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題名 電子紙技術應用於學齡兒童教育平板市場的低破式創新策略
Disruptive Innovation strategy of Educational Tablets by E-Ink Technology
作者 林紀晴
Lin, Chi-Ching
貢獻者 許牧彥
Hsu, Mu-Yen
Lin, Chi-Ching
關鍵詞 電子紙平板
E-paper tablets
Disruptive innovation
Innovation strategy
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-八月-2024 13:05:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著電子產品在兒童生活中的普及,長時間使用LCD和LED螢幕對兒童視力健康帶來潛在風險。本研究旨在探討電子產品對兒童視力健康的影響,並提出減少此影響的策略。研究背景顯示,電子產品在兒童中的使用率極高,長時間使用可能導致電腦視覺症候群(CVS)及藍光引發的視力問題。 本研究綜合文獻分析、問卷調查和廠商個案研究,系統性地分析電子產品對兒童視力健康的影響,並探討電子紙技術的發展和應用。基於此,成立了新創公司「愛課科技」,提出結合電子紙技術於平板電腦的創新產品。針對目前市場上的Android和iOS系統,開發結合電子紙技術的產品,將電子紙的弱勢——反應速度較慢,不適合展示聲光效果較好的畫面——轉化為優勢,使兒童能更專注於學習。經問卷分析顯示,家長對這些創新產品的態度普遍積極,認為其有助於提供更健康的學習環境。此外,家長的年齡、對孩子使用平板的支持程度、購買電子紙平板的意願及對傳統平板與電子紙平板差異的認知,顯著影響其為孩子選擇電子紙平板的意願。大多數家長對電子紙平板減少藍光和保護視力的功能表示高度認同。本研究通過結合電子紙技術,推出創新產品,並將市場定位於低階市場,以兒童作為利基市場,與高階電競產品區隔開來。元太科技公司具備多項專利,並創立了電子紙生態系,串聯顯示器、元件等上下游廠商,是本研究創新產品的最佳合作夥伴。同時,華碩將成為Android平板和Windows筆電的合作夥伴,而蘋果將成為iOS系統的合作夥伴。研究將「護眼」作為平板市場的新價值,成為新的產品性能。初期專注於開拓護眼平板的新市場,進而侵蝕原有市場的客戶。未來將擴展市場至容易眼睛疲勞的老年人,並最終拓展至長期注視螢幕的上班族。研究以「平板與筆電同時推進,借力使力創新擴散」為執行標準,達成「電子紙成為筆電標配」的最終目標。 然而,本研究亦存在一些限制,研究範圍主要集中在台灣,未涵蓋其他地區和國家的市場需求和政策背景,且電子紙技術的效果和用戶體驗仍需進一步驗證。因此,建議未來研究擴大調查範圍,深入分析市場需求和消費者行為,以更精確地指導創新產品的設計和推廣策略。
With the increasing prevalence of electronic devices in children's lives, prolonged use of LCD and LED screens poses potential risks to their visual health. This study aims to investigate the impact of electronic devices on children's visual health and propose strategies to mitigate these effects. Background research indicates that the usage rate of electronic devices among children is extremely high, and prolonged use may lead to computer vision syndrome (CVS) and blue light-induced vision problems. This study systematically analyzes the impact of electronic devices on children's visual health through literature review, surveys, and case studies of manufacturers. It also explores the development and application of electronic paper (e-paper) technology. Based on these findings, a startup company, "I-Care Technology," was established to propose innovative tablet products integrating e-paper technology. Focusing on the current market's Android and iOS systems, these products turn the disadvantage of e-paper—slower response time and unsuitability for displaying high-quality sound and light effects—into an advantage, allowing children to concentrate better on their studies. Survey analysis reveals that parents generally have a positive attitude towards these innovative products, believing they contribute to a healthier learning environment. Additionally, factors such as parents' age, support for their children's use of tablets, willingness to purchase e-paper tablets, and recognition of differences between traditional and e-paper tablets significantly influence their willingness to choose e-paper tablets for their children. Most parents highly appreciate the blue light reduction and vision protection features of e-paper tablets. This study introduces innovative products through the integration of e-paper technology, targeting the lower-end market with children as the niche segment, distinguishing them from high-end gaming products. E Ink Holdings, with multiple patents and an established e-paper ecosystem, connecting display, component, and other upstream and downstream manufacturers, is identified as the most suitable partner for these innovative products. Additionally, ASUS will be a partner for Android tablets and Windows laptops, while Apple will be a partner for iOS systems. The study positions "eye protection" as the new value in the tablet market, becoming a new product feature. Initially focusing on opening up the eye-protection tablet market and subsequently encroaching on existing markets, the future goal is to expand to markets such as elderly individuals prone to eye fatigue and, ultimately, office workers who spend long periods staring at screens. The study adopts the execution standard of "advancing both tablets and laptops simultaneously, leveraging innovation diffusion," aiming to make "e-paper a standard feature of laptops." However, this study has some limitations, mainly focusing on Taiwan and not covering the market demands and policy backgrounds of other regions and countries. Furthermore, the long-term effects and user experiences of e-paper technology require further verification. Therefore, it is recommended that future research expands the scope of investigation, deeply analyzes market demands and consumer behavior, and provides more precise guidance for the design and promotion strategies of innovative products.
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資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111364115
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 許牧彥zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Hsu, Mu-Yenen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 林紀晴zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lin, Chi-Chingen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林紀晴zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Chi-Chingen_US
dc.date (日期) 2024en_US
dc.date.accessioned 5-八月-2024 13:05:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 5-八月-2024 13:05:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-八月-2024 13:05:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0111364115en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152652-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理與智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111364115zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著電子產品在兒童生活中的普及,長時間使用LCD和LED螢幕對兒童視力健康帶來潛在風險。本研究旨在探討電子產品對兒童視力健康的影響,並提出減少此影響的策略。研究背景顯示,電子產品在兒童中的使用率極高,長時間使用可能導致電腦視覺症候群(CVS)及藍光引發的視力問題。 本研究綜合文獻分析、問卷調查和廠商個案研究,系統性地分析電子產品對兒童視力健康的影響,並探討電子紙技術的發展和應用。基於此,成立了新創公司「愛課科技」,提出結合電子紙技術於平板電腦的創新產品。針對目前市場上的Android和iOS系統,開發結合電子紙技術的產品,將電子紙的弱勢——反應速度較慢,不適合展示聲光效果較好的畫面——轉化為優勢,使兒童能更專注於學習。經問卷分析顯示,家長對這些創新產品的態度普遍積極,認為其有助於提供更健康的學習環境。此外,家長的年齡、對孩子使用平板的支持程度、購買電子紙平板的意願及對傳統平板與電子紙平板差異的認知,顯著影響其為孩子選擇電子紙平板的意願。大多數家長對電子紙平板減少藍光和保護視力的功能表示高度認同。本研究通過結合電子紙技術,推出創新產品,並將市場定位於低階市場,以兒童作為利基市場,與高階電競產品區隔開來。元太科技公司具備多項專利,並創立了電子紙生態系,串聯顯示器、元件等上下游廠商,是本研究創新產品的最佳合作夥伴。同時,華碩將成為Android平板和Windows筆電的合作夥伴,而蘋果將成為iOS系統的合作夥伴。研究將「護眼」作為平板市場的新價值,成為新的產品性能。初期專注於開拓護眼平板的新市場,進而侵蝕原有市場的客戶。未來將擴展市場至容易眼睛疲勞的老年人,並最終拓展至長期注視螢幕的上班族。研究以「平板與筆電同時推進,借力使力創新擴散」為執行標準,達成「電子紙成為筆電標配」的最終目標。 然而,本研究亦存在一些限制,研究範圍主要集中在台灣,未涵蓋其他地區和國家的市場需求和政策背景,且電子紙技術的效果和用戶體驗仍需進一步驗證。因此,建議未來研究擴大調查範圍,深入分析市場需求和消費者行為,以更精確地指導創新產品的設計和推廣策略。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the increasing prevalence of electronic devices in children's lives, prolonged use of LCD and LED screens poses potential risks to their visual health. This study aims to investigate the impact of electronic devices on children's visual health and propose strategies to mitigate these effects. Background research indicates that the usage rate of electronic devices among children is extremely high, and prolonged use may lead to computer vision syndrome (CVS) and blue light-induced vision problems. This study systematically analyzes the impact of electronic devices on children's visual health through literature review, surveys, and case studies of manufacturers. It also explores the development and application of electronic paper (e-paper) technology. Based on these findings, a startup company, "I-Care Technology," was established to propose innovative tablet products integrating e-paper technology. Focusing on the current market's Android and iOS systems, these products turn the disadvantage of e-paper—slower response time and unsuitability for displaying high-quality sound and light effects—into an advantage, allowing children to concentrate better on their studies. Survey analysis reveals that parents generally have a positive attitude towards these innovative products, believing they contribute to a healthier learning environment. Additionally, factors such as parents' age, support for their children's use of tablets, willingness to purchase e-paper tablets, and recognition of differences between traditional and e-paper tablets significantly influence their willingness to choose e-paper tablets for their children. Most parents highly appreciate the blue light reduction and vision protection features of e-paper tablets. This study introduces innovative products through the integration of e-paper technology, targeting the lower-end market with children as the niche segment, distinguishing them from high-end gaming products. E Ink Holdings, with multiple patents and an established e-paper ecosystem, connecting display, component, and other upstream and downstream manufacturers, is identified as the most suitable partner for these innovative products. Additionally, ASUS will be a partner for Android tablets and Windows laptops, while Apple will be a partner for iOS systems. The study positions "eye protection" as the new value in the tablet market, becoming a new product feature. Initially focusing on opening up the eye-protection tablet market and subsequently encroaching on existing markets, the future goal is to expand to markets such as elderly individuals prone to eye fatigue and, ultimately, office workers who spend long periods staring at screens. The study adopts the execution standard of "advancing both tablets and laptops simultaneously, leveraging innovation diffusion," aiming to make "e-paper a standard feature of laptops." However, this study has some limitations, mainly focusing on Taiwan and not covering the market demands and policy backgrounds of other regions and countries. Furthermore, the long-term effects and user experiences of e-paper technology require further verification. Therefore, it is recommended that future research expands the scope of investigation, deeply analyzes market demands and consumer behavior, and provides more precise guidance for the design and promotion strategies of innovative products.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 13 第一節 研究背景與動機 13 第二節 研究目的與問題 14 第三節 研究定位與方法 15 第二章 潛在的市場需求 19 第一節 電子產品對健康的危害:針對一般使用者和兒童的研究 19 第二節 各國數位化應用於兒童教育政策與教師對於兒童進行數位學習的看法 22 第三節 目標市場:平板市場 24 第三章 新技術機會分析 27 第一節 電子紙技術簡介 27 第二節 電子紙技術專利分析 33 第四章 創新提案 49 第一節 未來產品設計概念介紹 49 第二節 創新產品的功能說明及特色 49 第三節 創新產品的定位與競品 53 第五章 創新產品的需求驗證 56 第一節 研究設計 56 第二節 問卷分析與結果 63 第三節 小節 86 第六章 創新策略與合作廠商 87 第一節 創新的種類 87 第二節 創新策略的制定 87 第二節 合作廠商策略 93 第七章 結論 101 中文參考文獻 103 英文參考文獻 107 附錄 111zh_TW
dc.format.extent 3952612 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111364115en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電子紙平板zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 低破式創新zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新策略zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) E-paper tabletsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Disruptive innovationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Innovation strategyen_US
dc.title (題名) 電子紙技術應用於學齡兒童教育平板市場的低破式創新策略zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Disruptive Innovation strategy of Educational Tablets by E-Ink Technologyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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