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題名 立法院黨團協商制度對立法決策與參與行為之影響研究
其他題名 The Transformation and Evaluation of the Inter-Party Negotiation System after the Congressional Reforms
作者 楊婉瑩
關鍵詞 黨團協商;國會改革;委員會;立法決策
Inter-party negotiation;Congressional reform;Committee;Legislative decision-making
日期 2003
上傳時間 18-四月-2007 18:25:19 (UTC+8)
出版社 臺北市:國立政治大學政治學系
摘要 立法院於第三屆開始推動一連串國會改革,其中重大變革之一為賦予黨團協 商正式化地位,期望我國國會運作藉此獲得改善,並大幅提升議事效率;但新制 上路後反而衍生諸多制度性困境。因而立法院於第四屆結束前,又通過第二波大 規模國會改革相關法案,其目的乃為匡正第一波國會改革將黨團協商制度化後所 產生之種種弊病,以求協商制度更為完備。 隨著黨團協商在立法過程的重要性的升高,本文首先從我國國會決策模式的 理論觀點,來分析黨團協商在立法決策過程中所扮演的角色有失衡的傾向。為瞭 解黨團協商在國會中的形成與演變,本文針對第一次國會改革(法制化黨團協商) 以及第二波國會改革(修正黨團協商)的主要內涵說明,並對於黨團協商在立法 程序與法案內容的影響力進行分析。筆者假設第二次國會改革後,黨團協商的主 導立法程序與實質內容的現象,已經獲得改善;而在實證上,本文根據立委訪談 與公報資料分析加以佐證與解釋。初步觀察可知,在第二波國會改革之後,黨團 協商制度日趨成熟,並慢慢修正過去凌駕專業之缺失,而與委員會之功能逐漸形 成決策角色之區別分工。
Beginning from the third-term Legislative Yuan, a series of congressional reforms have been put into place: institutionalizing the inter-party negotiation has been one of the most important steps among all. It hopes to improve the legislative function and efficiency. However, several institutional drawbacks have been found after the first reform, which leads to the second-round congressional reform to correct the problems made by the previous reform and to prefect the institution. As the inter-party negotiation becomes increasingly important, this paper will firstly address the imbalance of inter-party negotiations in the policy-making process, from the perspective of legislative decision-making theory. To better understand the origin and transformation of system of inter-party negotiation, we shall explain the impact of the first-round and second-round congressional reforms on the system; in return, analyze the impact of the system on legislative procedure and substance. We hypothesize that after the second-round reform, the dominance of the inter-party negotiation system in the legislative procedure and substance has been improved. Our evidence from interviews and official documents shall prove it. From our primary observations, after the second congressional reform, inter-party negotiation system has been gradually matured, corrected the problem of overriding the committee`s professional decision-making, and come to strike the balance of the labor division with the committee.
描述 核定金額:365000元
資料類型 report
dc.coverage.temporal 計畫年度:92 起迄日期:20030801~20040731en_US
dc.creator (作者) 楊婉瑩zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2003en_US
dc.date.accessioned 18-四月-2007 18:25:19 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2008-09-09-
dc.date.available 18-四月-2007 18:25:19 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.date.available 2008-09-09-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-四月-2007 18:25:19 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) 922414H004067.pdfen_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://tair.lib.ntu.edu.tw:8000/123456789/4965en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/4965-
dc.description (描述) 核定金額:365000元en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 立法院於第三屆開始推動一連串國會改革,其中重大變革之一為賦予黨團協 商正式化地位,期望我國國會運作藉此獲得改善,並大幅提升議事效率;但新制 上路後反而衍生諸多制度性困境。因而立法院於第四屆結束前,又通過第二波大 規模國會改革相關法案,其目的乃為匡正第一波國會改革將黨團協商制度化後所 產生之種種弊病,以求協商制度更為完備。 隨著黨團協商在立法過程的重要性的升高,本文首先從我國國會決策模式的 理論觀點,來分析黨團協商在立法決策過程中所扮演的角色有失衡的傾向。為瞭 解黨團協商在國會中的形成與演變,本文針對第一次國會改革(法制化黨團協商) 以及第二波國會改革(修正黨團協商)的主要內涵說明,並對於黨團協商在立法 程序與法案內容的影響力進行分析。筆者假設第二次國會改革後,黨團協商的主 導立法程序與實質內容的現象,已經獲得改善;而在實證上,本文根據立委訪談 與公報資料分析加以佐證與解釋。初步觀察可知,在第二波國會改革之後,黨團 協商制度日趨成熟,並慢慢修正過去凌駕專業之缺失,而與委員會之功能逐漸形 成決策角色之區別分工。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Beginning from the third-term Legislative Yuan, a series of congressional reforms have been put into place: institutionalizing the inter-party negotiation has been one of the most important steps among all. It hopes to improve the legislative function and efficiency. However, several institutional drawbacks have been found after the first reform, which leads to the second-round congressional reform to correct the problems made by the previous reform and to prefect the institution. As the inter-party negotiation becomes increasingly important, this paper will firstly address the imbalance of inter-party negotiations in the policy-making process, from the perspective of legislative decision-making theory. To better understand the origin and transformation of system of inter-party negotiation, we shall explain the impact of the first-round and second-round congressional reforms on the system; in return, analyze the impact of the system on legislative procedure and substance. We hypothesize that after the second-round reform, the dominance of the inter-party negotiation system in the legislative procedure and substance has been improved. Our evidence from interviews and official documents shall prove it. From our primary observations, after the second congressional reform, inter-party negotiation system has been gradually matured, corrected the problem of overriding the committee`s professional decision-making, and come to strike the balance of the labor division with the committee.-
dc.format applicaiton/pdfen_US
dc.format.extent bytesen_US
dc.format.extent 250680 bytesen_US
dc.format.extent 250680 bytes-
dc.format.extent 17595 bytes-
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dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
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dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language.iso zh-TWen_US
dc.publisher (出版社) 臺北市:國立政治大學政治學系en_US
dc.rights (權利) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 黨團協商;國會改革;委員會;立法決策-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Inter-party negotiation;Congressional reform;Committee;Legislative decision-making-
dc.title (題名) 立法院黨團協商制度對立法決策與參與行為之影響研究zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Transformation and Evaluation of the Inter-Party Negotiation System after the Congressional Reforms-
dc.type (資料類型) reporten