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題名 以新世代高齡者使用者經驗角度探討政府行動醫療服務使用行為態度:以臺北市立聯合醫院App為例
Exploring the Attitudes and Behavior of Elderly Users Towards Government Mobile Healthcare Services: A Case Study of Taipei City Hospital App from the Perspective of Next-Generation Seniors' User Experience.
作者 陳芃聿
Chen, Peng-Yu
貢獻者 朱斌妤
Chu, Pin-YU
Chen, Peng-Yu
關鍵詞 新世代高齡者
New generation of senior citizens
User experience survey
Semi-structured qualitative interviews.
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-八月-2024 14:23:52 (UTC+8)
摘要 我國公部門依據行政院「智慧國家方案」要點,積極投入開發各項政府行動服務,希冀便利民眾透過使用個人移動裝置掌握公部門資源。然而當公部門透入大量成本開發後,卻被民眾指出政府所開發的行動服務多半「陽春、功能重疊」,因此在民眾不願使用情況之下,這些公部門所開發的App甚至被媒體稱為下載率低迷的「蚊子App」。綜觀現行政府開發行動服務問題,是因大部分服務缺乏使用者經驗研究,導致與民眾真實使用需求產生落差。 我國即將在2025年邁入超高齡化社會,高齡者健康照護相關議題逐漸步入大眾關注焦點。許多公部門亦紛紛投入開發了許多行動醫療服務,然而尚未針對這群即將步入高齡促使我國邁入超高齡社會的「新世代高齡者」進行過使用者經驗調查。基此,本研究選定滿意度吊車尾的臺北市立聯合醫院App作為個案,旨在探討新世代高齡者在使用該服務時真正期望被滿足的需求為何,及各項功能的使用者經驗,期望協助建構未來公部門在開發與高齡者相關行動醫療服務時,得以採用的使用者經驗指標與研究流程。同時,也期望透過訪談服務開發者,了解目前開發單位在推行行動服務時的真實現況與處境。 透過回顧行動醫療服務相關文獻,本研究建立了三層次研究分析架構,並透過此架構分析訪談發現。由第一層次系統使用性特徵,檢驗新世代高齡使用者是否能透過北市聯醫App完成其心理預設任務,再透過第二層次使用者介面,探討系統介面將如何影響使用者主觀感受,最後則利用第三層次的使用環境脈絡,探討新世代高齡者在使用過程中將受到哪些使用者經驗指標影響其使用經驗。 本研究採半結構式質性訪綱,訪問了新世代高齡使用者以及開發單位。最後通過訪談11位使用者發現,新世代高齡者在使用聯合醫院App時最主要期待被滿足之使用需求為「便利性」價值,多數受訪者認為目前北市聯醫App已能夠確實協助其減少候診時間,達成其便利性使用需求,然而,卻同時也有使用者認為其「提醒」需求無法被北市聯醫App滿足。另外,根據訪談統整出目前新世代高齡受訪者所在意的使用者經驗指標,分別為:系統使用功能整合性、易學易用性、介面使用流程以及顧客支持程度指標。最多受訪者認為目前北市聯醫App缺乏完善的顧客支持系統,將會對其使用者經驗產生負面影響。針對開發者訪談則發現,北市聯醫App從未進行過使用者經驗研究,多數服務優化意見來自於醫院內部,外部使用者意見難以進入優化流程,此外因目前聯醫App是以委外方式建置因此北市聯醫在服務的推行與優化上角色較為被動。 最後,本研究對於北市聯醫App現況與政策面提出相關建議。北市聯醫App現況方面,建議將提醒功能路徑進行優化、改善目前欠缺的顧客支持系統並與行銷管道結合,以及建議未來為節省使用者學習成本可利用單一管道整合分散於不同App中之服務;政策面建議,則因目前公部門缺乏針對高齡者之使用者經驗研究以及目前北市聯醫App在服務推行途中也未曾做過使用者經驗研究,故本研究利用使用者受訪回饋,統整出未來能夠採行的指標以及使用者經驗研究可參照之流程。
The public sector in our country is actively involved in developing various government mobile services based on the Executive Yuan's 'Smart Nation Program, aiming to facilitate citizens in accessing public resources through personal mobile devices. However, after significant investment in development, the public pointed out that many government-developed mobile services are 'basic and redundant.' As a result, these apps, which the public is reluctant to use, have been dubbed 'mosquito apps' by the media due to their low download rates. A comprehensive review of the current issues with government-developed mobile services reveals that most services lack user experience research, leading to a gap between the services provided and the actual needs of the public. Our country will enter a super-aged society by 2025, and the issue of elderly healthcare is gradually becoming a focal point of public attention. Many public sectors have also invested in developing various mobile medical services. However, user experience surveys have not yet been conducted for the new generation of senior citizens who will lead our country into a super-aged society. This study selected the Taipei City Hospital app, which ranks low in satisfaction, as a case study. The aim is to explore the real needs and user experiences of the new generation of elderly when using this service, with the hope of assisting in the creation of user experience indicators and research processes that public sectors can adopt when developing future mobile medical services for the elderly. Additionally, we aim to understand the current situation and challenges faced by developers in promoting mobile services through interviews with service developers. This study used semi-structured qualitative interviews with new-generation elderly users and developers. Interviews with 11 users showed that the primary need for the Taipei City Hospital App is "convenience." Most users believe the app effectively reduces waiting times, meeting their convenience needs. However, some users felt their need for "reminders" was unmet. Key user experience indicators identified include system functionality integration, ease of learning and use, interface usability, and customer support. Most respondents noted the app lacks a comprehensive customer support system, negatively impacting their experience. Developer interviews revealed that the app has never undergone user experience research. Most service optimization suggestions come from within the hospital, making it difficult to incorporate external user feedback. Additionally, since the app was developed through outsourcing, the hospital plays a more passive role in its promotion and optimization. In conclusion, this study offers relevant suggestions for the current state and policy aspects of the Taipei City Hospital App. Regarding the current state of the Taipei City Hospital App, recommended to optimize the reminder function pathway, improve the currently lacking customer support system, and integrate it with marketing channels, to save users' learning costs. From a policy perspective, given that the public sector currently lacks user experience research targeting the elderly and that the Taipei City Hospital App has not conducted user experience research during its service implementation, this study utilizes user feedback to consolidate actionable indicators and reference processes for future user experience research.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110256017
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 朱斌妤zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chu, Pin-YUen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 陳芃聿zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chen, Peng-Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳芃聿zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Peng-Yuen_US
dc.date (日期) 2024en_US
dc.date.accessioned 5-八月-2024 14:23:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 5-八月-2024 14:23:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 5-八月-2024 14:23:52 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0110256017en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/152852-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110256017zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國公部門依據行政院「智慧國家方案」要點,積極投入開發各項政府行動服務,希冀便利民眾透過使用個人移動裝置掌握公部門資源。然而當公部門透入大量成本開發後,卻被民眾指出政府所開發的行動服務多半「陽春、功能重疊」,因此在民眾不願使用情況之下,這些公部門所開發的App甚至被媒體稱為下載率低迷的「蚊子App」。綜觀現行政府開發行動服務問題,是因大部分服務缺乏使用者經驗研究,導致與民眾真實使用需求產生落差。 我國即將在2025年邁入超高齡化社會,高齡者健康照護相關議題逐漸步入大眾關注焦點。許多公部門亦紛紛投入開發了許多行動醫療服務,然而尚未針對這群即將步入高齡促使我國邁入超高齡社會的「新世代高齡者」進行過使用者經驗調查。基此,本研究選定滿意度吊車尾的臺北市立聯合醫院App作為個案,旨在探討新世代高齡者在使用該服務時真正期望被滿足的需求為何,及各項功能的使用者經驗,期望協助建構未來公部門在開發與高齡者相關行動醫療服務時,得以採用的使用者經驗指標與研究流程。同時,也期望透過訪談服務開發者,了解目前開發單位在推行行動服務時的真實現況與處境。 透過回顧行動醫療服務相關文獻,本研究建立了三層次研究分析架構,並透過此架構分析訪談發現。由第一層次系統使用性特徵,檢驗新世代高齡使用者是否能透過北市聯醫App完成其心理預設任務,再透過第二層次使用者介面,探討系統介面將如何影響使用者主觀感受,最後則利用第三層次的使用環境脈絡,探討新世代高齡者在使用過程中將受到哪些使用者經驗指標影響其使用經驗。 本研究採半結構式質性訪綱,訪問了新世代高齡使用者以及開發單位。最後通過訪談11位使用者發現,新世代高齡者在使用聯合醫院App時最主要期待被滿足之使用需求為「便利性」價值,多數受訪者認為目前北市聯醫App已能夠確實協助其減少候診時間,達成其便利性使用需求,然而,卻同時也有使用者認為其「提醒」需求無法被北市聯醫App滿足。另外,根據訪談統整出目前新世代高齡受訪者所在意的使用者經驗指標,分別為:系統使用功能整合性、易學易用性、介面使用流程以及顧客支持程度指標。最多受訪者認為目前北市聯醫App缺乏完善的顧客支持系統,將會對其使用者經驗產生負面影響。針對開發者訪談則發現,北市聯醫App從未進行過使用者經驗研究,多數服務優化意見來自於醫院內部,外部使用者意見難以進入優化流程,此外因目前聯醫App是以委外方式建置因此北市聯醫在服務的推行與優化上角色較為被動。 最後,本研究對於北市聯醫App現況與政策面提出相關建議。北市聯醫App現況方面,建議將提醒功能路徑進行優化、改善目前欠缺的顧客支持系統並與行銷管道結合,以及建議未來為節省使用者學習成本可利用單一管道整合分散於不同App中之服務;政策面建議,則因目前公部門缺乏針對高齡者之使用者經驗研究以及目前北市聯醫App在服務推行途中也未曾做過使用者經驗研究,故本研究利用使用者受訪回饋,統整出未來能夠採行的指標以及使用者經驗研究可參照之流程。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The public sector in our country is actively involved in developing various government mobile services based on the Executive Yuan's 'Smart Nation Program, aiming to facilitate citizens in accessing public resources through personal mobile devices. However, after significant investment in development, the public pointed out that many government-developed mobile services are 'basic and redundant.' As a result, these apps, which the public is reluctant to use, have been dubbed 'mosquito apps' by the media due to their low download rates. A comprehensive review of the current issues with government-developed mobile services reveals that most services lack user experience research, leading to a gap between the services provided and the actual needs of the public. Our country will enter a super-aged society by 2025, and the issue of elderly healthcare is gradually becoming a focal point of public attention. Many public sectors have also invested in developing various mobile medical services. However, user experience surveys have not yet been conducted for the new generation of senior citizens who will lead our country into a super-aged society. This study selected the Taipei City Hospital app, which ranks low in satisfaction, as a case study. The aim is to explore the real needs and user experiences of the new generation of elderly when using this service, with the hope of assisting in the creation of user experience indicators and research processes that public sectors can adopt when developing future mobile medical services for the elderly. Additionally, we aim to understand the current situation and challenges faced by developers in promoting mobile services through interviews with service developers. This study used semi-structured qualitative interviews with new-generation elderly users and developers. Interviews with 11 users showed that the primary need for the Taipei City Hospital App is "convenience." Most users believe the app effectively reduces waiting times, meeting their convenience needs. However, some users felt their need for "reminders" was unmet. Key user experience indicators identified include system functionality integration, ease of learning and use, interface usability, and customer support. Most respondents noted the app lacks a comprehensive customer support system, negatively impacting their experience. Developer interviews revealed that the app has never undergone user experience research. Most service optimization suggestions come from within the hospital, making it difficult to incorporate external user feedback. Additionally, since the app was developed through outsourcing, the hospital plays a more passive role in its promotion and optimization. In conclusion, this study offers relevant suggestions for the current state and policy aspects of the Taipei City Hospital App. Regarding the current state of the Taipei City Hospital App, recommended to optimize the reminder function pathway, improve the currently lacking customer support system, and integrate it with marketing channels, to save users' learning costs. From a policy perspective, given that the public sector currently lacks user experience research targeting the elderly and that the Taipei City Hospital App has not conducted user experience research during its service implementation, this study utilizes user feedback to consolidate actionable indicators and reference processes for future user experience research.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 12 第一節 研究背景與動機 12 第二節 研究問題 18 第三節 研究流程 20 第二章 文獻回顧 22 第一節 公部門行動服務與使用者經驗準則 23 第二節 使用者經驗 26 第三節 使用者經驗評估指標 33 第四節 影響高齡使用者經驗的因素 42 第三章 研究架構及研究方法 47 第一節 臺北市聯合醫院行動掛號App 47 第二節 研究設計 53 第三節 訪談大綱 54 第四節 研究受訪者 61 第四章 研究訪談與發現 65 第一節 使用者個案訪談與研究發現 65 第二節 開發單位訪談與研究發現 79 第五章 結論與建議 85 第一節 研究發現 85 第二節 研究建議 87 第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 92 文獻來源 中文部分 94 英文部分 96 附錄 一 行政院及所屬各級機關行動化服務發展作業原則整理 99 附錄 二 Google Play商城與Apple Store使用者意見整理 100 附錄 三 使用者經驗訪談逐字稿 104zh_TW
dc.format.extent 7095018 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110256017en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新世代高齡者zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 使用者經驗調查zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 半結構式質性訪談zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) New generation of senior citizensen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) User experience surveyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Semi-structured qualitative interviews.en_US
dc.title (題名) 以新世代高齡者使用者經驗角度探討政府行動醫療服務使用行為態度:以臺北市立聯合醫院App為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Exploring the Attitudes and Behavior of Elderly Users Towards Government Mobile Healthcare Services: A Case Study of Taipei City Hospital App from the Perspective of Next-Generation Seniors' User Experience.en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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