effect of Government Digitization in Host Countries on Attracting Taiwan Foreign Direct Investmenten_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 林惠玲、陳正倉、詹立宇(2009),「台灣製造業廠商對外投資時機之研究」,《經濟論文叢刊》,37(3),237-267。 曹海濤、葉日崧(2008),「中國大陸企業海外直接投資之分析」,《中國大陸研究》,51(1),31-65。 郭建中、王國臣(2015),「國際直接投資理論回顧與實驗檢驗:被忽略的投資母國特徵」,《人文及社會科學集刊》,27(1),1-43。 陳冠婷、林鈺錡、馮冠荃(2022),「全球主要國家推動數位化政策及發展狀況」,《臺灣經濟研究月刊》,45(2),105-111。 黃智聰、歐陽宏(2006),「世界各國對中國大陸直接投資決定因素之研究」,《遠景基金會季刊》,7(2),139-178。 Alcacer, J., and Ingram, P. (2013), “Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment,” The American Journal of Sociology, 118(4), 1055-1098. Baek, H. Y., and Huang, L. (2004), “Taiwanese Investments in China: Foreign Direct Investment Scale and Performance,” The Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business, 8(2), 42. Blomström, M., and Lipsey, R. E. (1991), “Firm Size and Foreign Operations of Multinationals,” The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 93(1), 101-107. Branstetter, L. (2006), “Is Foreign Direct Investment a Channel of Knowledge Spillovers? 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