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題名 以綠色創新的觀點探討企業人工智慧伺服器新產品專案的開發流程
A Study of the New Product Development Process of AI Servers in Server Companies from a Green Innovation Perspective
作者 林微妮
Lin, Wei-Ni
貢獻者 吳豐祥
Wu, Feng-Shang
Lin, Wei-Ni
關鍵詞 伺服器產業
AI 伺服器
Server Industry
AI Servers
Green Product Innovation
Open Innovation
International Environmental Regulations
New Product Development
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 13:06:20 (UTC+8)
摘要   隨著人工智能技術的快速發展,AI伺服器的需求顯著增加。特別是自2022年底OpenAI推出ChatGPT以來,全球對高效能AI伺服器的需求進一步擴大,不僅為企業帶來了新的市場機會,也帶來企業在AI伺服器新產品開發和遵守環保法規的新挑戰。然而,AI伺服器在高能耗的特性,導致資料中心客戶對其碳排放增加的擔憂,促使企業在新產品開發的策略上更注重融合永續價值。   本研究基於Booz Allen & Hamilton(1982)的新產品開發(NPD)理論,探討新產品開發的七個階段:新產品開發策略、產品創意發想、篩選與評估、商業分析、開發、測試以及商業化 。在供應商合作方面,Kamath & Liker(1994)將供應商在新產品開發中的角色分為合作夥伴、成熟供應商、孩童以及契約供應商等四種,每種角色根據技術能力、設計責任和產品複雜度等的不同有所差異 。同時,客戶需求在新產品開發過程中扮演著重要角色。Cole & Wayland(1997)提出了一個客戶知識管理(CKM)的封閉迴路模型,其中CKM的核心過程包括規畫、鎖定正確客戶、產生客戶知識和運用客戶知識等。企業透過與客戶的密切合作,能夠在產品開發初期就了解和預測市場需求,並將這些需求納入設計考量,提高產品的市場競爭力和客戶滿意度。Cronin et al.(2011)認為大眾對環境議題的認識不斷提高,綠色產品的開發受到越來越多的關注,企業開發環保產品和服務,以滿足消費者日益增強的環保意識,亦成為企業成功的關鍵 。因此,企業在新產品開發的專案上如何融合綠色創新觀點,乃成為本研究的聚焦主題。   本研究結合研究目的與文獻探討的結果,提出了一個包括國際環保觀泛;綠色創新策略、新產品開發專案管理、與新產品開發專案績效等四個構面的研究架構,做為研究的基礎框架。本研究採用多重個案研究法(Multiple Case Study),選擇了三家伺服器產業指標企業作為研究對象:S公司、I公司和F公司 。資料蒐集包括初級研究和次級研究兩部分。初級研究主要透過深度訪談法進行,訪談對象包括各公司的產品經理和協理 。次級研究則包括企業的ESG報告書、年度報告、第三方研究報告等 。   本研究發現到的重點包括:企業在AI伺服器新產品開發的過程中,面對日益嚴格的國際環保法規時會積極採取綠色產品創新策略,不僅提升產品能效並減少環境影響,還增強企業的市場競爭力。透過與供應商和客戶的緊密合作,以及與外部利害關係人的協作,伺服器企業確保其新產品符合環保要求,滿足市場需求,推動了整個產業的綠色轉型 。基於以上研究發現,本研究最後所得到的研究結論如下: 一、企業在開發AI伺服器時,會透過綠色產品創新策略,來協助資料中心客戶遵守國際環保法規。 二、企業在 AI伺服器新產品開發的過程中,會在產品創意發想的階段即結合永續價值,以確保後續的開發階段皆符合其綠色創新的策略目標。 三、企業在AI伺服器新產品的開發過程中,會於開發與測試階段中採用創新的方法,以確保 AI 伺服器的品質及效率並取得綠色產品創新的商業成功。 四、企業為了達成AI 伺服器的綠色產品創新目標,會優先採購符合國際環保標準的零組件,並透過進料檢查,來減少新產品對環境的負面影響。 五、企業在AI伺服器新產品開發的過程中,會與客戶密切合作並將客戶對永續的相關需求納入設計考量,以確保綠色產品能夠滿足客戶期望。    本論文最後也進一步闡述本研究的學術貢獻,並提出對實務上與後續研究上的建議。
 With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the demand for AI servers has significantly increased. Particularly since OpenAI launched ChatGPT at the end of 2022, the global demand for high-performance AI servers has further expanded. This has not only brought new market opportunities for enterprises but also introduced new challenges in developing AI server products and complying with environmental regulations. The high energy consumption characteristic of AI servers raises concerns among data center clients about increased carbon emissions, prompting companies to incorporate sustainability values into their new product development strategies.  This study is based on Booz Allen & Hamilton's (1982) NPD theory, exploring the seven stages of new product development: new product strategy, idea generation, screening and evaluation, business analysis, development, testing, and commercialization. In terms of supplier collaboration, Kamath & Liker (1994) categorize suppliers' roles in new product development into partners, mature suppliers, child suppliers, and contract suppliers, with each role differing based on technical capabilities, design responsibilities, and product complexity. Additionally, customer needs play a critical role in the new product development process. According to Cole & Wayland’s (1997) closed-loop model, the core processes of customer knowledge management include planning, targeting the right customers, generating customer knowledge, and leveraging customer knowledge. Through close collaboration with customers, companies can understand and predict market demand in the early stages of product development, incorporating these demands into design considerations to enhance product competitiveness and customer satisfaction. According to Cronin et al. (2011), public awareness of environmental issues is steadily increasing, and the development of green products is receiving more attention. Developing environmentally friendly products and services and creating new products to meet consumers' growing environmental consciousness are keys to business success. Therefore, integrating green innovation perspectives into new product development projects has become the research topic of this study.  This study employs a multiple case study method, selecting three leading companies in the server industry as research subjects: S Company, I Company, and F Company. Data collection includes both primary and secondary research. Primary research is mainly conducted through in-depth interviews with product managers and associates from each company. Secondary research includes companies' ESG reports, annual reports, and third-party research reports. In the process of developing new AI server products, companies actively adopt green product innovation strategies to comply with increasingly stringent international environmental regulations. This not only improves product efficiency and reduces environmental impact but also enhances market competitiveness. Through close cooperation with suppliers and customers, as well as collaboration with external stakeholders, server companies ensure that their new products meet environmental requirements and market demands, promoting green transformation across the industry. Based on the above findings, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. When developing AI servers, companies will implement proactive green product innovation strategies to help data center customers comply with international environmental regulations. 2. During the process of new AI server product development, companies will integrate sustainable values at the product ideation stage to ensure that all subsequent development phases align with their green innovation strategy goals. 3. In the development process of new AI server products, companies will adopt innovative methods during the development and testing phases to ensure the quality of AI servers and achieve commercial success in green product innovation. 4. To achieve green product innovation goals for AI servers, companies will prioritize the procurement of components that meet international environmental standards and perform incoming inspections to reduce the negative environmental impact of new products. 5. During the development of new AI server products, companies will work closely with customers and incorporate their sustainability-related needs into the design considerations to ensure that green products can meet customer expectations. Finally, this thesis further elaborates on the academic contributions of the study and provides practical and future research recommendations.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 吳豐祥zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wu, Feng-Shangen_US (Authors) 林微妮zh_TW (Authors) Lin, Wei-Nien_US
dc.creator (作者) 林微妮zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Wei-Nien_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 13:06:20 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 13:06:20 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 13:06:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111364119en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理與智慧財產研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111364119zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   隨著人工智能技術的快速發展,AI伺服器的需求顯著增加。特別是自2022年底OpenAI推出ChatGPT以來,全球對高效能AI伺服器的需求進一步擴大,不僅為企業帶來了新的市場機會,也帶來企業在AI伺服器新產品開發和遵守環保法規的新挑戰。然而,AI伺服器在高能耗的特性,導致資料中心客戶對其碳排放增加的擔憂,促使企業在新產品開發的策略上更注重融合永續價值。   本研究基於Booz Allen & Hamilton(1982)的新產品開發(NPD)理論,探討新產品開發的七個階段:新產品開發策略、產品創意發想、篩選與評估、商業分析、開發、測試以及商業化 。在供應商合作方面,Kamath & Liker(1994)將供應商在新產品開發中的角色分為合作夥伴、成熟供應商、孩童以及契約供應商等四種,每種角色根據技術能力、設計責任和產品複雜度等的不同有所差異 。同時,客戶需求在新產品開發過程中扮演著重要角色。Cole & Wayland(1997)提出了一個客戶知識管理(CKM)的封閉迴路模型,其中CKM的核心過程包括規畫、鎖定正確客戶、產生客戶知識和運用客戶知識等。企業透過與客戶的密切合作,能夠在產品開發初期就了解和預測市場需求,並將這些需求納入設計考量,提高產品的市場競爭力和客戶滿意度。Cronin et al.(2011)認為大眾對環境議題的認識不斷提高,綠色產品的開發受到越來越多的關注,企業開發環保產品和服務,以滿足消費者日益增強的環保意識,亦成為企業成功的關鍵 。因此,企業在新產品開發的專案上如何融合綠色創新觀點,乃成為本研究的聚焦主題。   本研究結合研究目的與文獻探討的結果,提出了一個包括國際環保觀泛;綠色創新策略、新產品開發專案管理、與新產品開發專案績效等四個構面的研究架構,做為研究的基礎框架。本研究採用多重個案研究法(Multiple Case Study),選擇了三家伺服器產業指標企業作為研究對象:S公司、I公司和F公司 。資料蒐集包括初級研究和次級研究兩部分。初級研究主要透過深度訪談法進行,訪談對象包括各公司的產品經理和協理 。次級研究則包括企業的ESG報告書、年度報告、第三方研究報告等 。   本研究發現到的重點包括:企業在AI伺服器新產品開發的過程中,面對日益嚴格的國際環保法規時會積極採取綠色產品創新策略,不僅提升產品能效並減少環境影響,還增強企業的市場競爭力。透過與供應商和客戶的緊密合作,以及與外部利害關係人的協作,伺服器企業確保其新產品符合環保要求,滿足市場需求,推動了整個產業的綠色轉型 。基於以上研究發現,本研究最後所得到的研究結論如下: 一、企業在開發AI伺服器時,會透過綠色產品創新策略,來協助資料中心客戶遵守國際環保法規。 二、企業在 AI伺服器新產品開發的過程中,會在產品創意發想的階段即結合永續價值,以確保後續的開發階段皆符合其綠色創新的策略目標。 三、企業在AI伺服器新產品的開發過程中,會於開發與測試階段中採用創新的方法,以確保 AI 伺服器的品質及效率並取得綠色產品創新的商業成功。 四、企業為了達成AI 伺服器的綠色產品創新目標,會優先採購符合國際環保標準的零組件,並透過進料檢查,來減少新產品對環境的負面影響。 五、企業在AI伺服器新產品開發的過程中,會與客戶密切合作並將客戶對永續的相關需求納入設計考量,以確保綠色產品能夠滿足客戶期望。    本論文最後也進一步闡述本研究的學術貢獻,並提出對實務上與後續研究上的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)  With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, the demand for AI servers has significantly increased. Particularly since OpenAI launched ChatGPT at the end of 2022, the global demand for high-performance AI servers has further expanded. This has not only brought new market opportunities for enterprises but also introduced new challenges in developing AI server products and complying with environmental regulations. The high energy consumption characteristic of AI servers raises concerns among data center clients about increased carbon emissions, prompting companies to incorporate sustainability values into their new product development strategies.  This study is based on Booz Allen & Hamilton's (1982) NPD theory, exploring the seven stages of new product development: new product strategy, idea generation, screening and evaluation, business analysis, development, testing, and commercialization. In terms of supplier collaboration, Kamath & Liker (1994) categorize suppliers' roles in new product development into partners, mature suppliers, child suppliers, and contract suppliers, with each role differing based on technical capabilities, design responsibilities, and product complexity. Additionally, customer needs play a critical role in the new product development process. According to Cole & Wayland’s (1997) closed-loop model, the core processes of customer knowledge management include planning, targeting the right customers, generating customer knowledge, and leveraging customer knowledge. Through close collaboration with customers, companies can understand and predict market demand in the early stages of product development, incorporating these demands into design considerations to enhance product competitiveness and customer satisfaction. According to Cronin et al. (2011), public awareness of environmental issues is steadily increasing, and the development of green products is receiving more attention. Developing environmentally friendly products and services and creating new products to meet consumers' growing environmental consciousness are keys to business success. Therefore, integrating green innovation perspectives into new product development projects has become the research topic of this study.  This study employs a multiple case study method, selecting three leading companies in the server industry as research subjects: S Company, I Company, and F Company. Data collection includes both primary and secondary research. Primary research is mainly conducted through in-depth interviews with product managers and associates from each company. Secondary research includes companies' ESG reports, annual reports, and third-party research reports. In the process of developing new AI server products, companies actively adopt green product innovation strategies to comply with increasingly stringent international environmental regulations. This not only improves product efficiency and reduces environmental impact but also enhances market competitiveness. Through close cooperation with suppliers and customers, as well as collaboration with external stakeholders, server companies ensure that their new products meet environmental requirements and market demands, promoting green transformation across the industry. Based on the above findings, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. When developing AI servers, companies will implement proactive green product innovation strategies to help data center customers comply with international environmental regulations. 2. During the process of new AI server product development, companies will integrate sustainable values at the product ideation stage to ensure that all subsequent development phases align with their green innovation strategy goals. 3. In the development process of new AI server products, companies will adopt innovative methods during the development and testing phases to ensure the quality of AI servers and achieve commercial success in green product innovation. 4. To achieve green product innovation goals for AI servers, companies will prioritize the procurement of components that meet international environmental standards and perform incoming inspections to reduce the negative environmental impact of new products. 5. During the development of new AI server products, companies will work closely with customers and incorporate their sustainability-related needs into the design considerations to ensure that green products can meet customer expectations. Finally, this thesis further elaborates on the academic contributions of the study and provides practical and future research recommendations.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究目的與問題 4 第貳章 文獻探討 6 第一節、AI 伺服器產業研究 6 第二節、新產品開發專案管理 11 第三節、開放式創新 22 第四節、綠色創新管理 27 第五節、國際環保規範 30 第六節、文獻回顧小結 39 第參章 研究方法 43 第一節、研究架構 43 第二節、研究變項說明 43 第三節、研究設計 46 第四節、資料蒐集 50 第五節、研究限制 51 第肆章 個案研究 52 第一節、S 公司個案 52 第二節、I 公司個案 62 第三節、F 公司個案 74 第四節、個案彙整與比較 85 第伍章 研究發現與討論 98 第一節、企業綠色創新策略 98 第二節、AI 伺服器新產品開發 101 第三節、外部合作 107 第陸章 研究結論與建議 112 第一節、研究結論 112 第二節、學術貢獻 116 第三節、實務建議 117 第四節、後續研究建議 120 參考文獻 122 附錄 127 訪談大綱 127 英文縮寫對照表 128zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2215704 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 伺服器產業zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) AI 伺服器zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綠色產品創新zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 開放式創新zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國際環保法規zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 永續發展zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新產品開發zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Server Industryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) AI Serversen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Green Product Innovationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Open Innovationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) International Environmental Regulationsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) New Product Developmenten_US
dc.title (題名) 以綠色創新的觀點探討企業人工智慧伺服器新產品專案的開發流程zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study of the New Product Development Process of AI Servers in Server Companies from a Green Innovation Perspectiveen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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