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題名 未登記工廠空間分布及使用許可機制關聯性之探討—以新北市為例
A study on the relationship between the spatial distribution and use permission of unregistered factories —taking New Taipei City as an example
作者 李旻馨
Lee, Min-Sin
貢獻者 邊泰明
Lee, Min-Sin
關鍵詞 未登記工廠
Unregistered factories
Spatial distribution
Industrial clustering
Use permission
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-九月-2024 14:25:54 (UTC+8)
摘要 未登記工廠在農地土地上營運的狀況,一直是政府長久無法處理的難題,困難是這些未登記工廠是國家經濟發展不可否認的,並且是有貢獻經濟價值的,這些業者大部分是為降低購地成本關係,選擇違規的風險就在農地上直接蓋工廠生產,另有一部分是因為找不到適合的土地可以蓋工廠,也就直接在交通運輸方便,或離產業園區有上下游關係的外圍農地地區,直接蓋工廠。 失序的土地利用,也逐漸形成開發管理上的困難與妨礙整體環境、區域發展及安全的隱憂,根據行政院農業部在農地及農地資源盤查結果中亦顯示了全臺灣對於農地的轉用情形以工業使用為最高(約1.5萬公頃),住宅次之(約為1萬公頃),且該數值仍有上升之趨勢。在文獻回顧的理論中證明未登記工廠設立的原因皆為成本考量、交通考量、產業聚集等為主,當中還有是政府長期對於土地管制的失控及土地的開發長期缺乏上位計畫之明確規範與指導,以致於常常讓土地開發許可是必需配合申請者之需要而做土地變更使用,而忽略了全體區域之間的整體關係,導致無法充分檢討申請者在申請案件事業設立工廠之土地需求及環境區位的適宜性,造成各自工廠林立於農地上,破壞了周邊農地環境安全、安寧與環境保護。 本研究嘗試透過工業區位理論,綜整可能影響工業區位選擇之影響因素,解釋工業從都市核心地區遷移外圍之農業地區的過程與趨勢,並針對各工業坐落土地之區位,依都市計畫法分區變更及非都市土地開發許可機制法規下,以新北市全區未登記工廠為範例,未登記工廠在不同區位的空間分布狀況與在不同區位時,經納管改善後之特定工廠,在最後土地變更時,依區位申請變更時遇到的困境與問題提出檢討與研析。 最後與即將全面實施國土計畫使用許可制度下,探討國土計畫法對於未登記工廠屬群聚集中達一定規模面積以上或在地產業鏈結程度高者之區域,以新訂或擴大都市計畫為全區劃定範圍做全區重整規劃的機制,與都市土地使用管理機制下,對於土地利用空間分布及許可變更制度關聯性,綜合整理找出得以有效管制未登記工廠,並適宜適性,應地制宜解決未登記工廠的問題,提出相關想法與建議。
Abstract The operation of unregistered factories on agricultural land has long been a difficult issue for the government to address. The challenge lies in the undeniable contribution of these unregistered factories to the national economic development and their economic value. Most of these operators choose to build factories on agricultural land to reduce land purchase costs, taking the risk of non-compliance. Others build factories directly on conveniently located agricultural land near transportation routes or on the outskirts of industrial parks due to the unavailability of suitable land. Disorderly land use has gradually led to difficulties in development management, posing potential threats to overall environmental, regional development, and safety concerns. According to the results of agricultural land and resources inventory by the Council of Agriculture, the conversion of agricultural land for industrial use is the highest (approximately 15,000 hectares), followed by residential use (about 10,000 hectares), with these figures showing an upward trend. Literature reviews have demonstrated that the reasons for the establishment of unregistered factories are mainly cost considerations, transportation factors, and industrial clustering. Additionally, long-term government failure in land control and the lack of clear upper-level planning and guidance for land development have often resulted in land use changes tailored to applicants' needs, neglecting the overall regional relationships. This leads to the proliferation of factories on agricultural land, damaging the surrounding agricultural environment, safety, tranquility, and environmental protection. This study attempts to use industrial location theory to consolidate possible influencing factors of industrial location selection, explaining the process and trend of industrial migration from urban core areas to peripheral agricultural areas. Focusing on the spatial distribution of unregistered factories in different locations, using New Taipei City as an example, the study reviews and analyzes the difficulties and problems encountered when applying for land use changes for specific factories that have been regulated and improved. Finally, under the upcoming comprehensive implementation of the National Land Planning Permit System, the study explores the mechanism of new or expanded urban planning for areas where unregistered factories are clustered and have significant scale or strong local industrial links. It reviews the relevance of the land use spatial distribution and permit change system under urban land use management mechanisms, aiming to find effective regulatory measures for unregistered factories. The study proposes relevant ideas and suggestions for appropriately addressing the issue of unregistered factories based on the specific conditions and characteristics of the land.
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106923028
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 邊泰明zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 李旻馨zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lee, Min-Sinen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李旻馨zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Min-Sinen_US
dc.date (日期) 2024en_US
dc.date.accessioned 4-九月-2024 14:25:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 4-九月-2024 14:25:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 4-九月-2024 14:25:54 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0106923028en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/153241-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 地政學系碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 106923028zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 未登記工廠在農地土地上營運的狀況,一直是政府長久無法處理的難題,困難是這些未登記工廠是國家經濟發展不可否認的,並且是有貢獻經濟價值的,這些業者大部分是為降低購地成本關係,選擇違規的風險就在農地上直接蓋工廠生產,另有一部分是因為找不到適合的土地可以蓋工廠,也就直接在交通運輸方便,或離產業園區有上下游關係的外圍農地地區,直接蓋工廠。 失序的土地利用,也逐漸形成開發管理上的困難與妨礙整體環境、區域發展及安全的隱憂,根據行政院農業部在農地及農地資源盤查結果中亦顯示了全臺灣對於農地的轉用情形以工業使用為最高(約1.5萬公頃),住宅次之(約為1萬公頃),且該數值仍有上升之趨勢。在文獻回顧的理論中證明未登記工廠設立的原因皆為成本考量、交通考量、產業聚集等為主,當中還有是政府長期對於土地管制的失控及土地的開發長期缺乏上位計畫之明確規範與指導,以致於常常讓土地開發許可是必需配合申請者之需要而做土地變更使用,而忽略了全體區域之間的整體關係,導致無法充分檢討申請者在申請案件事業設立工廠之土地需求及環境區位的適宜性,造成各自工廠林立於農地上,破壞了周邊農地環境安全、安寧與環境保護。 本研究嘗試透過工業區位理論,綜整可能影響工業區位選擇之影響因素,解釋工業從都市核心地區遷移外圍之農業地區的過程與趨勢,並針對各工業坐落土地之區位,依都市計畫法分區變更及非都市土地開發許可機制法規下,以新北市全區未登記工廠為範例,未登記工廠在不同區位的空間分布狀況與在不同區位時,經納管改善後之特定工廠,在最後土地變更時,依區位申請變更時遇到的困境與問題提出檢討與研析。 最後與即將全面實施國土計畫使用許可制度下,探討國土計畫法對於未登記工廠屬群聚集中達一定規模面積以上或在地產業鏈結程度高者之區域,以新訂或擴大都市計畫為全區劃定範圍做全區重整規劃的機制,與都市土地使用管理機制下,對於土地利用空間分布及許可變更制度關聯性,綜合整理找出得以有效管制未登記工廠,並適宜適性,應地制宜解決未登記工廠的問題,提出相關想法與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Abstract The operation of unregistered factories on agricultural land has long been a difficult issue for the government to address. The challenge lies in the undeniable contribution of these unregistered factories to the national economic development and their economic value. Most of these operators choose to build factories on agricultural land to reduce land purchase costs, taking the risk of non-compliance. Others build factories directly on conveniently located agricultural land near transportation routes or on the outskirts of industrial parks due to the unavailability of suitable land. Disorderly land use has gradually led to difficulties in development management, posing potential threats to overall environmental, regional development, and safety concerns. According to the results of agricultural land and resources inventory by the Council of Agriculture, the conversion of agricultural land for industrial use is the highest (approximately 15,000 hectares), followed by residential use (about 10,000 hectares), with these figures showing an upward trend. Literature reviews have demonstrated that the reasons for the establishment of unregistered factories are mainly cost considerations, transportation factors, and industrial clustering. Additionally, long-term government failure in land control and the lack of clear upper-level planning and guidance for land development have often resulted in land use changes tailored to applicants' needs, neglecting the overall regional relationships. This leads to the proliferation of factories on agricultural land, damaging the surrounding agricultural environment, safety, tranquility, and environmental protection. This study attempts to use industrial location theory to consolidate possible influencing factors of industrial location selection, explaining the process and trend of industrial migration from urban core areas to peripheral agricultural areas. Focusing on the spatial distribution of unregistered factories in different locations, using New Taipei City as an example, the study reviews and analyzes the difficulties and problems encountered when applying for land use changes for specific factories that have been regulated and improved. Finally, under the upcoming comprehensive implementation of the National Land Planning Permit System, the study explores the mechanism of new or expanded urban planning for areas where unregistered factories are clustered and have significant scale or strong local industrial links. It reviews the relevance of the land use spatial distribution and permit change system under urban land use management mechanisms, aiming to find effective regulatory measures for unregistered factories. The study proposes relevant ideas and suggestions for appropriately addressing the issue of unregistered factories based on the specific conditions and characteristics of the land.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 7 第一節 研究動機與目的 9 第二節 研究範圍與內容 14 第三節 研究方法及流程 18 第二章 文獻回顧與理論基礎 21 第一節 都市蔓延對土地轉用的影響 23 第二節 產業發展與都市空間相互關係 29 第三節 臺灣鄉村的工業擴散地區與未登記工廠的發展 35 第四節 國土計畫新增產業用地之執行要點 53 第三章 新北市未登記工廠現況分析 59 第一節 新北市整體產業用地現況 59 第二節 新北市未登記工廠空間分布 68 第三節 國土計畫未登記工廠群聚地區-城2-3 76 第四章 新北市對未登記工廠執行成果檢討與綜合性比較分析 89 第一節 土地利用管制對未登記工廠處理原則 89 第二節 新北市未登記工廠管制納管概況 111 第三節 未登記工廠土地利用之困境 126 第四節 綜合性討論及可行性分析 133 第五章 未登記工廠處理機制 137 第一節 都市土地使用管理機制 137 第二節 國土計畫使用許可機制 152 第六章 結論與執行建議 159 第一節 結論 159 第二節 執行建議 161 參考文獻 167zh_TW
dc.format.extent 7802491 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106923028en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 未登記工廠zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 空間分布zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 產業群聚zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 使用許可機制zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Unregistered factoriesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Spatial distributionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Industrial clusteringen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Use permissionen_US
dc.title (題名) 未登記工廠空間分布及使用許可機制關聯性之探討—以新北市為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study on the relationship between the spatial distribution and use permission of unregistered factories —taking New Taipei City as an exampleen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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