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題名 補貼對專利新穎性與研發能力的影響-以HORIZON 2020為例
The Impact of Subsidies on Patent Novelty and R&D Capability: A Case of Horizon 2020
作者 朱妍儒
Chu, Yen-Ju
貢獻者 李浩仲<br>李文傑
Li, Hao-Chung<br>Lee, Wen-Chieh
Chu, Yen-Ju
關鍵詞 專利技術重組的新穎性
Novelty of Recombination
Novelty of Technological Origin
Patent Analysis
Technological Recombination Capabilities
Geographical Distance
Collaboration Partners
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 14:37:25 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究探討了參與歐盟展望2020(H2020)計畫對於專利品質的影響,H2020計畫為歐盟迄今最大規模的研究補助計畫。本文主要透過專利技術重組的新穎性(Novelty of Recombination, NR)和專利技術知識起源的新穎性(Novelty of Technological Origin, NTO)來衡量專利品質。研究問題包括:由H2020計畫產出的專利是否具有更高品質、參與H2020計畫是否能提高參與者的研發能力,特別關注地理距離、技術重組能力及不同合作對象對專利新穎性的影響。研究結果顯示,H2020計畫補貼對於專利新穎性具有顯著正向的影響,並且能提升參與者的研發能力。
This study examines the impact of participation in the Horizon 2020(H2020) program on patent quality. The H2020 program is the largest research funding program ever launched by the European Union. This paper primarily measures patent quality through the Novelty of Recombination(NR)and the Novelty of Technological Origin (NTO). The research questions include: whether patents produced under the H2020 program exhibit higher quality and whether participation in the H2020 program can enhance the research and development capabilities of the participants. Special attention is given to the influence of geographical distance, technological recombination ability, and different collaboration partners on patent novelty. The results show that the H2020 program funding has a significant positive impact on patent novelty and can enhance the research and development capabilities of the participants.
參考文獻 Audretsch, D. B., & Feldman, M. P. (1996). R&D spillovers and the geography of innovation and production. The American Economic Review, 86(3), 630-640. Azoulay, P., Graff Zivin, J. S., Li, D., & Sampat, B. N. (2019). Public R&D investments and private-sector patenting: evidence from NIH funding rules. The Review of Economic Studies, 86(1), 117-152. Bloom, N., Schankerman, M., & Van Reenen, J. (2013). Identifying technology spillovers and product market rivalry. Econometrica, 81(4), 1347-1393. Bloom, N., Van Reenen, J., & Williams, H. (2019). A toolkit of policies to promote innovation. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(3), 163-184. Boschma, R. (2005). Proximity and innovation: a critical assessment. Regional Studies, 39(1), 61-74. Chu, Y., Tian, X., & Wang, W. (2019). Corporate innovation along the supply chain. Management Science, 65(6), 2445-2466. Czarnitzki, D., & Licht, G. (2006). Additionality of public R&D grants in a transition economy: the case of Eastern Germany. Economics of Transition, 14(1), 101-131. Dang, J., & Motohashi, K. (2015). Patent statistics: A good indicator for innovation in China? Patent subsidy program impacts on patent quality. China Economic Review, 35, 137-155. Dimos, C., & Pugh, G. (2016). The effectiveness of R&D subsidies: A meta-regression analysis of the evaluation literature. Research Policy, 45(4), 797-815. Drejer, I., & Vinding, A. L. (2007). Searching near and far: determinants of innovative firms' propensity to collaborate across geographical distance. Industry and Innovation, 14(3), 259-275. Ernst, H. (1997). The use of patent data for technological forecasting: the diffusion of CNC-technology in the machine tool industry. Small Business Economics, 9, 361-381. Falvey, R., Foster, N., & Greenaway, D. (2006). Intellectual property rights and economic growth. Review of Development Economics, 10(4), 700-719. Gould, D. M., & Gruben, W. C. (1996). The role of intellectual property rights in economic growth. Journal of Development Economics, 48(2), 323-350. Griliches, Z. (1958). Research costs and social returns: Hybrid corn and related innovations. Journal of Political Economy, 66(5), 419-431. Gruber, M., Harhoff, D., & Hoisl, K. (2013). Knowledge recombination across technological boundaries: Scientists vs. engineers. Management Science, 59(4), 837-851. Hirshleifer, D., Hsu, P.-H., & Li, D. (2013). Innovative efficiency and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 107(3), 632-654. Jacob, B. A., & Lefgren, L. (2011). The impact of research grant funding on scientific productivity. Journal of Public Economics, 95(9-10), 1168-1177. Jaffe, A. B., Trajtenberg, M., & Henderson, R. (1993). Geographic localization of knowledge spillovers as evidenced by patent citations. the Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(3), 577-598. Jones, C. I. (2016). The facts of economic growth. In Handbook of Macroeconomics (Vol. 2, pp. 3-69). Elsevier. Katila, R. (2000). Using patent data to measure innovation performance. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 2(1-3), 180-193. Li, X. (2012). Behind the recent surge of Chinese patenting: An institutional view. Research Policy, 41(1), 236-249. Nelson, R. R. (1959). The simple economics of basic scientific research. Journal of Political Economy, 67(3), 297-306. Nooteboom, B. (1999). Innovation and inter-firm linkages: new implications for policy. Research Policy, 28(8), 793-805. Popp, D. (2002). Induced innovation and energy prices. American Economic Review, 92(1), 160-180. Schmookler, J. (1966). Invention and Economic Growth. Harvard University Press. Van Reenen, J., & Steinwender, C. (2019). The intellectual spoils of war? Defense R&D, productivity and international spillovers. Verhoeven, D., Bakker, J., & Veugelers, R. (2016). Measuring technological novelty with patent-based indicators. Research Policy, 45(3), 707-723.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李浩仲<br>李文傑zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Li, Hao-Chung<br>Lee, Wen-Chiehen_US (Authors) 朱妍儒zh_TW (Authors) Chu, Yen-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 朱妍儒zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chu, Yen-Juen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 14:37:25 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 14:37:25 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 14:37:25 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111258011en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經濟學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111258011zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究探討了參與歐盟展望2020(H2020)計畫對於專利品質的影響,H2020計畫為歐盟迄今最大規模的研究補助計畫。本文主要透過專利技術重組的新穎性(Novelty of Recombination, NR)和專利技術知識起源的新穎性(Novelty of Technological Origin, NTO)來衡量專利品質。研究問題包括:由H2020計畫產出的專利是否具有更高品質、參與H2020計畫是否能提高參與者的研發能力,特別關注地理距離、技術重組能力及不同合作對象對專利新穎性的影響。研究結果顯示,H2020計畫補貼對於專利新穎性具有顯著正向的影響,並且能提升參與者的研發能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This study examines the impact of participation in the Horizon 2020(H2020) program on patent quality. The H2020 program is the largest research funding program ever launched by the European Union. This paper primarily measures patent quality through the Novelty of Recombination(NR)and the Novelty of Technological Origin (NTO). The research questions include: whether patents produced under the H2020 program exhibit higher quality and whether participation in the H2020 program can enhance the research and development capabilities of the participants. Special attention is given to the influence of geographical distance, technological recombination ability, and different collaboration partners on patent novelty. The results show that the H2020 program funding has a significant positive impact on patent novelty and can enhance the research and development capabilities of the participants.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 i Abstract ii 目次 iii 表次 v 圖次 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 專利的制度與價值 1 第二節 展望2020計畫 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 第一節 專利的新穎性衡量指標 3 第二節 研究補貼 4 第三節 地理距離 5 第三章 研究方法 6 第一節 專利新穎性定義 6 第二節 技術重組廣度 7 第三節 迴歸模型 8 一、 由H2020計畫產出的專利是否具有更好的品質 8 二、 參與H2020計畫是否能幫助參與者提高研發能力 10 第四章 資料 13 第一節 資料來源 13 一、 補助計畫資料 13 二、 專利資料 13 第二節 資料處理流程 13 第三節 敘述統計 15 第五章 模型結果 17 第一節 由H2020計畫產出的專利是否具有更好的品質 17 第二節 參與H2020計畫是否能幫助參與者提高研發能力 21 第六章 結論與建議 27 參考文獻 28 附錄 31zh_TW
dc.format.extent 610050 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利技術重組的新穎性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利技術知識起源的新穎性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 技術重組能力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地理距離zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 合作夥伴zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Novelty of Recombinationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Novelty of Technological Originen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Patent Analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Technological Recombination Capabilitiesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Geographical Distanceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Collaboration Partnersen_US
dc.title (題名) 補貼對專利新穎性與研發能力的影響-以HORIZON 2020為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Impact of Subsidies on Patent Novelty and R&D Capability: A Case of Horizon 2020en_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Audretsch, D. B., & Feldman, M. P. (1996). R&D spillovers and the geography of innovation and production. The American Economic Review, 86(3), 630-640. Azoulay, P., Graff Zivin, J. S., Li, D., & Sampat, B. N. (2019). Public R&D investments and private-sector patenting: evidence from NIH funding rules. The Review of Economic Studies, 86(1), 117-152. Bloom, N., Schankerman, M., & Van Reenen, J. (2013). Identifying technology spillovers and product market rivalry. Econometrica, 81(4), 1347-1393. Bloom, N., Van Reenen, J., & Williams, H. (2019). A toolkit of policies to promote innovation. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(3), 163-184. Boschma, R. (2005). Proximity and innovation: a critical assessment. Regional Studies, 39(1), 61-74. Chu, Y., Tian, X., & Wang, W. (2019). Corporate innovation along the supply chain. Management Science, 65(6), 2445-2466. Czarnitzki, D., & Licht, G. (2006). Additionality of public R&D grants in a transition economy: the case of Eastern Germany. Economics of Transition, 14(1), 101-131. Dang, J., & Motohashi, K. (2015). Patent statistics: A good indicator for innovation in China? Patent subsidy program impacts on patent quality. China Economic Review, 35, 137-155. Dimos, C., & Pugh, G. (2016). The effectiveness of R&D subsidies: A meta-regression analysis of the evaluation literature. Research Policy, 45(4), 797-815. Drejer, I., & Vinding, A. L. (2007). Searching near and far: determinants of innovative firms' propensity to collaborate across geographical distance. Industry and Innovation, 14(3), 259-275. Ernst, H. (1997). The use of patent data for technological forecasting: the diffusion of CNC-technology in the machine tool industry. Small Business Economics, 9, 361-381. Falvey, R., Foster, N., & Greenaway, D. (2006). Intellectual property rights and economic growth. Review of Development Economics, 10(4), 700-719. Gould, D. M., & Gruben, W. C. (1996). The role of intellectual property rights in economic growth. Journal of Development Economics, 48(2), 323-350. Griliches, Z. (1958). Research costs and social returns: Hybrid corn and related innovations. Journal of Political Economy, 66(5), 419-431. Gruber, M., Harhoff, D., & Hoisl, K. (2013). Knowledge recombination across technological boundaries: Scientists vs. engineers. Management Science, 59(4), 837-851. Hirshleifer, D., Hsu, P.-H., & Li, D. (2013). Innovative efficiency and stock returns. Journal of Financial Economics, 107(3), 632-654. Jacob, B. A., & Lefgren, L. (2011). The impact of research grant funding on scientific productivity. Journal of Public Economics, 95(9-10), 1168-1177. Jaffe, A. B., Trajtenberg, M., & Henderson, R. (1993). Geographic localization of knowledge spillovers as evidenced by patent citations. the Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(3), 577-598. Jones, C. I. (2016). The facts of economic growth. In Handbook of Macroeconomics (Vol. 2, pp. 3-69). Elsevier. Katila, R. (2000). Using patent data to measure innovation performance. International Journal of Business Performance Management, 2(1-3), 180-193. Li, X. (2012). Behind the recent surge of Chinese patenting: An institutional view. Research Policy, 41(1), 236-249. Nelson, R. R. (1959). The simple economics of basic scientific research. Journal of Political Economy, 67(3), 297-306. Nooteboom, B. (1999). Innovation and inter-firm linkages: new implications for policy. Research Policy, 28(8), 793-805. Popp, D. (2002). Induced innovation and energy prices. American Economic Review, 92(1), 160-180. Schmookler, J. (1966). Invention and Economic Growth. Harvard University Press. Van Reenen, J., & Steinwender, C. (2019). The intellectual spoils of war? Defense R&D, productivity and international spillovers. Verhoeven, D., Bakker, J., & Veugelers, R. (2016). Measuring technological novelty with patent-based indicators. Research Policy, 45(3), 707-723.zh_TW