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題名 動詞類型與語境對台灣華語動詞後時貌標記「了」 省略的影響
The optionality of the aspectual marker verbal-le in Taiwan Mandarin: influence of verb type and context
作者 邱郁茹
Chiu, Yu-Ju
貢獻者 賴瑶鍈
Lai, Yao-Ying
Chiu, Yu-Ju
關鍵詞 時貌標記
aspectual marker
lexical semantics
second language learning
sentence processing
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-八月-2024 13:24:04 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究探討動詞後時貌標記「了」之可省略性是否受到動詞類型(動補複合詞 resultative verb compounds, RVC vs. 活動動詞 activity verbs, ACT)、和文脈語境的影響,以及中文學習者對於動詞後「了」的可省略性偏好與中文母語者有何異同。 針對上述議題,筆者設計了兩個實驗,實驗一操控三項因子:(i) 目標句中動詞後時貌標記「了」之有無,(ii) 接續目標句後表述特定事件語境之有無, (iii) 目標句中與時貌標記「了」所搭配之動詞類型:RVC vs. ACT,請中文母語者針對語句進行「可接受度評分」及「句意事件解讀」。實驗二探討中文學習者對於省略時貌標記「了」的接受度、及其受到語境影響的程度與中文母語者是否有差異。最後將母語者與學習者的結果進行對照。 就【可接受度評分】而言:(i) 母語者對有「了」的句子評分顯著較高,且反應時間較快,推論是因時貌標記有助於釐清時間參照,促進句意理解。(ii) 有語境的句子的可接受度評分顯著較低,且反應時間較慢,推測可能因母語者傾向以自身經驗來理解句意,但語境所述事件與個人生活經驗不一定完全相符所致,而 (iii) 動詞類型並未產生顯著影響。另一方面,在學習者的實驗二結果中,前述兩因子並無顯著主效果,但是有語境的目標句在可接受度數值上高於無語境的目標句。 就【句意事件解讀】而言:(i) 在無語境時母語者傾向將有「了」的句子解讀為有單一時間點的特定事件、無「了」的句子解讀為慣性事件,推測是因時貌標記「了」提供了較明確的事件時間參照。 (ii) 在表述特定事件的語境下,母語者傾向將目標句解讀為「特定事件」。(iii) 母語者傾向將動補複合詞句解讀為特定事件,將活動動詞句解讀為慣性事件,源於不同動詞的語意特性。此外,時貌標記「了」之有無、語境之有無及與時貌標記搭配的動詞類型三因子間有顯著交互作用。 本研究結果揭示了中文母語者與學習者對於動詞後時貌標記「了」的理解偏好,並且闡釋了不同動詞的語意特性及語境有無,如何影響母語者對於動詞後「了」的可省略性,整合理論與實證,對動詞後時貌標記「了」之可省略性提供更完整的說明。
This study aims to examine the preference for the optionality of the aspectual marker verbal-le between native speakers and learners of Mandarin Chinese (MC), specifically examining the influence of verb type — resultative verb compounds (RVC) vs. activity verbs (ACT) in composition with the aspectual marker, and context. We carried out a questionnaire on native speakers of MC (Experiment 1) to examine the acceptability and the eventive interpretation of the target sentences that vary with (i) the presence vs. absence of post-verbal aspectual marker le, (ii) 2 context types, null context vs. the presence of ensuing context encoding a specific event, and (iii) 2 verb types, RVCs vs. ACT. We further investigated if learners of MC (Experiment 2) would show similar effects regarding (i) the presence / absence of verbal-le and (ii) context type as compared to the native speakers. Results of Acceptability rating revealed (i) sentences with verbal-le engendered significantly higher ratings and faster response times (RTs) in native speakers, suggesting that the aspectual marker facilitated comprehension by specifying the temporal reference of the sentences. (ii) Sentences followed by a context denoting an event with a specific time point were rated significantly lower, associated with significantly longer RTs. We suspect that native speakers interpreted the context + target sentences based on own experiences, while may not match the scenarios described by the given context. (iii) The effect of verb type was insignificant however. On the other hand, the learners of MC did not show significant main effects of verbal-le and context, though sentences with contexts received higher ratings than those without contexts numerically. Results of sentence interpretation showed: (i) native speakers interpreted sentences with verbal-le as denoting specific events (temporally-bounded) and those without verbal-le as habitual events, likely because verbal-le aids specifying the temporal reference for event interpretation. (ii) The presence of a context describing a specific event led native speakers to interpret the target sentences as denoting specific events. (iii) The native speakers interpreted RVC sentences as specific events, and ACT sentences as habitual events, corresponding to the lexico-semantic characteristics of different verb types. In addition, the presence/absence of aspectual marker verbal-le significantly interacted with context and verb type respectively. The findings clarify the optionality of verbal-le in native speakers and learners of MC, revealing the influence of verbs’ semantic properties and contextual modulation in the former group. By integrating theoretical analyses and experimentation, this thesis advanced our understanding of the aspectual marker verbal-le in comprehension.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109161004
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 賴瑶鍈zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lai, Yao-Yingen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 邱郁茹zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chiu, Yu-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 邱郁茹zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chiu, Yu-Juen_US
dc.date (日期) 2024en_US
dc.date.accessioned 5-八月-2024 13:24:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 5-八月-2024 13:24:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-八月-2024 13:24:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0109161004en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152666-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 華語文教學碩博士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 109161004zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究探討動詞後時貌標記「了」之可省略性是否受到動詞類型(動補複合詞 resultative verb compounds, RVC vs. 活動動詞 activity verbs, ACT)、和文脈語境的影響,以及中文學習者對於動詞後「了」的可省略性偏好與中文母語者有何異同。 針對上述議題,筆者設計了兩個實驗,實驗一操控三項因子:(i) 目標句中動詞後時貌標記「了」之有無,(ii) 接續目標句後表述特定事件語境之有無, (iii) 目標句中與時貌標記「了」所搭配之動詞類型:RVC vs. ACT,請中文母語者針對語句進行「可接受度評分」及「句意事件解讀」。實驗二探討中文學習者對於省略時貌標記「了」的接受度、及其受到語境影響的程度與中文母語者是否有差異。最後將母語者與學習者的結果進行對照。 就【可接受度評分】而言:(i) 母語者對有「了」的句子評分顯著較高,且反應時間較快,推論是因時貌標記有助於釐清時間參照,促進句意理解。(ii) 有語境的句子的可接受度評分顯著較低,且反應時間較慢,推測可能因母語者傾向以自身經驗來理解句意,但語境所述事件與個人生活經驗不一定完全相符所致,而 (iii) 動詞類型並未產生顯著影響。另一方面,在學習者的實驗二結果中,前述兩因子並無顯著主效果,但是有語境的目標句在可接受度數值上高於無語境的目標句。 就【句意事件解讀】而言:(i) 在無語境時母語者傾向將有「了」的句子解讀為有單一時間點的特定事件、無「了」的句子解讀為慣性事件,推測是因時貌標記「了」提供了較明確的事件時間參照。 (ii) 在表述特定事件的語境下,母語者傾向將目標句解讀為「特定事件」。(iii) 母語者傾向將動補複合詞句解讀為特定事件,將活動動詞句解讀為慣性事件,源於不同動詞的語意特性。此外,時貌標記「了」之有無、語境之有無及與時貌標記搭配的動詞類型三因子間有顯著交互作用。 本研究結果揭示了中文母語者與學習者對於動詞後時貌標記「了」的理解偏好,並且闡釋了不同動詞的語意特性及語境有無,如何影響母語者對於動詞後「了」的可省略性,整合理論與實證,對動詞後時貌標記「了」之可省略性提供更完整的說明。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study aims to examine the preference for the optionality of the aspectual marker verbal-le between native speakers and learners of Mandarin Chinese (MC), specifically examining the influence of verb type — resultative verb compounds (RVC) vs. activity verbs (ACT) in composition with the aspectual marker, and context. We carried out a questionnaire on native speakers of MC (Experiment 1) to examine the acceptability and the eventive interpretation of the target sentences that vary with (i) the presence vs. absence of post-verbal aspectual marker le, (ii) 2 context types, null context vs. the presence of ensuing context encoding a specific event, and (iii) 2 verb types, RVCs vs. ACT. We further investigated if learners of MC (Experiment 2) would show similar effects regarding (i) the presence / absence of verbal-le and (ii) context type as compared to the native speakers. Results of Acceptability rating revealed (i) sentences with verbal-le engendered significantly higher ratings and faster response times (RTs) in native speakers, suggesting that the aspectual marker facilitated comprehension by specifying the temporal reference of the sentences. (ii) Sentences followed by a context denoting an event with a specific time point were rated significantly lower, associated with significantly longer RTs. We suspect that native speakers interpreted the context + target sentences based on own experiences, while may not match the scenarios described by the given context. (iii) The effect of verb type was insignificant however. On the other hand, the learners of MC did not show significant main effects of verbal-le and context, though sentences with contexts received higher ratings than those without contexts numerically. Results of sentence interpretation showed: (i) native speakers interpreted sentences with verbal-le as denoting specific events (temporally-bounded) and those without verbal-le as habitual events, likely because verbal-le aids specifying the temporal reference for event interpretation. (ii) The presence of a context describing a specific event led native speakers to interpret the target sentences as denoting specific events. (iii) The native speakers interpreted RVC sentences as specific events, and ACT sentences as habitual events, corresponding to the lexico-semantic characteristics of different verb types. In addition, the presence/absence of aspectual marker verbal-le significantly interacted with context and verb type respectively. The findings clarify the optionality of verbal-le in native speakers and learners of MC, revealing the influence of verbs’ semantic properties and contextual modulation in the former group. By integrating theoretical analyses and experimentation, this thesis advanced our understanding of the aspectual marker verbal-le in comprehension.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究問題 4 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1 動詞後時貌標記「了」的基本語意 5 2.2 動詞後時貌標記「了」與不同動詞類型結合的語意概念 9 2.3 語句表述的事件類型 15 2.4 動詞後時貌標記「了」之習得實驗 18 第三章 研究方法 23 3.1 中文母語者實驗假設與預期結果(實驗一) 25 3.2 中文學習者實驗預期結果(實驗二) 28 第四章 中文母語者實驗(實驗一) 29 4.1 實驗設計與實驗材料 29 4.2 實驗對象 31 4.3 實驗儀器 31 4.4 實驗流程 31 4.5 實驗數據分析 33 4.6 實驗結果 35 4.7 討論 40 第五章 中文學習者實驗(實驗二) 52 5.1 實驗設計與實驗材料 52 5.2 實驗對象 53 5.3 實驗儀器 53 5.4 實驗流程 53 5.5 實驗數據分析、結果與討論 54 5.5.1 分析一(語境 × 時貌標記「了」)方法與結果 54 5.5.2 分析二(語境 × 時貌標記「了」× 中文程度)方法與結果 57 5.5.3 學習者之(分析一、二)結果綜合討論 58 5.5.4 分析三(語境 × 時貌標記「了」× 受試者組別)方法與結果 59 5.5.5 母語者 vs. 學習者(分析三)之結果討論 60 第六章 結論與建議 65 6.1 綜合討論 65 6.1.1 可接受度評分 65 6.1.2 事件解讀 66 6.2 華語教學的建議 67 6.3 研究限制 68 參考文獻 70zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2567317 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109161004en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 時貌標記zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 詞彙語意zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語境zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 二語習得zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語句處理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) aspectual markeren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) lexical semanticsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) contexten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) second language learningen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) sentence processingen_US
dc.title (題名) 動詞類型與語境對台灣華語動詞後時貌標記「了」 省略的影響zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The optionality of the aspectual marker verbal-le in Taiwan Mandarin: influence of verb type and contexten_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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