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題名 從勞動刑罰論雇主過失責任之研究-以職業災害罪為中心
Research on the Negligence Liability of the Responsible Person Based on Labor Punishment -Centered on Work-related Injury Crime
作者 郭家鉷
Kuo, Chia-Hung
貢獻者 李聖傑
Kuo, Chia-Hung
關鍵詞 職業災害罪
occupational accident crime
negligence liability
objective attribution
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 14:41:29 (UTC+8)
摘要 在全球化的經濟發展以及產業競爭激烈的背景下,企業為了追求利潤不斷提升生產效率和產品質量,透過改進和研究,使得生產製造及建築施工中的機械、設備、材料和技術日益更新。然而,這些進步也可能使勞工面臨來自機械、設備、工具及不安全工作環境的潛在風險,從而引發職業災害,導致勞工受傷、罹病、失能,甚至死亡。 為了應對職業災害帶來的社會風險和對產業的衝擊,勞工行政主管機關積極推動多項防止職業災害的措施,並於職業災害產生後,移請司法機關對職業災害的雇主和企業,對其違反職業安全衛生法的相關罪行進行起訴,藉以通過刑罰的威懾作用,促使雇主和企業建立健全的安全衛生設施和管理體系,以達成降低職業災害發生率的行政目標。 然而,回顧過去的職業災害案件,多數在起訴判刑後,因法律競合皆以刑法過失罪予以判刑,往往以低刑度、緩刑甚至無罪結案。這使得雇主和企業認為,他們違法行為實際受到懲罰的可能性很低,與之相比預期的經營收益較高,這無疑會導致其在預防職業災害上採取消極態度,甚至於漠視職業災害預防的重要性。 因此,本文將透過司法實務判決深入研究法律適用及競合問題,尤其是針對職業災害罪與刑法中的過失罪之間的法律要件。為了保護職業災害受害者的權益,並實現罪刑相當的目標,建議修訂我國的職業安全衛生法,加重對雇主的刑事責任,確保勞工的生命安全和合法權益得到充分保障。
In the context of economic globalization and intense industrial competition, companies continuously improve production efficiency and product quality in pursuit of profit. Through innovations and research, there have been significant advancements in the machinery, equipment, materials, and technologies used in manufacturing and construction. However, these advancements may also expose workers to potential risks from machinery, equipment, tools, and unsafe working environments, leading to occupational accidents that can result in injuries, illnesses, disabilities, or even death. To address the social risks and industrial impacts of occupational accidents, labor administration authorities have actively promoted various measures to prevent such incidents. When occupational accidents occur, these authorities refer employers and companies to judicial bodies for prosecution of violations of occupational safety and health laws. The deterrent effect of criminal penalties is intended to encourage employers and companies to establish comprehensive safety and health facilities and management systems, thereby achieving the administrative goal of reducing the incidence of major occupational accidents. However, a review of past occupational accident cases reveals that most prosecutions result in sentencing under the Criminal Law's negligence provisions, often leading to light sentences, probation, or even acquittals due to legal overlaps. This situation leads employers and companies to believe that the likelihood of being penalized for their illegal actions is low compared to the anticipated business profits. Consequently, this fosters a passive attitude towards preventing occupational accidents and even a disregard for the importance of occupational accident prevention. Therefore, this paper will delve into judicial rulings to thoroughly examine issues of legal application and overlap, particularly focusing on the legal elements of occupational accident crimes versus negligence crimes under the Criminal Law. To protect the rights and interests of occupational accident victims and achieve the goal of proportional punishment, it is recommended to amend the country's occupational safety and health laws to increase the criminal liability of employers, ensuring that workers' lives and legal rights are fully safeguarded.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李聖傑zh_TW (Authors) 郭家鉷zh_TW (Authors) Kuo, Chia-Hungen_US
dc.creator (作者) 郭家鉷zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Kuo, Chia-Hungen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 14:41:29 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 14:41:29 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 14:41:29 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0105961062en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法學院碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 105961062zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在全球化的經濟發展以及產業競爭激烈的背景下,企業為了追求利潤不斷提升生產效率和產品質量,透過改進和研究,使得生產製造及建築施工中的機械、設備、材料和技術日益更新。然而,這些進步也可能使勞工面臨來自機械、設備、工具及不安全工作環境的潛在風險,從而引發職業災害,導致勞工受傷、罹病、失能,甚至死亡。 為了應對職業災害帶來的社會風險和對產業的衝擊,勞工行政主管機關積極推動多項防止職業災害的措施,並於職業災害產生後,移請司法機關對職業災害的雇主和企業,對其違反職業安全衛生法的相關罪行進行起訴,藉以通過刑罰的威懾作用,促使雇主和企業建立健全的安全衛生設施和管理體系,以達成降低職業災害發生率的行政目標。 然而,回顧過去的職業災害案件,多數在起訴判刑後,因法律競合皆以刑法過失罪予以判刑,往往以低刑度、緩刑甚至無罪結案。這使得雇主和企業認為,他們違法行為實際受到懲罰的可能性很低,與之相比預期的經營收益較高,這無疑會導致其在預防職業災害上採取消極態度,甚至於漠視職業災害預防的重要性。 因此,本文將透過司法實務判決深入研究法律適用及競合問題,尤其是針對職業災害罪與刑法中的過失罪之間的法律要件。為了保護職業災害受害者的權益,並實現罪刑相當的目標,建議修訂我國的職業安全衛生法,加重對雇主的刑事責任,確保勞工的生命安全和合法權益得到充分保障。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In the context of economic globalization and intense industrial competition, companies continuously improve production efficiency and product quality in pursuit of profit. Through innovations and research, there have been significant advancements in the machinery, equipment, materials, and technologies used in manufacturing and construction. However, these advancements may also expose workers to potential risks from machinery, equipment, tools, and unsafe working environments, leading to occupational accidents that can result in injuries, illnesses, disabilities, or even death. To address the social risks and industrial impacts of occupational accidents, labor administration authorities have actively promoted various measures to prevent such incidents. When occupational accidents occur, these authorities refer employers and companies to judicial bodies for prosecution of violations of occupational safety and health laws. The deterrent effect of criminal penalties is intended to encourage employers and companies to establish comprehensive safety and health facilities and management systems, thereby achieving the administrative goal of reducing the incidence of major occupational accidents. However, a review of past occupational accident cases reveals that most prosecutions result in sentencing under the Criminal Law's negligence provisions, often leading to light sentences, probation, or even acquittals due to legal overlaps. This situation leads employers and companies to believe that the likelihood of being penalized for their illegal actions is low compared to the anticipated business profits. Consequently, this fosters a passive attitude towards preventing occupational accidents and even a disregard for the importance of occupational accident prevention. Therefore, this paper will delve into judicial rulings to thoroughly examine issues of legal application and overlap, particularly focusing on the legal elements of occupational accident crimes versus negligence crimes under the Criminal Law. To protect the rights and interests of occupational accident victims and achieve the goal of proportional punishment, it is recommended to amend the country's occupational safety and health laws to increase the criminal liability of employers, ensuring that workers' lives and legal rights are fully safeguarded.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法、範圍與架構 5 第一項 研究方法 5 第二項 研究範圍 5 第三項 研究架構 6 第二章 違反勞動權保護之刑罰 7 第一節 勞動保護意涵 7 第二節 勞動刑罰之內涵 9 第一項 勞動刑罰之目的 9 第二項 勞動刑罰之法制 14 第三節 職業安全衛生法刑罰規範 19 第一項 職業災害之定義 20 第二項 刑罰規範之主體 21 第三項 職業安全衛生法附屬法規 24 第四節 職業安全衛生法之法律性質 26 第三章 職業災害刑事責任之探究 30 第一節 刑法目的與過失責任概述 30 第一項 刑法目的 30 第二項 刑法之過失責任概述 31 第二節 職業災害刑法過失責任探討 33 第三節 職業安全衛生法刑罰之競合 35 第四節 職業災害罪刑之現況 44 第五節 小結 73 第四章 過失責任判斷之法理 76 第一節 監督過失 76 第二節 注意義務 83 第一項 注意義務之內涵 83 第二項 注意義務之標準 85 第三節 有認識過失 88 第四節 因果關係 90 第一項 條件因果關係 90 第二項 相當因果關係 91 第五節 客觀歸責理論 92 第一項 製造法所不容許風險 92 第二項 實現法所不容許風險 98 第六節 小結 100 第五章 職業災害罪之判準 102 第一節 法規範 102 第二節 工作與活動規範 108 第三節 探知義務與不作為義務 115 第四節 特定專屬的判斷標準 121 第五節 信賴原則 131 第六節 利益與風險之平衡 134 第七節 小結 138 第六章 結論 140 參考文獻 142zh_TW
dc.format.extent 959812 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職業災害罪zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 過失責任zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 客觀歸責zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) occupational accident crimeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) negligence liabilityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) objective attributionen_US
dc.title (題名) 從勞動刑罰論雇主過失責任之研究-以職業災害罪為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Research on the Negligence Liability of the Responsible Person Based on Labor Punishment -Centered on Work-related Injury Crimeen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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