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題名 彈性還是控制?美食外送員的生涯與勞動圖像
Flexibility or Control? The Career and Labor Practice of Food Delivery Drivers
作者 盧子樵
Lu, Tzu-Chiao
貢獻者 鄭力軒
Cheng, Li-Hsuan
Lu, Tzu-Chiao
關鍵詞 美食外送員
Food delivery drivers
Work career
Labor practice
Sharing economy
Digital surveillance
日期 2024
上傳時間 5-Aug-2024 14:27:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 目前平台工作的相關論點,聚焦共享經濟與數位監控兩面向。共享經濟強調平台得以讓零碎的勞務被定價,使「陌生人共享」為工人創造收入,分散企業中心化的壟斷模式。數位監控則強調平台對於演算法、資訊與工人合約的掌握,形成對工人勞動控制的數位牢籠。 根據上述兩個理論觀點,有關平台美食外送員的勞動研究,大多聚焦後者,強調平台對於工人的數位監控。例如,平台透過數位趕工遊戲的獎勵制度,使工人更願意投入其中。或批評平台掌握合約與演算法,讓工人只能被動接受平台制度與薪資調整。抑或從勞動法、勞動民族誌切入,強調平台「假承攬,真雇傭」,面對政府制度與管制措施,平台如同制度的變色龍。 本研究肯認平台的勞動控制本質以及相關研究,但本研究想從既有的批判性勞動研究成果,更進一步的深入探討外送工作,對於幾乎人人都可上線註冊、背景多元的美食外送員有什麼不同的意義?有著怎樣殊異的工作生涯與勞動圖像?美食外送員如何經驗平台的彈性與控制? 本研究透過質性研究的參與觀察、深度訪談以及美食外送員網路社群討論版收集資料。研究者成為外送員,投入外送員的勞動場域中,並邀請外送工作「投入程度」不同,以及外送佔「個人收入比例」不同的外送員參與訪談研究,根據二者,將外送員分成四種類型,分別是:「上線打工者」、「生涯過渡者」、「工作游牧者」與「平台受困者」。梳理平台外送的勞動過程中的行動者與平台勞動控制的機制。 本研究發現,高度投入、外送佔個人收入比高的外送員,往往容易受困於平台工作中,面對平台減薪、調整制度,只能被動接受。部分人力資本較低、被典型勞動市場排除者,即便遭到平台減薪,仍然會抱持「感謝平台」的心理。低度投入、外送佔個人收入比低的外送員,則將外送視為彈性的好兼職,平台為彈性時間、簡單勞務,創造額外收入,部分外送員並在找到其他工作、創業以後,隨即離開外送工作,外送工作得以成為他們轉銜至下個人生階段的橋樑。 彈性與控制之間,本研究不否認平台的數位監控以及共享經濟創造彈性收入的好處。但本研究試圖從多元背景的外送員,指出外送之於其生涯的不同意義。最後試圖從彈性的外送工作提出對傳統、典型勞動市場,要求勞工高度、全身心投入的反思,指出台灣外送產業的特處,並針對兩大平台併購與平台外送的現在進行式,提出政策建言。
Current studies on platform labor emphasize two main aspects: the sharing economy and the digital surveillance. The sharing economy emphasizes how platforms can monetize fragmented labor, allowing "stranger sharing" to create income for workers and decentralizing the monopoly of enterprises. The Digital surveillance highlights the platform's control over algorithms, information, and worker contracts, creating a digital cage that controls workers' labor. Based on these two theoretical perspectives, most labor research on platform food delivery workers focuses on the digital surveillance of workers by the platform. This study acknowledges the nature of platform labor control and related research but aims to delve deeper into the existing critical labor research outcomes. It seeks to explore what different meanings food delivery work holds for the diverse backgrounds of delivery workers, who can almost all register online, and what distinct work careers and labor images emerge. This study uses qualitative research methods, including participant observation, in-depth interviews, and data collection from online community discussion boards of food delivery workers. The researcher becomes a delivery worker, immersing in the labor field, and invites delivery workers with varying levels of "engagement" and differing proportions of "personal income" derived from delivery work to participate in the interviews. Based on these two factors, delivery workers are categorized into four types: "part-time workers," "career transitioners," "work nomads," and "platform captives." The study maps out the actors in the labor process of platform delivery and the mechanisms of platform labor control. The study finds that highly engaged delivery workers, whose income heavily depends on delivery work, are often trapped in platform work, passively accepting platform pay cuts and system adjustments. Some workers with lower human capital, excluded from the typical labor market, even express gratitude towards the platform despite pay cuts. On the other hand, delivery workers with low engagement and low dependency on delivery income view it as a flexible and good part-time job. For them, the platform provides flexible hours and simple tasks that generate extra income. Some leave delivery worker as soon as they find other jobs or start their businesses, making delivery work a bridge to the next stage of their lives. Between flexibility and control, this study does not deny the digital surveillance of the platform and the benefits of creating flexible income in the sharing economy. However, it attempts to highlight the different meanings of delivery work for workers from diverse backgrounds. Finally, it seeks to reflect on the traditional, typical labor market's demand for high, wholehearted worker engagement, pointing out the unique characteristics of Taiwan's delivery industry. The study also provides policy recommendations regarding the ongoing mergers of the two major platforms and the current state of platform delivery work.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄭力軒zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Cheng, Li-Hsuanen_US (Authors) 盧子樵zh_TW (Authors) Lu, Tzu-Chiaoen_US
dc.creator (作者) 盧子樵zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lu, Tzu-Chiaoen_US (日期) 2024en_US 5-Aug-2024 14:27:17 (UTC+8)- 5-Aug-2024 14:27:17 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Aug-2024 14:27:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110254011en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110254011zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 目前平台工作的相關論點,聚焦共享經濟與數位監控兩面向。共享經濟強調平台得以讓零碎的勞務被定價,使「陌生人共享」為工人創造收入,分散企業中心化的壟斷模式。數位監控則強調平台對於演算法、資訊與工人合約的掌握,形成對工人勞動控制的數位牢籠。 根據上述兩個理論觀點,有關平台美食外送員的勞動研究,大多聚焦後者,強調平台對於工人的數位監控。例如,平台透過數位趕工遊戲的獎勵制度,使工人更願意投入其中。或批評平台掌握合約與演算法,讓工人只能被動接受平台制度與薪資調整。抑或從勞動法、勞動民族誌切入,強調平台「假承攬,真雇傭」,面對政府制度與管制措施,平台如同制度的變色龍。 本研究肯認平台的勞動控制本質以及相關研究,但本研究想從既有的批判性勞動研究成果,更進一步的深入探討外送工作,對於幾乎人人都可上線註冊、背景多元的美食外送員有什麼不同的意義?有著怎樣殊異的工作生涯與勞動圖像?美食外送員如何經驗平台的彈性與控制? 本研究透過質性研究的參與觀察、深度訪談以及美食外送員網路社群討論版收集資料。研究者成為外送員,投入外送員的勞動場域中,並邀請外送工作「投入程度」不同,以及外送佔「個人收入比例」不同的外送員參與訪談研究,根據二者,將外送員分成四種類型,分別是:「上線打工者」、「生涯過渡者」、「工作游牧者」與「平台受困者」。梳理平台外送的勞動過程中的行動者與平台勞動控制的機制。 本研究發現,高度投入、外送佔個人收入比高的外送員,往往容易受困於平台工作中,面對平台減薪、調整制度,只能被動接受。部分人力資本較低、被典型勞動市場排除者,即便遭到平台減薪,仍然會抱持「感謝平台」的心理。低度投入、外送佔個人收入比低的外送員,則將外送視為彈性的好兼職,平台為彈性時間、簡單勞務,創造額外收入,部分外送員並在找到其他工作、創業以後,隨即離開外送工作,外送工作得以成為他們轉銜至下個人生階段的橋樑。 彈性與控制之間,本研究不否認平台的數位監控以及共享經濟創造彈性收入的好處。但本研究試圖從多元背景的外送員,指出外送之於其生涯的不同意義。最後試圖從彈性的外送工作提出對傳統、典型勞動市場,要求勞工高度、全身心投入的反思,指出台灣外送產業的特處,並針對兩大平台併購與平台外送的現在進行式,提出政策建言。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Current studies on platform labor emphasize two main aspects: the sharing economy and the digital surveillance. The sharing economy emphasizes how platforms can monetize fragmented labor, allowing "stranger sharing" to create income for workers and decentralizing the monopoly of enterprises. The Digital surveillance highlights the platform's control over algorithms, information, and worker contracts, creating a digital cage that controls workers' labor. Based on these two theoretical perspectives, most labor research on platform food delivery workers focuses on the digital surveillance of workers by the platform. This study acknowledges the nature of platform labor control and related research but aims to delve deeper into the existing critical labor research outcomes. It seeks to explore what different meanings food delivery work holds for the diverse backgrounds of delivery workers, who can almost all register online, and what distinct work careers and labor images emerge. This study uses qualitative research methods, including participant observation, in-depth interviews, and data collection from online community discussion boards of food delivery workers. The researcher becomes a delivery worker, immersing in the labor field, and invites delivery workers with varying levels of "engagement" and differing proportions of "personal income" derived from delivery work to participate in the interviews. Based on these two factors, delivery workers are categorized into four types: "part-time workers," "career transitioners," "work nomads," and "platform captives." The study maps out the actors in the labor process of platform delivery and the mechanisms of platform labor control. The study finds that highly engaged delivery workers, whose income heavily depends on delivery work, are often trapped in platform work, passively accepting platform pay cuts and system adjustments. Some workers with lower human capital, excluded from the typical labor market, even express gratitude towards the platform despite pay cuts. On the other hand, delivery workers with low engagement and low dependency on delivery income view it as a flexible and good part-time job. For them, the platform provides flexible hours and simple tasks that generate extra income. Some leave delivery worker as soon as they find other jobs or start their businesses, making delivery work a bridge to the next stage of their lives. Between flexibility and control, this study does not deny the digital surveillance of the platform and the benefits of creating flexible income in the sharing economy. However, it attempts to highlight the different meanings of delivery work for workers from diverse backgrounds. Finally, it seeks to reflect on the traditional, typical labor market's demand for high, wholehearted worker engagement, pointing out the unique characteristics of Taiwan's delivery industry. The study also provides policy recommendations regarding the ongoing mergers of the two major platforms and the current state of platform delivery work.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章、緒論:方興未艾的平台經濟與外送產業 1 第一節、 文獻檢閱與研究問題 4 一、 彈性還是控制:共享經濟與數位牢籠 4 二、 平台勞動相關研究 7 三、 缺乏勞動安全保障的美食外送員 10 四、 研究問題 14 第二節、 研究方法與章節安排 15 一、 研究方法 15 二、 資料分析 25 三、 章節安排 26 第二章、 彈性還是受困:工作投入與收入占比 29 第一節、 低度投入者:彈性上工的好兼職 32 一、 上線打工者:利用零碎時間創造收入的彈性好兼職 33 二、 生涯過渡者: 外送工作是走向下個人生階段的橋樑 36 三、 越來越難跑,偶爾跑就好:從高投入全職轉成低投入兼職 38 第二節、 高度投入者:用盡所有時間賺錢或受困其中 41 一、 工作游牧者:用盡時間輕鬆賺錢 41 二、 平台受困者:高工時且難以掙脫 43 三、 越陷越深,難以掙脫:從低投入到高投入 46 第三節、 小結:兼職好工作,全職綁住人 48 第三章、美食外送員的勞動過程 51 第一節、 上工:從註冊到開始外送 52 一、 排班與隨時上工:你選擇大吃還是小貓? 52 二、 沒職業道德的搶單仔?雙開外送員 56 第二節、 勞動過程:外送工作中的行動者 63 一、 店家:難接難跑的外送雷單? 66 二、 客戶:權力不對等的單向評價機制 72 三、 外送員們,團結起來?團結的可能與不可能 77 第三節、 小結:多元的外送經驗與勞動實作 87 第四章、 誰有能動性?平台監控下風險自負的外送員 90 第一節、 幕後操縱者:平台主導的趕工遊戲 91 一、 遊戲開始:日復一日的趟數獎勵 91 二、 必須同意:被控制的合約與工資 96 三、 說一不二的直接懲罰:停權、扣薪與客服罐頭訊息 99 第二節、 雇傭關係之外:缺乏保障的承攬制 104 一、 工作風險:人身安全沒保障與意外發生之際 105 二、 假承攬,真雇傭?風險自負的承攬制 108 三、 享受平台承攬制:不想變成受雇狀態 111 第三節、 平台監控與風險自負:誰有能動性?誰受困? 118 一、 外送員的能動性:並非單純受到壓迫的一方 118 二、 勞動新選擇?平台創造的彈性工作機會 122 三、 受困的人?無法穩定就業也沒有穩定收入 123 第四節、 小結:能動還是受困?數位牢籠下的外送員 126 第五章、多元的外送故事,豐富的勞動狀態 129 第一節、 研究發現 130 一、 多元的投入程度、收入佔比與生涯 131 二、 生涯的差異:彈性上工還是數位控制 133 三、 多元的勞動圖像與難以團結的外送員 135 四、 小結:彈性新選擇,多元的勞動狀態 139 第二節、 相關議題討論 140 一、 從外送反思勞動市場:穩定就業的貪婪機構? 140 二、 台灣外送的特處:店家直送與多元就業 141 三、 瞬息萬變:平台併購與政策建議 143 第三節、 研究限制與未來展望 144 一、 解密平台演算法的黑盒子 145 二、 未來量化研究方向 146 後記:外送的職業汙名:我將他們稱為外送員 148 參考資料 155 附錄一、訪談大綱 160 附錄二、研究參與知情同意書 162 附錄三、受訪者基本資料表 164zh_TW
dc.format.extent 3341605 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 美食外送員zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 工作生涯zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 勞動圖像zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 共享經濟zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位監控zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Food delivery driversen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Work careeren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Labor practiceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sharing economyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital surveillanceen_US
dc.title (題名) 彈性還是控制?美食外送員的生涯與勞動圖像zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Flexibility or Control? The Career and Labor Practice of Food Delivery Driversen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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