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題名 大學多元入學個人申請之「選校」行為:大數據的社會學應用
School Choices in Taiwan's College Applications: A Sociological Analysis with Big Data
作者 顧雅各
Ku, Ya-Ke
貢獻者 陳信木
Ku, Ya-Ke
關鍵詞 多元入學
Multiple entrance programs
School choice
Social mobility of education
Big data analysis
Social ecology
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 15:13:59 (UTC+8)
摘要 臺灣近年來推行多元入學方案,申請入學逐漸成為進入大學的主要管道。在個人申請的流程中,考生們在志願選填時除了會在科系上進行取捨外,也要考量各種因素選擇未來想就讀的大學是哪間,也就是俗稱的選校。本文旨在應用大數據分析臺灣各地區的考生在個人申請時的志願選填與最終選校決策中距離及區位等地理因素在其中的影響。將著重討論,不同區域的考生間選校的偏好差異,以及各區域間大學的位階與分佈情形。 本研究以查榜網站上109年的個人申請資訊作為研究資料,分析當年度所有參與申請入學的考生填選志願與最終選校的模式。使用購物車理論找出考生志願選擇中各大學的關聯法則,並透過視覺化呈現大學之間的群集關係,進而分析不同區域的考生與不同區域的大學院校的特性。研究發現北部的考生更偏好選擇距離較近的大學就讀,同時因為高教資源多集中於北部,在北部成績較高的學生相對於成績較低者容易留在北部就讀大學;相反的在中南部,為了獲取更好的教育資源,成績高的考生需要移動較遠的距離才能找到理想的大學。不同區域的考生對於公私立學校的重視程度也有差異,在排除了成績的影響後,南部考生相對北部考生更偏好就讀公立大學;都會區的考生則因為成績較高所以相對於非都會區的考生有更多的比例錄取公立大學。從學校端的角度分析各校學生的來源,各個區域的學校皆更容易接收來自於同個區域的考生,但分數越高的大學越容易招收到更廣範圍的學生。 透過母體數據本研究建立了109年度各地區考生選擇大學的圖像,期待可以透過個人申請的志願選填與錄取結果解釋地區之間教育資源的差異以及臺灣考生在選校時所考量的區位偏好,藉此增加對於臺灣高等教育與各區域間的不平等現象的了解。
In recent years, Taiwan has promoted multiple entrance programs. Admission by application has gradually become the main pathway to enter universities. During the process of admission, examinees not only make choices regarding departments but also consider various factors when selecting the university they wish to attend, a process commonly referred to as School Choice. This paper aims to apply big data analysis to examine the influence of geographical factors such as distance and ecological factors on the preferences and final decisions of applicants from different regions of Taiwan during the admission by application process. The focus will be on discussing the differences in School Choice preferences among applicants from different regions in Taiwan, as well as the hierarchy and distribution of universities across these regions. This study uses application data from 2020 available on the internet to analyze applicants' choices and final School Choice. It applies the shopping cart theory to identify university association rules and visualizes clustering relationships. Findings show that while all applicants prefer universities closer to them, this preference is stronger among those from the north. Due to the higher concentration of universities in the north, students with higher ratings are more likely to remain there. In contrast, central and southern applicants with high ratings must travel farther for better educational resources. Differences are also noted in the emphasis on public versus private universities, with southern applicants preferring public institutions more than northern applicants. Urban applicants, due to their higher ratings, are more likely to be admitted to public universities compared to non-urban applicants. Schools tend to admit students from the same region but universities with higher ratings attract students from a broader range of regions. Using the population data from the year 2020, this study creates a visual representation of university choices by applicants from various regions. The study aims to explain regional differences in educational resources and the geographic preferences of Taiwanese applicants in School Choice through application data. The goal is to enhance understanding of Taiwan's higher education system and the disparities between regions.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳信木zh_TW (Authors) 顧雅各zh_TW (Authors) Ku, Ya-Keen_US
dc.creator (作者) 顧雅各zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Ku, Ya-Keen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 15:13:59 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 15:13:59 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 15:13:59 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0111254014en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 社會學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 111254014zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 臺灣近年來推行多元入學方案,申請入學逐漸成為進入大學的主要管道。在個人申請的流程中,考生們在志願選填時除了會在科系上進行取捨外,也要考量各種因素選擇未來想就讀的大學是哪間,也就是俗稱的選校。本文旨在應用大數據分析臺灣各地區的考生在個人申請時的志願選填與最終選校決策中距離及區位等地理因素在其中的影響。將著重討論,不同區域的考生間選校的偏好差異,以及各區域間大學的位階與分佈情形。 本研究以查榜網站上109年的個人申請資訊作為研究資料,分析當年度所有參與申請入學的考生填選志願與最終選校的模式。使用購物車理論找出考生志願選擇中各大學的關聯法則,並透過視覺化呈現大學之間的群集關係,進而分析不同區域的考生與不同區域的大學院校的特性。研究發現北部的考生更偏好選擇距離較近的大學就讀,同時因為高教資源多集中於北部,在北部成績較高的學生相對於成績較低者容易留在北部就讀大學;相反的在中南部,為了獲取更好的教育資源,成績高的考生需要移動較遠的距離才能找到理想的大學。不同區域的考生對於公私立學校的重視程度也有差異,在排除了成績的影響後,南部考生相對北部考生更偏好就讀公立大學;都會區的考生則因為成績較高所以相對於非都會區的考生有更多的比例錄取公立大學。從學校端的角度分析各校學生的來源,各個區域的學校皆更容易接收來自於同個區域的考生,但分數越高的大學越容易招收到更廣範圍的學生。 透過母體數據本研究建立了109年度各地區考生選擇大學的圖像,期待可以透過個人申請的志願選填與錄取結果解釋地區之間教育資源的差異以及臺灣考生在選校時所考量的區位偏好,藉此增加對於臺灣高等教育與各區域間的不平等現象的了解。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent years, Taiwan has promoted multiple entrance programs. Admission by application has gradually become the main pathway to enter universities. During the process of admission, examinees not only make choices regarding departments but also consider various factors when selecting the university they wish to attend, a process commonly referred to as School Choice. This paper aims to apply big data analysis to examine the influence of geographical factors such as distance and ecological factors on the preferences and final decisions of applicants from different regions of Taiwan during the admission by application process. The focus will be on discussing the differences in School Choice preferences among applicants from different regions in Taiwan, as well as the hierarchy and distribution of universities across these regions. This study uses application data from 2020 available on the internet to analyze applicants' choices and final School Choice. It applies the shopping cart theory to identify university association rules and visualizes clustering relationships. Findings show that while all applicants prefer universities closer to them, this preference is stronger among those from the north. Due to the higher concentration of universities in the north, students with higher ratings are more likely to remain there. In contrast, central and southern applicants with high ratings must travel farther for better educational resources. Differences are also noted in the emphasis on public versus private universities, with southern applicants preferring public institutions more than northern applicants. Urban applicants, due to their higher ratings, are more likely to be admitted to public universities compared to non-urban applicants. Schools tend to admit students from the same region but universities with higher ratings attract students from a broader range of regions. Using the population data from the year 2020, this study creates a visual representation of university choices by applicants from various regions. The study aims to explain regional differences in educational resources and the geographic preferences of Taiwanese applicants in School Choice through application data. The goal is to enhance understanding of Taiwan's higher education system and the disparities between regions.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 緒論 1 研究背景 1 研究目標 3 第一章:文獻探討 4 第一節:教育與社會流動 4 第二節:區位與學習成就 6 第三節:區位與教育階層化 8 第四節:區位偏好 10 小結 11 第二章:研究方法 12 第一節:資料背景 12 第二節:研究定義 16 第三節:資料來源 16 第四節:研究方法與流程 18 第三章:109年申請入學概況 19 第一節:各區域的上榜機會 19 第二節:從區域看教育階層化 22 第四章、考生選校的關聯法則 26 第一節 以購物車理論進行資料探勘 26 第二節 考生志願選擇的視覺化 28 第三節 透過關聯分析看不同區域考生的志願選填策 29 一、全國考生志願選填關聯圖 30 二、北部考生志願選填關聯圖 32 三、中部考生志願選填關聯圖 34 四、南部考生志願選填關聯圖 36 五、各區域考生的差異 38 六、小結 41 第五章、學生選校反映出的教育資源不平等 42 第一節、學生需移動多遠才能上大學 42 第二節、考生就讀公立大學的機率 49 小結 52 第六章、大學招生來源分析 53 第一節、大學勢力範圍分析 53 第二節、學生來自何處 55 第七章、結論、研究限制與未來展望 58 參考文獻 61 附錄1、Apriori演算法 64 附錄2、各校錄取分數指標 67 附錄3、各校生源移動距離 68zh_TW
dc.format.extent 3372907 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 多元入學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 選校zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教育流動zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大數據分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會區位學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Multiple entrance programsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) School choiceen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social mobility of educationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Big data analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social ecologyen_US
dc.title (題名) 大學多元入學個人申請之「選校」行為:大數據的社會學應用zh_TW
dc.title (題名) School Choices in Taiwan's College Applications: A Sociological Analysis with Big Dataen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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