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題名 合作事業中的工會組織探討-以主婦聯盟生活消費合作社為例
A study of Housewife Union Consumer Cooperative And its Trade Union
作者 蔡仲傑
Cai, Jhong-Jie
貢獻者 劉梅君
Cai, Jhong-Jie
關鍵詞 合作社
Consumer Cooperatives
Housewives Alliance
日期 2024
上傳時間 4-Sep-2024 15:31:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文藉由作者的實際觀察與參與工會運作經驗,輔以訪談的形式,去探討在合作社的脈絡與框架中,勞動者自主成立與運作工會的特殊性、衝突性與實踐性,藉以充實我國對於不同場域的勞動狀況與勞工組織的研究,並透過對現況的分析,提出有效的建議與改善。
Unions and cooperatives, two seemingly unrelated organizations, actually share a common history that dates back to the Industrial Revolution in the UK. During that time, associationism advocated that workers should counteract the exploitation of capitalists and the inflation caused by market economies through two approaches: "increasing income" and "reducing expenditure." Increasing income refers to workers organizing unions to negotiate with and resist capitalists, employing strikes when necessary, to improve their wages and working conditions through the power of solidarity. Reducing expenditure involves organizing cooperatives to purchase products directly from producers, thereby eliminating the double exploitation by capitalists during the buying and selling process, and restoring the quality of life that workers deserve. The research will first focus on the union operations within cooperatives. How do workers in cooperatives differ in terms of identity or organizational understanding compared to workers in other enterprises? As a mission-driven organization, what does the capital side (social activists) of the cooperative look like? How does the union develop a relationship of cooperation and competition with the cooperative? The organizational theory of consumer cooperatives is based on market mechanisms, maintaining the cooperative’s operation through consumption. However, cooperatives do not exist in a vacuum and must still face market competition and pressure, which tests how cooperatives can balance their mission with management while safeguarding workers’ rights. What role does the union play during the cooperative’s process of confronting the challenges of the market economy, and how does it develop a cooperative relationship with the cooperative? This paper aims to explore, through the author's direct observation and participation in union operations, supplemented by interviews, the uniqueness, conflicts, and practices of workers forming and operating unions within the context and framework of cooperatives. This study hopes to enrich the understanding of labor conditions and labor organizations in different fields within our country and to provide effective recommendations and improvements through an analysis of the current situation.
參考文獻 于躍門(2011),〈勞動合作事業經營問題之研究〉,內政部委託研究報告。 方珍玲(2017),〈一年來合作社事業發展的回顧與展望〉,合作事業報導95期,頁6-18。 古楨彥(2000),〈美國勞工參與制度之研究〉,中國勞工1006期,頁16-21。 林大鈞(1988),〈美商企業勞工參與制度之探討〉,勞工之友455期,頁14-17。 邱騰穎、劉黃麗娟(2017),〈工會發展社會企業之模式:以新加坡全國職工總會為例〉,勞資關係論叢19 卷1 期,頁49-86。 侯武勇,(2005),〈國營公司勞資關係研究-以漢翔公司為例〉,人文暨社會科學期刊第一卷第一期,頁41-75。 孫炳焱(2015),〈合作經濟在台灣〉,合作事業報導89期,頁2-9。 洪敬舒(2018),〈合作的艱難,勞動合作社的比較利益-以勞動者觀點出發〉,天主教輔仁大學社會企業碩士在職學位學程碩士論文。 唐筱翔(2015),〈台灣照護服務勞動合作社發展之分析〉,逢甲大學合作經濟學系碩士班碩士論文。 高崇耀(1992),〈員工入股制度──以美國為例〉,勞工行政52期,頁49-55。 陳鳳慶(1986),〈合作運動與勞工之關係研究〉,合作經濟第10期,頁58-63。 黃上晏、潘冠妘、黃哲悠(2015),〈社會企業的經營模式探討–以臺灣主婦聯盟生活消費合作社為例〉,管理資訊計算 4卷2期,頁 221-234。 黃建森(1989),〈比較合作制度〉 梁玲菁(2018),〈學校型消費合作社的社會經濟意義-由英、加、美、日國經驗探討〉,合作報導76期,頁2-5。 楊通軒(2003),〈德國勞工參與制度之研究〉,勞工研究,頁1-20。 衛民(2002),〈從德國共同決定制度論我國勞工董事制度的定位〉,政大勞動學報12期,頁219-255。 鄭威德(2009),〈社工工會籌備小組的故事:突破廠場工會困境的一種嘗試〉,世新大學社會發展研究所碩士論文。 鄭思琪(2019),〈熟齡婦女在家庭與工作的處境-以勞動合作社社員為例〉,國立台灣大學社會科學院社會工作學系碩士論文。 蕭衍平(2005),〈我國中小學員生消費合作社經營問題之研究-法制與實況之對照〉,國立臺灣師範大學碩士論文。 SHARRYN KASMIR.(1993).The myth of Mondragon Cooperatives, politics, and working class life in a Basque town. Helmberger, P., & Hoos, S. (1962). Cooperative enterprise and organization theory. Journal of Farm Economics, 44(2), 275-290. Hansmann, H. (1990). When does worker ownership work? ESOPs, law firms, codetermination, and economic democracy. The Yale Law Journal, 99(8), 1749-1816. Mills, C., & Davies, W. (2013). Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade. International Co-operative Alliance. University of Oxford. Oliver, C. (1990). Determinants of inter-organizational relationships: Integration and figure directions. The Academy of Management Review, 15 (2), 241-265.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉梅君zh_TW (Authors) 蔡仲傑zh_TW (Authors) Cai, Jhong-Jieen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蔡仲傑zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Cai, Jhong-Jieen_US (日期) 2024en_US 4-Sep-2024 15:31:57 (UTC+8)- 4-Sep-2024 15:31:57 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Sep-2024 15:31:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0107262010en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 勞工研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 107262010zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文藉由作者的實際觀察與參與工會運作經驗,輔以訪談的形式,去探討在合作社的脈絡與框架中,勞動者自主成立與運作工會的特殊性、衝突性與實踐性,藉以充實我國對於不同場域的勞動狀況與勞工組織的研究,並透過對現況的分析,提出有效的建議與改善。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Unions and cooperatives, two seemingly unrelated organizations, actually share a common history that dates back to the Industrial Revolution in the UK. During that time, associationism advocated that workers should counteract the exploitation of capitalists and the inflation caused by market economies through two approaches: "increasing income" and "reducing expenditure." Increasing income refers to workers organizing unions to negotiate with and resist capitalists, employing strikes when necessary, to improve their wages and working conditions through the power of solidarity. Reducing expenditure involves organizing cooperatives to purchase products directly from producers, thereby eliminating the double exploitation by capitalists during the buying and selling process, and restoring the quality of life that workers deserve. The research will first focus on the union operations within cooperatives. How do workers in cooperatives differ in terms of identity or organizational understanding compared to workers in other enterprises? As a mission-driven organization, what does the capital side (social activists) of the cooperative look like? How does the union develop a relationship of cooperation and competition with the cooperative? The organizational theory of consumer cooperatives is based on market mechanisms, maintaining the cooperative’s operation through consumption. However, cooperatives do not exist in a vacuum and must still face market competition and pressure, which tests how cooperatives can balance their mission with management while safeguarding workers’ rights. What role does the union play during the cooperative’s process of confronting the challenges of the market economy, and how does it develop a cooperative relationship with the cooperative? This paper aims to explore, through the author's direct observation and participation in union operations, supplemented by interviews, the uniqueness, conflicts, and practices of workers forming and operating unions within the context and framework of cooperatives. This study hopes to enrich the understanding of labor conditions and labor organizations in different fields within our country and to provide effective recommendations and improvements through an analysis of the current situation.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論1 第一節、 研究背景2 第二節、 研究目的與問題4 第二章 文獻回顧8 第一節、消費合作理論與組織發展 8 第二節、合作運動與勞工運動13 第三節、合作社內的工會20 第三章 研究方法25 第一節、研究對象26 第二節、研究設計28 第三節、研究範圍與限制30 第四節、章節安排31 第四章 合作社的組織架構與勞資關係32 第一節、合作社的三角結構-社員、生產者與職員33 第二節、合作社中非典型的勞方與資方39 第三節、小結48 第五章 被動轉向主動,維權走向爭權的工會路線50 第一節、非典型的勞方、資方與典型勞資爭議51 第二節、茶壺內的風暴,組織與意識形態54 第三節、工會運動的發展,由維權走向爭取更好的條件58 第四節、合作社工會行動的強弱危機(SWOT)分析70 第五節、小結73 第六章 結論與建議74 第一節、研究結論與討論74 第二節、對合作社及工會未來的建議77 參考文獻80 訪談題綱84zh_TW
dc.format.extent 2787057 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 合作社zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 工會zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Consumer Cooperativesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Unionsen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Housewives Allianceen_US
dc.title (題名) 合作事業中的工會組織探討-以主婦聯盟生活消費合作社為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study of Housewife Union Consumer Cooperative And its Trade Unionen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 于躍門(2011),〈勞動合作事業經營問題之研究〉,內政部委託研究報告。 方珍玲(2017),〈一年來合作社事業發展的回顧與展望〉,合作事業報導95期,頁6-18。 古楨彥(2000),〈美國勞工參與制度之研究〉,中國勞工1006期,頁16-21。 林大鈞(1988),〈美商企業勞工參與制度之探討〉,勞工之友455期,頁14-17。 邱騰穎、劉黃麗娟(2017),〈工會發展社會企業之模式:以新加坡全國職工總會為例〉,勞資關係論叢19 卷1 期,頁49-86。 侯武勇,(2005),〈國營公司勞資關係研究-以漢翔公司為例〉,人文暨社會科學期刊第一卷第一期,頁41-75。 孫炳焱(2015),〈合作經濟在台灣〉,合作事業報導89期,頁2-9。 洪敬舒(2018),〈合作的艱難,勞動合作社的比較利益-以勞動者觀點出發〉,天主教輔仁大學社會企業碩士在職學位學程碩士論文。 唐筱翔(2015),〈台灣照護服務勞動合作社發展之分析〉,逢甲大學合作經濟學系碩士班碩士論文。 高崇耀(1992),〈員工入股制度──以美國為例〉,勞工行政52期,頁49-55。 陳鳳慶(1986),〈合作運動與勞工之關係研究〉,合作經濟第10期,頁58-63。 黃上晏、潘冠妘、黃哲悠(2015),〈社會企業的經營模式探討–以臺灣主婦聯盟生活消費合作社為例〉,管理資訊計算 4卷2期,頁 221-234。 黃建森(1989),〈比較合作制度〉 梁玲菁(2018),〈學校型消費合作社的社會經濟意義-由英、加、美、日國經驗探討〉,合作報導76期,頁2-5。 楊通軒(2003),〈德國勞工參與制度之研究〉,勞工研究,頁1-20。 衛民(2002),〈從德國共同決定制度論我國勞工董事制度的定位〉,政大勞動學報12期,頁219-255。 鄭威德(2009),〈社工工會籌備小組的故事:突破廠場工會困境的一種嘗試〉,世新大學社會發展研究所碩士論文。 鄭思琪(2019),〈熟齡婦女在家庭與工作的處境-以勞動合作社社員為例〉,國立台灣大學社會科學院社會工作學系碩士論文。 蕭衍平(2005),〈我國中小學員生消費合作社經營問題之研究-法制與實況之對照〉,國立臺灣師範大學碩士論文。 SHARRYN KASMIR.(1993).The myth of Mondragon Cooperatives, politics, and working class life in a Basque town. Helmberger, P., & Hoos, S. (1962). Cooperative enterprise and organization theory. Journal of Farm Economics, 44(2), 275-290. Hansmann, H. (1990). When does worker ownership work? ESOPs, law firms, codetermination, and economic democracy. The Yale Law Journal, 99(8), 1749-1816. Mills, C., & Davies, W. (2013). Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade. International Co-operative Alliance. University of Oxford. Oliver, C. (1990). Determinants of inter-organizational relationships: Integration and figure directions. The Academy of Management Review, 15 (2), 241-265.zh_TW