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題名 捷運建設計畫納入土地價值獲取方案之審議制度研究
A Study on the Review System to Incorporate Land Value Capture Program in Mass Rapid Transit Construction Projects
作者 蘇偉強
Su, Wei-Chiang
貢獻者 賴宗裕
Lai, Tsung-Yu
Su, Wei-Chiang
關鍵詞 捷運建設
Mass Rapid Transit
Land Value Capture
Self-Liquidation Ratio
Moral Hazard
Good Governance
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-九月-2024 14:24:43 (UTC+8)
摘要 捷運建設計畫經費龐大,地方財政難以獨立負擔,爰得依法向中央主管機關申請計畫型補助,惟卻也形成地方依賴心態。因此,中央自2011年訂定相關制度,要求地方政府於申請捷運建設計畫補助時,須應用土地價值獲取方案(Land Value Capture, LVC)回收捷運建設周邊可能衍生之自償性收益,如土地開發收入、租稅增額、增額容積價金等挹注至計畫當中,並據以計算財務自償率,作為補助與否及補助比例之審議標準,以紓緩財政補助壓力。 此應用LVC並以自償率作為審議標準之審議制度,雖有助於增加計畫財務自償能力,但同時也成為地方爭取計畫補助的關鍵。本研究認為中央、地方政府及民眾間在捷運建設推動上因具有雙重委託-代理關係,導致具有政治自利動機的地方政府,為配合中央審議要求,恐投機地利用LVC將財務自償率美化至獲取最高補助額度。為證實此結果,本研究進一步就中央與地方政府於審議過程之互動關係,建構完全資訊動態賽局,並利用逆向歸納法求出雙方最終均衡點確實落在地方政府研提符合最高補助門檻之自償率。進而以臺北捷運南北環線為例,最終均衡路徑確實符合本研究之賽局模型分析結果。 由於這些自償性收益屬未來預期而具高度不確定性,在缺乏公共治理的情形下,無法避免地方政府為核定計畫而誇大與美化財務,將可能的公共債務風險交由未來世代承擔,形成道德危機,呈現財政不永續之問題。爰此,本研究利用公共治理理論之良善治理目標,歸納並研擬財政健康永續之審議制度所需的善治面向與策略,進而利用模糊德爾菲法獲取專家共識,確立應有7大關鍵面向(策略願景、效能、法制化、透明化、回應力、公平性、課責性)及其下20項策略,再藉由層級分析法評定各相對權重及排序關係,最終分析結果顯示「明確財務收益之可實現性」、「確認財政健康及永續性」、「建立明確審查標準以篩選不可行計畫」為前3項重要之策略,凸顯應優先著重審議階段對不可行計畫之篩選。 最後,為促使政府相關決策更負責、更透明、更具公益性,以建立財政健康、財務永續的捷運建設計畫審議制度,本研究根據善治面向與策略分析結果,提出5項審議制度目標,分別為「避免地方財務美化行為」、「維持地方財政健康」、「確認計畫有效需求」、「確保財務執行績效」及「落實永續營運及管理」,並針對不同審議階段提出應有之10項審議內容,以及相關配套與修法建議,以期能真正達成LVC之目的與功能,並落實地方財政自主與捷運永續營運之目標。
Mass Rapid Transit projects need massive funding, which local governments are struggling to meet on their own. An application for project grants is required by law to be filed with the central competent authority, but this has also fostered a sense of dependence among local governments. As a result, the central government has established review systems since 2011, requiring local governments to use land value capture (LVC) program to recover self-liquidating income generated by Mass Rapid Transit peripherals when applying for mass rapid transit project grants. For example, income from land development, tax increment, zoning bonuses, and so on is injected into projects, and self-liquidation ratios are calculated as a review criterion for whether or not to offer grants and grant ratios to relieve pressure from financial grants. This study concludes that because the central government, local governments, and the general public have a dual principal-agent relationship in the promotion of Mass Rapid Transit, local governments with political self-interest motives are likely to opportunistically use LVC program to exaggerate self-liquidation ratios in order to obtain the maximum grant quota in accordance with the central government’s review requirements. To verify this finding, this study created a game with complete information based on the interaction between central and local governments during the review process. Furthermore, backward induction was used to determine both parties’ final equilibrium points, which coincided with the self-liquidation ratio of the maximum subsidy threshold proposed by the local government. Using the Taipei MRT Circular Line North & South Section as an example, the final equilibrium path was consistent with the game model analysis results from this study. Because of the highly uncertain nature of these self-liquidating incomes, local governments will invariably embellish and exaggerate their financial statements in order to approve plans. Future generations will bear the risk of possible public debt, creating a moral hazard and presenting the issue of lacking financial sustainability. In light of this, the aspects and strategies of good governance were summarized and formulated using public governance theories. The fuzzy Delphi method was then used to obtain expert consensus, and the seven key aspects (strategic vision, effectiveness and efficiency, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, equity, and accountability) were established, along with 20 strategies under each of these aspects. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was subsequently applied to evaluate the relative weights and order relations. The final analysis results indicate that the three most important strategies are to make clear whether finance income is feasible, to verify financial health and sustainability, and to set explicit review criteria to screen projects that are not feasible. They also emphasize prioritizing the screening of projects that are not feasible during the review stages. To summarize, five review system objectives were proposed based on the aspects of good governance and strategic analysis results to promote more responsible, transparent, and welfare-based government decisions, as well as to establish a review system for mass rapid transit projects that demonstrate financial robustness and financial sustainability. These objectives include: avoiding exaggerating local finances, maintaining the financial robustness of local governments, confirming the effective requirements of projects, ensuring financial implementation performance, and implementing sustainable operations and management. Furthermore, ten review content items, as well as relevant supporting packages and law amendment recommendations, were proposed to address various review stages. This was done in the hope of substantially achieving LVC objectives and functions, as well as meeting the goals of local government financial autonomy and the sustainable operations of mass rapid transit.
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描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100257502
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 賴宗裕zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lai, Tsung-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 蘇偉強zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Su, Wei-Chiangen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蘇偉強zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Su, Wei-Chiangen_US
dc.date (日期) 2024en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-九月-2024 14:24:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-九月-2024 14:24:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-九月-2024 14:24:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0100257502en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/153235-
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 100257502zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 捷運建設計畫經費龐大,地方財政難以獨立負擔,爰得依法向中央主管機關申請計畫型補助,惟卻也形成地方依賴心態。因此,中央自2011年訂定相關制度,要求地方政府於申請捷運建設計畫補助時,須應用土地價值獲取方案(Land Value Capture, LVC)回收捷運建設周邊可能衍生之自償性收益,如土地開發收入、租稅增額、增額容積價金等挹注至計畫當中,並據以計算財務自償率,作為補助與否及補助比例之審議標準,以紓緩財政補助壓力。 此應用LVC並以自償率作為審議標準之審議制度,雖有助於增加計畫財務自償能力,但同時也成為地方爭取計畫補助的關鍵。本研究認為中央、地方政府及民眾間在捷運建設推動上因具有雙重委託-代理關係,導致具有政治自利動機的地方政府,為配合中央審議要求,恐投機地利用LVC將財務自償率美化至獲取最高補助額度。為證實此結果,本研究進一步就中央與地方政府於審議過程之互動關係,建構完全資訊動態賽局,並利用逆向歸納法求出雙方最終均衡點確實落在地方政府研提符合最高補助門檻之自償率。進而以臺北捷運南北環線為例,最終均衡路徑確實符合本研究之賽局模型分析結果。 由於這些自償性收益屬未來預期而具高度不確定性,在缺乏公共治理的情形下,無法避免地方政府為核定計畫而誇大與美化財務,將可能的公共債務風險交由未來世代承擔,形成道德危機,呈現財政不永續之問題。爰此,本研究利用公共治理理論之良善治理目標,歸納並研擬財政健康永續之審議制度所需的善治面向與策略,進而利用模糊德爾菲法獲取專家共識,確立應有7大關鍵面向(策略願景、效能、法制化、透明化、回應力、公平性、課責性)及其下20項策略,再藉由層級分析法評定各相對權重及排序關係,最終分析結果顯示「明確財務收益之可實現性」、「確認財政健康及永續性」、「建立明確審查標準以篩選不可行計畫」為前3項重要之策略,凸顯應優先著重審議階段對不可行計畫之篩選。 最後,為促使政府相關決策更負責、更透明、更具公益性,以建立財政健康、財務永續的捷運建設計畫審議制度,本研究根據善治面向與策略分析結果,提出5項審議制度目標,分別為「避免地方財務美化行為」、「維持地方財政健康」、「確認計畫有效需求」、「確保財務執行績效」及「落實永續營運及管理」,並針對不同審議階段提出應有之10項審議內容,以及相關配套與修法建議,以期能真正達成LVC之目的與功能,並落實地方財政自主與捷運永續營運之目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Mass Rapid Transit projects need massive funding, which local governments are struggling to meet on their own. An application for project grants is required by law to be filed with the central competent authority, but this has also fostered a sense of dependence among local governments. As a result, the central government has established review systems since 2011, requiring local governments to use land value capture (LVC) program to recover self-liquidating income generated by Mass Rapid Transit peripherals when applying for mass rapid transit project grants. For example, income from land development, tax increment, zoning bonuses, and so on is injected into projects, and self-liquidation ratios are calculated as a review criterion for whether or not to offer grants and grant ratios to relieve pressure from financial grants. This study concludes that because the central government, local governments, and the general public have a dual principal-agent relationship in the promotion of Mass Rapid Transit, local governments with political self-interest motives are likely to opportunistically use LVC program to exaggerate self-liquidation ratios in order to obtain the maximum grant quota in accordance with the central government’s review requirements. To verify this finding, this study created a game with complete information based on the interaction between central and local governments during the review process. Furthermore, backward induction was used to determine both parties’ final equilibrium points, which coincided with the self-liquidation ratio of the maximum subsidy threshold proposed by the local government. Using the Taipei MRT Circular Line North & South Section as an example, the final equilibrium path was consistent with the game model analysis results from this study. Because of the highly uncertain nature of these self-liquidating incomes, local governments will invariably embellish and exaggerate their financial statements in order to approve plans. Future generations will bear the risk of possible public debt, creating a moral hazard and presenting the issue of lacking financial sustainability. In light of this, the aspects and strategies of good governance were summarized and formulated using public governance theories. The fuzzy Delphi method was then used to obtain expert consensus, and the seven key aspects (strategic vision, effectiveness and efficiency, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, equity, and accountability) were established, along with 20 strategies under each of these aspects. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was subsequently applied to evaluate the relative weights and order relations. The final analysis results indicate that the three most important strategies are to make clear whether finance income is feasible, to verify financial health and sustainability, and to set explicit review criteria to screen projects that are not feasible. They also emphasize prioritizing the screening of projects that are not feasible during the review stages. To summarize, five review system objectives were proposed based on the aspects of good governance and strategic analysis results to promote more responsible, transparent, and welfare-based government decisions, as well as to establish a review system for mass rapid transit projects that demonstrate financial robustness and financial sustainability. These objectives include: avoiding exaggerating local finances, maintaining the financial robustness of local governments, confirming the effective requirements of projects, ensuring financial implementation performance, and implementing sustainable operations and management. Furthermore, ten review content items, as well as relevant supporting packages and law amendment recommendations, were proposed to address various review stages. This was done in the hope of substantially achieving LVC objectives and functions, as well as meeting the goals of local government financial autonomy and the sustainable operations of mass rapid transit.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1-1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1-1 第二節 研究範圍與內容 1-6 第三節 研究方法與流程 1-9 第二章 文獻回顧與理論分析 2-1 第一節 計畫型補助計畫審議制度課題研析 2-1 第二節 土地價值獲取方案之運作原理與問題探討 2-5 第三節 捷運建設計畫審議制度問題分析 2-15 第四節 捷運建設計畫審議制度之理論分析 2-20 第五節 公共治理理論與善治之研析 2-27 第三章 捷運建設財源籌措之中央與地方政府賽局分析 3-1 第一節 捷運建設計畫審議制度研析 3-1 第二節 中央與地方政府之賽局模型建構與推導 3-11 第三節 賽局推導結果之實證分析 3-18 第四節 捷運建設計畫個案綜合分析 3-22 第四章 審議制度納入土地價值獲取方案之善治面向與策略評估 4-1 第一節 善治面向之初步建構與策略研擬 4-1 第二節 善治面向與策略之確認 4-11 第三節 善治面向與策略之重要性評估 4-27 第五章 善治目標下之捷運建設計畫審議制度研擬 5-1 第一節 捷運建設計畫審議制度架構與目標之研擬 5-1 第二節 捷運建設計畫審議制度內容之研議 5-6 第三節 審議相關配套機制之設計 5-17 第六章 結論與建議 6-1 第一節 結論 6-2 第二節 建議 6-6 參考文獻 參-1 附錄一 第一階段FDM問卷 附-1 附錄二 第二階段AHP問卷 附-16zh_TW
dc.format.extent 10224178 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100257502en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 捷運建設zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 土地價值獲取方案zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 自償率zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 道德危機zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 良善治理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mass Rapid Transiten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Land Value Captureen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Self-Liquidation Ratioen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Moral Hazarden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Good Governanceen_US
dc.title (題名) 捷運建設計畫納入土地價值獲取方案之審議制度研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on the Review System to Incorporate Land Value Capture Program in Mass Rapid Transit Construction Projectsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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