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題名 綜合所得稅扣除額制度檢討
An Analysis of Individual Income Tax Deduction in Taiwan
作者 王奕文
Wang, Yi-Wen
貢獻者 陳國樑
Wang, Yi-Wen
關鍵詞 綜合所得稅
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 14:16:04 (UTC+8)
摘要 我國扣除額常被檢討過於氾濫,且從立委相關提案可以看到扣除額有過度擴 張的傾向,當可扣除額金額偏高,會造成稅收流失、削弱綜合所得稅量能課稅的意義。回顧扣除額歷次改革,標準扣除額為較常調整之項目,不論係修法調整或依物價指數調整,皆不斷調高金額,標準扣除額提高可能使原本使用列舉扣除之納稅單位改採標準扣除額,進而弱化列舉扣除額之政策目的。惟過往文獻多為探討各項扣除額之公平程度以及法學理論,鮮少有標準扣除額之相關討論,故本研究以標準扣除額之政策效果角度切入探討。 本研究分為兩部分,第一部分為各項扣除額現況分析及檢討,整理立法沿革 及國內外相關文獻,探討各項扣除額之合理性並作出相關建議;第二部分以差異中的差異模型 (difference-in-differences, DID) 分析標準扣除額提高對使用列舉扣除額之納稅義務人占比的影響。以民國97、104、107年為標準扣除額改革年度,分析改制後列舉扣除比例下降程度,並以95、98、102年標準扣除額按消費者物價指數調整之效果為對照。 實證結果顯示,列舉扣除比例在無外部因素影響下,會隨時間逐步上升,但 標準扣除額的提高打斷該上升趨勢,在標準扣除額提高之政策年度,列舉扣除比例呈現顯著下降,而標準扣除額按消費者物價指數調整之年度則未有顯著的效果,說明標準扣除額提高將影響納稅人選擇扣除額的決策,並弱化列舉扣除額之意義。
參考文獻 朱洪寬 (2006),《台灣地區綜合所得稅減免項目對所得分配的影響》,逢甲大學財稅研究所碩士論文。 朱紀燕 (2003),《台灣地區個人捐贈的所得稅誘因之實證分析》,國立政治大學財政研究所碩士論文。 朱澤民 (2005),「人身保險給付課稅之檢討」,財政部賦稅署委託研究計畫,計畫編號:PG9404–0110。 吳文傑 (2005),「台灣慈善捐贈的租稅誘因分析」,《經濟論文叢刊》, 33 (1),97–111。 吳毓文 (2014),《綜合所得稅最高邊際稅率之訂定》,國立政治大學財政研究所碩士論文。 李顯峰 (2008),「綜合所得稅免稅額及各項扣除額之檢討」,財政部賦稅署委託研究計畫,計畫編號:97mof013。 汪瑞芝 (2018),「我國薪資所得合理計算方法及得減除必要成本費用範圍與方式之探討」,財政部委託研究計畫,計畫編號:106mof003。 周國端 (2005),「人身保險給付課稅之檢討」,財政部賦稅署委託研究計畫,計畫編號:94mof007。 邱晨 (2018),「所得稅法上私人費用扣除的憲法基礎以及界限-以德國法制為參考」,《輔仁法學》,56,203–281。 柯格鐘 (2011),「談稅捐優惠作為鼓勵產業發展之手段」,《全國律師》,15 (10),11–1。 柯格鐘 (2018),「生存權保障及扣除額問題-納稅者權利保護法第4條規定之憲法與法律意義分析」,《財稅研究》,47 (4),28–47。 孫克難與羅時萬 (2014),「臺灣綜所稅改革之稅負公平性探討」,《政治科學論叢》,61,71–108。 徐偉初 (2014),「臺灣租稅制度所得重分配效果之研究:2001–2011之個體模擬分析」,《財稅研究》,43 (1),1–66。 張偉志 (2017),《論所得稅法之最低生存保障》,國立台灣大學法律學院法律學研究所碩士論文。 陳國樑、王肇蘭與黃勢璋 (2017),「我國實施所得稅及加值稅租稅優惠促進個人消費之可行性研究」,《財稅研究》,46 (5),97–119。 楊蔓鈴 (2003),《台灣地區綜合所得稅免稅額與扣除額公平性之分析》,國立政治大學財政研究所碩士論文。 葛克昌 (2005),「納稅人權利保障法可行性之研究」,財政部稅制委員會委託研究計畫,計畫編號:94mof013。 鄭孟玉、蔡孟娟與陳龍秀 (2020),「綜合所得稅扣除額使用對租稅公平影響之探討」,《財稅研究》,49 (5),94–124。 Andrews, W. D. (1972), “Personal Deductions in an Ideal Income Tax,” Harvard Law Review, 86 (2), 309–385. Bittker, B. I. (1972), “Charitable Contributions: Tax Deductions or Matching Grants,” Tax Law Review, 28, 37–64. Bourassa, S. C. and W. G. Grigsby (2000), “Income Tax Concessions for Owner‐Occupied Housing,” Housing Policy Debate, 11 (3), 521–546. Brooks, J. R. (2011), “Doing Too Much: The Standard Deduction and the Conflict Between Progressivity and Simplification,” Columbia Journal of Tax Law, 2 (2), 203-246. Cordes, J. J. (1999), “Horizontal Equity,” The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy, 8, 195–196. Diamond, P. and E. Saez (2011), “The Case for a Progressive Tax: From Basic Research to Policy Recommendation,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25 (4), 165–190. Doerrenberg, P., A. Peichl, and S. Siegloch (2017), “The Elasticity of Taxable Income in the Presence of Deduction Possibilities,” Journal of Public Economics, 151, 41–55. Feldstein, M. (1975), “The Income Tax and Charitable Contributions: Part II—The Impact on Religious, Educational and Other Organizations,” National Tax Journal, 28 (2), 209–226. Feldstein, M. (1995), “The Effect of Marginal Tax Rates on Taxable Income: a Panel Study of the 1986 Tax Reform Act,” Journal of Political Economy, 103 (3), 551–572. Feldstein, M. (1999), “Tax Avoidance and the Deadweight Loss of the Income Tax,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 81 (4), 674–680. Gergen, M. P. (1988), “The Case for a Charitable Contributions Deduction,” Virginia Law Review, 74 (8), 1393–1450. Givati, Y. (2019), “Theories of Tax Deductions: Income Measurement versus Efficiency,” Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 5, 107–136. Griffith, T. D. (1989), “Theories of Personal Deductions in the Income Tax,” Hastings Law Journal, 40 (2), 343–395. Gruber, J. and E. Saez (2002), “The Elasticity of Taxable Income: Evidence and Implications,” Journal of Public Economics, 84 (1), 1–32. Keen, M., A. Klemm, and V. Perry (2010), “Tax and the Crisis,” Fiscal Studies, 31 (1), 43-79. Kelman, M. (1979), “Personal Dedutions Revisited: Why They Fit Poorly in an "Ideal" Income Tax and Why They Fit Worse in a Far from Ideal World,” Stanford Law Review, 31 (5), 831–883. Kopczuk, W. (2005), “Tax Bases, Tax Rates and the Elasticity of Reported Income,” Journal of Public Economics, 89 (11–12), 2093–2119. Lim, B.I. and J. K. Hyun (2009), “What Makes the Income Tax System so Progressive?-The Case of Korea,” Applied Economics Letters, 16 (7), 683–687. Lindsey, V. W. (2003), “The Haritable Contribution Deduction: A Historical Review and a Look to the Future,” Nebraska Law Review, 81 (3), 1056–1096. Mirrlees, J. A. (1971), “An Exploration in the Theory of Optimum Income Taxation,” The Review of Economic Studies, 38 (2), 175–208. Pechman, J. A. (1957), “Erosion of the Individual Income Tax,” National Tax Journal, 10 (1), 1–25. Saez, E. (2001), “Using Elasticities to Derive Optimal Income Tax Rates,” The Review of Economic Studies, 68 (1), 205–229. Saez, E., J. Slemrod, and S. H. Giertz, (2012), “The Elasticity of Taxable Income with Respect to Marginal Tax Rates: A Critical Review,” Journal of Economic Literature, 50 (1), 3–50. Samansky, A. J. (1991), “Nonstandard Thoughts About the Standard Deduction.” Utah Law Review, 1991 (3), 531–556. Sommer, K. and P. Sullivan (2018), “Implications of US tax policy for House Prices, Rents, and Homeownership,” American Economic Review, 108 (2), 241–274. Surrey, S. S. (1970), “Tax Incentives as a Device for Implementing Government Policy: A Comparison with Direct Government Expenditures,” Havard Law Review, 83 (4), 705–738. Viard, A. D. (2019), “An Economic Analysis of the TCJA's Larger Standard Deduction,” Tax Notes. Wagstaff, A. and E. Van Doorslaer (2001), “What Makes the Personal Income Tax Progressive? A Comparative Analysis for Fifteen OECD Countries,” International Tax and Public Finance, 8, 299–316. Warren, A. C. (1973), “The Deductibility by Individuals of Capital Losses Under the Federal Income Tax,” The University of Chicago Law Review, 40 (2), 291–326.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳國樑zh_TW (Authors) 王奕文zh_TW (Authors) Wang, Yi-Wenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王奕文zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Yi-Wenen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 14:16:04 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 14:16:04 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 14:16:04 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0110921053en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 行政管理碩士學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 110921053zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 我國扣除額常被檢討過於氾濫,且從立委相關提案可以看到扣除額有過度擴 張的傾向,當可扣除額金額偏高,會造成稅收流失、削弱綜合所得稅量能課稅的意義。回顧扣除額歷次改革,標準扣除額為較常調整之項目,不論係修法調整或依物價指數調整,皆不斷調高金額,標準扣除額提高可能使原本使用列舉扣除之納稅單位改採標準扣除額,進而弱化列舉扣除額之政策目的。惟過往文獻多為探討各項扣除額之公平程度以及法學理論,鮮少有標準扣除額之相關討論,故本研究以標準扣除額之政策效果角度切入探討。 本研究分為兩部分,第一部分為各項扣除額現況分析及檢討,整理立法沿革 及國內外相關文獻,探討各項扣除額之合理性並作出相關建議;第二部分以差異中的差異模型 (difference-in-differences, DID) 分析標準扣除額提高對使用列舉扣除額之納稅義務人占比的影響。以民國97、104、107年為標準扣除額改革年度,分析改制後列舉扣除比例下降程度,並以95、98、102年標準扣除額按消費者物價指數調整之效果為對照。 實證結果顯示,列舉扣除比例在無外部因素影響下,會隨時間逐步上升,但 標準扣除額的提高打斷該上升趨勢,在標準扣除額提高之政策年度,列舉扣除比例呈現顯著下降,而標準扣除額按消費者物價指數調整之年度則未有顯著的效果,說明標準扣除額提高將影響納稅人選擇扣除額的決策,並弱化列舉扣除額之意義。zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 5 第三節 研究架構與章節安排 8 第二章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 扣除額之理論與類型 9 第二節 扣除額與公平 12 第三節 扣除額與效率 15 第三章 我國各項扣除額現況分析 17 第一節 扣除額之演變 17 第二節 各項扣除額探討 18 第四章 研究方法 36 第一節 資料來源 36 第二節 實證模型建立 44 第五章 實證結果 58 第一節 主要迴歸結果 58 第二節 穩健性測試 73 第三節 小結 89 第六章 結論與建議 92 參考文獻 96zh_TW
dc.format.extent 3848324 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 綜合所得稅zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 扣除額zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 標準扣除額zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 列舉扣除額zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政策效果zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 綜合所得稅扣除額制度檢討zh_TW
dc.title (題名) An Analysis of Individual Income Tax Deduction in Taiwanen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 朱洪寬 (2006),《台灣地區綜合所得稅減免項目對所得分配的影響》,逢甲大學財稅研究所碩士論文。 朱紀燕 (2003),《台灣地區個人捐贈的所得稅誘因之實證分析》,國立政治大學財政研究所碩士論文。 朱澤民 (2005),「人身保險給付課稅之檢討」,財政部賦稅署委託研究計畫,計畫編號:PG9404–0110。 吳文傑 (2005),「台灣慈善捐贈的租稅誘因分析」,《經濟論文叢刊》, 33 (1),97–111。 吳毓文 (2014),《綜合所得稅最高邊際稅率之訂定》,國立政治大學財政研究所碩士論文。 李顯峰 (2008),「綜合所得稅免稅額及各項扣除額之檢討」,財政部賦稅署委託研究計畫,計畫編號:97mof013。 汪瑞芝 (2018),「我國薪資所得合理計算方法及得減除必要成本費用範圍與方式之探討」,財政部委託研究計畫,計畫編號:106mof003。 周國端 (2005),「人身保險給付課稅之檢討」,財政部賦稅署委託研究計畫,計畫編號:94mof007。 邱晨 (2018),「所得稅法上私人費用扣除的憲法基礎以及界限-以德國法制為參考」,《輔仁法學》,56,203–281。 柯格鐘 (2011),「談稅捐優惠作為鼓勵產業發展之手段」,《全國律師》,15 (10),11–1。 柯格鐘 (2018),「生存權保障及扣除額問題-納稅者權利保護法第4條規定之憲法與法律意義分析」,《財稅研究》,47 (4),28–47。 孫克難與羅時萬 (2014),「臺灣綜所稅改革之稅負公平性探討」,《政治科學論叢》,61,71–108。 徐偉初 (2014),「臺灣租稅制度所得重分配效果之研究:2001–2011之個體模擬分析」,《財稅研究》,43 (1),1–66。 張偉志 (2017),《論所得稅法之最低生存保障》,國立台灣大學法律學院法律學研究所碩士論文。 陳國樑、王肇蘭與黃勢璋 (2017),「我國實施所得稅及加值稅租稅優惠促進個人消費之可行性研究」,《財稅研究》,46 (5),97–119。 楊蔓鈴 (2003),《台灣地區綜合所得稅免稅額與扣除額公平性之分析》,國立政治大學財政研究所碩士論文。 葛克昌 (2005),「納稅人權利保障法可行性之研究」,財政部稅制委員會委託研究計畫,計畫編號:94mof013。 鄭孟玉、蔡孟娟與陳龍秀 (2020),「綜合所得稅扣除額使用對租稅公平影響之探討」,《財稅研究》,49 (5),94–124。 Andrews, W. D. (1972), “Personal Deductions in an Ideal Income Tax,” Harvard Law Review, 86 (2), 309–385. Bittker, B. I. (1972), “Charitable Contributions: Tax Deductions or Matching Grants,” Tax Law Review, 28, 37–64. Bourassa, S. C. and W. G. Grigsby (2000), “Income Tax Concessions for Owner‐Occupied Housing,” Housing Policy Debate, 11 (3), 521–546. Brooks, J. R. (2011), “Doing Too Much: The Standard Deduction and the Conflict Between Progressivity and Simplification,” Columbia Journal of Tax Law, 2 (2), 203-246. Cordes, J. J. (1999), “Horizontal Equity,” The Encyclopedia of Taxation and Tax Policy, 8, 195–196. Diamond, P. and E. Saez (2011), “The Case for a Progressive Tax: From Basic Research to Policy Recommendation,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25 (4), 165–190. Doerrenberg, P., A. Peichl, and S. Siegloch (2017), “The Elasticity of Taxable Income in the Presence of Deduction Possibilities,” Journal of Public Economics, 151, 41–55. Feldstein, M. (1975), “The Income Tax and Charitable Contributions: Part II—The Impact on Religious, Educational and Other Organizations,” National Tax Journal, 28 (2), 209–226. Feldstein, M. (1995), “The Effect of Marginal Tax Rates on Taxable Income: a Panel Study of the 1986 Tax Reform Act,” Journal of Political Economy, 103 (3), 551–572. Feldstein, M. (1999), “Tax Avoidance and the Deadweight Loss of the Income Tax,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 81 (4), 674–680. Gergen, M. P. (1988), “The Case for a Charitable Contributions Deduction,” Virginia Law Review, 74 (8), 1393–1450. Givati, Y. (2019), “Theories of Tax Deductions: Income Measurement versus Efficiency,” Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 5, 107–136. Griffith, T. D. (1989), “Theories of Personal Deductions in the Income Tax,” Hastings Law Journal, 40 (2), 343–395. Gruber, J. and E. Saez (2002), “The Elasticity of Taxable Income: Evidence and Implications,” Journal of Public Economics, 84 (1), 1–32. Keen, M., A. Klemm, and V. Perry (2010), “Tax and the Crisis,” Fiscal Studies, 31 (1), 43-79. Kelman, M. (1979), “Personal Dedutions Revisited: Why They Fit Poorly in an "Ideal" Income Tax and Why They Fit Worse in a Far from Ideal World,” Stanford Law Review, 31 (5), 831–883. Kopczuk, W. (2005), “Tax Bases, Tax Rates and the Elasticity of Reported Income,” Journal of Public Economics, 89 (11–12), 2093–2119. Lim, B.I. and J. K. Hyun (2009), “What Makes the Income Tax System so Progressive?-The Case of Korea,” Applied Economics Letters, 16 (7), 683–687. Lindsey, V. W. (2003), “The Haritable Contribution Deduction: A Historical Review and a Look to the Future,” Nebraska Law Review, 81 (3), 1056–1096. Mirrlees, J. A. (1971), “An Exploration in the Theory of Optimum Income Taxation,” The Review of Economic Studies, 38 (2), 175–208. Pechman, J. A. (1957), “Erosion of the Individual Income Tax,” National Tax Journal, 10 (1), 1–25. Saez, E. (2001), “Using Elasticities to Derive Optimal Income Tax Rates,” The Review of Economic Studies, 68 (1), 205–229. Saez, E., J. Slemrod, and S. H. Giertz, (2012), “The Elasticity of Taxable Income with Respect to Marginal Tax Rates: A Critical Review,” Journal of Economic Literature, 50 (1), 3–50. Samansky, A. J. (1991), “Nonstandard Thoughts About the Standard Deduction.” Utah Law Review, 1991 (3), 531–556. Sommer, K. and P. Sullivan (2018), “Implications of US tax policy for House Prices, Rents, and Homeownership,” American Economic Review, 108 (2), 241–274. Surrey, S. S. (1970), “Tax Incentives as a Device for Implementing Government Policy: A Comparison with Direct Government Expenditures,” Havard Law Review, 83 (4), 705–738. Viard, A. D. (2019), “An Economic Analysis of the TCJA's Larger Standard Deduction,” Tax Notes. Wagstaff, A. and E. Van Doorslaer (2001), “What Makes the Personal Income Tax Progressive? A Comparative Analysis for Fifteen OECD Countries,” International Tax and Public Finance, 8, 299–316. Warren, A. C. (1973), “The Deductibility by Individuals of Capital Losses Under the Federal Income Tax,” The University of Chicago Law Review, 40 (2), 291–326.zh_TW