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題名 警察職場霸凌的制度結構與行動策略之研究
A study of the institutional structure and action strategies of police workplace bullying
作者 陳峮茹
Chen, Chun-Ju
貢獻者 劉梅君
Liu, Mei Chun
Chen, Chun-Ju
關鍵詞 警察
Organizational culture
Field theory
Social capital
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 15:31:44 (UTC+8)
摘要 公部門的職場霸凌問題如同陽光照不進的死角,在我國一直少有研究,因此,本文聚焦警察職場作為研究場域,除討論相關政策法制困境、警察場域職場霸凌的樣貌,也試圖探討被霸凌者在種種結構限制困境下的自主能動性,以作為後續政策制定與考量。 結構面向,我國尚未制訂職場霸凌專法,散落在各法的保障落差使受害者訴訟困難,警察人員也因申訴過程缺乏專業、公正和秘密保護,使機關內人員多不信任申訴管道,讓職場霸凌防治政策落實困難。此外,職場霸凌在警察場域權力結構的運作邏輯,也使得受害者難以發聲,從績效掛帥的形式主義到陽剛文化的污名化效應,使受害者陷入一個權力失衡的劣勢地位,機關整體的不重視與錯誤認識,則惡化受害者得以求救的處境,當這一切所構成的壓迫結構變得毫無彈性與轉圜餘地時,便容易發生極端憾事。 受害者能動性面向,本文以社會資本理論連結赫緒曼叛離、抗議與忠誠理論加以探討。資本量包含人際網絡建立和資訊取得能力,進而反饋自身整體資源的一系列運作,當資本量高,對自身保護力與組織影響力提高,發聲進而改善霸凌問題機會便增加,受害者因此受損時間和程度縮小;反之,低質量的人際網絡與資訊取得能力降低受害者的保護力與影響力,使其陷入劣勢地位選擇隱忍,又處於警察壓迫結構下的遊戲規則更產生加乘作用與惡性循環,職場霸凌損害惡化。 據此,本文建議有必要訂立專法,並定期檢討防治作為,在職場霸凌認知不足的情況下加強宣導、專業訓練與課責機制,細緻化申訴程序與增加外部監督機制,善用非正式溝通管道與同儕支持系統,減少職場霸凌所帶來的損害。
The issue of workplace bullying in the public sector remains a significant blind spot that has yet to be illuminated. In our country, there has been relatively little research on this topic. Therefore, this article focuses on the police sector as a subject of study. It discusses the challenges associated with relevant policies and legal frameworks, the manifestations of workplace bullying within the police environment, and attempts to explore the agency of victims under various structural constraints. The aim is to inform future policy-making and considerations. From a structural perspective, our country has yet to enact specific laws against workplace bullying. The gaps in protection scattered across various laws, make it challenging for victims to seek legal recourse. Due to a lack of professionalism, impartiality, and confidentiality in the complaint process, police officers often distrust the available reporting channels, hindering the implementation of effective workplace bullying prevention policies. Furthermore, the power dynamics within the police force—ranging from performance-oriented formalism to the stigmatizing effects of a masculine culture—create an environment where victims find it difficult to speak out. This results in a power imbalance that places victims at a disadvantage, while the organization's overall lack of attention and understanding further exacerbates their plight. When this oppressive structure becomes rigid and inflexible, the likelihood of extreme tragedies increases. In terms of victim agency, this article connects social capital theory with Hirschman's theory of exit, voice, and loyalty. Social capital encompasses the establishment of interpersonal networks and the ability to access information, which, in turn, enhances an individual's overall resources. When social capital is abundant, a victim's protection and influence within the organization increase, leading to a greater likelihood of speaking out and improving the bullying situation. This, in turn, reduces the duration and severity of the victim's suffering. Conversely, weak interpersonal networks and limited access to information reduce the victim's protection and influence, pushing them to a disadvantaged position where they may feel compelled to endure their circumstances in silence. Under the oppressive structure of police rules, this can create a multiplier effect and a vicious cycle, worsening the damage caused by workplace bullying. Therefore, it is essential to establish specific laws and regularly review prevention measures. In situations where there is a lack of awareness regarding workplace bullying, it is necessary to enhance advocacy, professional training, and accountability mechanisms, refine complaint procedures, and increase external oversight. Effectively utilizing informal communication channels and peer support systems can help mitigate the harm caused by workplace bullying.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉梅君zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liu, Mei Chunen_US (Authors) 陳峮茹zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Chun-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 陳峮茹zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Chun-Juen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 15:31:44 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 15:31:44 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 15:31:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107262002en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 勞工研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107262002zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 公部門的職場霸凌問題如同陽光照不進的死角,在我國一直少有研究,因此,本文聚焦警察職場作為研究場域,除討論相關政策法制困境、警察場域職場霸凌的樣貌,也試圖探討被霸凌者在種種結構限制困境下的自主能動性,以作為後續政策制定與考量。 結構面向,我國尚未制訂職場霸凌專法,散落在各法的保障落差使受害者訴訟困難,警察人員也因申訴過程缺乏專業、公正和秘密保護,使機關內人員多不信任申訴管道,讓職場霸凌防治政策落實困難。此外,職場霸凌在警察場域權力結構的運作邏輯,也使得受害者難以發聲,從績效掛帥的形式主義到陽剛文化的污名化效應,使受害者陷入一個權力失衡的劣勢地位,機關整體的不重視與錯誤認識,則惡化受害者得以求救的處境,當這一切所構成的壓迫結構變得毫無彈性與轉圜餘地時,便容易發生極端憾事。 受害者能動性面向,本文以社會資本理論連結赫緒曼叛離、抗議與忠誠理論加以探討。資本量包含人際網絡建立和資訊取得能力,進而反饋自身整體資源的一系列運作,當資本量高,對自身保護力與組織影響力提高,發聲進而改善霸凌問題機會便增加,受害者因此受損時間和程度縮小;反之,低質量的人際網絡與資訊取得能力降低受害者的保護力與影響力,使其陷入劣勢地位選擇隱忍,又處於警察壓迫結構下的遊戲規則更產生加乘作用與惡性循環,職場霸凌損害惡化。 據此,本文建議有必要訂立專法,並定期檢討防治作為,在職場霸凌認知不足的情況下加強宣導、專業訓練與課責機制,細緻化申訴程序與增加外部監督機制,善用非正式溝通管道與同儕支持系統,減少職場霸凌所帶來的損害。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The issue of workplace bullying in the public sector remains a significant blind spot that has yet to be illuminated. In our country, there has been relatively little research on this topic. Therefore, this article focuses on the police sector as a subject of study. It discusses the challenges associated with relevant policies and legal frameworks, the manifestations of workplace bullying within the police environment, and attempts to explore the agency of victims under various structural constraints. The aim is to inform future policy-making and considerations. From a structural perspective, our country has yet to enact specific laws against workplace bullying. The gaps in protection scattered across various laws, make it challenging for victims to seek legal recourse. Due to a lack of professionalism, impartiality, and confidentiality in the complaint process, police officers often distrust the available reporting channels, hindering the implementation of effective workplace bullying prevention policies. Furthermore, the power dynamics within the police force—ranging from performance-oriented formalism to the stigmatizing effects of a masculine culture—create an environment where victims find it difficult to speak out. This results in a power imbalance that places victims at a disadvantage, while the organization's overall lack of attention and understanding further exacerbates their plight. When this oppressive structure becomes rigid and inflexible, the likelihood of extreme tragedies increases. In terms of victim agency, this article connects social capital theory with Hirschman's theory of exit, voice, and loyalty. Social capital encompasses the establishment of interpersonal networks and the ability to access information, which, in turn, enhances an individual's overall resources. When social capital is abundant, a victim's protection and influence within the organization increase, leading to a greater likelihood of speaking out and improving the bullying situation. This, in turn, reduces the duration and severity of the victim's suffering. Conversely, weak interpersonal networks and limited access to information reduce the victim's protection and influence, pushing them to a disadvantaged position where they may feel compelled to endure their circumstances in silence. Under the oppressive structure of police rules, this can create a multiplier effect and a vicious cycle, worsening the damage caused by workplace bullying. Therefore, it is essential to establish specific laws and regularly review prevention measures. In situations where there is a lack of awareness regarding workplace bullying, it is necessary to enhance advocacy, professional training, and accountability mechanisms, refine complaint procedures, and increase external oversight. Effectively utilizing informal communication channels and peer support systems can help mitigate the harm caused by workplace bullying.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章、 緒論 1 第一節、 研究背景:職場霸凌成為社會問題 1 第二節、 問題意識:受職場霸凌者行動困境為思考起點 7 第三節、 研究目的 9 第四節、 研究範圍 11 第五節、 章節架構 11 第二章、 文獻回顧 13 第一節、 職場霸凌概念與爭議 13 一、 職場霸凌概念建構與起源 13 二、 職場霸凌的成因 15 三、 職場霸凌的行為特徵 17 四、 百家爭鳴的職場霸凌定義 26 五、 職場霸凌的影響與防治 34 第二節、 警察職場霸凌相關文獻 39 一、 公務人員職業安全保障的轉變 39 二、 警察人員人權保障趨勢 42 三、 我國警察場域特性 45 四、 警察組織文化與職場霸凌 47 第三節、 「結構與行動」理論架構 49 一、 華人組織文化 49 二、 社會資本理論 55 三、 叛離、抗議、忠誠與忽視 58 第三章、 研究方法 65 第一節、 文獻分析 65 第二節、 深入訪談 65 一、 研究對象 66 二、 抽樣方法 66 三、 問卷設計 67 四、 樣本列表 68 第四章、 職場霸凌的法制政策與執行困境 69 第一節、 職場霸凌現行法制與問題 69 一、 刑法、民法、勞動法與其他法令 69 二、 執行職務遭受不法侵害預防指引(第三版) 73 三、 公務人員權益保障相關法令政策 76 四、 員工職場霸凌防治與處理建議作為 77 第二節、 警察機關職場霸凌防治及處理作業要點與實務 82 一、 警察機關職場霸凌防治及處理作業要點內容 82 二、 與他公務機關職場霸凌防治及處理作業要點比較 84 三、 警察機關職場霸凌預防政策實務問題 86 第三節、 小結 96 一、 應然面:現行法規範漏洞 96 二、 實然面:政策實務問題 97 第五章、 警察場域中的職場霸凌 99 第一節、 格格不入的性格? 99 一、 受害者個人特質? 100 二、 服從、團結精神與融入儀式 101 三、 內化慣習與格格不入的人 102 第二節、 職場文化與霸凌 107 一、 績效文化與勞動控制 107 二、 勞動控制與霸凌手段 108 三、 與民代和媒體共生的環境 115 第三節、 權力失衡的霸凌過程 118 一、 有關係,沒關係 118 二、 封閉環境與汙名化的過程 120 三、 情緒勞動與陽剛文化 122 四、 粉飾太平的結構與文化 126 第四節、 小結 131 第六章、 受職場霸凌者的行動策略 133 第一節、 自願叛離? 133 一、 離職:警察職業的寡占市場 134 二、 調職:抑制申訴 135 第二節、 手握籌碼的抗議 138 一、 籌碼的功能 139 二、 叛離威脅 142 三、 權宜之計 143 第三節、 代價昂貴的忠誠 145 一、 高昂的入職成本 146 二、 叛離懲罰 146 三、 無意識的忠誠者 149 第四節、 無計可施的隱忍 150 一、 制度面:維繫權力的現況 151 二、 認知面:職場霸凌認識缺乏 151 三、 結構面:權力壓迫 152 四、 文化面:集體壓力 155 第五節、 小結 157 第七章、 結論與建議 159 第一節、 結論 159 一、 職場霸凌相關法制缺失與政策執行困境 159 二、 警察場域中的職場霸凌樣貌 161 三、 受職場霸凌者之結構限制與能動性 162 第二節、 建議 163 一、 研究結果建議 163 二、 未來研究之建議 167 參考文獻 169 附錄一、職場霸凌受害者與旁觀者訪談大綱 181 附錄二、警察機關職場霸凌處理人員訪談大綱 183 附錄三、警察機關與他公務機關職場霸凌防治及處理作業要點比較表 184zh_TW
dc.format.extent 6026913 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 警察zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 霸凌zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 不法侵害zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 能動性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行動者zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織文化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 場域zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 慣習zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會資本zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 赫緒曼zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 汙名化zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Policeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Bullyingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mobbingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Harassmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Agencyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Actoren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organizational cultureen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Field theoryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Habitusen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social capitalen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hirschmanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Stigmaen_US
dc.title (題名) 警察職場霸凌的制度結構與行動策略之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study of the institutional structure and action strategies of police workplace bullyingen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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