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題名 留守兒童社區育兒計畫:印尼案例研究
作者 韓佳婷
Hastasari, Chatia
貢獻者 林季平
Ji-Ping Lin
Chatia Hastasari
關鍵詞 留守兒童
Left behind children
community parenting
productive migrant villages
communication network
multidirectional care
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-八月-2024 12:59:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在探討參與社區養育行動者網絡的組成; 在微觀和中觀層面上實施社區養育的多向照護; 微觀和中觀因素在塑造社區養育的重要性; 實施社區養育的成效與挑戰; 以及形塑社區養育的其他因素. 隨著移工人數不斷增加, 截至 2021年已達到 72, 624人 (BP2MI, 2021), 與父母分離的留守兒童數量亦不斷上升. 此外, 因留守兒童與其代理養育者之間存在著世代差異, 而每一代人所堅持的理想價值觀存在極大的差異化, 所以常導致雙方的溝通隔閡. 然而, 在菲律賓這種溝通障礙可藉由留守家庭的多向照護和來自大家庭的良好支持系統來克服. 與此同時, 良好的社會支持系統對留守兒童的重要性也成為印尼政府的關注焦點. 基於此現象, 本研究運用尤里·布朗芬布倫納 (Bronfenbrenner) 的理論和多向照護的概念來分析社區養育的實施. 通過質性研究方法, 本研究在印德拉瑪育選擇了有代表性的受訪者, 包括村政府, 代理養育者, 移工母親, 留守兒童和社會團體代表. 本研究的結果是: (1) 在社區層面, 參與社區養育行動者的角色並無顯著差異. 然而, 在家庭層面, 留守家庭與非留守家庭的父母角色則有明顯差異. 在非留守家庭中, 父母作為主要教養者, 對於孩子來說仍然扮演著非常重要的角色, 而社區養育行為者僅為輔助作用. 相比之下, 對於留守兒童, 代理養育者, 移工母親和社區養育者的角色相互交織和相輔相成, 因此這些行動者皆可被視為擔任留守兒童的主要養育者; (2) 在留守家庭中, 與社區養育者的互動不僅限於口頭交流, 還包括非語言交流, 如照顧留守兒童. 這些行為滿足了孩子的基本需求, 包括生存, 基本能力和福祉需求; (3) 留守兒童與其微觀系統之間的積極互動成為改善他們在家庭層面上所面臨的照護缺失問題,成為重要的支持因素. 此外, 社區機構行為者在中觀系統層面的互動也是塑造社區養育計劃的重要因素. 因社區機構在每個村莊的計劃中充當支持者和協調者; (4) 早在社區養育計劃實施之前, 社區機構在管理活動方面成功運作, 而成員的自發性使得社區養育在兩個村莊中有效運行. 然而, 該計劃面臨的挑戰包括每個任期村長 (Kuwu) 和社區機構管理層的變更, 以及計畫缺乏定期評估. 可能因此阻礙社區養育計劃的改進或持續性; (5) 村莊社區世代相傳的互助 (gotong royong) 文化在塑造兩個村莊的社區養育方面也起到了重要作用.
This research aims to find out the composition actor network involved in community parenting; the implementation of multidirectional care in community parenting at the micro and meso levels; the important of micro and meso elements in shaping community parenting; the effectiveness and the challenges involved in the implementation of community parenting; and other factors involved in shaping community parenting. With the increasing number of migrant labors which reach 72,624 people in 2021 (BP2MI, 2021), there has also been an increase in the number of left behind children who live separately from their migrant parents. In addition, the existence of generational differences between left behind children and their surrogate carers often causes communication gap as each generation is attached to certain ideal values that are very different from one another. However, this communication gap can be overcome in Filipinos left behind families with a good support system from the extended family through multidirectional care. In line with this, the importance of a good social support system for left behind children also becomes the concern of Indonesian government. Based on this phenomenon, this research used Bronfenbrenner's theory and the conceptual of multidirectional care to analyze the implementation of community parenting. By using qualitative approach, the informants in this study which was located in Indramayu, were selected purposively, namely village government; surrogate carer, migrant mother, left behind children, and social group representatives. The results of this research are (1) In terms of actors’ role involved in community parenting, there is no difference in this regard at the community level. However, the differences in the role of parents at the family level are very clear. In non-left behind families, parents as the main actors still have a very big role for their children and community actors only have an additional role. Meanwhile, in left behind children, the roles of surrogate carer, migrant mother, and community actors are intertwined and complement each other; (2) In left behind families, the involvement of community actors who are intertwined and complementary with surrogate carer is not only limited to verbal interactions but also non-verbal interactions such as providing care for left behind children. This action then leads to fulfilling children's basic needs, which consist of basic biological survival, basic capabilities, and basic well-being needs; (3) The interaction between community institution actors at the meso system level is also an important element that can shape the community parenting program, because community institutions here function as supporting elements and facilitator in every village program; (4) the success of each community institution in managing activities in the community long before the community parenting program was implemented and the type of membership in community institutions which is voluntary, made community parenting run effectively in both villages. Meanwhile the challenges of this program are the change of Kuwu and community institution management in each period and the absence of regular evaluations which can hinder the improvement or sustainability of community parenting program; and (5) The culture of gotong royong which has been adopted for generations by village communities in general has also an important role in shaping community parenting in both villages.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109265507
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林季平zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Ji-Ping Linen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 韓佳婷zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chatia Hastasarien_US
dc.creator (作者) 韓佳婷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hastasari, Chatiaen_US
dc.date (日期) 2024en_US
dc.date.accessioned 5-八月-2024 12:59:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 5-八月-2024 12:59:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-八月-2024 12:59:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0109265507en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152623-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語博士學位學程(IDAS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109265507zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在探討參與社區養育行動者網絡的組成; 在微觀和中觀層面上實施社區養育的多向照護; 微觀和中觀因素在塑造社區養育的重要性; 實施社區養育的成效與挑戰; 以及形塑社區養育的其他因素. 隨著移工人數不斷增加, 截至 2021年已達到 72, 624人 (BP2MI, 2021), 與父母分離的留守兒童數量亦不斷上升. 此外, 因留守兒童與其代理養育者之間存在著世代差異, 而每一代人所堅持的理想價值觀存在極大的差異化, 所以常導致雙方的溝通隔閡. 然而, 在菲律賓這種溝通障礙可藉由留守家庭的多向照護和來自大家庭的良好支持系統來克服. 與此同時, 良好的社會支持系統對留守兒童的重要性也成為印尼政府的關注焦點. 基於此現象, 本研究運用尤里·布朗芬布倫納 (Bronfenbrenner) 的理論和多向照護的概念來分析社區養育的實施. 通過質性研究方法, 本研究在印德拉瑪育選擇了有代表性的受訪者, 包括村政府, 代理養育者, 移工母親, 留守兒童和社會團體代表. 本研究的結果是: (1) 在社區層面, 參與社區養育行動者的角色並無顯著差異. 然而, 在家庭層面, 留守家庭與非留守家庭的父母角色則有明顯差異. 在非留守家庭中, 父母作為主要教養者, 對於孩子來說仍然扮演著非常重要的角色, 而社區養育行為者僅為輔助作用. 相比之下, 對於留守兒童, 代理養育者, 移工母親和社區養育者的角色相互交織和相輔相成, 因此這些行動者皆可被視為擔任留守兒童的主要養育者; (2) 在留守家庭中, 與社區養育者的互動不僅限於口頭交流, 還包括非語言交流, 如照顧留守兒童. 這些行為滿足了孩子的基本需求, 包括生存, 基本能力和福祉需求; (3) 留守兒童與其微觀系統之間的積極互動成為改善他們在家庭層面上所面臨的照護缺失問題,成為重要的支持因素. 此外, 社區機構行為者在中觀系統層面的互動也是塑造社區養育計劃的重要因素. 因社區機構在每個村莊的計劃中充當支持者和協調者; (4) 早在社區養育計劃實施之前, 社區機構在管理活動方面成功運作, 而成員的自發性使得社區養育在兩個村莊中有效運行. 然而, 該計劃面臨的挑戰包括每個任期村長 (Kuwu) 和社區機構管理層的變更, 以及計畫缺乏定期評估. 可能因此阻礙社區養育計劃的改進或持續性; (5) 村莊社區世代相傳的互助 (gotong royong) 文化在塑造兩個村莊的社區養育方面也起到了重要作用.zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research aims to find out the composition actor network involved in community parenting; the implementation of multidirectional care in community parenting at the micro and meso levels; the important of micro and meso elements in shaping community parenting; the effectiveness and the challenges involved in the implementation of community parenting; and other factors involved in shaping community parenting. With the increasing number of migrant labors which reach 72,624 people in 2021 (BP2MI, 2021), there has also been an increase in the number of left behind children who live separately from their migrant parents. In addition, the existence of generational differences between left behind children and their surrogate carers often causes communication gap as each generation is attached to certain ideal values that are very different from one another. However, this communication gap can be overcome in Filipinos left behind families with a good support system from the extended family through multidirectional care. In line with this, the importance of a good social support system for left behind children also becomes the concern of Indonesian government. Based on this phenomenon, this research used Bronfenbrenner's theory and the conceptual of multidirectional care to analyze the implementation of community parenting. By using qualitative approach, the informants in this study which was located in Indramayu, were selected purposively, namely village government; surrogate carer, migrant mother, left behind children, and social group representatives. The results of this research are (1) In terms of actors’ role involved in community parenting, there is no difference in this regard at the community level. However, the differences in the role of parents at the family level are very clear. In non-left behind families, parents as the main actors still have a very big role for their children and community actors only have an additional role. Meanwhile, in left behind children, the roles of surrogate carer, migrant mother, and community actors are intertwined and complement each other; (2) In left behind families, the involvement of community actors who are intertwined and complementary with surrogate carer is not only limited to verbal interactions but also non-verbal interactions such as providing care for left behind children. This action then leads to fulfilling children's basic needs, which consist of basic biological survival, basic capabilities, and basic well-being needs; (3) The interaction between community institution actors at the meso system level is also an important element that can shape the community parenting program, because community institutions here function as supporting elements and facilitator in every village program; (4) the success of each community institution in managing activities in the community long before the community parenting program was implemented and the type of membership in community institutions which is voluntary, made community parenting run effectively in both villages. Meanwhile the challenges of this program are the change of Kuwu and community institution management in each period and the absence of regular evaluations which can hinder the improvement or sustainability of community parenting program; and (5) The culture of gotong royong which has been adopted for generations by village communities in general has also an important role in shaping community parenting in both villages.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Overview of Dissertation 9 Chapter 2. Literature Review 12 2.1. Social Problems faced by Left behind Children in Sending Countries 12 2.2. Care Arrangements: From Nuclear Family to Community 15 2.3. The Ecology of Human Development Theory 17 2.4. The Role of Actor 21 2.5. Communication Network 22 2.6. Multidirectional Care 24 2.7. The Relevance of Theory and Conceptual Frameworks to Community Parenting 27 Chapter 3. Research Methods 29 3.1. Research Question 29 3.2. Field Work Location 30 3.3. Data Collection 30 3.4. Data Sources 32 3.5. Data Validation and Analysis 34 Chapter 4. Indramayu through the Lens of a Migrant Village 36 4.1. Indramayu society 36 4.1.1. Socio economic 38 4.1.2. Religion and Culture 43 4.2. Community Institutions and Organizations in Indramayu 49 4.3. Migrant family from time to time 56 Chapter 5. The Work of Community Parenting 61 5.1. Community Parenting 61 5.1.1. Community 61 Kenanga Village 61 Juntinyuat Village 82 5.1.2. Family and Surrogate Carer 94 5.1.3. School 104 Chapter 6. Analyses and Findings 108 6.1. Analyses 108 6.1.1. The Composition of Actor Network Involved in Community Parenting 108 The Role of Actor 108 Communication Network 112 6.1.2. Multidirectional Care in Community Parenting Programs at the Micro and Meso Levels 119 Basic Biological Survival Needs 123 Basic Capabilities Needs 125 Basic Well-being Needs 126 6.1.3. The Importance of Micro and Meso Elementsin Shaping Community Parenting 128 Supporting Element in Planning and Implementing Village Programs 130 A facilitator for village community empowerment 132 6.1.4. The Effectiveness and the Challenges of Community Parenting 133 6.1.5. Other Factors that are involved in shaping community parenting 137 6.2. Findings 141 6.3. Limitations 143 Chapter 7. Conclusion 145 7.1. Conclusion 145 7.2. Recommendation 147 Bibliography 150 Appendix 160zh_TW
dc.format.extent 6001389 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109265507en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 留守兒童zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社區養育zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生產性移民村zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 溝通網絡zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多向照護zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Left behind childrenen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) community parentingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) productive migrant villagesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) communication networken_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) multidirectional careen_US
dc.title (題名) 留守兒童社區育兒計畫:印尼案例研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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